38. 𝐒𝐧𝐨𝐰 π…πšπ₯π₯𝐬


SHOTS RANG OUT THROUGH THE HOME, everyone becoming on edge instantly as they rushed toward the windows to see what was happening. "Mortor shells. It's not ours. Peacekeepers must be shooting the rebels outside the city." Gale informs them as Cressida furrows her eyebrows before her eyes suddenly widen.

"That's not outside the city." Cressida denies and Arya smiles widely.

"They actually made it inside." She says proudly, grabbing onto Finnicks arm and he shares Her expression.

"Sun's coming up. There's some small arms fire, could be Paylor, maybe Lyme. Those were close." Gale tells them and cressida nods her head.

"This is it."

Suddenly the broadcast system turns on making everyone look at it. "To all Capitol citizens more than a half mile outside the city circle, I am announcing a mandatory evacuation. Come to the mansion. I am offering you shelter and sanctuary. To all refugees, come to my home. There you will be provided with food, medicine, and safety for your children. And you will have my sworn oath to protect you until my dying breath." Snow explains as he sat comfortably in his chair.

"Wish he'd hurry up with that last part." Cressida mumbles and Arya nods in agreement before scoffing.

"He's using them as a shield and they don't even realize it." Arya adds, shaking her head.

"But our enemy's are not like us. They do not share our values. They have never known our comfort and our sophistication. And they despise us for it. Make no mistake, they are not coming to liberate us, they are coming to destroy our way of life. They are coming to destroy us." Katniss cuts it off, having heard enough.

"Is he still in the mansion?" Katniss asks, her eyes moving toward Peeta. "peeta?" she directs it more toward him and he nods his head.

"Yeah. I recognize the room."

"Where's that?" Katniss questions, pointing at the map in front of them.

"About five blocks away. We're right here, off the avenues. Mansions here." Cressida explains, gesturing to the places as she talks.

"What about the pods?"

"Well, they'll probably deactivate the pods around here for the residents safety." Cressida informs them. They wouldn't leave them on when the residents are walking through the streets.

"That could work. I could get close enough." Katniss says with a nod of her head.

"Every peacekeeper is gonna be waiting." Gale adds, not wanting them to think it will just be a straight shot.

"With your faces on every billboard." Cressida states.

"Snows offering shelter to all the refugees." Katniss says, a knowing look on her face and Arya seemed to share her thought, looking toward Tigris.

"Tigris, can you find outfits?" Arya asks and she nods but Finnick grabs Arya's arm before she can move.

"Hey, no." He denies, shaking his head. Arya frowns as she looks back at Tigris who was grabbing the outfits before meeting her boyfriends gaze.

"Finnick, this is it." She points out. This is the moment they had been waiting for for so long.

"I know. But let them storm the capitol, surround him, then you can go in." Finnick tells her and Arya was a bit annoyed and angry that he was trying to keep her from this.

"By then it'll already be over." Arya retorts. But Finnick didnt seem to be budging on his decision. Katniss sighs as she jumps in to defend finnick.

"Finnicks right, Arya. You've done enough." Katniss adds, also not wanting the girl to get hurt. She knew Arya could fight but she wasnt exactly In the right state of mind after losing Matthew.

"I'm not just gonna sit here and do nothing." Arya scoffs but Finnick stares at her.

"If you want to get out that door, you'll have to fight me." Finnick warns her and Arya is silent for a moment but he looked dead serious. He would most likely knock her out if she tried, even if she fought like hell. So she just backs up a bit, deflating.

"Head straight north, there will be thousands of refugees, just get into that stream and don't look up." Cressida tells the pair as they get finished dressing.

"We've got one shot." Katniss admits.

"Then let's make it count." Gale adds with a sigh.

"Good luck katniss." Cressida smiles, Hugging katniss quickly who returns it.

"Thank you." Katniss responds, her eyes moving to Pollux who smiles at her. "Pollux." She hugs him quickly, bidding her goodbye before looking toward Tigris. "Tigris, thank you for everything." She admits and Tigris simply nods her head.

"Katniss, let me come with you, I can be a good distraction. I can lead--" Peeta starts to argue but Katniss instantly cuts him off.

"No, I'm not losing you again." Katniss denies sharply.

"You'll be safer with us." Cressida admits.

"With peacekeepers searching houses, if he's captured..." Gale trails off, looking toward Peeta and Arya glared at the man for even bringing it up.

"Then give me a nightlock pill, okay, I'm not going back." Peeta denies, frantically Shaking his head. Gale looks around before walking over, handing him the one from his pocket.

Arya only grabs it before Peeta can. "No, peeta. You won't need this." She denies and she could see the pain in his eyes.

"I can't go through it again." He denies, trying to reach for the pill but Arya holds it away from him.

"You won't." She assures him. She didnt care if peacekeepers came. Arya would rather die trying to kill them all then allow him to be taken.

Katniss moves toward them, unlocking Peeta's cuffs slowly as she looks at him.

Stay alive." Peeta tells her, sincerity in his voice. Katniss leans in, hugging him tightly. Arya wanted to smirk at Gale who seemed jealous but she kept it to herself.

"If I see you again, it's gonna be a different world." Katniss admits and Arya bites her tongue.

"Let's hope." Arya mutters.

"Ready, katniss?" Gale asks her, waiting by the front door. Katniss takes a look at everyone and Arya sends her one last smile, sending a nod in her direction. Katniss takes a deep breath before turning to Gale.

"Let's go."


THE FIGHT DIDNT LAST VERY LONG. What they believed was going to be a long battle, turned into something horrific that no one had imagined. But thats what happened when the capitol dropped bombs on innocent children. It didnt just stop the rebels, it stopped everyone who was just trying to flee to safety.

So, as they walked into the now empty mansion, it felt strange, foreign to Arya. She was just so confused as to what really happened. Why the bombs, why tell people to flee to the mansion only to kill them?

"He surrendered?" Arya asks, that part making the least amount of sense to her. She would've understood if he surrended before blowing his people up but after?

"After the capitol dropped the last of the bombs.... the fight was over by then." Haymitch explains to them, his eyes dropping to the ground. Finnick didnt want to hear this but he knew he had to.

"How many?" Finnick questions and Haymitch tried to keep himself together as he thought about it.

"Too many to count. Capitol and district." Haymitch admits, his voice cracking. Arya shakes her head, her gaze shifting to the mansion, trying to get her thoughts back together.

"I never thought I'd see this place so empty." She states, an eery feeling rushing through her.

"Have you talked to Katniss?" Haymitch ssks curiously and Arya moves her gazd back to him, furrowinf her eyebrows.

"Not since her and Gale left, why?"

"Prim... she was in the explosion." He answers her and Arya felt her heart stop momentarily, her eyes going wide.

"What?" Finnick's voice was loud and full of anger as he stared at the man.

"Why was she even near the capitol?" Arya asks, not seeing one reason why she wouldve even been here in the first place.

"I don't know." Haymitch sighs out, rubbing his face as he turned to leave the mansion, leaving the alone.

"It's Coin. It has to be. I mean who else would send Prim out here?" Arya asks, a scoff leaving her lips.

"You think Coin intentionally got her killed?" Finnick knew Coin was not the best but hed hope she wouldn't send kids to their knowing death.

"Kill the one person the mockingjay has left, turn her vengeful..." Arya wouldn't put it past her. How she knew about the bombs, Arya didnt know but it was still partially her fault. "We cant let her get away with this." She denies and Finnick shakes his head.

"We wont." He assures her but her eyes were glued To the ground. "Hey." Finnick says as he places his hands on her cheeks, pulling her gaze back up to his.

"I can't believe it's over." Arya felt tears brim her eyes and Finnick sighs, resting his forehead against hers as his thumb rubs at her skin softly.

"I know, I know." He agrees as he places a soft kiss on her forehead.

"I've dreamed of this day my whole life, when he finally got what he deserved. I thought it'd feel..." Arya trails off as she just stares in front of her trying to find the right word.


"Happy." She sighs as she closes her eyes momentarily. "But how can I be happy when so many people lost their lives just to get to this day?" Arya sniffles as Finnick's gaze turns sad.

"And we'll honour them. Their deaths, their lives will never be forgotten."

"Can you just hold me, please?" She pleads, wrapping her arms around him and pressing herself to his chest.

"I got you, baby." Finnick whispers in her ear, his fingers running through her hair as he held her close. Arya clung to him as she sniffles, trying to stop the tears that ultimately shed down her cheeks. Because, yes, they may have won, it might be deemed as a victory...

But at what cost?


ARYA WAS RESTING AGAINST FINNICK AS THEY SAT IN ONE OF THE HALLWAYS. They were sitting in a comfortable silence as Finnick just stroked her back. The tear stains were dried but still evident on her cheeks. Footsteps approaching them made them both look over, only to see Katniss and Haymitch walking over. "You'll never believe this." Katniss says with a small scoff leaving her lips. Arya lifts her head off of Finnick, her eyebrows furrowing.

"What?"Β  She asks curiously and Katniss shares a glance with Haymitch.

"Coin wants to see us." He tells them and Arya was surprised by that honestly. "All of us." Haymitch adds, his eyes flickering to Finnick for a moment.

"Why?" Finnick questions, narrowing his gaze.

"Probably to poison us to death." Arya mutters as she stands up, Finnick in toe.

"I wouldn't put it past her." Haymitch denies before they made their way to the meeting room. As they walked through the doors, they were met with a bunch of familiar faces. The remaining victors.

Arya's eyes instantly went to Wesley, a soft smile on her face. He was looking a lot better, Johanna was as well which she was glad for. Wesley notices her, sending a smile back and a small wave which she returns.

"What is this?" Haymitch asks, a bit suspicious.

"The remaining Victor's. Won't you join us?" Coin asks as she gestures to the table. Arya lets out a sigh as she just shakes her head.

"Do we have a choice?" She retorts before pulling out one of the empty chairs and sitting down along with the others.

"I have invited you all here for several reasons but first I have an announcement. I have taken the burden and the honour of declaring myself interim president of panem."

"Of course she is." Arya mumbles as she glances at Finnick. That announcement wasnt surprising as it had been clear from the start that its what she wanted.

"And we don't even get a say." Finnick says back, rolling his eyes.

"Interim? Exactly how long is that interim?" Haymitch asks curiously.

"We have no way of knowing for certain. But its clear that people are far too emotional right now to make a clear, rational decision. We'll plan an election when the time is right." Coin explains to them and Arya clenches her jaw. Finnick reaches under the table, placing his hand on her knee. She glances at him for a moment but calms down.

"But I have called you here for a far more important vote. A symbolic vote. This afternoon, we will execute Snow. Hundreds of his accomplices also await their deaths. Capitol officials, peacekeepers, torturers-- Gamemakers." She states and honestly, that part Arya didn't mind. Snow wasn't the only one who willingly hurt people. "But the problem is once we begin, the rebels will not stop calling for retribution. The thirst for blood is a difficult urge to satisfy. So I offer an alternative plan. A majority of five may approve it, no one may abstain. The proposal is this."

"In lew of these barbaric executions, we hold a symbolic hunger games."

The room went eerily silent. Arya truly believed in that moment that Coin had lost her damn mind. What was the point of overthrowing Snow, of doing a rebellion if they were just going to continue with the same ways this world has known forever?

Johanna laughs, her eyebrows raising. "You want to have another hunger games with the capitols children?" Shw asks, tilting her head.

"You're joking." Peeta says with a scoff but Coin only had her hands folded in front of her.

"Not in the slightest."

"Are you completely insane?" Xander asks her, wondering what the hell was going through this lunatics mind.

"Is this plutatchs idea?" Haymitch questions, just as confused as everyone else.

"It was mine." That was such a shocker. "It balances the need for revenge with the least loss of human life. You may cast your votes." Coin tells them.

"No. Obviously not, this is crazy." Peeta immediately answers straight away.

"I think it's more than fair. Snows got a granddaughter, I say yes." Johanna retorts with a shrug of her shoulders and Arya felt a bit disappointed in her friend.

"Jo." Her voice was soft and Johanna seemed to regret what she said a bit but didnt change her votr.

"So do I. Let them have a taste of it." Enobaria says with a smirk playing on her lips.

"You guys, this way of thinking is what started these uprisings." Peeta points out.

"I vote no. With peeta." Anna says, nodding toward the boy before she looks at the others. "The others would too if they were here--"

"Well, theyre not. Because Snow killed them. Matthew too." Johanna snaps back, her eyes going over to Arya who looks down at the table.

"No." Beetee chimes in. "We need to stop viewing each other as enemies." He denies, shaking his head.

"No way in hell." Wesley sneers, a glare going directly toward Coin.

"I'm with Wesley. It's not right." Xander adds with a small sigh.

"Katniss?" Coin asks as her eyes move over to the mockingjay. It seemed Katniss was contemplating it, her expression hard as she stared back at the woman.

"I get to kill Snow." katniss states firmly and Coin smiles at her.

"I expected no less of you."

"Then I vote yes." Arya snaps her head to the woman, furrowing her eyebrows. "For Prim." Her voice cracks a bit and Arya sighs. Maybe she was truly voting to get vengeance for Prim but that didn't totally make sense, especially when Haymitch was hesitating to answer.


"I'm with the uh, mockingjay." Haymitch responds after a minute. Arya narrows her eyes, catching the word he used. Mockingjay.

"And what about you, Arya?" Coin asks as her eyes move to the brunette. Arya's gaze lingers on Katniss and Haymitch. She knew neither of them would ever really force children into the arena, not after what happened to them. Something more had to be going on.

She clenches her jaw, eyeing them for a moment before looking toward Coin. "Only one." Arya says, her tone stern and Coin puts on a smile as she nods her head.

"Only one." She responds but deep down, Arya knew she was lying. She bites her tongue, feeling everyone's eyes on her but mainly Finnicks.

"Yes." Arya forces herself to say. Wanting to throw up in that moment.

"That brings us to a tie, finnick what do you decide?"

Arya could barely face him but she turns her gaze to him anyways. She could tell he was hurt and confused but with the way his eyes flickered from her to katniss, arya knew he would eventually figure it out.

"Im with Arya." Finnick answers, his eyes stopping on Arya who gaves him a grateful expression.

"Great, that carries the vote. We'll announce the games tonight after the execution." Coin states, seemingly happy with the results as she gets up from the table and leaves the room. It was silent for a moment before wesley slammed his hands on the table causing some of them to flinch.

"Are you guys insane?" He asks with a scoff, his eyes flickering to those who voted for the games. "Why would you vote yes?" Wesley was infuriated and it showed. Johanna frowns, going to reach for his arm.


"No, i cant believe you." He denies before feeling her touch. "Dont touch me." Wesley snaps, getting up, his chair scraping against the ground before storming out of the room.

Arya feels Finnick lean toward her. "Do you even have a plan?" He asks her in a hushed voice and she turns her head to meet his gaze.

"Underestimating me is not a good quality, Finn." She says with a small pout, patting his cheek. Finnick rolls his eyes playfully as she only brushes past him.


FINDING KATNISS BY HERSELF ON THE BALCONY, Arya settles herself against the railing, a long sigh leaving her lips. "You know, whatever youre planning better work out because I put my trust in you and finnick put his in me and if this all doesn't work out, you've made us all murderers." Arya tells her, half joking because she knew Katniss wouldn't have said yes if she didn't know what she was doing. But it didnt seem to lift Katniss's mood as she just stares off into the distance.

"Itll work out." She assures the woman and Arya bites the inside of her cheek as she nods her head slowly.

"And can you explain to me what exactly it is?" Arya asks, raising her eyebrows. Katniss was silent though and Arya couldnt help but feel her heart ache. "I'm sorry." She says, finally catching the womans attention as Katniss looks at her. "About Prim." Arya adds, her tone remorseful as her eyes were soft.

Katniss presses her lips together tightly. "I know." She assures the girl. Katniss didn't need it from Arya, it was clear the girl felt sorry for her because she had gone through the same thing.

"I Know Coin Sent her in but i cant believe-- actually, i can believe Snow would bomb them all honestly." Arya mutters as she runs a hand over her face.

"It wasnt him." Katniss denies and this makes Arya narrow her gaze, confusion lingering.


"It was Coin." Katniss tells her and Arya blinks a few times, not sure if she heard it right. "She hijacked them, made it look like it was from the Capitol. Apparently it was Gale's plan." Her voice showed how betrayed she felt but honestly, Arya wasnt even surprised at this point, just angry.

"What the fuck." She snaps And Katniss scoffs, nodding her head.


"After everything, he does this shit?" Arya asks. She understood he didnt like her or Peeta or practically anyone, but to kill the sister of the woman he supposedly loved? "Youre one hundred percent sure it was him." Katniss looks down as she nods again.

"He admitted it. Looked me right in my face and told me that he was the reason Prim died." Katniss tells her and Arya felt her fists clench a bit. "He didnt even seem remorseful." She admits, shaking her head. Arya saw red as she only stared in front of her.

"That son of a bitch." Arya mutters before turning and heading back inside making Katniss furrow her eyebrows.

"Where are you going?"

"He doesn't get to just get away with this." Arya denies, not even looking back at katniss as she storms into the mansion. She would be damned if that complete and utter asshole got to win. Especially after he sacrificed so many lives for nothing.


GALE WAS SIMPLY STOOD IN THE MAIN ROOM, leant against one of the tables as he drank from the flask in his hand. He didnt even notice Arya lurking around him until she spoke up. "I will have to say, you had a lot of people fooled." She admits, moving beside him as his eyes met hers. "I mean, i always pegged you as a narcissistic, murderous cunt but damn, killing her sister? She will never forgive you for that." Arya denies with a scoff, crossing her arms against her chest.

"I dont care if she forgives me. I did what I had to do." Gale retorts and Arya's jaw goes slack a bit at his words. Her gaze darkens as she just shakes her head.

"Had to-- you killed innocent children." Arya tells him but just as Katniss had said, he didn't even seem to care. "And for what? Power?" She asks, resting her arms on the table.

"To win. And we did." Gale answers her, placing his flask on the table which she eyes momentarily.

"You really think this is winning?" Arya questions him. Nothing about this was a win. Even if the bombings never happened, it didn't even feel like a victory because so many people have died over the years.

"They can make more kids." He grumbles and Arya wanted to punch him, or stab him-- anything to get him to shut the hell up.

"Wow, you really have no redeeming qualities, do you?" She retorts, her eyes moving to Johanna who was wandering behind the man.

"I could give a shit if you liked me or not, Arya." Gale answers her with a roll of his eyes, glancing toward the window for a moment. "You didnt have the guts to do what needed to be done. I did." He tells her and Arya laughs half heartedly as she nods her head. Opening her hand and allowing Johanna to place something in her hand as Gale looks back toward her.

"And you think Coin will lead us to a brighter future?" Arya questions fiddling with the flask for a moment before discreetly holding it back out. Gale scoffs, his hands lingering around the flask on the table which she eyes before he moved his hand away.

"Look around you, Arya. Its over. Why are you still fighting?" Gale asks with a frustrated sigh as Johanna moved back behind him.

"Because its not right."

"Dont pretend to be so innocent. When you get off your moral, self indulged cloud, you know where to find me." Gale sneers, grabbing his flask and pushing past her causing her to stumble a bit as he made his way out of the room. Her eyes follow him before bringing the flask out in front of her and staring down at it.

"Not making friends easy, are you?" She hears a voice behind her which she instantly recognized. Arya scoffs as she pours the liquid from the flask into one of the glasses in front of her before turning and being met with Coin.

"I dont make friends with raging psychopaths." Arya denies, tilting her head, slowing eyeing the woman who laughs.

"And youre what? Sane?" Coin taunts her but Arya didn't take the bait.

"I knew you were just like him." She admits, shaking her head as she crosses her arms against her chest.

"Just like him? Honey, that's where youre wrong. I'm much more than him." Coin corrects her and Arya nods her head, pressing her lips together tightly.

"Right. Snow wouldnt kill a pen full of capitol children just to gain an advantage." Arya retorts in a sneering voice and Coin narrows her gaze.

"He killed your family, Arya. Your father, your mother, your little brother and youre defending him now?"

"Im not defending him. But im not going to pin your crimes onto him just because hes gonna be executed."Β  Arya denies with a scoff. Snow had done a lot of terrible things, he was being killed either way. She saw the way Coin's face turned sour.

"Take the win, Arya." Coin's voice was firm and Arya knew it was supposed to be threatening. Arya turns for a moment, reaching for the glass behind her.

"You want to toast or something?" She mutters, raising an eyebrow as she was about to take a drink. But Coin takes the glass from her, leaving the one sitting on the table beside her. Arya stares at it, clenching her jaw but lifting it up.

"Toast to a new future. A future where we have all the control over what happens."

"And this election that you claim will happen, you wont just reign over it like some dictator." Arya retorts, having enough of anything Coin said. She knew it was all lies at this point.

"You humour, Arya. It gets me everytime." Coin says with a false smile on her lips.

"Didnt think i was being funny." Arya mumbles, her fingers encased around the glass in her hand. Coin steps toward her, a hardened glare forming.

"Snow is gonna be dead and I will be the new president of Panem. Accept your fate and stop fighting it. Or maybe i will send your little boy toy back into the arena." Coin threatens and this makes Arya's blood boil. She didn't care what Coin did to her, threatening her, trying to fool her way into keeping her presidency but Arya was not about to allow her to threaten Finnick. "And trust me, he wont make it out this time." She denies, shoving the glass back into Arya's hand harshly before walking off.

Arya looks down at the glass before closing her eyes tightly. She lets out a frustrated scream as she throws the glass across the room, her hands going into her hair as she just leans against the table in front of her.


SHE DIDN'T THINK SHE'D EVER BE IN THIS POSITION. Standing with the other remaining Victor's as they looked towards Snow who was awaiting his death. They were finally putting an end to the man who caused so much pain and misery. If only there wasn't so much more to come from the woman who calls herself a hero. Finnick could sense the nerves from Arya so he reached for her hand, keeping his eyes up front but he squeezed her hand, letting her know that he was right there with her.

But as much as that mattered, that his reign finally come to an end. Another problem lingered as Coin stood above him. "Welcome. To the new panem. Today, on the avenue of the tributes, all of panem, a free panem, will watch more than a mere spectacle." Coin starts and Arya rolls her eyes. A free panem. Yeah, like that was ever gonna happen under her control.

"We are gathered to witness a historic moment of justice. Today, the greatest friend to revolution will fire the shot to end all wars." Arya's eyes move to Katniss who was standing in the center. Seeing the way the woman gripped her bow tightly as she stared straight up at Coin.

"May her arrow signify the end of tyrany and the beginning of a new era." Coin states with a smile on her face. Oh how fake that was. Arya brings her eyes down to Snow for a second.

He had a smirk plastered on his face. Because he knew. Of course he did. He had been the one to tell Katniss about what Coin and Gale did. And as he goes into death, he will most likely be revealing in the fact that his so called legacy and power were no completely obliterated. Instead, it was overtaken by Coin.

"Mockingjay, may your aim be as true as your heart is pure." Coin finishes. Arya looks around the other Victor's, everyone focusing more on Snow than anything else. Mainly because they wanted to watch death happen.

But Arya watched Katniss. How she took an arrow from her bag, lifting her bow up to point directly at Snow. His eyes were stuck on the woman who pointed the weapon at him, waiting for the moment she let it go. Arya's palms felt sweaty as she glanced up at Coin who seemed perfectly normal as she watched the scene unfold.

Closing her eyes, Arya knew it had failed. They were not going to be stuck with Coin as their ruler but Katniss was surely going to rioted against.

That was until she heard a thud and gasps from all around. As she opened her eyes, she noticed Katniss with a confused look on her face, her gaze no longer on Snow but on the woman above him. And as Arya moves her eyes up, she sees Coin convulsing on the stone.

Chatter engulfed the area, everyone glancing at each other for answers as a few people ran toward Coin. But by the time they had gotten there, she had stopped moving completely. Her eyes were stuck open as her head dropped to the side.

The crowd seemed angry, rushing from their place behind the victors. Finnick simply wraps a protective arm around Arya as they pass. The frantic screaming and shouting made time seem to slow down. But a smirk plasters itself on Arya's lips as she stares at the womans dead body above her. And as she shifts her gaze to Snow, it only broadens.

And as the crowd completely take over the former president, one thing was for certain,

Snow had finally fallen.


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