Chapter 51๊ง๐Ÿฅ€โœปโ˜˜โœปโ˜˜๐ŸŒท๊ง‚

Wild and free
Let me give it a try


After such a dreadful nightmare, you awoke rejuvenated the following day, But you felt so protected, and you couldn't figure out why you could smell your soulmate's scent on the pillow next to you. It made you feel so safe, Perhaps because you missed him so much, but you want him to rest and not be burdened by the soulmate business. He must focus on his performances.

You furrow your brows as you reminisce on the events of the past day. Your heart starts racing as you rush out of bed after throwing open your duvet cover.

You scan the room for the spot where you placed the documents.

With shaky fingers, you quickly take it and read through it.

It is a duplicate of your birth certificate. It contained all of the necessary information. You were astounded that you have a charming second name, Strange. It was never mentioned on your birth certificate. This one is written entirely in Japanese  Aiko was your father's surname  Ren and Haru took care of you for a year, But they were constantly afraid of that gang. You have to wonder whether they caught the mole in the police. Three of the force's sharpest undercover cops were killed.

According to Obasan Ichika, your father possessed similar personality traits to you. Soft-spoken, quiet, and intelligent, with a scientific aptitude, You're scared about meeting your elder siblings.

 The results of your academic reports  Your teachers, schools, and even close friends Some child psychologist reports based on all of your night terrors.

Your medical records, the migraines you've had since you were four years old, You received prescribed medication. Maybe the migraines were related to all of the dreams. You hoped it would be the last of your night terrors.

There was nothing odd about the documents. Everything was standard information. Then you spotted a piece of paper with photographs of everything your English foster parents had taken. You smiled when you spotted your small pink backpack, your things toys, and your lovely beads, bracelets and necklaces.

Everything you brought with you when you were five years old  As you see it, you smile. You wore them until you were fourteen, but an English friend in a private academy in London adored them so much that you exchanged them as friendship gifts.

Your grandparents' names are listed on one form  Details about your siblings When they were still in their teens, Your sister was about eight years older, while your brother was a year younger. Unfortunately, there were no pictures of them.

There was, however, a small piece of paper with the addresses of your old family home and Ren's house on it.

You furrow your brows and swiftly grab your phone, texting Obasan Ichika to find out where these locations are and whether she can notify your sister and arrange a meeting with them. You can't go to Seoul without first meeting your siblings.

You're hoping your siblings have images of your parents so you can know how they look.

When you looked at your phone, it was almost 6 am. You didn't have time to go over the twins' documents. That will be done tonight. You sighed when you noticed a few text messages. It was the chatgroup Bangtan Bells.

Funsize: Morning Kira, we missed you at dinner last night...why are you ignoring your best girlfriends?

You smile as you think about the petite girl.

Samiya: Yes, Kira you did abandon us with your sulking soulmate. He was pretty anxious. He didn't even eat his dinner.

What! You sigh  You can guess his emotional state. You went on a roller coaster ride of emotions.

You: Morning girls, I told you I spent time with my brother. We were so busy, and I was missing him. , We went to areas we've been to before. Do you realize I am Japanese before moving to England?

You're not going to reveal your secrets to anyone right now.

Twinkies: Oh, yeah, forgot. Are you coming to breakfast with us today  .Please, Kira, we miss you? 

You: Girls, I promised Do-yun that we would eat breakfast together from now on.

Samiya: Yeah, ugh common OK, we'll all sit with Do-yun. We'll sit at a table away from the soulmates. You don't need to be close to Hobi. P lease Kira  .The last day of their performance and interview is today. We're going to Disney World tomorrow. We're going to have a good time.

Twinkies: You'll see how much fun it is.

Funsize; What's the deal with you and Hanbin? He asked all of us about your whereabouts, but we didn't tell him where you had gone with Kenichi. He looked miserable.

You scoff . Hanbin has no right to ask about you. He ended your friendship, and you want to avoid him and your soulmate right now... You're sick and tired of getting hurt and rejected. Right now, you are strengthening yourself not to care. Even if you are tired and have joint pains in your ankles, you will not tell anyone Jhope promised to complete the bond today, but if he ordered you not to talk to him or stay away from him, you know the bond will not be completed today.  You've already ruined his life.

When you think of your confrontation, your heart constricts again, and your eyes well up, but you suppress it.

So, even if you miss the superstar, you should chill away from him. Surprisingly, you felt revived after the night's rest.

 You: Funsize,OK, I'll sit with you guys. By 7:30, I'll be at the elevators. I'm not going to eat breakfast at 8:30 am. Please choose a table away from your mates; I don't want to sit near  BTS.

Twinkies: Fair enough.

Samiya: We'll see you there.

Fun size: We'll have our bestie with us today, yeah!

You: I'll see you later, girls OK, girls, bye, I need to prepare.

You left the chat.

You went to your closet to select the same outfits. You and Do-Yun will be on duty today for the band's performance. You hope your soulmate will be fine and perform the complicated dance breaks.

Following a refreshing shower, You dress in your Therapist outfit and wear your lanyard around your neck. You tied your hair in a ponytail and grabbed your handbag, which contained all of your essentials. You looked at your watch to see what time it was.

You were strolling calmly to the elevators when you noticed a notification on your phone.

It's Obasan Ichika 

Good morning, my dear  .Are you available starting at noon.  Aimi would like to pick you up at noon. She is thrilled and eager to meet you, but I reminded her that you still have work to do.

Your stomach churns with excitement as you smile. You can hardly wait to meet them.


Meanwhile in Namjoons' room.

As Namjoon came from the bathroom, Jhope was tucking his shirt.

Namjoon smirked at Hyung, "Sooo, and you didn't sleep here last night. Where have you gone?"

Jhope furrows his brows and says, "Ask me right away, Namjoon!"

"OK, did you spend the night with your soulmate?" Namjoon asks, a deep smirk on his face, "I figured you weren't on speaking terms."

"I realized she needed me...she had a nightmare and I couldn't sleep because of all the emotions she was I went to comfort her," Jhope sighed." She assisted me on the flight, and I wanted to repay the favour."

"Does she know you slept next to her?" Namjoon chuckled.

Jhope gave Namjoon a deadpan look," Of cause not. Do you think I'm crazy to alert her? I've just made sure she was comfortable and fast asleep and I left by midnight?"

"Strange for someone who doesn't want his soulmate near him, sneaks into her room too...comfort her," Namjoon snickers. He chuckled at Jhope's scowl.

"Joonie, you are quite funny...this soulmate nonsense causes me inner stress, and my therapist advised try to be kinder to my soulmate. I am a nice person." When Namjoon snorts, Jhope furrows his brows.

They exited the room with their wallets and cell phones. They will eat breakfast on the 38th level at the K'shiki breakfast buffet restaurant at 8:30 pm. Their interview will begin at 10 am, followed by their performance.

They found the rest of Bangtan and their security detail waiting at the elevators.

"Where are the girls?" asked Jung kook.

"Twinkies said they'll meet up with the staff girls and have a girls breakfast," Yoongi stated, still looking exhausted.

Taehyung smiles, "My girl likes Akira a lot, and they wanted to spend time with her," they slyly observe Jhope's expressionless face.  Jimin was desperate to speak with his Hyung . He finds the silent treatment quite challenging. Jhope completely ignored him and doesn't even look at him or Yoongi. Jimin seemed to be devastated. He couldn't take it anymore.

They and their security guards entered the restaurant. The waitresses were beaming at the gorgeous Ot7. They appeared incredibly lively and energetic for so early in the morning. Hobi merely rolls his eyes as one of the waitresses quietly smirks at him. The last time he checked, he wasn't Jimin, who flirts with every girl he meets.

Jimin stared pleadingly at Yoongi at their table: "Common Yoongi-hyung. Please talk to Hobi. If you apologize for interfering, he'll talk to us sooner. I'd want to chat and have fun with Hobi-hyung. Why is it so difficult for him to let us off the hook?"

Yoongi asked sarcastically, "Do you see me dying? I'm not going to go near him.Hobi can be scary. Let's give him some time to cool off. OK, Go to the buffet and get some food. They're serving your favourite salmon omelettes and chocolate croissants."

Jimin furrowed his brow, "Ugh!  It's the second day, and he hasn't even greeted me, Yoongi!I'm not sure why he holds grudges for so long," Jimin whined. He wants to have a good time with Hobi.

Taehyung and Jungkook began to snicker at Jimins' adorable pouting  This is the first time he has been placed on the Jhope "silent treatment" list.

Jung kook snorts as he bites into a piece of toast, "That's what you get for meddling in soulmate business and the payback for not informing me that our Thera and Hobi are soulmates." As Jimin gave him a stinking glare, he chuckled.

"Don't worry too much. He'll forgive you soon," Taehyung says as he pats Jimin on the shoulder  "Yoongi,would be unconcerned because he is used to silent treatments."

Yoongi smirked, "I prefer quiet environments, it works for me  Hobi's energy can be exhausting at times, so when he is silent like this, my life is so much more enjoyable." He throws a discreet glance at the table where Hobi and the other Bangtan brothers are seated. Yoongi grins as he munches on a piece of bacon. He smirked as he locked eyes with his soulmate. She flushed bright red when he winked at her, reminiscing the romancing they had last night.

Jhope sat with Seokjin and Namjoon as they finished their breakfast .Jhope was glancing around when he noticed his soulmate among the other Bells.  She appeared relaxed, laughing at what Do-Yun was saying . She had simply a cup of coffee in front of her.  When he noticed the bangtan TV crew and some junior managers go to their table, he furrowed his brows  .There were cheerful greetings. He noticed Hanbin's gaze fixed on his stoic soulmate's face .She merely bows stiffly at the group and looks down at her coffee, taking tiny sips, never acknowledging the group further.

Hanbin was dejected, but he followed the rest of their group to a table. It's no surprise that his soulmate's feelings began to express increased sadness, but she suppressed them.

-At the girls' table-.

Everyone was shocked by your  cold demeanour.

Do-Yun furrows her brows, confused. "Is it possible that I missed a memo or something,you give Manager Hanbin the cold shoulder,on Monday you were so tight.?"

You merely sipped your coffee and said,' we're no longer friends. I didn't return his feelings, and he didn't want to be friends with me... that's all."

" wonder he seemed so lost since yesterday," Do-Yun exclaimed, visibly surprised. She knows Hanbin has been madly in love with you since the first day he laid eyes on you.

You only shrugged as the Bells exchanged hushed glances, signalling each other not to say anything about Your soulmate status.

You give Do-Yun a gentle smile. "You have some wins and some losses. Don't be concerned about it, Do-Yun  He was a good friend for the time being, but I don't want to give him false hope of a future with me."

You know your love for your soulmate will never fade, and it would be unfair to Hanbin. It's best if he forgets about you.

"It's such a shame...and he loves you."Do-Yun appears to be saddened by the news.

You shrugged. You don't need such erratic love.But just tossing your friendship aside as if it meant nothing was a bitter pill to swallow.

You're instantly deflated, "Girls...I'm heading to my room because I've forgotten something. Just let me know when we're leaving for the studio, OK?"

"Are you leaving so soon?" Fun size eyes widen.

"Yeah, I'll see you in a few moments... OK. I think I'm going to change my footwear into sneakers." You don't feel like sitting and talking about lost friendships, so you stood up and smiled at the smirking soulmates who were almost through with their breakfast. You snickered as you saw how Samiya and Seokjin tried not to gaze at each other with flirting gestures.

You walk past Hanbins' table without looking at him. You look up at the VIP seating in the breakfast restaurant and catch your soulmate's gaze for a brief moment, and you sigh deeply. You only look each other in the eyes for a split second before sighing heavily and moving quickly to the restaurant entrance without looking back.

Jhopes' brow furrowed as his gaze followed you out. He fixes his gaze on Hanbin, and the two men's eyes lock with undefine emotions in them, each of them painfully recognizing the unbearable suffering they inflicted on the girl they both love...


At the SUKKIRI Japanese show

The boys were putting on make-up. They were styled entirely in white  Jimin attempted to speak with Jhope, but the latter simply walked past him without acknowledging his existence.Jimin sighs, missing his Hyung joking and laughing with him. He felt terrible during the entire operation as it worsened. He may not be forgiven that quickly. He is deeply sorry for the role he played in the whole mission. He realized how their interference had hurt Hobi.

Jungkook found the entire scene amusing, snickering the whole time as he watched the pouting maknae and the two cool Hyungs.

Jimin dislikes being ignored, and he looks glum. Taehyung had to console him.

"Guys, get yourself out of your foul moods," Namjoon said sternly. "We need to put up a spectacular show and interview. We can't make mistakes because of petty egos. When we go out there, we forget everything and want to leave as unified as possible... OK...understood!" The mode of the leader was emerging.

Everyone nods  Jhope just inhaled deeply. He doesn't feel highly energized, and he is aware that the effect of the incomplete bond is starting.

Jhope noticed mild discomfort in his left ankle joint as they exited the dressing room, and he knows he needs to focus especially hard on the dancing breaks . He is well aware that he cannot afford to make a mistake.

Yoongi stepped behind him and whispered, "When are you going to stop with this ridiculous silence treatment, Hobi? It's so childish."

With a bit of turn back and a glare, Jhope said: "Don't bother talking to me... leave me alone, as I've requested. If you can't respect my decision on my soulmate status, at the very least respect the boundaries, I've set."

"How stupid is this?"Yoongi's irritability can be heard in his mutter.

What's the deal with Jhope? He loves Akira but he's too stupid to recognize what he has due to an irrational fear of bonding.

Jhope simply smirks. He is aware that Yoongi dislikes his silent treatment, but he is tired of his brother's interference. He wants to figure out his own life, deal with his phobia, and complete the bonding process.

Both of their performances were outstanding. Jhope gave it his all. You could see him discreetly rubbing the nape of his neck when they entered the hallway of the backstage dressing rooms from where you were standing next to the Bells.

 You hope that it isn't too painful.You sigh and turn to face Do-Yun. You were supposed to look after them, but when Jhope urged you to stay away from him, you would find it impossible even to touch him. He wouldn't allow you to get close to him, which crushed your heart.

"Do-Yun, could you kindly do me a favour? I'm going to leave before the interview; could you please keep an eye on Jhope? I see he is a little stiff and sore in his neck.  Yoongi appeared to be more relaxed; I believe his shoulder is fine." You spoke close to her in hushed tones. She was taken aback by your request.

"When are you going to leave? Are you going to the hotel?...Akira, how are you? Why do you look so detached today?" She gave you a concerned look.

"No, I'm perfectly alright. I'm going to see a family member I haven't seen since I was a pre-teen. They'd like to spend some time with me before we leave for Seoul." You give her a hopeful gaze.

"OK,you will inform Sejin he is sitting with the studio manager. First, notify him, and then I'll take over. "She motioned to the back seats, where Sejin was chatting with the manager. You give the nod.

Do-yun stood up and followed the bells to the dressing rooms, where boys were getting ready for the interview.

When the Bangtan took some  Ot7 pictures with the studio host, presenters, and crew, You took use of this opportunity to sneak out and talk to Sejin about your plans. He and Hobeom were standing at the entrance door. Hanbin was standing a little further away, with Jungwoon and two other editors. You take care not to look at him.

His face looks depressed and blank, but you don't care right now. He was the one who didn't want to be near you. You never begged for anyone's friendship; you didn't have many friends because of your introversion. Byron and Sarah stepped up to fill the void. Right now, it would be best if you focused on your own happiness.

"Excuse me, Sejin-Oppa....may I speak with you quickly?" You inquired politely.  Sejin smiled widely as he turned. He adores this gentle girl who is opposites to Hobi.

Sejin gives you a nod. You notify him of your plans, and he agrees and permits you to spend time with family you haven't seen for years.

You express your gratitude by bowing a few times and quickly call obasan Ichika to notify your sister to come and get you at the studio.  You'll meet her at the steps outside.

Following the photos with the TV team, the Bangtan guys returned to the dressing room to relax.  When he didn't see his soulmate in the room, Jhope's face furrowed.  Do-yun smiles and asks whether he requires a compressor for his achy neck.  Jhope simply nods in appreciation and thanked her.

He looked around the room, but there was no Akira. He sighed and wondered where she was. He had no idea how much he would miss her today, but he needed to complete the 8-hour therapy sessions first and understand better his condition.

Funsize smile  "Oh, she'll be spending the day with her Japanese family," she noticed as he looked around.

Jhope grows frown and asks softly, "Why are you telling me that?"

He didn't ask, but he's relieved to know she'll be safe.

"Oh, I just thought you'd want to know before you stress yourself up!"She stood up, smirked slightly, and moved over to Samiya's busy with Taelove clothing. Their Bells are aware that J hope has been missing his soulmate's presence.Akira is focused on giving him as much space as he desires.

Jhope furrowed his brows, realizing that he knew nothing about his soulmate other than the twins and her parents, who are in Busan for a visit.

He didn't even attempt getting to know her.  He's curious about the family member . Akira was eager that he and Hanbin be left alone . He could tell Hanbin-Hyung is still in love with his soulmate.  When he followed Akira out of the restaurant this morning, one could see the love in his eyes.


Akira POV

You were waiting for your sibling anxiously . You were seated on a bench, playing Candy Crush, when a red Jaguar SUV pulled into the front entrance and parked a few meters away.  As the tall woman opens the car door, you glance up with wide eyes.  Her hair was tied up, and her gaze was scanning the area until it settled on your frozen, stunned body.

When she saw you, her eyes and expression changed.  When the woman ran to you, tears spilling from her eyes, you got up with shaking legs, not knowing what to expect.

"Little Kira?" she stutters, moving warily in front of you.

You nod, your eyes welling up, as you glance up into her gentle, tear-streaked face.

"Yeah, it's me!" you said quietly, still in wonder of this stunning woman in front of you  Your older sibling.

"Oh my Goodness, it's you .You have Dad's lips and Mom's short posture," She stared at you in astonishment until she pulled you into a tight embrace.  You began to cry  Oh, my Goodness.  It's so great to be hugged by someone who shares your heritage.

"I've missed you so much.  Ichika, and she has been sending us images since you were 10. I will never forget about you. Oh, my lovely little sister..." She was crying and raving about finding you  As she walked with you to the car, she could see the happiness in your eyes.

She couldn't get enough of you."I'd like to hear everything about your life, and you're welcome to ask me anything."

"By the way, my name is Aimi, and you'll meet Toma later.  But first, let your older sister feed you authentic Japanese cuisine." She gushed.

"OK I'm overjoyed to finally meet you are stunning." You give a big grin.  You are overjoyed to be able to spend time with your sister  .She drove out of the parking lot of the television studios.

She asked about your time in the orphanage. You told her about all the exciting things you did.  The caregivers did not abuse you. But you also told them about your rough school life till you moved to London . You told her about your privileged background, the musketeers, your funny foster parents, the twins, and your work for Bighit.

 She was taken aback because she was familiar with the band and how popular they are in Japan.  You informed her of your plans.  You informed her about your university years, your position at the clinic, and so on.  She was ecstatic for you.

She informed you that she is married to a Chinese doctor and that she lives in Aoyama.  Just a bit further  She is an avid anime fan who owns a cosplay store in the area.ln a mall. 

She took you to her store first after you told her you weren't hungry and had a hearty breakfast.  She loves your British accent.  She also has an accent because she lived in Denmark for many years before returning to Japan a few years ago to learn more about the culture . You entered the mall linking arms.

"My shop is right around the corner, and we expect to do a lot of business during AnimeJapan 2018  .Our outfits are going to sell like hotcakes . Toma is a kimono costume designer from Japan." She looks down at you with a smile.

"Wow, will I meet him today?" you grin.

"Yes, he is on his way to the shop  He'll be there in a few moments." She appears to be pumped up.

Her store has a large selection of cosplay costumes.  You're totally taken by the shop  You got to know everyone on her staff.  They couldn't wait to meet their boss's younger sister.  You giggle as she tells you that you'll be modelling some of the costumes . You looked ecstatic, and you were dressed as Wonder Woman . You snapped the costumes you wore multiple times.

You even dressed up as Catwoman and took a sly shot.  You post it on the Bangtan Bells chat room.  They were squealing at your amazing fit body shape and giving you emojis of screaming . They admired you in your Wonder Woman outfit.

A tall man entered the store a few minutes later.  There were several welcomes directed at him.He approached you and Aimi as you stood next to a mirror. You turned around and peered into his wide eyes.

"Little look exactly like mother.  Oh my gosh, "When he embraced you closely, his eyes were filled with unshed tears.  You sob as you clutch at him . You have a big brother.  You've always been the big sister, and now you have your own elder siblings.

"I'm Toma, your  big bro..." He smiled  "Come on, Aimi, let's go for a drive  Let's get to know my Imลto (sister)."

"Hey, Toma...I'm thrilled to finally meet my siblings." Toma grins and pats you on the head as you smile at them  "You're so small...just like mom."

"Hey, I'm 21 years old," you furrowed your brow as you gazed at your attractive brother . He smiled broadly as he embraced your shoulders and followed you out to the door, Aimi close behind  He was bombarding you with questions, and he couldn't get enough of you.

You all rode in Toma's sportscar to a downtown coffee shop that he also owned in a posh neighbourhood .After consuming a light Japanese meal, They decided to take you to your family home in a middle-class neighbourhood. 

The mood in the car shifted to gloomy  "I'm assuming you're aware of our  ryลshin (parents') death?" Toma said this in a sour tone . For a long time, he couldn't forgive the murderers.

"Yes, Obasan Ichicka revealed it to me yesterday.  I'm really sorry I didn't get to meet them  I have no idea what they look like." You regrettably state.

"Don't be concerned, Little Kira...I have a family album that I'll show you.  It keeps all of your baby images." Your eyes widen.

"Really...blimey!!" you exclaim, surprised.

Your heart was racing so fast because you were so excited .You don't want to be apart from your siblings.  You even expressed your desires to them.

" We'll pay you a visit in Busan, OK .. Toma and I will come to visit you for a few days for a week.  Meet your loving parents and spend quality time with them  We hope you can take a few days off." Aimi told you.

"Oh my goodness...that will be som cool. My apartment has four bedrooms  Just let me know if that's all right .I'll have everything ready for you  Oh, I'm pleased." You laugh with delight  This is fantastic.

Toma asks you, teasingly, "So, baby sis...are you bonded?"

You took a deep breath and smiled broadly, "No, not yet..."

"At least you have a soulmark," Aimi smiles." Toma received his late whisperer mark last year and is now waiting for his mate."

You smile wide at your brother, who only smiles quietly.  They entered a neighbourhood and came to a halt near an abandoned house.

" this our house...?" your eyes widen.

Aimi nods solemnly, "After the gruesome murder...we couldn't stand coming to live in this house. We told ourselves that we would either put it up for sale or rent it out.  But we were anticipating you to show up. thus you can get a sense of where your family's home was  We lived in Osaka with our Sofubo (grandparents) until we fled to Denmark . We were expecting you to join us, but Ichika informed us that they were watching her every step and planned to abduct you. So she discreetly took you to an orphanage and obtained a new birth certificate using your mother's surname . She gave us your original... the gang monitored every orphanage in town."

"Wow...what is the surname of our father?"You wanted to make sure.

You stare in astonishment at the house  Aimi hired a caretaker to look after the property.

"Aoki," Toma said as you exited the vehicle.

You look around at the surrounding houses and wonder if some of the residents are still here following the brutal murder of a neighbour . The house is even opposite a cemetery. It had been you, you would have skipped town.

You noticed the caretaker sweeping the front yard.  As he led you in, he smiled broadly at you.  You were told about the house by Aimi and Toma.  She led you to your room, the nursery.  White linen cloths were used to cover all of the furnishings.  As you stroll down memory lane, you feel a lump in your throat.Toma showed you around his room, but it was deserted . The majority of your parents' belongings were stored by your grandparents.

When you saw the panic room, your eyes widened.  Some foggy images of you and Rens' hiding spot flashed across your memory.

"What do the gang want from me. I don't have anything valuable to offer them." You gave them a bewildered expression.

"We have no idea...poor Ichika was continually harassed," Toma said, shaking his head  "they discovered evidence that our father planted something in your stuff.  You hold the key. After your visit yesterday, they apparently seized a large number of your plush toys.  Ms Sato was abducted about a week ago. They found her, thankfully, safe and tied up in her office.The previous night  .Don't worry, we have a trustworthy cop on our side. The beautiful woman was the gang leader's sister. They came for you and your brother after you showed her your room and took all the items in there, thinking whatever they needed was stashed in there. Please be careful  I'm sure they'll be looking for you at airport and hotels. Our informant already called most of the hotels to inform them not to disclose your name or whereabouts."

As you get increasingly nervous, you breathe deeply . Aimi has just hugged you to reassure you that you are protected. But are you safe?

You're left wondering what the gang wants and why you were chosen.  You can't think of anything you owned when you were five years old that was valuable.

You spent an hour with your siblings and provided them with your contact information at home, including your cell phone numbers. You told your siblings that they could sell the house now that you'd seen the one where your parents were murdered. You vowed never to return to this neighbourhood again.

Aimi and Toma gave you some photos of your parents.  They will send you all of the albums from your first five years with them.

Your eyes welled up with tears as you gazed in awe at the gorgeous photo of your parents and you.

" and dad...they loved me." You stared in astonishment at the portrait of your parents.

"They loved were our princess  I snapped the photo, and all you wanted was for Aimi to pick you up  We were very content until that gang came into our life.  But now we're all together.  We shall rebuild this family as the Aikos, and we will be happy from now on.  No one will ever tear or rend us apart again "Toma stated firmly as he pulled his sisters in a group hug.

You spent another hour with them, and they invited you back to meet your brother-in-law.  They even wanted your banking information in order to transfer your inheritance from your parent's estate, which is still held in a trust fund.  They have already received a considerable sum of money, and you will receive over 5 million yen. You were flabbergasted. When you discovered that your mother comes from an affluent family.

It was nearly 2 pm when they left you off at your luxurious hotel.  Toma was astounded.  And you just told him you work as a therapist for an entertainment agency.

When you walked into the hotel lobby, your spirits were so high.  You'll now go watch anime shows and send a copy of your parent to your foster parents.  Toma told you that you are stunning and that he wants you to model his kimonos for a fashion magazine.  You agreed after much persuading.He'll bring all of the costumes to Busan and have his photographer shoot you.


Meanwhile, in a run-down hotel room, a girl gritted her teeth as she spoke into the phone.

"A-young, you WILL do hear me!!" shouted the girl.

"It's risky may be in major trouble...why did you send it there?"

"According to a source, he will be booked in there OK I want my man to be with me, OK He belongs to ME you hear me !!! " She screamed angrily.

"OK, OK!!  However, the hotel is tightly guarded  I'm not one of the girls who gained access to the band's rooms  Guards are stationed throughout the building.  They have tightened security after receiving those strange flowers you sent "The girl tries to comfort her.

"I'm aware that they don't stay in the Hyatte...but they rebooked them into, the MANDARIN . I'm willing to take a lot of risks to be near him  A-Young. He must be missing me terribly . Taetae, my baby, even has a soulmate, according to what I've heard.  Who is she??  He is too young to marry. My Hobi wants me to join him... I can hardly wait  PLEASE GET HIS ROOM NUMBER FOR ME "She yells In the girls' ears.

"Why can't you just leave him alone . He is NOT your husband.  He may have a soulmate who is destined for him.  You lost your mate as a result of your schizophrenic tendencies . You're insane!!  Why is it Him?  Why messed up his life... ?Isn't it almost three years?" On the other side, there is a plea.

"He is mine...only mine...I LOVE HIM you better get me all the information and about the so-called "mate" "IF NOT, I WILL SEND ALL EVIDENCE TO THE POLICE AND INFORM THEM THAT YOU WERE INVOLVED IN YOUR SISTER'S DEATH OK!!!" She screamed angrily.

On the other side, there was a faint sob, "It was an accident..."

"I DON'T CARE ..GET ME ALL HIS DETAILS ..I'M ON MY WAY FOR MY BABY!!!" She sounded frantic and ragged.



a/n  another update for all my Hobi-stans. Thank you for your continued support during last year. Shout out to all of you and to the one who adds the book to the readers' list, all the shadow readers, commenters and voters. 

@sowmi5@hopefuljoyfulsoulful @LenaOberbillig@K01234567891011@TrishaMayPanizal @MeeraG1  @hansnoopy380@Katelynnnbernardooo @MeeraG1 @nabila000 @Lucky_Lucy_Kurta @StaceyVittorioso @Shan_aa99  @HauraHananNayan    @NayiRoldiiii  @Crazy_Nana_666 

Question 1: How do you view your siblings?

Question 2: Will the gang be able to find you?

Question 3: Is Hobi fond of torturing Jimin? Will he be able to forgive the two conspirators?

Question 4: Will you forgive Hanbin and reestablish your friendship with him?

Question 5: Do you believe Hobi misses you?

Question 6: The saesang explained her motivations. Do you believe you, Hobi, Tae, and Funsize will be safe if she discovers something?

Question 7: Do you recognize the saseang? Any ideas?

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