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โ‹†๐™šโ‚ŠหšโŠน chapter forty-eight,
Gilmore Girls โ€” Season Three

September 2nd, 2002



I BARGE THROUGH THE DOOR TO ADDY'S HOUSE, and I immediately engulf her in a hug. Thankfully, her mother isn't here as her car wasn't outside, so I was able to barge in and greet my best friend after a month of not seeing one another due to her family holiday.

Surprised but delighted, she hugs me back, and we make silly, girly squealing noises at one another which, to an outsider, definitely don't make sense, but we basically said, "I missed you!" in squeals.

When I free her, I plant my hands on her shoulders and ask, "Was it good?"

"Spent a week telling my brother I'm planning to go to Juilliardโ€” he nearly choked on his pasta... Honestly, I wish he did," Addy begins, and I can only imagine it getting worse from here. "Spent another week trying to get a tan, but it rained, and then when the weather was nice, I ended up burning all my skin. Ow, by the way." She sighs, and she chooses to sit down. "And then I spent two weeks arguing with my mother about anything and everything. So, in conclusion, I had a jolly good time."

I sit down across from her, sympathy all over my face because, of course, her holiday wasn't luxurious as it should be. "So, just a classic Sloane holiday then?"

"Plus my brother's girlfriend."

   My eyes widen, intrigued and shocked. "Josh has a girlfriend? Since when?"

   Addy shrugs. "I don't know. I gave her my condolences though." Addy grins wickedly, and I grin right back at her. She definitely is the type of person to give her brother's girlfriend prayers for dating him, and I can't help but find that amusing.

   "She pretty?"

   "Oh, yeah. Like Elizabeth Hurley pretty."

   My eyes widen. "Josh is with somebody as pretty as Elizabeth Hurley?" Addy nods, and I sink into the couch, surprised. "Wow."

   "Oh, and him bringing his girlfriend led to the uncomfortable conversation of Nathan, and I had to explain why we weren't together," Addy drawls on, waving her hands to emphasis her point. "Anyway, my mom and brother collectively agrees it's my fault."

   I give her a blank look. "Well..."

   "Luciana Danes, you're supposed to be on my side," Addy argues, acting offended, but I think she knows the breakup with Nathan was due to her choices.

   "It's not your fault, it's just..." I pause, shrugging my shoulders. "You like Jess."

   "Liked," Addy corrects, and I feel delighted to hear that, but I'm not about to tell her that. While I didn't care that she liked Jess, I just found it odd, especially given that he's my cousin and she's my best friend. But to hear she doesn't have feelings for him anymoreโ€” romantic ones anywayโ€” makes me feel less uncomfortable.

   "Oh, really?"

   "I came to a revelation on holiday," she tells me, leaning back against her sofa. "Sometime in between arguing with my mother and storming out of the villa, I realised that I am insane."

   I jerk back. "Insane? I don't thinkโ€” Wait, you stormed out of the villa?"

   "Yes," she confirms. "Decided to have some alone time, and I met this girl who basically solved every single problem." I stare at her for a long moment, trying to figure out what that could mean, but I've drawn a blank completely. "She lived on the beach in this cute little shack, and she made the best margaritas, and we shared family horror stories, and then I told her all about my ridiculous crush on Jess, and she basically told me to get over it, so I am."

   "Wow, that easy, huh?" Addy hums, tapping her manicured nails against the coffee table. "So, you're definitely over him?"

   "One hundred percent. I don't know what I was thinking," she laughs, and I offer her a smile. I don't think she's lying, there'd be no point in hiding the truth, so I actually think she's over my cousin. Good. "Anyway, enough about me. How was the festival? How's Luke? The diner? Tristan? Fill me in."

   "A band from New York came and sang the same song over and over and over again," I tell her, my head tilting to one side. "It was horrible, and I still can't get it out of my head."

   "But it was still good?" Addy beams.

   "The banner was big," I tell her, shrugging my shoulders because I don't know what else to say about the festival I hardly attended. "Oh, and Patty was totally flirting with Tristan."

   Addy doesn't look surprised, but she knows Patty better than anyone so she knows what she can be like, especially when she's had something to drink. "Well, I can't say I'm surprised," she chuckles. "Is he leaving you for Patty?"

   "Wedding's next month," I confirm with a grin.

   "Wow, Patty's fifth wedding. Do you think she'll get a discount?"

   "You'd think she would," I deadpan. "Anyway, Tristan's fine. Lisa's also fine. Uh, Dad is okay, he and Lorelai have finally made up."

   The night after the festival, Lorelai stopped by the diner and I left her and Dad to talk. They made up, and now she stops by the diner everyday, so all is good. If Dad is fine with Lorelai, I'm fine with her.

   Addy claps her hands together. "Finally. That must have been the longest argument they've had, right?"

   I nod. "I could tell it was bothering him, but now all is fine." Thank God, too.

   "Oh, I saw that Taylor's in a wheelchair. Why?"

   I laugh, realising I haven't shared much with Addy in the past month. Sure, we've had the occasional call but we just talk about her and the holiday because whatever she's doing is far better than being here, or so I thought.

   "Somebody put a banana peel outside his doorstep. He's still trying to find out who did it," I tell her, and she grins at me with teeth. "He really thinks it was Jess, and I don't think he believes me when I tell him it was definitely not Jess."

"Are you sure it wasn't him?"

I shake my head. "Not entirely sure, but Dad warned him not to do anything stupid or he'll get kicked out, so I'm sure he wouldn't."

"Well, hats off to whoever did do it."

"I agree with you there." I point a finger towards her, and she points back, and we grin like children. "Are we horrible people?"

"No." Addy doesn't look completely sure, but I'd say we aren't horrible people. We're nice, right? We just can't stand Taylor at times.

Addy rises to her feet. "Okay, we have to get to school." She leans forward, snatching my hand. "Come on, Miss. Future-Ivy-League Girl. It's our final year!" I throw my bag over my shoulder, wrap an arm around my overly excited best friend, and string her along.

"One more year," I repeat.

"And then we can escape," she cheers, raising her hands excitedly. "One more year!"

"One more year..." One more year until I say goodbye to her, to my high school, to teachers and friends, to home. One more year until I'm standing in whatever college I end up. One more year until the beginning of a very, very daunting but exciting future.

One more year.


   IT'S ONLY TWELVE O'CLOCK AND I'VE HEARD THREE SPEECHES ABOUT OUR FUTURE. Since walking in this morning, I've had to endure in several talks with different teachers who have been promoting our futureโ€” demanding we look into colleges and decide what's best for us. What's best for us is to ignore these people and do our own thing whether that be college or not.

   I've heard these speeches several times over the years, but because this is our final year, we're expected to have a full blown plan. I don't have a plan, only knowing that I definitely want to go to Yale, and I definitely want to move on to Stanford following my graduation. If I do that, then I can think about a real future, one where my dreams come true.

   Now it's lunch, and I've finally been able to catch my breath. This year, I barely share any classes with Addy or Nathan. In fact, I don't share a single class with Jess which isn't all that bad, but I would like somebody to talk to every now and then. However, I do share every single class with Dean, and he and I are on decent enough terms to speak in class... Well, I'd like to think.

   We talked earlier, sharing a few words about what we did over the summer. While we live in the same town, we don't see one another, and if we do, we keep it very friendly and very quick. We're not friends, but we probably fit the term of acquaintances better.

   Anyway, he's sitting with us for lunch because he and Nathan are close, and Nathan sits with us. "I can't believe I'm not in any classes with you," Addy groans, disregarding her bag on the table. "Who am I going to talk to?"

   "Uh, me?" Nathan pipes up, but Addy shakes her head. "Thanks, Ad."

   "I'm sorry, I just miss my best friend." She pouts, her head falling onto my shoulder, and I place a sympathetic hand against her back. "But it's not so bad, I guess. Mrs. Adams has left for maternity leave so we have a substitute, and he's so clueless."


   "Yep. He had no idea what class he was in, and nobody told him, so he let us do whatever we want," Nathan tells me, and I groan, finding that to be the perfect class, but I'm not so lucky. "Anyway, how was your day?"

   "Not nearly as fun as yours," Dean grumbles.

   "We've been given several rants on our future," I complain for the third time this morning. "I mean, seriously, they're acting like we don't do anything. We work hard, no?"

Addy pats a hand against my arm. "Nobody works as hard as you, honey."

"Gotta get into Yale."

   "And you will, Luce." Addy gives my arm a reassuring squeeze, and I smile in response. Addy Sloaneโ€” one of my biggest supporters. "Lucy's going to be on the wall of fame," she insists, turning her head towards the boys.

   Dean grins. "I have no doubt."

   "Thanks," I reply, shrugging it off, but I really do hold hope that I'll get into an Ivy League. "Anyway, how's hockey going?"

   Nathan shrugs. "Coach thinks we can get into the regional finals."

   "Which he says every year," Dean adds on.

   "Well, maybe this year he really means it."

"I don't know," Nathan groans. "It'll be a miracle if we can make it past the first game."

"You're a good player, Nathan," I tell him.

"Oh, I know," he gloats. "Just hoping for a hockey scholarship so I can go to college."

"You'll get it, man." Dean slaps a hand against his arm.

"What are you planning on doing, Dean?"

He shrugs. "Might go to community college."

"Respectable," Addy replies, leaning forward to snatch a fry from Nathan's plate. She then scrunches her face up, obviously disgusted by the food. "I will not miss the food here." She reaches in for another one.

   I laugh. "Addy, you don't have to eat anymore."

   "I know, but I'm hungry, and don't want to queue," she claims, and I roll my eyes as she eats another disgusting guy. "No fry compares to Luke's fries."

"I'll tell him you said that." I nudge her.

   "Can I come over tonight?" Addy asks, and I roll my eyes because I know the only reason she wants to come over is to eat Dad's fries for free. Dad always gives her free food, and even though he claims that he doesn't love Addy, he absolutely does. "Please. I swear, I'm coming over to spend time with you, Luce. I haven't seen you in a month."

   I sigh, and I stare at my smiling best friend. "Yes, of course."

   "I knew five-year-old me was right to become friend with you."

   "What? Five-year-old you knew her dad would own a diner?" Nathan grins, and I shake my head, disappointed that she might only be friends with me because of my dad.

   I frown at her, and she smiles widely at me. "I'm friends with you for you, I swear."

   "Sure, sure."

   Addy glares at Nathan. "I don't like you."

   "Well, we did break up, Ad."

   "Yes, we did," she replies, and then they lean forward and smack their hands together. They're the strangest exes in the world, but I admire their relationship nonetheless. After the breakup, part of me expected them to not talk, but they were friends before they started dating so I guess I shouldn't be surprised that they've chosen to remain friends after their breakup.

   Addy grins. "Aren't we the most functional pair of exes you've ever seen?"

   "Oh, yeah. Really proud of you both."


   I STEP INTO THE DINER WITH ADDY FOLLOWING AFTER ME. The second Dad sees Addy, he smiles and wraps her in a hug. See what I mean? He loves Addy like a daughter, even if he won't admit it. Addy's been away for the past month, so it's unsurprising that Dad has missed her presence just as much as I have. She brings light to every room she walks into, I swear to God.

   "Nice to see you too, Dad," I say behind the pair, and they separate from each other.

   Dad places a hand on my shoulder. "I see you everyday."

   "And isn't it just a pain?" Jess speaks up, and I scowl at him. "Hey, Addy."

   Addy smiles at him, offering him a wave. "Hey. Heard you've got a girlfriend."

   "Girlfriend wouldn't be the right word," I say, and then I hear the bell ring, and I turn my head to see the familiar face of Jess' friend. "Just watch. You'll see what I mean," I whisper so only Addy can hear me.

   Shaneโ€” Jess' lady friendโ€” strolls up to the counter. "Hey."

   Jess looks over at her. "Hey."

   They then share a rather gross and long kiss, and I hear Dad grumble in protest behind me but he doesn't exactly do anything to stop it. When they finally pull away from one another, Shane looks at him and says, "So?"

   "One sec," Jess insists.


   "Relax," he scoffs, his eyes shifting over to us. "I'm out. Let's go." He moves around the counter, and we watch as he and Shane move out of the diner.

   "Ladies and gentlemen, an entire conversation in ten words or less," I mutter, and Addy grins.

   "They're together?" I nod. "Wow."

   "I know."

"Huh?" Addy shakes her head and turns towards my dad who already knows what she wants. "Hey, Luke can Iโ€”"

"Have a cheeseburger?" he interrupts, and Addy's mouth clamps shut in surprise. "Sit down. I'll bring you one."

   "I love you, Luke!" Addy yells, clapping her hands on my shoulders.

   After Addy eats her weight in most of the food off the menu, we move upstairs to the apartment. Thankfully, Jess is still out with Shane so we can have complete and utter quiet.

   I sit on my bed, Addy sits on my desk chair, and she pulls it close to my bed. "Oh, I wanted to ask you if you'd be up to organise a birthday party with me."

   "Yeah," she replies quickly. "Who for?"


   "When is it?"

   "Sixteenth," I reply. "Two weeks."

   "Yeah, sure. Eighteen, right?"

   I nod. "He's never had a party, so I was thinking I could throw him the most childish, kiddy party in the world, you know? Have balloons, streamers, ridiculous banners, party hats, one of those yellow cakes. Oh, and I totally want there to be face painting."

   Addy grins, obviously amused by the party I have planned for my boyfriend. "Sounds good. It's nice of you to do that. I can't believe he's never had a party."

   I frown. "I know."

   "What you getting him?" I haven't given his present much thought, if I'm being honest, so as of right now, I have no idea. "I know what you could get him."


   She points at me. "You. Wrapped in wrapping paper with a bow." She smiles, and I shake my head, appalled that she came up with that. "What? It's a genius idea. He'll love that."

   "I am not doing this," I insist.

   Addy huffs. "Fine. Be boring, Luce."

   "I'll think of something," I tell her, but she still thinks I should just wrap myself up and hand it to him.

   "Hey," she whispers, and I question the drop in her voice, but then I realise why it's lowered once she says, "Has it happened since?"

   The night of Sookie's wedding was the same night Tristan and I moved onto that next stage in our relationshipโ€” the one that you can't come back from. I told Addy the following day, and she squealed in excitement, terrifying me and my father who rushed upstairs, worried about us. From Addy, I told Dadโ€” kind ofโ€” and while he looked mortified, he didn't care all that much. He just wanted me to be safe, that's all, but since I told him, he's been insistent that Tristan brings me home earlier now.

   While he brings me home earlier, that doesn't exactly stop it from happening.

   "Just a few times," I whisper back, and she claps her hands together excitedly. "I mean, Dad would never allow it under his roof, but there's other places, you know?"

   "Like his house?" I nod, my face red. "Where else?"

   I peer down at my hands. "Well, we went on a date last month and it kind of happened in..." I pause, and Addy stares at me, waiting. "In the car."

   She laughs, her eyes wide. "In the car?" she gasps. "Luciana Danes!"

   "I know. I know. No big deal though, okay?"

  Addy grips my hands in hers. "It's going really well then? You two are still hopelessly in love with one another?"

   "Hopelessly devoted to him," I correct.

   Addy smiles. "Good. I swear, there's nobody better than the two of you."

   "Thanks, Addy." I squeeze her hands.

   "Technically, I am your matchmaker."

I roll my eyes. I should've known she'd take credit for our relationship, but to be fair, she isn't wrong. If I hadn't gone to her dance class, I would've never met Tristan, and we would've never made it this far.

So I offer her a knowing smile and say, "Yes, technically you are."


authors note:

considering changing the title of this story to "BLUE" as it makes more sense, i guess bcos this is a love story and tristan calls her blue so idk . . . but the story is also about her and life so again i dont know

rlly wanna write a jess fic but have no idea where id even begin

anyway, hope u enjoyed this chapter! it was more of a filler type thing again but hope u enjoyed :)

again... not edited yet so may have some mistakes so i apologise x

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