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During the Robert Rebellion time


๐“†ฉโ™ก๐“†ชย  โ”Š DAEMON AND THE OTHERS WERE still processing the given information they have shown so far. Some of them were confused and others tried to put the pieces together and the events had already happened.

"She is our only hope to save our house from the ruins." Queen Alysanne I voiced in her head.

"She is our only hope? By the looks of her and this Cergan seems to be pretty close to each other."

"They have been friends since they were alive in our time." Prince Vaemon chastised, "I wouldn't be surprised if they had a relationship with each other."

That's what Daemon didn't like about it. If Allison had a relationship with Cergan why get all worried about him?

The Realm's Delight scowled, "I knew it, she would be unfaithful to Daemon. I wouldn't be surprised if that child she gave birth to is a bastard." She continued, glaring at Daemon even though Rhaenyra meant well.

They don't know the true nature of it but he could only hope it's not true. Rhaenyra gave him and his children a pleading look to understand that she did mean well.

"Says the person who gives birth to three bastard children, what kind of woman does that? Only she was so desperate to split a marriage apart to have what she really desired."

Deep down everyone knows what is true. It is only a matter of time before they find out more secrets but it doesn't really surprise some of them because some women have a desire for other people.

There was a pause of silence until Princess Alyssa broke it.

Princess Alyssa looked around the room and wore a small smile. "Some of us only wonder how the fuck you did made us look so bad. It makes me wonder why we are related to Princess Rhaenyra?"

"Better yet she is just like her father born to become an idiot." Princess Viserra said with an annoying voice.

"If Viserys wasn't born it probably wouldn't be a dance of the dragon to begin with." Princess Daella said.

Allison stands at the top of the mountain looking outside seeing nothing has changed since the doomed. She was worried about many things but right now she needs to focus on saving House Targaryen from the ruins.

"If I have to burn the world to get what I want. I'm willing to do it." She vowed she would take one last look at the sky before returning to the cave.

She entered the cave and looked around to find a knife near a table, grabbed it, and walked farther inside the cave.

She grabbed the nearby torch from the wall. She moved the torch to the other side of the room where their names were carved into the wall.

"Dreamfyre, Moondancer, Morghul, Morning, and..." she said as she read off the names on the wall.

"Wait, is that what I'm thinking about?" Princess Jahaenara said in awe, and Maekar, and Rhaenera exchanged a look as if they knew exactly what was going to happen.

"Quicksilver, Seasmoke, Shyrkos, Silverwing, and..." Allison wonders more in the cave. "Stormcloud, Sunfyre, Tessarion."

Lavinia was standing by the entrance of the waterfall and saw Allison going further into the cave and starting to wake up her children, "Look she is waking them up."

"It's about time they finally get their ass up. They need to show the usurper. What fire and blood truly mean and that's what Allison knows to show it. I hope she brings back Balerion. It would make a statement to the lords." Severine said excitedly, happy to see dragons in the sky once more. She remembers she always liked to see dragons flying around in old Valyria.

"She is waking them up. But how is she doing it?" Princess Baela said. Everybody's question was on their minds.

"Arrax, Caraxes, Meleys, Meraxes, Syrax, and Terrax..." Allison said to keep reading off the wall. "Tyraxes, Urrax, Vermax, Vermithor."

Allison sighed and closed her eyes as she continued to say the names of the dragons, "Veraxes, Mhagar, Silvertail, Syriaerys, and the Cannibal, Grey Ghost, and Sheepstealer."

Allison grabbed the knife from her right hand and slipped the palm of her hand as the knife was cutting her palm closed her hand into a fist and the blood dropped onto the floor as the blood poured out of her hand and made a puddle of blood.

"I never thought I would see someone do something like this." King Jaehaerys I said.

Allison looked down at the puddle of blood and she started to chat in a different language, but some were recognized by the Targaryens, "With this blood of mine is only your soul and heart together we will bring fire and blood to our enemies. Your only rider is me, not someone else as you live as I lived."

"With this blood, my command and life will keep you alive till I die. This blood will make you stronger and powerful."

"Our souls and our truest into one." She says as the blood starts flowing into a deep cave and drops the torch into the bloodstream making the blood flow through every cave as the flames flow through every cave making a sound of stone cracking.

Allison smiles hearing the stone cracking as the dragons wake up from their slumber. She turns around and walks towards the entrance of the cave. She nods to her friends as she continues to walk towards the entrance of the cave.

"What is she doing?" Princess Rhaenyra asked. Everybody rolls their eyes hearing her asking the stupidest question ever.

Allison looks up at the wall of rocks and sighs, "Here goes nothing." Murmured Allison.

Allison started to climb up the wall of rocks to get on top of the wall. She wanted to try something that had been hidden for a long time

"I don't know what to feel about any of this but the only thing I could think of is why the seven hells didn't realize how powerful she is." King Jaehaerys I said looking completely stunned by Allison.

Daemon could only think of how she was really that powerful to take over the world. I mean if he could change back the time to see how powerful she is it would probably make him fall in love with her again. And maybe they would have been so happy together.

"Alexandria is whoever is her name. She could do anything in the world. She will know enough to make us feel like idiots, that's for sure."

The screen turns to a different sense where gods are waiting for her.

"You do know there is a way to get on top here, right?" Allison rolls her eyes at Severine. Cergan gives his hand to Allison to help her get up.

"Haha very funny just watch till-" Allison placed her hand on her chest as she started to feel some pain in her chest. She turns around to face the ruined old Valyria.

She tried to take a deep breath to calm herself down, but she couldn't because the pain was getting worse every time she tried to breathe. She knows this feeling she had to feel when every Targaryen died during the dances. It most hurt like a fuck bitch.

"What the hell is happening to my sister," Alicent yells. Everybody is wondering the same thing.

Allison closes her eyes trying to figure out what is happening to her. She remembers the last time she felt this when each one of the Targaryen died.

"Allison, hey what's wrong talk to me," Cergan asked, trying to get her attention.

Her vision blurred, and her eyes stung as she took a deep breath to try and steady her emotions but to no avail. She felt like all of her energy was drained out of her. She felt the hot, salty tears as they began rolling down her cheeks. She didn't like to show any weakness when it comes to this particular situation.

"T-the King is dead and so is Prince Rhaegar," Allison says as she sits on the ground trying to calm herself down.

She lies down on the ground and looks up at the sky trying to find a solution to all this happening to the Targaryen dynasty. She zones out the conversation her friends are having. She knows what she needs to do to see if it is true or not.

She took a deep breath, closed her eyes, cleared off anything in her mind, and just focused on what she wanted to see.

Once she focused on what she wanted to see. Allison opened her eyes and looked around to see she was on a battlefield. She tries to see who this battle belongs to. But she heard names that belonged to someone that very much cost the whole rebellion.

"Rhaegar!" She started to run to where the shouting was coming from.

"No fuck way! She can see who dies after she feels their death." King Maegor I say so impressed by his Auntie Allison.

Everybody was completely shocked to see what Allison could do. Everybody thought it was not real, some of the Kings thought it could happen, but they don't know how to do it.

"My mother is one of hell-powerful people." Princess Rhaenera says.

Allison tried to follow the shouting, but she couldn't with all the soldiers fighting each other. She tries to look around to see any sword that she could use to cut down some soldiers to get to Rhaegar.

She looks to see if anyone could see her. She turned to see one of Baratheon's soldiers coming her way.

"Allison runs! Run!" Every single person in the theater got up from their seats to yell at the screen.

"Seven hell Allison god damn just fucking run before you get killed!" Daemon shouts out at the screen.

They are all trying to figure out what the hell to do about Allison and how to help her. But only if they have a little bit of faith in her they would know what she is capable of doing.

Allison looks at the man running towards her. She is trying to figure out what to do next but without a sword, she is pretty much useless.

She groans as she knows what she has to do, "I'm going to regret it when I get back to reality." She sighed before starting to run towards the man who was coming towards her.

"Does she have a damn Deathwish or something?" Prince Maekar said, trying to figure out what his mother was doing.

The screen turned to Allison continuing to run to the man. Everybody stayed silent as they watched Allison.

Allison ran and slipped onto the ground making the man miss her. As she was on the ground, she used her right leg to kick into the man's knee cap making him fall to his knees. Allison got up from the ground and went behind him, grabbed him by his neck, and snapped it killing him instantly.

Allison threw his body on the ground, grabbed the sword he had in his hand, and shrugged like nothing happened. And turned around to see if anyone had seen what had just happened. She has seen two or three men running towards her.

She took a deep breath before grabbing the sword from the handle and threw the sword straight into the man's head right into his left eye, killing him instantly. She quickly walked towards his body, grabbed a dagger that the first guy had flipped over her hand, and tilted her head to her side looking for any weakness to use against them.

Everybody was staring at her like she was a god or something. They couldn't believe she knew how to fight.

"She is way better than Daemon!" Prince Daeron says and turns to see Daemon glance him down with a gaze that might get him killed again.

"Hey! I hate to omit but it might be true sorry not sorry." Daemon said knowingly. "I would like to know when she learned how to fight. And who taught her to do these things."

One of the men didn't wait for her to move or prepare. He ran towards her without hesitation Allison moved to the side making the man fall onto the ground. Just like she grabbed the first man, grabbed the neck, placed the dagger onto the man next, and slit his throat, blood squirting all over the place and onto Allison's clothes and face.

Allison gets up and turns around, moves the dagger up to her mouth, and sticks out her tongue as she licks off the blood from the dagger and looks up to see the third man shaking with fear. Without hesitation she aims the dagger at the man's heart, killing him. She made sure no one saw her before grabbing two swords, the bodies, and daggers and ran towards where Rhaegar was fighting with Robert Baratheon.

She tried to get there faster but when she got there, she saw Robert slamming his hammer into Rhaegar's chest killing him. She screamed to make Robert turn around to see her standing there.

"Fuck!" One of the Kings yells. They watched as Allison ran towards Robert still holding the sword and on the other hand a dagger.

They watched as she didn't kill him, but she used her sword to take one of his eyes before he could see what just happened.

Allison looked at Rhaegar's body which had hit the river. She closed her eyes trying to keep her emotions in check. She watched as the once prince had officially fallen and now the rebellion was completely over.

Robert Baratheon was now officially the King of Seven Kingdoms. And she couldn't do anything for now.

Allison falls to the ground next to Rhaegar's body. Allison felt nothing but anger and madness. She knew what she needed to do now.

She closed her eyes and focused back on reality. Allison opened her eyes as she gasped for air. She looked around to see her friends were still arguing. She got up from the ground and began to speak, making them stop talking and turn to her.

"I know what we have to do now. Prince Rhaegar and his father King Aenys Targaryen are dead. There is no more Targaryen dynasty to save, it is all gone now." Allison says.

"No!" Every King shouts at the screen.

Allison sighed softly as she spoke again, "A usurper has taken the iron throne." Allison looked at her friends again.

"I'm not going to let this usurper take what is rightfully mine. I will bring fire and blood to enemies who dared to steal my throne. No one has shown dragons for centuries and now they can be afraid of what I'm going to do."

Allison turned her head to Lavinia, "I need you to find someone for me?"

Lavinia nods and asks who she needs to find, "Lyanna Stark, she is Rhaegar's second wife. She is the main cost of this rebellion." Allison tells Lavinia to find Lyanna is located.

Allison returns to the cave and she feels the walls shaking knowing that all the dragons have officially risen from their slumber just like she did.

She walked back to the room where the fireplace was burning. She took a seat in one of the chairs, grabbed whatever food was left, and started to eat it.

Allison turned her head toward the fireplace and watched as the flames were dancing. She didn't know how long she was staring at the fire when she felt someone staring at her. She didn't have to turn around to know who it was. She grabbed whatever food was left after she ate a couple of pieces. She threw the piece of meat to the floor in front of her.

To see two beautiful direwolves right in front of her. The second one didn't want the meat. He just came near her and placed his head on her lap. Allison runs her fingers over the fur of the direwolf.

"It seems like we are truly alone in this new world thunder hmm?" She says as smiles as she feels the direwolf respond to her.

She stayed like that watching the fire as she enjoyed her company with her direwolf. When Cergan comes back to tell her that Lavinia knows where Lyanna is.

Allison took a deep breath before getting up from the chair and preparing herself to get back her dynasty.

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okay, I know I promise that this chapter will be the end of the rebellion and into the first episode of Game of Thrones and I'm very sorry about this. THIS CHAPTER WAS DRIVING ME CRAZY AND I JUST NEED TO PUBLISH IT.

So basically I want a whole chapter to basically when she goes to Dorne and helps Ned with Jon and everything. We might maybe be flying over Kings Landing to scare Robert ๐Ÿคญ.

So the next chapters will be during the rebellion till I clean up some things.

I didn't want to rush everything I had written. So I haven't decided if I want to do a show or do everything with my ideas. Please tell me what you think I should do.


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โ”โ” And also please start following me on my social media!!

๐—ถ๐—ป๐˜€๐˜๐—ฎ๐—ด๐—ฟ๐—ฎ๐—บ ;ย  -darksister.wp

๐˜๐˜„๐—ถ๐˜๐˜๐—ฒ๐—ฟ ; daemyra_darklina


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