Chapter 12๊ง๐ฅโปโโปโ๐ท๊ง
Wishing on a sky
Wishing on a scar
If there's the sun
I'd want to dream
You and Sarah had a smashing weekend. You cooked and baked some chocolate mousse cake, which is your favourite.
On Monday, Byron came round with Lady Beatrice. She was proper amazed by the living arrangements. It was a new experience for her in such a cute little apartment. Byron left her for a few hours to spend with his girls until he got back from work to pick her up. She didn't want to go and wanted to have a sleepover with the girls.
They taught her how to make up a bed, make her tea, and scones. She helped to cook. Everything was a new adventure for them.
You were sitting in the telly lounge watching some programme. Lady Beatrice loved it and couldn't believe how secluded her upbringing was.
It was already after 5 pm. The girls had already showered and put on their pyjamas.
"Lady Beatrice, would you fancy some more snacks, loads of cookies and drinks?" Sarah offered.
Beatrice smiled happily, "Thank you, Sarah and you two are so kind. I've never had an opportunity to hang out with people my ages unless it is family."
You look sadly at her, "Is it hard being royal?"
Lady Beatrice bit some of her ginger biscuits, " Sometimes, I admit the perks are endless, but it's lonely. You like a celebrity out there, and any scandal is big news. My cousin Prince Harry is a total bad boy. He is the one that usually brings a big mess into the family due to his antics."
Sarah chuckled, "Oh, I know I once saw him in a VIP night club with a girl called Chelsey or so; I can't remember if it's her real name...He was so hammered. The paparazzi were all over then. I was 17 and illegally in the club with a fake id...those were the days."
"Does he have a real soulmate?" You ask interested,
Beatrice nodded, " Yeah...but the family want him to deny her...I think it's an American Actress...mixed race. He and Chelsey are still mates, after almost ten years in a relationship also. My mum said she broke it off because she doesn't want to marry into ' The FIRM' and lose her privacy. She hated the stalking and felt that it's better only to be mates with my cousin. That is why he became so rebellious. He can't be with the real soulmate he wants...they are looking for a princess from Europe to arrange a marriage."
"So, you still arrange marriage due to the Billionaires legacy club," you asked with open interest.
"Yeah, my dad wanted to arrange one for me if I wasn't a red gold string... do you know there will be a new law in place here in England. It's illegal to reject the red gold string. Too many deaths on the soulmate system and too many therapy sessions." Beatrice's eyes widened. "I love Byron so much, and I want to be with him, not because it is a matter of life and death but because I love him at first sight in that restaurant... he asked me to go and think about it... do I want to settle with a commoner... I told him if he wants me, I'm willing to be with him... go wherever he goes... just be with him... he is my life now... my parents like him so much and try to keep us out from the public scrutiny."
She looks so in love that your heart wanted to burst for them. Byron is so fortunate to have his lady.
You wonder if you'll ever have that with your trust issues. You first need to know your lineage before you can live the life you wanted.
You had a cracking day with Lady Beatrice. She invited you to some polo day with Prince William and his mates. You were too nervous for that, but Sarah had already voted herself in. This royal friendship can bring you into the public eye and the paparazzi's radar... so no thanks.
On Tuesday evening, Sarah's soulmate took her out for a romantic dinner, and you were okay with it. He had a night off. He works as a Construction Supervisor on some kind of project, and it was his day off. You decided just to lounge around and watch some Netflix in the guestroom where you sleep. The Derry Girls were one of your favourite sitcoms. You watched a few episodes on Netflix.
You've already had a shower, but you were so into those teen romances when a sudden sharp pain shot up your right ankle. You let out a yelp from the burning sensation, whimpering in agony. It felt like someone dunked your leg in boiling oil.
You tried rubbing and pressing your ankle, but it didn't help. Oh my, can't deal with a soulmate right now, you're still figuring yourself out.
The nerve sensations were excruciating. You dashed to the bathroom, flung open the shower doors, and let the icy water flow over it, but the pain seemed to merge with the cold water. Your face was flushed from crying.
Suddenly, your phone rang. It was your brother calling (with his tattooed arm), Kenichi.
You snatch the phone and hit the answer button, quickly wiping your eyes and putting on the composed tone expected from an older sister.
"Hi Ken, what's happening... no borrowing cash today, alright," you add a forced chuckle.
Kenichi bursts into laughter, "Oh come on... I'm calling with absolutely smashing news... I got in."
"Ken!!! Congrats... well done. Which college?" You ask, thrilled.
"Not university; still waiting on the KGS scholarship. My dance audition rocked. Bighit rang Dad, asking if I fancy training with them. Also got an email from YG to join as dancers, but I missed it. Now I've got to pick where to train..."
"Wow, Ken, that's as a career. You're ace. What about Mum and Dad?" You inquire, concerned. Kenichi might be young, but he's streetwise unlike Keitaro.
"Mum's typical, wants proof from both. She won't throw me to the wolves. YG wants three years...interested in both of us as twins, but Keitaro's not keen. Bighit though..." he trails off, uncertain. That name rings a bell. You heard that name before.
"What's up with Bighit?" you inquire.
"Well, BIGHIT's blowing up, thanks to BTS...who wouldn't wanna dance with the lads. Their choreographer's top-notch, big in Korea and worldwide. He's top drawer, but you've gotta be top-notch to make the's a buzz being one of the 50 chosen auditionees," he sounds pumped.
"OMG... BTS, right? Those lads who belt out Fake Love and Mic Drop...blimey, Ken...Jhope heads their dance's unreal...travelling worldwide with them would be epic. They're smashing. Their dancers are huge too. Hobi's class...he was a street dancer just like you," you gush, thinking about your bias.
"Oh my days! Sis, are you a BANGTAN ARMY...Why do you sound just like Sarah?" He chuckles, taken aback by your BTS know-how.
"Oh, shut it, you...of course, I know BTS... Marge and Angela are huge fans, chatting about them every day. Even Byron's into ', what's the plan, dear brother?" changing the subject.
"I fancy giving the Bighit audition a go, but Mum insists I must bag a Uni acceptance before diving into training, if I make it. Keitaro's got into Korea University...I'm dead envious...but I'm waiting it out. When you coming home?"
"I promised Sarah I won't stay the full week here in Sheffield, and Dad mentioned Mum's a bit under the weather and took the rest of the week off. I'll be home to look after her soon...Byron's picking me up tomorrow morning."
"Alright, we miss you...Sis...heard Byron mention your jobs might be at risk...if you get moved to another hospital, please consider South Korea...Mum might allow us to stick together. Keitaro's up for dorm life, but I'm thinking of an apartment close to Seoul's fun spot. Think about it. We'll have each other's backs and explore our roots. Japan's close. I can tag along and help you search. Byron's game for Asia if you're up for it."
He's so upbeat about his career. You hope he gets into a Uni, so their parents might agree to their plans.
"I'll mull it over, Ken...but let's hold off until I'm back at work,, South Korea's a fair trek from home?" You're not keen on going to South Korea, despite it being BTS central. Your mum falls ill frequently, and leaving her behind so far away doesn't sit right with you.
You too scared to leave her, and if you lose her, you will be lost without your anchor.
Please Kira...our folks will never let me go on my own. Keitaro's off to live in the dorms, but I told Dad to let me go for the audition if I make it, alright...I might bunk with the trainees. But if not, and I get into uni, you can tag along and snag a hospital job there," he pleads desperately.
"We'll chat, alright...don't stress. Uprooting is a massive call for me, Ken. It needs prep..." You sigh, feeling torn.
"Keitaro's gotta sign up in March...Dad's gearing up for him now...I wanna dance for a living, sis. Study different styles, tour the world, hit the stage, feel the vibe and passion, maybe be a choreographer one day," he passionately reveals his deepest desires.
After chatting a bit more, they hang up. You decide to hit the hay, but your phone buzzes again.
It's Byron.
"Hey love...I'm swinging by real early. Let Sarah know the witch council wants to see us at 9 AM tomorrow."
"About our jobs?"
"Yeah. Dr. Witchy Witch said the company's sorting it out by tomorrow. We're on the list. You, me, Sarah, Sandra (a senior), and John the physiotherapist. Sarah wasn't on it, but suddenly her name popped up. Sandra's in tears 'cause she wants to be with her sick gran."
"Oh gosh, By, what do we do? What's your take?"
"Spoke to my grandparents; they reckon follow your heart. The Duke said Lady Beatrice should be with me...they don't want her suffering. They'll sort us an apartment wherever I choose. She's gonna work as a Curator assistant at a National museum."
"Are you moving in with your soulmate, Byron? You're not even hitched. Geez, that's quick."
"Yeah, we're bonded, Akira...and she's my red gold. We're married in the system."
"Good for you then... at least you've got your love with you. As for me...I'll be all alone. Only one of us can head to a country. Do we get a say in where?"
"Nah, I saw my name for Beijing, China. I'd like that. Lady Beatrice has mates there. She won't be lonely. I think your name was for Taipei, Taiwan, and Sarah's for Busan, South Korea."
" folks won't let me go so far...I'll Google the city."
"Can I find a job quick there?"
"We struggled at Cromwell, remember? We've only been working a few months, lacking experience. Not even a year."
"I'm scared, Byron...don't want to lose my bond with the musketeers. You and Sarah are sorted with your loves...what about me?...I've never been good at making pals, Byron. People see me as aloof, full of pride.".๐ข๐ข
Aww, love...You might bump into your soulmate soon. You'll find the one for'll see. I'll always have your back. You know I care for you...You can count on me, and I'll be there for you...๐
I know...Thanks. I suppose I need to grow up, but it feels too soon for me, Byron. I'm so scared...
You'll adjust. Head to Taipei, and we'll find reasons to visit each other...spread those wings, my sweet.
I'm too upset to function right now...I'll catch you tomorrow then, alright. I think I'll hit the sack now. See you tomorrow. Good night Byron...
Night love; catch you tomorrow.
Sarah showed up after 11 pm. You'll drop her a text message. All your bags are packed for the next day's departure.
The next morning...
Byron arrived to pick you both up. Sarah left her sister's car safely at home. You discussed being on the list.
Sarah fancies the idea of heading to South Korea but isn't thrilled about Busan, the beach city in S.Korea. You're alright with Taipei, but your folks won't be pleased with their kids split up in different countries.
You were feeling all over the place, a bit uncertain. It was like some kind of sign urging you not to rush into committing to Taiwan. It felt like a nudge to hold off and not make any snap decisions just yet. But you couldn't figure out why you needed to wait. For what?
You're in need of a job. You've put in the graft for a career, and you enjoy making your own dosh. At the moment, you're raking in ยฃ24,000 on a Band 5 scale.
Thankfully, there are plenty of job openings for physios in the UK, but it might mean packing up and leaving Kensington.
Byron pulled up in the parking spot. You felt a bit jittery and slightly anxious, but you gathered yourself together.
Margie and Angela welcomed you with excitement, but there's a trace of sadness in their eyes for the three of you. They're going to miss the trio. You guys were such a tight-knit crew, always eating together and cracking up over daft things.
Sarah seems glum, Byron's unfazed, while you're feeling drained. You shoot a text to your mum, filling her in on the current situation.
The receptionist up in the posh offices guides you three to Dr Witchy Witch's office. Jeff catches sight of you and grins like a Cheshire cat. You're not keen on him because he's always eyeing you up.
Sarah steps in first. Byron just scowls at him as a greeting. You give a nod.
He had a smug look on his face," you noticed, pulling a face in response.
"What were you expecting from a doormat's role?" Byron glances at Jeff, swaggering back to his admin office. You let out a snort.
You wonder where Sergio is. Ten minutes pass, and Sarah emerges looking grim. Jeff then calls Byron in.
You give her a questioning look. "Well?"
She takes a deep breath, "My name's on the list for Taipei..."
"What...b..but Byron mentioned you'd be heading to Busan, and I'd be off to Taiwan?" You're utterly taken aback. Sarah looks defeated.
Sarah makes a face, her light green eyes troubled, "I was, but...I explained I've got a soulmate here...can't leave him. He's landed a permanent gig at a construction firm, and we've already put a deposit down on a flat. Larry's proposing..."
"Wow, Sarah, that's amazing! Your soulmate's crazy about you. I'm genuinely thrilled for you," you express your excitement for your friend.
Sarah sighs, "They said they could sort a job for Larry, but then I'd have to settle for Taiwan. There's already a fully furnished three-bedroom house waiting for me. They had you on another list 'cause you're not bonded. The place would be too big for just you."
"Blimey, they are so ready for us to work for this Bangkokย Doctor? How's the package?" You ask.
Sarah shrugs, "It's pretty lush, ยฃ45,000, almost double our current salary, plus a home, private health cover, a year's worth of meals allowance, car perks. But I'm worried Larry might not fancy it."
You offer a reassuring grin, "Have a chat with's a cracking chance to explore and live abroad. Cor, that's a belting package. They'll sort a job for Larry. If you two tie the knot, you've got a job and a gaff lined up, a spot to raise any sprogs if you decide to stick around."
Just then, Byron comes out. He seems alright but a bit concerned, to some extent.
""And?" Sarah prodded.
"I'm off to China...Beijing. They're keen for my soulmate to tag along. We've got a fancy pad near the hospital. Medical aid and all that jazz..."
He's got the same perks as Sarah. Byron's not fretting about cash โ he's loaded thanks to a hefty trust fund from his granddad on his mum's side.
Jeff gives you a big smirk, motioning for you to enter the office. Where will you be sent?
You stepped in, and Dr Witchy gestured for you to grab a seat on the posh white leather chairs. Her office looked classy.
"Ms Sagami, as you're aware, the practice has been bought by a Doc hailing from Bangkok. He's looking for a bit of a reshuffle. However, he's keen on not losing any staff from this firm. So, for international relations, he's considering relocating or transferring you to his other practice," she explained.
You acknowledged with a nod. She detailed the relocation packages, perks, and an option if you opt not to renew your contract.
"We'd like to offer you a relocation deal to Busan, South Korea, along with Sandra, who's also unbounded. It's a joint flat near the seaside. The place is specifically for young medical pros from various hospitals - nurses, docs, radiologists, you name it. Loads of fun stuff for those young at heart. Maybe you'll even find love..."
You grimaced. She joked about finding love, yet she hadn't found hers. It's not always easy for soulmates to meet up. Sometimes they never find each other or connect after years when both have moved on.
She chuckled at her quip. "Here's the contract, salary, perks, etc. Take a read, and when you decide on the South Korea move, bring back the signed copy after your leave. Consider it a step towards the future."
She handed you the contract. You smiled, bid your farewell, and left her office.
Your brother's set to attend Korea University in "Seongbuk-gu," Seoul, South Korea.
Kenichi's still awaiting his uni letter and scholarship.
Leaving her office, you felt a mix of emotions. How will your brothers cope without your watchful eye? If you take it, there's no guarantee Kenichi will make it into the final top 20.
You'll be situated in Haeundae, a beach city near Busan.
You need to have a chat with your parents. Byron requested a day off, so you decided to head out to the mall for lunch and discuss the potential drift in your friendship. You'll find ways to keep in touch.
The relocation is set to end in Feb or early March. You have two months to gather your documents and such. Seeking advice from your parents is crucial.
Sarah was buzzing with excitement about your Busan listing. At least you could attend BTS fan meets, pop-up stores, or even concerts. She's envious of that.
Liking BTS doesn't automatically mean you'll love S.Korea. Your plan is to head to Tokyo, Japan, to discover your roots, your lineage, and uncover details about your birth parents.
That's a start. But Why S.K?
A/N: Another update for all "Daydreamers" enjoy. A shout out to all the account that adds Daydream to their readers' list. You are amazing. Thank you for all the voting and commenting. Please don't stay in the shadows, and I would like to know more about you.
A treat for you superstar readers. A video of the Twins. Dancing. Kenichi in white and black and as well as in hoodie and cap.
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