Chapter 1:

Ok,I’m going to clear up a few things:
I put the image because, well, xd.

(If something is written like this, it's because it’s being thought)
*If it’s between asterisks, it’s an action*
Everything will be narrated from our protagonist’s point of view.
And, I must say that since English is not my mother tongue and I am not from the United States, I have used an AI to help me with the translation. If there are any mistakes, I apologize, but I hope it won't interfere too much with the story.

Without further ado, Let’s begin:

It was quite a different night from what I was used to... My mom and I were heading towards what would be our new home; my mom had gotten a job in U.S.A. It was a big change, to say the least. The only thing that made me happy at that moment was that We left Latin America ; but aside from that, I was going to miss my friends and the rest of my family... In short, I felt a bit melancholic.

Ash: Hey, Mom, how much longer until we get there?

M. Ash: Well, Ash, I don't know if I’ll fall asleep at the wheel *with a noticeable tiredness*

Ash: What if we go to a hotel? One night wouldn’t hurt.

M. Ash: Do you see any hotels in this forest, Ash?

Ash: Umm, no?

M. Ash: Then I’ll have to keep driving until we find one.

Ash: How long will it be?

M. Ash: I don’t know, honey. Hey, check if the snake hasn’t escaped, after all, it’s your pet.

Ash: He’s not going to escape, right, Alex?
*Alex, the snake, who was in a glass container, moved its head affirmatively*

Ash: Okay, do that funny dance to make sure you're awake *at that moment, Alex made some movements that looked like those of a charmed snake from India*

Ash: I never get tired of that dance.

M. Ash: Wait, what’s that? *seeing a shadow* Watch out, Ash!!! *she swerves wildly, and we crash*

At that moment, we crashed so hard that I blacked out, but the last thing I heard was a woman’s voice saying: "I think it's time for dinner..."

I woke up startled, and realized I was tied to a chair in a dimly lit place. The floor was literally painted red, though I still don’t know if it was for aesthetic reasons or if the paint was something else...

Next to me, there was a muscular man with brown hair who said as soon as I woke up...

???: Martha! The boy’s awake!

The next thing I saw was a blonde woman, no older than 30, with a questionable taste in clothing, coming down some stairs, which clarified for me that I was in a basement...

Martha: Hello, dear. I see you’ve woken up.

Ash: Where am I? What did you do to my mother??

Martha: Relax... I don’t think anyone will ever have to worry about your mother again *with a wicked smile on her face*

Ash: *with extreme rage and sadness* YOU BASTARDS!! WHEN I GET LOOSE, I’LL...!!

I couldn’t finish because the man pulled out a shotgun and aimed it at the back of my head.

Martha: I don’t think you’re in a position to threaten us, kid, or to refuse the following offer...

Ash: What’s the offer? Kill me and stuff my body in a trunk?

Martha: Believe me, we thought about getting rid of you, but I came up with a better idea. Our bodies aren’t what they used to be; soon, we’ll grow too old to move. And if we can’t move, our hunts in honor of Lucifer will be ruined. That thought was eating at us, until we saw you with your fit teenage body. So, here’s the deal... Would you accept becoming part of our family?

Ash: *sighs* What other choice do I have?

Martha: Ending up as a corpse in a car at the bottom of a lake.

Ash: Alright, I accept.

Martha: Excellent. Ralph, untie him.

At that moment, the burly man cut my restraints with a knife.

Martha: Oh, and don’t try anything funny, or else... Well, I think you already know what will happen, right?

Ash: *with obvious sadness on his face* I understand perfectly, ma’am.

Martha: Please, child, you can call me Mama Martha.

At that moment, both of those pieces of shit escorted me upstairs. The rest of the house was a sharp contrast to what I’d seen below... It looked cozy, like a place where someone peaceful would live out their days.

That’s when I saw that those bastards had two small children, who seemed more innocent than they actually were.

Martha’s Daughter: Who’s that, mom?

Martha: He’s your new little brother.

Martha’s Son: Having one sister was already enough.

Martha: Listen, kids. If he acts up in any way, you know what to do, right?

Both nodded, then came over to me:

Martha’s Son: What’s your name, brother?

Ash: My name’s Ash.

Martha’s Daughter: Ash, would you come play with us?

Ralph: I’m afraid not, daughter. Dinner’s ready...

Martha’s Daughter: Oh *she said, disappointed*

Ash: Don’t worry, after dinner I’m sure I’ll play with you.

Martha’s Daughter: Do you promise?

Ash: I promise.

I followed them to the dining room, where dinner was served—it was some kind of meat, but just in case...

Ash: Ummm, what are we having for dinner today?

Ralph came up to me and whispered in my ear:

Ralph: Don’t worry, son, it’s not your mother, if that’s what you’re wondering. We’re not that sadistic.

Martha: Time to eat, everyone!

I spent a good while having dinner with them, and I must say they surprised me quite a bit during the meal. I don’t know, they almost seemed like normal people. If I had seen them earlier, I would’ve never guessed they were cannibalistic psychopaths. This is why a wise person once said: “Appearances can be deceiving.” But another example of that would present itself that same night...

We were chatting about something I don’t even remember, and suddenly, a bullet flew right past the mother and hit the mirror...

Martha: Ohhh, what was that, Ralphie??
Ralphie: I don’t know, but whatever it is, it’ll be what we eat tomorrow.

Martha: Alright kids, it’s time to get your weapons!

Ralphie: Looks like we’ve got a couple of rabbits to hunt, kids...

Ash: (Can someone tell me what the hell is going on here!!) Ummm.

Martha: Oh yes, I knew I was forgetting something, you’re going to help us, brat.

Ash: But I’ve never killed anyone in my life, and besides, I don’t have any weapons, and if I did, I wouldn’t know how to shoot!!

Martha: Then you’ll get the fun part... *She hands him a knife*

Ralphie: It looks like there’s something behind the wall *shoots it*

At that moment, I would hear for the first time a voice I would hear for the rest of my life:

???: Run!!

In that moment, we all scattered to chase after whatever had snuck in from outside. Man, I was so confused and scared that I could barely think, and what I did think, I said out loud...

Ash: *in the middle of the forest* Okay Ash, you just need to explain to whoever’s out here—who I really hope isn’t another psycho—in a very convincing way that you're on their side and might not be a serial killers’ slave for the rest of your life *hears a branch snap, obviously not his own* OH SHIT *pulls out the knife* If you want to attack me, I’m warning you, I’m armed. I’ll kill you if I have to!!

Martha’s Daughter: *emerging from the trees along with her brother, who was dragging something* Hey new brother, you shouldn’t be so... non-aggressive with your potential victims.

Martha’s Son: *while dragging something* You should say something like “come with me, you son of a bitch” or “hasta la vista, baby.”

Ash: Hasta la vista, baby? *I said, puzzled*

Martha’s Daughter: Exactly like that, but with less shyness.

Ash: Wait, what are you carrying there?

Martha’s Son: A little friend to play with. Do you want to join us?

Ash: If you let me see it, sure.

And when I saw what he had in his hands, I had the biggest revelation of my life. Now it feels like an everyday thing, but at that moment, it was glorious... and also terrifying. It was the first time I saw a demon.

Ash: WHAT THE HELL IS THAT?? *I said, alarmed*

Martha’s Daughter: It’s a little friend who came to visit us from hell, and we need to kill him so he doesn’t send us there. At least, that’s what my mommy taught me.

Ash: Your mom taught you a lot of things, didn’t she?

Martha’s Son: You have no idea, but changing the subject, could you help us with him?

Ash: I’ll drag him. Don’t worry.

Martha’s Son: Alright, shall we show you the way?

Ash: You guys lead, I’ll follow...

And yeah, I had to carry him to the scariest room I’ve ever seen in my life, though he wasn’t very heavy. I placed him in a chair and tied him up (I learned how to make knots from my mom), and we waited for him to wake up.

???: Oh, hello, little ones. It's so good to see you.

Children of M: *smiling* It’s good to have another doll to play with...

Then, I had an idea:

Ash: Hey...brothers, what if while you play hide-and-seek, I make the next doll?

DaughterofM: You know how to make a doll?

Ash: Of course I do!

ChildrenofM: *look at him suspiciously for a while, until finally* Okay!! *they leave through the door*

At that moment, the demon closed his eyes, surely thinking I was going to kill him.

I simply broke the knots with the knife those idiots had left behind.

???: *opens his eyes* Wait, why aren’t you like the rest of your family?? Don’t you want to kill me or eat my skin or...

Ash:  In fact, they kidnapped me,they're not my Family.

???: OK, that makes more sense... But why didn’t they kill and eat you, then?

Ash: *I look out the window and see a torch light up* Long story, I’ll explain later. Something tells me your friends are in trouble.*points to the window*

???: Millie!!! *breaks the window and leaves*

Ash: Hey, don’t leave me alone!!! *I grabbed an axe that was lying around, jumped through the window quickly (but carefully), and followed him.*


Martha: Satan, we return your filthy creatures to the pits of hell!!! May the root of evil be honored as we do the work!! *proceeds to burn the demons, but nothing happens to them*

???: Yeah, that’s not really how it works, miss, fire doesn’t affect us, but I can pretend if it turns you on...

Martha: Oh, shit. Well, I’ll shoot you in the mouths, smarty-pants!! *prepares the gun*

???: Yeah, that would be more effective.

???: Blitz!!

She laughs wickedly, preparing for the climax, until an axe pierces one of her legs. Martha falls to the ground, and at that moment, I knew exactly what I had to do...

Ash: THIS IS FOR ALEX! *cuts off her left arm* THIS IS FOR MY MOTHER! *cuts off her right arm* AND THIS IS FOR EVERYONE ELSE!!!*drives the axe into one of her eyes, instantly killing her. I sigh, and then I say,* It's showtime, motherfucker...*my clothes are stained with blood.*

The three demons were IMPacted by the act of blind fury and strength displayed by me.

Blitz: Oh shit!! That kid did a better job than us, I feel bad. Anyway... *pulls out his shotgun*

???: Sir, what are you doing?

Blitz: No loose ends, Moxxie.

Moxxie: But surely he has a family looking for him, he won’t say anything, right?

Ash: Well,The truth is... I have no one left. My dad abandoned me, my mom is dead... My uncle is on the other side of the world... I have no one, in short.

Moxxie: That’s even worse!!! *puts his hand on my shoulder* I’m so sorry.

Blitz: *in a mocking tone* If you feel so bad for him, short dick, why don’t you take him with you until we find his damn mommy? *proceeds to laugh*

Millie: Actually, that’s not a bad idea, considering your little issues with your buddy, Mox.

Moxxie: Thanks, Blitz, you’re a genius!!

Blitz: What? I wasn’t serious!!

Millie: But it worked for you, didn’t it?

Blitz: A hellhound is not the same as him!! *points at Ash*

Moxxie: Exactly, he’s much better!!

Blitz: Ahhhhhhhh,Okay, fine, you win, but remember, don’t get too attached. As soon as we find his mother, you’re leaving him, got it?

Moxxie AND Millie: We promise it.

Blitz: *slowly sighs, somewhat annoyed* Kid... you’re coming with us.

Ash: *I was distracted* What? Does that mean I’m going to hell?? I don’t feel ready for something like that!!

Blitz: Relax, idiot, hell isn’t like the movies you humans watch,especially the part about everything being on fire... Got it?

Ash: *confused* Okay?? It's better than being alone in the woods,I guess... Oh, wait, my stuff is probably still in the house!! Could someone be kind enough to accompany me there?

Moxxie: I’ll do it.

Blitz: Okay, but hurry up, we don’t have all year, sissies. *calls on the phone* Loona, we’re going home, sweetie!!

I have to say, the trip back home was a bit long. Sometimes I wonder, how could someone pay for such a huge house with such a vast field? It’ll be a mystery... until Moxxie decides to tell me someday.

Anyway, inside the house were Ralph and his two children...

Moxxie: Stay right there!! *pointing with his shotgun*

Ralph: *laughing* What are you going to do, little man? *his face changes when he sees Ash with him* Is this idiot going to mutilate us?

Moxxie: He should. You’re monsters!!... But you deserve a chance at life and purpose. Just look at your kids!! They have their whole lives ahead of them, and you’ll face your crimes the right way. *grabs a “phone” from a small table* I’ll call the earthly authorities, and they’ll make sure you pay the right way, I’ll do it my way. *presses a button, and the TV turns on*

Ash *laughs quietly* (xD)

Moxxie: Uh, do you have a phone to call 9-1-1?

Ash: Ahem.

Moxxie: "Oh, and where’s His  stuff?"

Ralph: The phone’s in the kitchen, His stuff’s in the basement. We didn’t know what to do with that shit.

Ash: *quickly goes to the basement, changes clothes, quickly gathers everything important, and puts it in a blue suitcase* Ready, we can go.

Moxxie:...Why are you wearing that crap? *seeing that most of my gear was blue*

Ash: Blue is my favorite color. Most of my clothes are blue, along with my headphones and phone case. Why, will I stand out too much?

Moxxie: Kid, that would be an understatement. *they leave*

Five minutes later:

Blitzo: Hey, you two, what were you doing, sucking each other off?

Ash: Excuse me?

Blitzo: Well, I don’t care who you do it with, Mox, in the living world, but don’t be late for work. See you at the office!! *runs through the portal*

Millie: Are you okay? *asking Moxxie*

Moxxie: Yeah, I’m just processing it.

Millie: I know we’ll make it, love, this will make us better parents in the future. *looks at Ash for a second* What the fuck is he wearing?

Moxxie: Oh, don’t say anything, it’s his favorite color.

Millie: By the way, we don’t even know your name. *speaking to our protagonist*

Ash: Ash, my name is Ash.

Moxxie: Ash... are you coming?

Ash: Of course.

Both demons leave, Ash lingers behind, but he turns around to see this curious scene (I had to include it, no matter what):

Helicopter: This is the police, you have the right to eat lead, motherfuckers, ahhh!!! *fires a missile at the house*


My arrival in hell was something that marked my life, not because it was beautiful or anything, in fact, it was a huge disappointment, but because I got attacked by a furry with white fur. Guess who it is?? Yes, exactly, Loona:

Ash: GET THIS FURRY OFF ME!!! FOR THE LOVE OF SHREK!!!" *while trying not to get bitten*

Moxxie: Loona, bad dog!! Leave him alone, he’s with us!!

Loona: *still on top of Ash* Wait,seriously?? Sorry, short dick. *stops trying to bite him and stands up on two legs*

Ash: *still on the ground* Is this how people greet each other here??

Loona: More or less. *offers her hand to help him up*

Ash tries to take her hand, but she immediately pulls it away and says...

Loona: Too slow, fucking human asshole!! *She walks up to the entrance of a peculiar building, laughing.*

Ash: She's a sweetheart, right?? *he says sarcastically.*

Moxxie: You haven’t seen anything yet. *helps him up.*

Ash: Is this where I’m supposed to live?… No offense, but… it looks like a dump.

Moxxie: No kid… this is just my workplace… AND I TRY NOT TO MAKE IT LOOK LIKE A DUMP!!

Ash: And let me guess, that annoying horned pendejo is your boss?

Blitzo: Exactly, kid!! *He says from a window of the building.*

Moxxie:*he sighs* Don’t pay attention to him, he can be a bit… nosy sometimes.

Blitzo: I’M NOT NOSY!! I just came to tell you that our client will be here soon… and I don’t think she’ll be happy to see the brat...

Moxxie: Oh crap, we need to hide you!!

Ash: Where could someone my height even hide?

This is one of those moments I deeply regret opening my mouth, because thanks to that, I ended up in an old, dirty closet FOR 3 HOURS. I ruined all my clothes. Why didn’t they just hide me on another floor where the client wouldn’t go?? Something inside me tells me they just wanted to ruin my blue clothes because they didn’t like them.

Me cago en todo.

Moxxie: *opens the closet door* She’s gone.

Ash: A little late, don’t you think?

Millie: The bitch didn’t want to leave, but anyway, we’re leaving now.

Ash: How are we going to get to her place without getting caught?

Moxxie: Don’t worry, we’ve got it covered. *hands him a red jacket with a hood.*

As silly as it sounds, it worked. No one wanted to look at me. Now that I think about it, walking next to them, I look more like their bodyguard than anything else. And that’s how I arrived at their apartment...

Millie: *opens the door for me* We know it’s not much, but we had no idea someone else would be living here.

Ash: Actually… it looks nice.

Moxxie: You’re just trying to be polite… but I can handle it myself...

Ash: No really, I imagined something way worse.

Moxxie: Well, I’ll go set up a mattress, I think we’re all tired... *tries to open a closet, but because he's short, he can't reach.*

Ash: *opens it easily* Let me, I’ll do it.

Moxxie: No, you’re our guest, I’ll do it.

Ash: It’ll be much faster this way.

Millie: Let him, Mox, if he wants to do it.

Moxxie: Fine, sweetheart. *they give each other a tongue kiss.*

Ash: (Okay, that was weird.) *goes to set up the mattress.*

While I was setting up the mattress, from the other room I could hear… things that no one should ever hear. I had to put on some music so I wouldn’t be traumatized. When the hentai finally ended, I think they remembered I existed and said,

Millie and Moxxie: Goodnight!!

Ash: Goodnight.

Even after that, I felt comfortable… Could this be the great start of my new life?

End of the chapter...

Thank you all for reading my fanfic!
I truly appreciate everyone who took the time to dive into this story. Your support means so much to me, and I hope you enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed writing it!
If you liked the story, feel free to share it and leave your thoughts. Your feedback helps me grow and improve.
Thank you again, and stay tuned for more! See you next time!

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