
Sablestar - fully black she-cat with bright, sage green eyes and elegant, long fur

Β Freckleheart - ginger tabby tom with amber eyes and short, fluffy fur

ᴍᴇᴅΙͺα΄„Ιͺɴᴇ α΄„α΄€α΄›
Β Etherealmoth - havana brown she-cat with pale blue eyes and incredibly short fur
Β  Β  Β  α΄€α΄˜α΄˜Κ€α΄‡Ι΄α΄›Ιͺᴄᴇ: Hyggepaw

Β  Shadowleap - black tom with white spot on chest and emerald green eyes
Β  Β  Β  α΄€α΄˜α΄˜Κ€α΄‡Ι΄α΄›Ιͺᴄᴇ: Elidepaw
Hickorywind - white she-cat with lush green eyes and smooth, long fur
Β  Β  Β  α΄€α΄˜α΄˜Κ€α΄‡Ι΄α΄›Ιͺᴄᴇ: Routpaw
Mettlewish - brown tabby she-cat with white face and belly and very light amber eyes
Valorshade - pale ginger tom with almost golden fur and lush green eyes
Whelvemoon - black she-cat with dark amber eyes, incredibly short fur and a thin frame
Kestrelstorm - dark tabby tom with hints of ginger in his thick fur
Β  Β  Β  α΄€α΄˜α΄˜Κ€α΄‡Ι΄α΄›Ιͺᴄᴇ: Morningpaw
Cottonblaze - white, thick-furred she-cat with lush green eyes
Blossomspore - pale ginger tom with even lighter ginger chest and tailtip and pale green eyes
Tigerstripe - dark ginger tabby she-cat with white paws, darker ginger stripes and amber eyes
Β  Β  Β  α΄€α΄˜α΄˜Κ€α΄‡Ι΄α΄›Ιͺᴄᴇ: Flutterpaw

Elidepaw - tortoiseshell she-cat with light amber eyes
Flutterpaw - white she-cat with reasonably long fur and a few dark brown, striped splotches and lush green eyes
Morningpaw - brown bengal tom with icy blue eyes
Routpaw - ginger tom with white muzzle and hazel eyes
Hyggepaw - light brown tom with amber eyes

Frozenheart - brown and white she-cat with one dark amber eye and one aquamarine eye (mother of three, Ferlykit, Duskkit and Spiderkit)
Shinefur - calico she-cat with very light amber eyes and elegant, long fur (mother of two, Jaggedkit and Gentlekit)

Sunflowerstar - golden she-cat with pale blue eyes and long, elegant fur

Fallenheart - hazel brown tom with lush green eyes and short fur

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ShimmerpoolΒ - white tom with gray splotches and brilliant blue eyes

Β Scintillafur - brown she-cat with dark brown face, white spot on chest and bright blue eyes
Β Heatherweed - dark brown tabby she-cat with white muzzle and sage green eyes
Β Myrtlewind - calico tom with very light amber eyes
Β  Β  Β  α΄€α΄˜α΄˜Κ€α΄‡Ι΄α΄›Ιͺᴄᴇ: Umberpaw
Β Appleshell - dark ginger tom with light amber eyes
Β Cruordawn - white tom with short fur, plumed tail and beautiful lush green eyes
Β Dearnflower - ginger she-cat with hazel eyes and thick fur
Β Flowershadow - black tom with multiple white splotches and pale blue eyes
Β  Β  Β  α΄€α΄˜α΄˜Κ€α΄‡Ι΄α΄›Ιͺᴄᴇ: Crescentpaw
Umberpaw - black cat with amber eyes and long, wavy fur
Crescentpaw - white and gray she-cat with ringed tail and sleek fur

Β Ebonyeyes - black she-cat with dark amber eyes and four white paws (mother of one, Larkkit)

Β Billystar - white tom with black paws, ears and tail and hazel eyes

Rushbelly - gray and white tom with extremely short fur and bright blue aquamarine eyes

ᴍᴇᴅΙͺα΄„Ιͺɴᴇ α΄„α΄€α΄›
Β Mauvewind - silver tom with dark amber eyes and reasonably long fur

Creek - white she-cat with long, wavy fur and bright sage green eyes
Β  Β  Β  α΄€α΄˜α΄˜Κ€α΄‡Ι΄α΄›Ιͺᴄᴇ: Streampaw
Wolfstorm - dark gray she-cat with lighter gray paws, chest and face
Β  Β  Β  α΄€α΄˜α΄˜Κ€α΄‡Ι΄α΄›Ιͺᴄᴇ: Solarpaw
Lilypool - cream tabby she-cat with hints of ginger here and there in her fur
Wetsnout - pale gray tom with icy blue eyes and sleek fur
Β  Β  Β  α΄€α΄˜α΄˜Κ€α΄‡Ι΄α΄›Ιͺᴄᴇ: Volepaw
Sundapple - white tom with several black splotches and light amber eyes
Nightflake - black and white she-cat with reasonably long fur and multiple brown, striped splotches
Ripplestem - completely ginger tabby with light amber eyes
Badgerleap - gray, almost blue she-cat with dark hazel eyes and an intimidating gaze
Orendapool - calico she-cat with bright blue and beautiful eyes

Volepaw - ash brown she-cat with dark amber eyes and an unusually long muzzle
Streampaw - white and gray tom with golden, light amber eyes
Solarpaw - calico tom with long, fluffy and spiky fur

Β Havenstar - light brown and white tabby tom with light amber eyes and short but thick fur

Β Pridianpetal - golden she-cat with lush green eyes, a darker stripe leading down her back and a long plumed tail
Β  Β  Β  α΄€α΄˜α΄˜Κ€α΄‡Ι΄α΄›Ιͺᴄᴇ: Heartpaw

ᴍᴇᴅΙͺα΄„Ιͺɴᴇ α΄„α΄€α΄›
Β Rosemarywind - ginger and white tom with dark green eyes and a lean frame
Β  Β  Β  α΄€α΄˜α΄˜Κ€α΄‡Ι΄α΄›Ιͺᴄᴇ: Crosepaw

Β Frostsky - white she-cat with bright blue eyes and short but thick fur
Β  Β  Β  Β α΄€α΄˜α΄˜Κ€α΄‡Ι΄α΄›Ιͺᴄᴇ: Adderpaw
Β Ryestalk - hazel brown tom with amber eyes and short, sleek fur
Β Bumbleflight - white she-cat with multiple dark brown splotches and sleek, flat fur
Β Heroncry - ginger she-cat with dark amber eyes and reasonably long fur
Β Briardawn - white tom with dark amber eyes and curly, fuzzy fur
Β Rivermist - gray tom with darker gray stripe along back and icy blue eyes
Β Sondertail - white and gray tom with light amber eyes and short, thick fur
Β Poppycloud - tortoiseshell tom with lush green eyes and long, fluffy fur
Β Littleflight - white she-cat with black freckles on cheek and ear
Β  Β  Β  Β α΄€α΄˜α΄˜Κ€α΄‡Ι΄α΄›Ιͺᴄᴇ: Arshpaw

Β Arshpaw - silver she-cat with long, fluffy fur, an ivory muzzle and paws and light amber eyes
Β Crosepaw - gray tabby tom with long fur and light amber eyes
Β  Adderpaw - dark brown she-cat with lush green eyes, fluffy fur and long, tufted ears
Β Heartpaw - dark ginger tom with multiple white freckles on shoulders and face

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