Cliff hang.
At the end!
Vote and spam my comment section babies💜
I will update once I have gotten the specific amount of votes and comments I have asked for😊
It my turn to do shakara😂
He tosses around the bed for a while, before sitting up. Jason felt uncomfortable, he couldn't sleep. Several thoughts had crossed his mind.
He had never had this kind of issues before, this was so new to him, even with Rianat, he didn't have this problem. He knew how Ashley was, telling Ashley wasn't going to help because he knew the only advice Ashley would give to him was to date them both.
He had always liked Geraldine. His crush on her, hadn't just started. He was also sure he was getting there, in the sense of getting her to like him, because she had stopped giving him the stink eye, which she usually gave to him before.
But whenever he was around her, the sexual tension always increased, making it difficult for them to work in peace. Unlike when he was with Geraldine. He always wanted to talk to Geraldine make her smile, also watch her while she smiled, but with her, he couldn't just understand.
Another thing was the fear he had for Geraldine, low key, he was scared of her, not just her rejection, but getting a slap alongside it, you couldn't tell with girls her type.
Adjusting on his bed and slowly taking his eyes up, he almost jumps out of his skin, when he meets the piercing eyes of Leo, who sat a few bunks away.
Creepy couldn't define someone being awake in the middle of the night, but staring at someone that way was. Most times he tagged Leo gay, the vibes and mixed signals he had given him, right from the very day of meeting.
Now seeing his sudden closeness with Jayden, which he found weird, he didn't know what to think. Firstly he didn't know Jayden that much to tell his sexuality.
But the vibe he gave Ekanem in that party said something else! Jason didn't know where to place him. To him Jayden and Leo, where one hell of what you called comparable, both could creep you out, the same way Leo just did.
It was so funny how the lively brother he knew, slowly withdrew himself from people, and placed himself into a cell. Jayden wasn't the playful type as kids, but there was once a time he wasn't this hostile to people.
He watches Leo get up, in a manner which picked his interest. Watching him pick something from his locker, like he had nothing else doing, the next thing he did surprised Jason.
Walking out of the room by that time of the night. Jason didn't care about the fact he didn't bother he had been watching him, but the confidence he used in walking out by that time of the night.
No matter how secure an area was, the dark was very dangerous anything could happen.
Immediately Leo shuts the door, Jason takes his eyes off the door, only to meet Jayden's intense gaze.
Now if he said, Leo had creeped him out before then, that was an understatement. At that moment he didn't know what to think about anymore. This meant Jayden had been awake all along and had seen Leo leave.
Jason knew in life, if you wanted to have a long life and live a stress-free life, don't poke your nose into peoples affairs, that was the one thing he never did.
He doesn't utter a word, he slowly turns to the other side of his bed, he could see his shadows through the dim light. Most times he wished he and Jayden weren't assigned to the same room. Seeing his creepy ways at home, was enough, school shouldn't be added too.
Jason stares at Jayden's shadow, while he walked passed him, more like he was waiting for Jason to turn around.
Immediately Jason hears the door creak close, he turns to Jayden's bed, to see no one lying on it. He didn't need to add one and one together, to tell he went with Leo. He couldn't help but wonder where they both went to.
___________________________ 🖊️
Walking across the hallway, Jewel tries to adjust her skirt to a comfortable manner. The hallway seemed very lonely, currently most students were still in the hostel. It was still early, most were in the cafeteria.
She was supposed to be in the hostel by now, making sure everyone leaves before time, but had given herself the week off. She wasn't in the mood to talk to anyone. There was also no one there, to enforce the duty on her, even though there was, she would buy her freedom, by saying she was sick, even though she wasn't.
"I love your hair."
Even without seeing the person's face. Even though she hadn't gotten used to the voice, she knew the only person who never got tired of, flattering someone, especially when it came to hair.
She just lets out a small smile. The hair she made wasn't anything serious. It was just an up gel, with Brazilian wool, which got wrapped and pinned attractively.
Another reason she smiled, was because this wasn't the first time he was complementing the hair, he did it the previous day during lunch.
"Thank..., "
She doesn't complete her statement, stuttering was the next agenda, but she didn't utter a word. She only takes a deep breath, immediately he wraps his both hands around her waist, making her to stop walking, and face him properly, there faces were just two Inches away from each other.
Jewel who felt the heat of the moment, doesn't move, she didn't know what he wanted to do, and she couldn't gather the courage to talk, walk or pull away.
"You are beautiful!" Nathan comments! Jewel couldn't hide the blush, which turned into an embarrassing smile.
Even though she pretended like she didn't understand what was going on, she was quite aware.
"Thanks!" Jewel chuckles, now taking a step, slowly easing Nathan's grip. But gets pulled back gently.
Her eyes almost pop out, when she gets pecked on the cheek. As if the shock wasn't enough, Nathan makes a statement.
"I like you!" A small smile appears on his face. That smile she was attracted to. With that he starts walking away, Jewel doesn't move an inch. "Will you come during prep?" Hearing this Jewel turns to his direction slowly, she doesn't meet his gaze, neither does she utter a word.
The only thing she was trying to control was her heartbeat. She hoped he couldn't hear her.
___________________________ 🖊️
Cherish takes a step closer to the stall, before dropping a knock on the door.
"Come in!"
She heard Eva say. Cherish doesn't hesitate, she opens the door, only to see a naked Eva, who stretches her hand to receive the towel, she asked her to get.
"Thank you," Eva says, meanwhile Cherish doesn't utter a word, she lets her eyes linger on Eva's face for a while.
Cherish knew she was late, and also knew she was going to get punished, no matter how she tried to hide, she had successfully fallen into the trap of Ashley's.
"Why aren't you ready yet?" Eva asks now cleaning her body, while Cherish watched her, finally responding.
"I slept off." Cherish responds honestly. She had woken up, after the alarm, but had fallen back asleep.
Eva doesn't utter any other word, she only swallows the lump in her throat, before backing Cherish.
"Help me apply this on my back." She says now passing Cherish a lotion, which she accepts immediately.
Cherish opens the lotion, using it to apply on Eva's back. She does not slowly, making sure it get to every part of her back. She didn't miss the movements. The way Eva responded to this.
All of a sudden she turns to Cherish direction, facing her clearly. Also taking Cherish by surprise.
"Thank you!" Eva says now taking the lotion away from Cherish, who releases it freely, looking confused.
Cherish nods her head, before attempting to walk away, but gets pulled back in a rough but slow manner, shocked and also wondering what was wrong. Her mouth gasped open and close on Eva's lips.
Her brain finally clicked on what was going on in her environment. Not just her environment, but with her.
Senior Eva just kissed her, Cherish blinks twice, it was obvious she was clearly tongue-tied, more like she was in a state of shock, and to top it all, Eva walks away without uttering a word, thereby leaving her in a state of shock.
___________________________ 🖊️
"Hey!" Jason calls out, immediately he sights Geraldine walking alongside Nengi. On a normal day, he wouldn't have attempted talking to her, due to her company, but this was purely serious, not there usual casual jokes.
Mr John had asked him to tell Geraldine to do something, he knew she wasn't going to be elated about.
He wasn't friends with Geraldine, but he knew the one person she hardly tolerated in class. "Ekanem"
And if they were asked to work to together, it was all on him, because that was supposed to be him, but he had politely declined the offer.
Funny enough, the only name that came out of Mr John's mouth was hers.
"Jason!" Geraldine calls out. He took note of the calm yet refreshing look on her face, as far as the fact Nengi had been giving him death glares.
He rarely had ill feelings towards people, but that boy Nengi. He had never liked him. To Jason, he was a gossip. He gossiped like a girl. Also talked and behaved like one. He couldn't still forget, the insult he had rained on Gbemiga!
What normal boy would rain such insults on a boy like him? Most times he wondered.
"Mr John asked to see you!" Jason says, also feeding his eyes with her neatly plaited braids. He could also feel Nengi boring holes on his body.
Jason didn't also miss the look of confusion on her face, but he sure knew the reason why Mr John wanted to see her.
"Gidi, we should go to the cafeteria, before It gets past time."Nengi suddenly says, this makes Geraldine and Jason turn to him at the same time.
You couldn't tell what was going on in Jason's head with the look on his face.
"Thanks." Geraldine blurts out to Jason who just nods his head, slowly turning to Nengi, who just rolled his eyes.
Was there any day he won't pull a stunt to increase the dislike? Jason couldn't help but wonder.
_________________________ 🖊️
Jewel tries to control the smile on her face, while she walks into the classroom. She hadn't been able to stop smiling ever since her encounter with Nathan that morning. That was the first time he was asking to meet her in private since they started talking.
The fact Nathan Otedola kissed her cheek was something she hadn't been able to forget, she hadn't stopped smiling ever since. The lesson's where normal as usual, she hadn't noticed Nathan since morning though. Not to forget, Mr John was just going on about the competition, like it was a subject which they were studying, or like every one of them were participating.
The quiz competition was to commence next week. This was inter-school in every state, known as the first stage. With how hard her school was preparing, she had a strong feeling about them winning the first stage. Besides they always got past the first stage, the problem was about winning the last stage and getting the prize.
There was one thing she knew was going to happen. The fact Geraldine was going to be scarce, before now, it would have had a strong effect on her. But now, not like it didn't, but it was going to save her the stress of dodging her. Even looking her in the eye was now a big problem. She couldn't help but wonder when and how easy her friendship with Geraldine turned this weak and sour.
As for Munachi, she was extremely happy, she wouldn't be seeing her face for a while. It was so funny how, the day managed to go by, without a day been skipped of getting a glimpse of each other. How was that possible? They literally sat on the same seat. And Munachi talks where non-stop, especially when she was with Geraldine.
Jewel didn't miss the odd and confused look, Geraldine always threw at her, whenever she thought Jewel wasn't looking. She hadn't tried talking to her since she ignored her, which Jewel knew was very humiliating. She knew how Geraldine hated being snubed. Funny enough her face wasn't brights, she just had this intense look.
"Ahhhh!" Jewel screams immediately she lands on the floor, she could hear the sound of her bone, like she had a muscle pull. She couldn't tell how she missed her step. The fact she sat on the floor clearly in pains wasn't funny.
She wanted to cry that instant, but just couldn't. She slowly looks up, thanking her stars, she was the only one in the classroom. Everyone was out for break. This was a relieve! Only God knew the embarrassment she would have died of if this happened during learning hours.
She struggles to get up, but lands on her butt, making her groan in pains.
Jewel doesn't miss the small chuckle. She doesn't bother to turn around, because the person in question, was fast enough to walk past her, without sparing her a glance or talking to her.
She knew deep down, that chuckle was meant for her. She also didn't miss the mock smile on his face, especially with the way he looked like, he was trying hard to mind his business.
Wondering why on earth, he had to walk into her at such a low point. Now, this was turning into a habit.
Jewel doesn't utter a word, she lets the deep frown appear on her face, while the struggles to get up. With all her energy she manages to hold herself together and stop herself from screaming. The pain was excruciating, crying was her only option. Time not taken, she was going to burst into tears that moments because she couldn't take it.
Finally getting up. She takes one look at Leo, whose eyes were fixed on his book, before taking her eyes downcast. She limps her way in.
On getting to her row, she sits down. Not minding that the spot belongs to Geraldine. She drops her head on the desk. Finally bursting into tears.
She uses her right hand to massage the affected area slowly, more like the pain was increasing. She groans in pains, amidst pains.
She recognised the voice but doesn't take her head up.
_________________________ 🖊️
Leo just couldn't believe his ears. The sight of Jewel on the floor looked funny, also when she fell on her butt. He was on his way in, only to meet the sight. The truth of the matter was, he followed her in.
He had sort of noticed the fact, she stopped hanging out with Geraldine, which was something no one wouldn't notice. Because before now, wherever you see Geraldine, Jewel was there. Funny enough he noticed since they got back from midterm break, they had also stopped talking.
He just wanted an opportunity to talk to her. He wasn't shy if that was what people thought. He could approach a girl, but Jewel? It was too embarrassing to admit, most times he got scared of her.
Jewel landing on her butt, he knew how embarrassing it would be to her. But the chuckle just had to escape his mouth. Not ready to be insulted. He kept a straight face while walking to his seat, sure her eyes were on him.
Because he knew that was the next thing he was going to be getting from her.
Seeing her struggle to get up. And the look on her face, he could tell it wasn't something to laugh about anymore.
But approaching her was more like inviting insults to himself. He was sure of that. These past days of sitting with her, which was awkward at first especially with there bodies touching each other on daily basics, which sent some sort of feeling into his body, had been kind of difficult. But he had also learnt how to mind his business too.
In respect to that, they hadn't exchanged words to each other ever since.
At first, it sounded like she was laughing, then groaning. On getting another sound. It seemed more like a sob. Funny enough, she continues. This picked his interest. He couldn't believe she was doing what he was thinking.
"Jewel." The name is rolled out of his mouth without him thinking. He doesn't get any response. At first, he keeps shut, turns to his book to mind his business.
She sobs again.
"What's wrong?' He found himself asking. Even though the question was stupid, and she made him look more stupid when she doesn't respond. Firstly he saw her fall. But that wasn't why a girl her age, would sob like a baby. Maybe there was something wrong.
"What are you both doing there?"
Leo takes his head up immediately. Only to meet the gaze of Mrs Otelematel, there form mistress. She had this soft, yet inquisitive look on her face.
"Ma..., "
"Everyone is in the assembly hall." This picks Leo's attention. At first, it felt weird been questioned by the teacher, about been in the classroom during break. First of all they were seniors, secondly it was break time.
"The principal wants to make an important announcement. Tap the sleeping girl." Mrs Otelematel says. She doesn't waste any more time. She starts retreating.
Leo doesn't utter a word. He just gets up, places his blazers properly, before turning to Jewel whose head was placed on the desk. She was mute this time around.
"Jewel. The principal..., "
"I can't go, I can't move."
Her voice seemed very tiny. It they weren't the only once in the class. He knew, hearing her would have been a big issue.
His chest seemed heavier than before, he didn't know what the issue was. Was it the fact, she actually responded to him? Or the way she sounded?
"My leg."
Jewel says now taking her head up. Leo doesn't utter a word, especially when he sees her face.
She was crying. It was something that seemed very odd to him.
Jewel was crying.
Was it because of she hit her butt on the floor?
Leo struggles to keep the smile of his face, after the thought which crossed his mind.
"Which of your legs?" Leo asks calmly, walking close to her.
"My left." She sobs.
Leo moves closer to her, now this was serious. She was really crying. Jewel of all people was crying.
"What happened?" Leo asks, oblivious, he had seen her fall on her ass, but this looked more serious than he thought.
"I think I sprang my ankle." She sobs, meanwhile Leo doesn't hesitate immediately he gets close, to touch her leg, she doesn't flinch, which meant she wasn't feeling pains there.
"Just wait," Leo says taking her leg up slowly.
"Stop." She almost blocks his ears with her loud scream. Instead of pulling away. Leo pulls her legs tightly, making her scream. Now it was certain, he had touched the spot.
Especially with how she was breathing and sobbing like a little child. He tries to massage it slowly, with the aim of easing the pains.
Leo couldn't hide how shocking this was to him. Jewel who always looked and acted like the hard girl, crying like a little baby, because she sprang her ankle.
"Stop, or I will bite you." Jewel screams. Meanwhile, Leo let's goes of her on instinct. The word "bite"
wasn't favourable to him. He slowly moves back, letting her breath heavily, while she stared into the space.
_________________________ 🖊️
Letting her bag fall on her shoulder, Cherish wonders around the empty Hallway. Not like she had no direction. She was on her way to the laboratory.
She was late for school. As the lord would have it, Ashley wasn't the one on duty, which was some sort of relief, but he just had to be there.
Look where she thought he had finally left her alone, since he totally ignored her before the mid-term break, only for him to resume once again.
As usual, she was asked to clean the lab, which she didn't know how she managed to beg him, but was asked to do it before she retired to the hostel since it was time for class. Another issue was the fact, he didn't even pay much attention to her, like before, whenever he wanted to punish her.
She knew better than retiring to the hostel, without cleaning up the lab first.
Her thoughts hadn't just been on the lab or Ashley and how she thought he was misusing his power, by bullying students like her.
She couldn't just get the picture of Senior Eva kissing her out of her mind. It wasn't just the fact, she was the first person who had actually kissed her lips. She knew kissing a boy was tagged as fornication in her religion, but kissing a girl was way worse.
Senior Eva was gay. Now everything was clear to her. A boy making advances to her, she couldn't deal with it. Because that was what Senior Nathan always did, but now a girl? Not just any girl, Senior Eva? The only senior who she thought liked her. The only one who always defended her. She nearly spilt it to Zara, when she was pestering her about been very quiet. She didn't know how she managed to keep it to herself.
Pushing the door open, as expected it's opened not locked. That was it.
Ashley had made sure of that. Because this was ought to be closed by the prefects in charge, because it was past closing time. She slowly thanks her stars for not going to the hostel. Because she knew what would have been waiting for her the next day.
Cherish drops her bag pack quietly on the stool. She had totally forgotten to hand it over to Zara, to help her take it to the hostel. She had just been absent-minded.
She walks down to the area where the cleaning equipments where kept and picks up a towel. She knew what was expected of her, since the place was swept, she had to clean the equipments.
For once in a long time, the lab really needed cleaning, unlike before, when Ashley always brought her to clean, whenever everything was neat.
Taking a deep breath, she starts by wiping the surface of the table, when she is contented with it, she moves to another table and start cleaning it. With time she starts cleaning the equipment.
Suddenly feeling awkward, more like there was some change in the environment, she pauses a while, cleaning slowly. Only to feel a grip around her waist, also a body pressing hers intensely.
Her heartbeat seemed like, it hit twice as normal. Her eyeballs suddenly grew wide.
"Fine Rihanna!"
She could tell who it was immediately. Her eyes grew wider, immediately he uses both hands to cup her ass.
"Senior...Nathan!" She almost stutters, you could hear the fear in her voice. She could feel him let go of her, making her face him immediately.
She doesn't hide the fear in her eyes, she didn't care if he could see it, but if there was something she wanted so badly, it was disappearing that moment.
There was something about the look in his eyes, it scared her. He hadn't looked at her, at such a manner before.
Shocking her, he does the last thing expected. Which was pressing his lips on hers, Cherish stiffens, a while, clearly taken aback. Immediately her brain comprehended what was going on, she tries pulling away, but just couldn't, because of how strong his grip on her was.
He continues sucking and biting her lower lips, with the aim of making her to part her lips, but instead feels her struggling so hard to get out of his grip.
This time around he taste something odd.
Cherish who had been trying so hard to get out of his grip, was already crying. She couldn't sob out. But with the way things where, you could tell she was scared. More like she was choking.
Nathan suddenly pulls away from her, making her catch her breath, heavily.
You could see the fear in her eyes, she attempts to walk away on instinct but gets pulled back roughly, making her turn to look at Nathan.
The look on his face scared her, she has never seen this look on him before.
"I want to go!" Cherish says now sobbing. She looked very terrified.
"You will go! Once I am done." Nathan says now unbuckling his belt, this act makes Cherish move back slowly, whatever he was doing was starting to make sense. "Don't worry I won't bother you after now. I don't bang a girl more than once." Nathan says taking his zip down.
Cherish who felt this was a nightmare and wish to wake up from it, moves back, and attempts to run, but it's too late because Nathan drags her beforehand.
Making her scream, but keeps shut, on getting the sting feeling on her cheeks, he drags her mouth, trying to withhold the sound.
The next place Cherish finds herself is on the floor. Knowing she couldn't do anything, neither could she overpower him, she struggles, sobbing, hoping someone could come save her, it seemed like her life had ended the minute he tore her panties.
She tries to scream, struggling to keep her legs closed. Her body shaking like someone who was almost getting a seizure, she tries to cry out, immediately he tries to force his way in.
"I am tired of chasing after you. If you had just made it a little bit easier."
4366 words.
Over 300 comments and eighty votes. expect an update whenever we get to that😂😂😂
I love this, especially the point I ended this chapter.
This is my turn to do my shakara,😂😂
Oh, what do you think would happen in the next chapter.
Wow, my baby boy Nathan just told Jewel he likes her 😊😊😊 my ship.
Seems like Nengi and Jason eh😂😂😂 e no work. What do you think is the issue there?
Hmmn, Wahala oh?😂😂 so Jason thinks Leo and Jayden are Gay.
Where do you think Jayden and Leo went to last night?
Lastly? What is going on? What am I seeing? What is Nathan doing? I know we are all shock. But whatever happens here, plays an important roles in this book! I know we are all shocked.
Hmmmn! What do you think?
Ashley asked Cherish to clean the lab, now this! Was this planned? What are your thoughts?
So Eva is Gay?
See ya!
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