𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧, unexpected events

CHAPTER THIRTEEN — unexpected events

' Don't look at me like that, Thomas. '


The past few days had been absolute bliss for Charlotte Williams. She loved waking up and seeing Thomas next to her every day. Business in the Garrison was thriving. The only thing getting on her nerves was Grace, but Tommy always made sure to calm down her hatred while she ranted to him about the other blonde.

Charlotte hadn't been filled in on anything that had been happening to do with the Peaky Blinders, and she didn't mind. But when Thomas woke her up this morning, telling her about the events that were to occur today, she was shocked.

John Shelby is getting married, to a mysterious woman he's never spoke or laid eyes on before. He's going to be mad, she knows that. It's inevitable, but it's Tommy's and Arthur's job as the older brothers to deal with his anger.

Now, Charlotte stands between Joshua and Thomas while John stands in front of them, biting his lip anxiously.

Tommy smiles, nodding at the small woman making her way over to the front of the crowd, a veil hiding her face, "Here she is."

"I swear to god, she better be under fifty," John grumbles.

Rolling her eyes, Charlotte begins to fix his tie and Thomas taps his cheek gently, taking the toothpick from his mouth and throwing it to the ground.

"Good luck, Johnny boy," Joshua laughs, smacking John's chest, and earning a hard glare.

"Right." Thomas turns his younger brother around, patting his shoulder, "Go. Go on."

Charlotte watches as the second youngest Shelby boy walks down the small muddy isle before kneeling down on the box in front of Johnny Dogs. Her attention is ripped away from him, once Polly slides next to Arthur at the other end of the line, and Charlotte sends her gentle smile before turning to look at Ada, who's now stood beside Thomas.

"You look well," Thomas says.

Ada nods, but doesn't reply and Charlotte bites back a laugh before glancing back over at John. The girl beside him throws the veil over her head, and they both meet gazes. Smirking, John throws his head over his shoulder so his brothers, and the Williams siblings can see his happiness.

The blonde woman shakes her head, smiling while Joshua snorts and Arthur and Thomas share a gentle smirk. Like usual, Thomas' plan is working.

"Do you, John Michael Shelby, take Esme Martha Lee to be your beautiful wife?"

"You got my invitation?" Thomas mumbles to Ada.

"Grace said there's a truce," She hums.

Tommy smiles gently, "Family Day." He doesn't bother meeting her gaze when she looks over at him, "Your husband couldn't make it?"

"He's not speaking to me." She sighs, "And when he does he calls me a fucking Shelby even though I'm a Thorne now."

Thomas cocks his head, "Thorn in my side, that's for sure."

Charlotte shoves her elbow into his side, and he glances down at her, biting back a laugh. Ada watches them both with soft eyes.

"So are you two finally together then?" She asks, "I've been hearing things. Women talk, especially about you two."

Thomas smirks gently, "You could that."

Running her tongue over her teeth, Charlotte leans forward slightly to look at Ada, "We are together. He just hasn't quite grasped the concept of telling people that."

"There remains one part of the ceremony. It's the mingling of the two bloods," Johnny Dogs reveals a knife, running the blade along the bride and groom's palms, "Where the two families become the one. . . family."

John and Esme look over at each other for a moment before interlocking their hands and Charlotte notices John's smile widen even further, causing her heart to warm.

"I now pronounce you man and wife!" Johnny Dogs calls, causing everyone in the crowd to explode into cheers and claps, "Come on, John, kiss the bride, will you?"

Leaning into Thomas' side, Charlotte laughs gently when John leans forward and begins to kiss his new wife. The man above her glances down at her with a soft smile spread across his cheeks.

"Do we get to have the party now?" Joshua asks, looking over at Arthur.

"Yes, son." The oldest Shelby smirks, pulling Joshua into his side, before rubbing his knuckles on the boys head, "It's bloody party time."

Charlotte let's out a loud shriek when John Shelby lifts her into the air. A crowd surrounding them, laughing and cheering while she holds her arms in the air. He lowers her again, and she sends a harsh shove to his chest, causing a loud laugh to erupt from his lungs.

She's drunk. He's drunk. Arthur's drunk. Even Joshua is somewhat drunk. Everyone but Thomas Shelby is drunk. He's sat quietly by a table, sucking on a cigarette while he watches Charlotte have the time of her life with his two brothers, a large smile on his own lips.

Polly links her arms with Charlotte's before dragging the blonde over to Thomas.

"Hey, Tommy," Charlotte smiles, dropping herself down into his lap and stealing the cig from his lips, placing it between hers.

He chuckles, moving his hand to her waist to prevent her from falling onto the floor.

Polly drops her head down to Thomas' ear, pointing at the dancing crowd at a certain Ada Shelby, "You should tell Ada to slow down."

"You think she'll listen to me?" Thomas mumbles.

"I tried to stop her but she's been drinking," Ada sighs, "Been stuck in that little basement for weeks. What do we expect? She's going off like a firecracker."

Charlotte face drops slowly when Ada nearly stumbles over, having to be caught by a near by man, "Thomas, please. She's gonna end up killing herself and the baby."

Looking over at Charlotte, and noticing the clear worry on her face, Thomas sighs, gently lifting her off his lap before he makes his way over to his lunatic sister.

"Ada!" He calls, "Ada, come on, have a rest, sit down," He reaches for her, but she steps away defiantly.

"Come and look, Esme," She slurs, waving over at the dark haired girl perched on John's lap, "Come and look at the family you've joined. Come and look at the man who runs it." She slaps Tommy's chest, "Chooses his brother's wives for them! He hunts his own sister down like a rat—"

"Ada!" He attempts.

"—and he tired to kill his own brother-in-law! Hell, he even sold Charlotte to Billy Kimber!" She screams.

Charlotte walks over, her face screwed up in confusion. How the fuck did Ada know that?

Polly rushes past, "Ada, that's enough," She tries.

"Ada, don't even—" Thomas begins to grumble, but once again he's cut short.

"And now he won't even let me have a fucking dance!" She shrieks, "Not even at a fucking wedding!"

"Sit her down!" John instructs.

Charlotte's face drops when realisation hits her and she barges past Thomas, grabbing Ada's arms to keep her from collapsing, "Holy shit," She curses, swinging her head over her shoulder at Polly, "Water. Her water's broke!"

Polly rushes toward, beginning to lead Ada away. Arthur throw his head back from beside Joshua, "Not now, Ada. Bloody hell, you do pick your times!" Arthur yells.

Charlotte slides between her brother and Arthur while they follow behind Ada and Polly. She smacks Arthur around the head, "Shut up, will ya? Also, Arthur, stop being a bad influence on my brother," She grumbles, "He's bloody drunk!"

Arthur snorts, "He's not that drunk, Charlie. Just a tad."

Joshua hums loudly, "I'm not that— that drunk."

Thomas whips around, pointing at the Arthur, Joshua, Charlotte, John and Esme, "You lot go in a separate car. I'm not having your drunk bodies messing with her."

Charlotte's jaw drops, "Thomas, if you think I'm getting into a car with these lot then—"

Before she has chance to finish her sentence, Arthur has already shoved her into the car, next to Joshua before he slides in next to her. John and Esme are side by side in the front. Charlotte's face drops in annoyance, and she slams her shoulder into Arthur's causing him to grunt in pain.

Once the car is moving, Charlotte leans forward, sticking her head between John and Esme before holding her hand out to the dark haired woman, "Hey," She smirks, "I'm Charlotte. Charlotte Williams. I apologise in behalf of this fucked up family."

Esme stares at her for a moment before slowing shaking her hand, "I'm Esme."

"I'm aware," She chuckles, but John's palm is smacked against her face and her back slams against the back seat.

"Fuck off, Charlie." John mutters.

"Alright, calm down." She holds her arms up in a surrender, hearing Joshua snort from beside her.

John increases the speed of the car once they enter the streets of Small Heath. On several occasions the vehicle nearly tips over. Arthur's fist curls around the door and he lets out a loud yell.

"Jesus Christ, John!" Joshua yells, "Slow down!"

The car whirls around the last corner, causing Charlotte to shout in pain when she's squished harshly between the two boys at either side of her, "Fucks sake," She shrugs them off.

"Slow her up!" Arthur directs loudly, and finally the car rolls to a stop, "Nice and easy."

"Story of your fucking life, Arthur." John retorts, earning a loud laugh from Joshua.

"Right," Arthur throws open the door, "Here we are."

"Fucking finally," Charlotte breaths, tumbling out of the car and nearly smashing against the pavement but Arthur catches her.

"You're lucky I'm here, you are." He mutters, his head raising and his eyes land on his brother, "Your lady is so fuckin' clumsy."

Thomas nods, "It's not a new thing, Arthur. You've known that for years." He turns his attention to his other brother, "Nice car, John. How's she run?"

"Yeah, beautiful. Really smooth." John smiles.

Joshua coughs, shaking his head, "Don't bloody lie. I've got fucking bruises on my arms 'cause of it."

John wraps his arms around Joshua's shoulders, patting his chest, "Ain't my fault you have no muscle, Josh."

Polly steps out into the street, letting Esme slip past her, "Your sister is inside giving birth, and you're talking about the bloody car," She shakes her head, "Charlotte, get inside."

Throwing her head back, Charlotte groans, getting shoved in the back by Arthur and she steps into the Shelby household, shooting Thomas one last glare.

Saying that Ada was in a lot of pain, would be an understatement. While Charlotte and Esme are kneeled by her side, sticking her back, she lets out screams loud enough to rattle the building. Ada is parked behind her, watching the dilation. Charlotte attempts to stop her face from screwing up, but fails and drops her chin to her chest so Ada doesn't see her grimacing face.

"You're doing amazing, Ada." She says gently, barely being heard over the loud painful screams.

In the Garrison, a few streets down, Arthur pulls John into his side, before pointing at Thomas with a smirk while Joshua chuckles.

"You know what, John boy?" He laughs, "I think Charlotte has finally worked her way into Thomas' heart and he's gone soft."

Thomas glances away for a moment, attempting to hide his wide smirk from his brothers, "She worked 'er way into my heart a long time ago. Now, you best believe I love that lady, boys. Cause I bloody adore 'er."

Johnny raises his glass, "Oh, we know. Now, drinks to that!"

Joshua Williams jabs a finger at Thomas from the corner of the room, "You better look after her, Thomas Shelby, or else."

Back at the Shelby Household, Ada Thorne is sat in front of the fire in the kitchen, cradling her new born on her lap with him wrapped in a soft blanket. Polly kneels down in front of them, smiling down at the baby with the brightest expression possible.

With a disgusted grimace on her face, Charlotte pulls open the front door, "Bit late, don't ya think?"

"I know, I know," Freddie grumbles, "Just let me in, will ya?"

"I have the right mind not to—"

"Charlotte," Polly calls, "Let the poor man in and stop grilling him!"

Rolling her jaw, Charlie steps out of his way, allowing him to go running down the hallway and into the kitchen. She watches him slide into the room, and hears Ada laugh gently, causing a soft smile to break out on her own face. It's very rare for Ada Shelby— Thorne to be genuinely happy with a man.

Several more knocks rattle the door beside Charlotte, and her head whips to the side when it's thrown open suddenly. A whole troop of police officers. Charlotte shoves the closest man's chest, sending him tumbling slightly.

"Ya can't come in here!" She yells, but the group of man push her against the wall and march past Esme into the kitchen, "Oi! A baby's just been fucking poor!" Charlotte raves down the hall, skidding to a stop in the kitchen doorway, watching as a police officer drag Freddie away.

"Don't hurt him!" Ada cries, holding her son close to her chest while Polly rubs her shoulders, "Freddie!"

"Ada!" Freddie struggles, being pulled through the door.

Ada sobs as he disappears , "Freddie!"

Fury rushing through her body, Charlotte sends Ada a glance before marching out onto the street, her head whipping from side to side to find the officers, but they're gone. So instead, Charlotte runs to the Garrison, her fists rolled up by her sides and hair falling in front of face as she shoves open the door, causing them to smash again the wall.

Thomas Shelby is stood by the bar, in conversation with Grace but his attention to quickly taken away from her when Charlotte appears.

"It's a boy," She spits, watching as he smiles with joy but it quickly drops when Charlotte steps closer and lands a punch across his jaw.

Thomas head snaps to the sound and he grunts, his eyes wide with surprise. Arthur, John and Joshua rush out of the room behind her, holding Charlotte's struggling arms.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!" Arthur calls.

"Calm down, Charlotte!" John yells.

"Charlie?" Thomas breaths, silencing everyone else's voices.

Her nostrils flare, and she blows air up at her face, causing the strand of blonde hair to get out of her eyesight, "Was it you, eh?" She tilts her head, "The police came and just took the baby's father away!"

Tommy's face drops and his eyebrows furrow in confusion while he stares at a panting and distraught Charlotte.

"Don't look at me like that, Thomas," She sniffs, shoving the boy's off her roughly as she starts to calm down. She runs her hands over her face, "For fuck's sake." Tears cascade down her cheeks, but she doesn't move her hands.

"Charlotte—" Joshua steps forward.

She shakes her head, "No."

Thomas takes a step forward, grabbing her wrists and slowly lowering them, "Go home, Charlotte. Go get some rest."

She shoves him away, opening her mouth to spit more venom at him, but she decides against it and slams her lips shut before she marches away, grumbling words under her breath.

That night, Thomas slinks into bed next to Charlotte. She's facing away from him with the covers scrunched up under her chin and her body is rolled into a small ball. He squeezes his eyes shut for a few moments, sighing.


"Shut up," She grumbles back, turning over and looking up at him with weary eyes, "I'm sorry for punching ya. I am now realising I got a bit too angry."

He chuckles lowly, shaking his head, "Don't be sorry, love. Wasn't the first time."

She hums, but slowly her eyelids drift closed, pressing her body tightly against Thomas and he raises his hand to her head, running his fingers through her blonde hair. He smiles down at her with soft eyes, wondering how he ended up here. With Charlotte Williams, his childhood best friend, snoring into his side. Some may say it's a miracle, but he calls it fate.


word count: 2704

can any of you remember what age i said joshua was? or did i not put an age?

because if i did put an age, i can't bloody remember or find it in any chapters

^ please let me know

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