This Is The Part Where You Run

Luisa could feel the feeling of curiosity coming from both Hope and Alaric and the happiness coming from Rocket. Did you really have to bring your pet raccoon along with you? Hope questioned Luisa. Luisa felt Hope was annoyed and curious.

 I don't fully trust anyone else and besides at least I know Rocket is safe with me and especially since my dad is working at his second job, Luisa answered Hope. Would you look after Rocket sometime because as you know I need my time to be along and you really need to make a friend.

 I'm not having a raccoon as a friend, I prefer to be alone, Hope told Luisa. 

A wave of sadness and loneliness hit Luisa which she knew was coming from Hope. Luisa placed Rocked on Hope's lap. Luisa! Hope exclaimed. Just pet him, I know what you're feeling and you need the comfort, Luisa told Hope. Alaric chuckled. 

She is right, Hope, Alaric told Hope. You both know why I don't want to get close to anyone, Hope told them both.

 Hope handed Rocket back to Luisa and Rocked rested back on Luisa's lap. Luisa rubbed Rocket's head. The offer to be your friend will always be there Hope or more than friends if you're interested, Luisa told Hope. I'm not interested in ever making friends or dating anyone, Hope told Luisa. 

Luisa could feel Hope was being Honest which disappointed her. You can ask out one of the girls or guys back at school, Hope told Luisa. We've all lost people we long and you don't have to be alone Hope, you still have your aunts, uncles and cousin, Luisa told Hope. 

We're almost to the church where the new werewolf is at, Hope said. Luisa be carful to not get to close to this new werewolf, we don't know if they killed accidently or are a killer, Alaric warned Luisa.

 Luisa felt the concern and worry which came from both him and Hope. I know the both of you are concerned and worry for my safety however I'll keep my distance and If anything goes wrong Hope I know you'll use your magic and I'll use my ability to calm down this new werewolf, Luisa said.

You're leaving the raccoon in the vehicle, Hope told Luisa. Well I'm not going to put Rocket in danger of being killed by this new werewolf, of course I'm leaving him in here when we go inside the church, I'd never put his life in danger, Luisa told Hope.

~                 ~               ~

They finally arrived to the church and got out the vehicle leaving Rocket inside for his safety. Even Luisa was curious as to if this new werewolf killed on accident or on purpose but knew soon enough she would have that question answered. 

Luisa followed behind Hope and they both stopped. Luisa saw a guy sitting on the steps listening to whatever music with earphones. Luisa could feel his concern, impatience and boredom the surprise and confusion at seeing Hope and her then she felt Hope feeling surprised.

Landon, Hope said. Hope? Landon questioned. You two know each other? Alaric questioned both Hope and Landon. Long story, Hope told Alaric. How do you know Hope? Luisa questioned Landon. The sound of scream interrupted them. 

The feeling of fear, pain, concern, worry, curiosity and confusion overwhelmed Luisa. 

Luisa felt bad for the new werewolf and wanted to hurry inside so she could do her best to calm them down. Alaric, Hope said. Yeah, I'm on it, Alaric told Hope. Alaric walked up to the church door holding his bag and cross bow to open the door which wouldn't open.

Doors are locked, Alaric said. Alaric moved away from the door. Hope raised her arms up. Dissera Portus! Hope chanted. The doors flew open and the chains fell down. Landon's feeling of confusion, surprise and curiosity once again hit Luisa. 

You're gonna wanna stay out here, Landon, trust me, Hope told Landon. Alaric, Hope and Luisa walked inside the church. 

Luisa saw the priest holding a crucifix and heard him maybe speaking Latin. Shut down the exorcist, would you?, Alaric told Hope. Silencio, Hope chanted. The priest's mouth disappeared. The priest's fear, confusion and curiosity that Luisa felt made her feel bad for him.

Ad Somnum, Hope chanted. The priest dropped the crucifix her was holding and the other people fell unconscious. Help me, the male werewolf pleaded. What's happening. The werewolf questioned. Luisa watched as he began transforming into a wolf. 

Help me, the werewolf pleaded again. Hope, Luisa and Alaric hurried with the chains to hold the werewolf so he wouldn't end up harming or killing them or anyone else. 

Easy does it, easy now, Alaric said. Once the got it done they got away from the werewolf. This new werewolf was now a wolf and had black fur. The werewolf barked and growled at them.

Luisa focused on making the werewolf calm down which worked within seconds and she breathe a sigh of relief. Luisa walked over to Landon and touched his shoulder which made him jump back away from her. Luisa seeing the look of fear on Landon's face focused on making him feel calm. Why do I feel calm? Landon questioned Luisa. 

I'm an empath, I can feel, absorb and control the emotions of others, Luisa answered Landon. 

~           ~          ~

Luisa sat in between Landon and Rafael, who was sleeping and who she found good looking, while rubbing Rocket's belly as Alaric drove back to the Salvatore Boarding School. How do you two know each other?, Alaric questioned Hope and Landon. 

He used to serve me milkshakes at the Mystic Grill, Hope answered Dr. Saltzman. Peanut Butter Blast whipped cream on the bottom, we danced once, Landon said.

 We tried, Hope said. Hope chuckled. And then you moved away, Hope said. Then you made a door blow off it's hinges with your brain, Landon told Hope. The feeling of curiosity and confusion returned to Luisa and she knew those emotions were coming from Landon. Do you feel like explaining that? Landon questioned Hope. 

Oh, we'll explain everything, we're almost there, Alaric told Landon. Where are we going? Landon questioned. Somewhere safe, Alaric told Landon. 

Welcome to the Salvatore School, we're your tour guides, Lizzie told Rafael while Landon and Luisa who was holding Rocket stood near. I'm Josie, Josie told Rafael. I'm Lizzie, Lizzie told Rafael. Sisters, Lizzie said. Twins, Josie said. Twins, Fraternal, Obvs, Lizzie said. Rafael, why don't you go ahead with the girls while I talk to Landon, Alaric told Rafael. 

Josie and Lizzie took ahold of Rafael's arms. Morning Hope, Lizzie and Josie said at the same time. Moring Luisa, Lizzie and Josie said at the same time a second time. Moring Lizzie, Morning Josie, Luisa said. Morning, girls, Hope said. More like dispair, Lizzie said. I heard that, Hope told Lizzie. No you didn't, Lizzie told Hope. Didn't have to, Hope told Lizzie.  

Luisa felt annoyance that Hope didn't get along with Josie and Lizzie and their bickering and she also felt Hope's annoyance. Everyone behave, Alaric said. Love you dad, Lizzie and Josie told Alaric at the same time. 

So let's get started, Alaric told Landon. Louisa could still feel Landon's feeling of confusion and curiosity. Luisa, Hope and Landon followed behind Alaric. I'm curious Landon, Alaric told Landon. 

Slow down, Alaric told some students. Were you aware of us when you lived in Mystic Falls? Alaric questioned Landon. Uh, I knew Hope went to some fancy boarding school, people in town said said it was for troubled rich kids, I see the rich part is true, nobody in town mentioned anyone in here could do that, Landon answered Alaric, as witches were levitating the books.

No one in Mystic Falls knows much about us, Alaric told Landon, as he opened the door to his office. We blend in just enough, precipitate, contribute just enough, keep people from asking too many questions, Alaric told Landon. 

What is there to know, exactly? Landon questioned. Well I used to have a speech prepared carefully unpeeling the layers of Mystical history but it turns out most people have read Harry Potter and are actually cool with me skipping the tee-up, Alaric answered Landon. 

You're a school for magic? Landon questioned Alaric. We are a school for the supernatural, Alaric began as he say down. Luisa watched as Landon also sat down while she and Hope remained standing up.

Which covers a lot of territory, everyone her has something that makes the special in ways that the outside world...wouldn't understand, Alaric told Landon. So what are you? Landon questioned Hope. I should get to class, Hope said. No, no, sorry, I don't mean to be a dick, but I don't know you, and though the image of you whammying the priest, 

I still need you here, just tell me what all that was in the church last night? Landon questioned Hope. 

What do you think it was. Hope questioned Landon. Well, at best as I can reason, either I've lost my mind or werewolves and empaths are real, Landon said. 

Hope, Luisa and Alaric shared a look with each other then looked back at Landon. Th-This is beyond insane, Landon said shaking his head. Luisa understood Landon's disbelief and denial since she was feeling his emotions. How is that even possible? Landon questioned. Hope moved to sit on the table while Luisa stayed standing. 

It's a long story involving an ancient vengeful witch and a bloodline curse, we cover all that in Orgins of the Species, grade six, in sixth grade, Alaric told Landon. 

At my school we learned the State Capitals, Landon said. Hope let out a laugh. We teach that, too, Hope told Landon. I have some questions about Rafael, Alaric told Landon. Like what? Landon questioned Alaric. Well, lets start with who he killed recently, Alaric answered Landon.

~       ~       ~

Why would you ask me that? Landon questioned Alaric.  The werewolf gene lies dormant until the carrier takes a human life, if Rafael triggered his curse, it's... because he killed someone, and we don't accept coldblooded killers into our program, Alaric answered Landon. He's not a killer, Landon said. We're not trying, Hope began. 

He's not...a killer, Landon said, standing up. the feeling of Landon's surprise, denial, anger and defensiveness went into Luisa. Well I know a little bit of his background, neglectful birth parents, orphaned in adolescence, six foster homes in seven years, prone to fits of rage, Alaric said. 

Yeah, you could just as easily be reading my file, that's what it's like out there, for people like him and me, Landon told Alaric. Landon, I know this is a lot to take in right now but we're only trying to help, I've been going here since I was seven, this is a safe place for people like Rafael, it's a home, Hope told Landon. 

But if we take him in we need to make sure that he is not a threat, Alaric told Landon. Landon walked a few feet away then stopped. 

His girlfriend, Cassie, last month, he was driving, there was a storm, he took a turn to fast, and then he started acting out, at first I thought it was just grief and them maybe drugs or something and then he threw a 200-pound lawnmower 50 feet across the yard, that was when our foster parents called in the priest, I guess they thought he was possessed by the devil, Landon said. 

Tears came to Luisa's eyes at feeling Landon's grief for Cassie's death. All of that is...consistent with a newly triggered wolf, it's normal, thank you for that, Landon, Alaric told Landon. Luisa sniffed and wiped her tears. Hope walked towards Landon and stood in front of him. Everything's gonna be okay, I promise, Hope promise Landon. 

We're ready, Hope told Mg. Mg opened the door and entered inside the office. 

Landon Kirby, Milton Greasley, Alaric introduced them. Come on Dr. Saltzman, Mg said. Now Luisa and MG both felt annoyed. Right, MG, I'm sorry, rake it from a guy names Alaric, I get it, Landon, Mg is one of my student aids like Luisa Iglesias, Alaric told Landon while pointing at Luisa. He's also a vampire, Hope told Landon. 

Of course he is, Landon said. You know for a school with a secret to keep, you're kind of liberal with your information, Landon told Alaric. Well we don't actually intend for you to remember any of it, Alaric told Landon. 

The emotions of surprise and fear that Landon felt had Luisa shaking in fear. Luisa watched as MG placed his hand on Landon's shoulder getting really to use compulsion on him.

Forget everything you've seen or learned since last night, all you need to know is that your friend has found a home where he can live a better life, you'll miss him, but you know it's for the best, Mg said to Landon. Landon Looked at Hope, Luisa and Alaric. 

Luisa knew based on feeling Landon's confusion that MG's compulsion didn't work on him which probably meant he had Vervain on him, in his system or he was supernatural. Are you two out of your minds? Landon questioned. How could I forget any of this? Landon questioned? 

Luisa now felt Hope, MG and Alaric's confusion. Luisa was also confused on why the compulsion didn't work on Landon. No, I didn't do it wrong, it's the easies vampire trick in the book. MG answered Hope. Well , it didn't work, Hope told MG. 

Obviously it didn't work, MG told Hope. He either has Vervain or he's also supernatural, Luisa said. 

Landon tried to escape the office but luckily due to MG's vampire speed, MG vamp sped in front of Landon to stop him from escaping and grabbed him by the throat. The fear and panic Landon was feeling hit Luisa which also made her panic which made Rocket rub against her to try and calm and comfort her. 

Carful, Alaric told MG. Alaric and Hope's worry also went into Luisa. Landon fell unconscious and the feeling of panic and fear left Luisa. MG caught Landon in his arms preventing him from hitting the floor.

 Luisa, Hope and Alaric rushed towards MG and Landon. Get him to the cellar, Alaric told MG. This is not good, this is bad, Alaric said. Luisa and Hope watched MG drag Landon while walking backwards out the office with Alaric following. 

Luisa focused on Hope and felt her confusion, stress and worry so she focused on making Hope feel calm for a short period of time and absorbing Hope's confusion, stress and worry into herself.

~       ~        ~

Luisa was carrying Rocket to her bedroom for time away from the emotions from everyone else when she heard screaming and objects crashing causing her to jump from the fright. Out of curiosity and concern of what was going on and who was screaming and making noise, Luisa made her way towards the noise. 

Luisa arrived to the kitchen and saw Lizzie having a meltdown. Objects and even broken objects were all over the floor and Lizzie was screaming, crying and using her magic to destroy the room. 

Lizzie's emotions of sadness, rage, regret, the feeling of rejection and embarrassment was overwhelming for Luisa so she focused on putting up a wall to block out Lizzie's emotions and from continuing to feel them which worked. Lizzie began using her magic to throw knives. Eliz, Alaric began. 

A knife went flying towards Alaric which Lizzie stopped in time so it wouldn't end up killing him also made Luisa scream in fear for Alaric.

Alaric took ahold of the knife and turned towards Lizzie. Hi, Daddy, Hi, Luisa, Lizzie said. Hey, baby, Alaric said. What happened? Luisa questioned. Lizzie put her head down and cried and Alaric walked over and hugged her. 

Luisa slowly walked over to Lizzie. I brought up Rafael's dead girlfriend and how we're all happy he's single and and how guys like hot, angry and damaged make me nervous so Rafael rejected me, I'm so stupid in saying that, Lizzie cried. 

You're not stupid, Alaric told Lizzie. Even though that wasn't the right thing to say I know you aren't stupid Lizzie, Luisa told Lizzie. I got this Dr. Saltzman, Luisa told Alaric. Alaric turned around and left the room. Just absorb these emotions already, Lizzie told Luisa. 

Luisa absorbed Lizzie's emotions and the feelings of sadness, regret, embarrassment and rejection hit Luisa hard that it made Luisa start crying. Thank you so much, Lizzie thanked Luisa. Lizzie then hugged Luisa to comfort her.

 I'll be okay once I take time for myself until tomorrow and plus I need sleep since I didn't sleep last night, I just gotta be along for the rest of the day after I talk with my dad, Luisa told Lizzie. Do you want me to look after Rocket for you until tomorrow? Lizzie questioned Luisa. 

No, thanks for the offer anyway, I'll see you tomorrow morning at breakfast with Josie so let Josie know, Luisa told Lizzie. Of course, Lizzie agreed. Are you going to be okay since Rafael rejected you? Luisa questioned Lizzie. 

Maybe if he ever talks to me again, Now go on, you look tired, I'll get my dad to help me clean up this mess that I created, I know you need your rest, Lizzie told Luisa. 

Do you know where my dad is? Luisa questioned Lizzie. He's out with the horses, Lizzie answered Luisa. Thanks, Luisa thanked Lizzie. Your welcome, Lizzie told Luisa.

Luisa walked out the school to find her dad only to find her dad on his way walking back to the school. Luisa felt her dad's fear and worry fade away one he heard and saw her. Hey dad, I'm back and just letting you know I'm going to sleep since I didn't sleep last night, Luisa said.

 I'm just glad you're safe since werewolves are dangerous especially ln the full moon, Mathias told Luisa. I know however I just wanna help others, Luisa told Mathias. I know and I'll always worry for your safety, Mathias told Luisa. 

There's no need to worry, Hope's blood would heal me if anything bad happened to me plus Hope has magic and is a werewolf too and Dr. Saltzman has his weapons just in case, Luisa told Mathias. See ya tomorrow morning dad, Luisa told Mathias. Have a good sleep, Mathias told Luisa.

~               ~           ~

Luisa arrived to her bedroom, put Rocket on the bed and got into bed. Luisa lay on her side and closed her eyes. Luisa then felt Rocket walk closer and lay beside her. Luisa smiled after feeing how Rocket felt safe and love for her since to Rocket, Luisa was a mother to him. Luisa quickly fell asleep with her arm around Rocket.

⁓                ⁓              ⁓

Luisa woke up to feeling Rocket touching her face. Luisa sat up and opened her eyes to look down at Rocket. Rocket jumped off the bed and hurried to the door. Luisa focused on Rocket's emotion and could feel he was eager to go outside for a bathroom break. Luisa pulled her blanket off and got up.

 Luisa followed Rocket outside to the woods and watched as he went to do his thing. Once Rocket was done, Luisa brought Rocket back inside the school. Luisa though about Landon who was locked up in the werewolf transition space and she was curious to how he was doing.

Luisa arrived to where Landon was. Hope, Landon said. The feeling of Landon's happiness made it's way to Luisa. It's just me, Luisa Iglesias, Luisa told Landon. Landon's happiness turned to confusion and curiosity. You're the empath, why are you down here? Landon questioned Luisa. To see how you're doing, Luisa answered Landon. 

Well I don't like being locked up in small spaces, Landon told Luisa. You do to have to talk about it if you don't want to, Luisa told Landon. How and why do you have a raccoon? Landon questioned Luisa. 

I found him over a year ago when he was a baby next to his dead mom, she was ran over so I took Rocket in, raised him and ever since he's chosen to stay with me, Luisa answered Landon. If you want I could use my ability to make you feel calm until it's time for yo to leave, I can feel you're afraid of small places and I'd like to help you, Luisa told Landon.

Yeah, that would be very helpful, Landon told Luisa. Luisa focused on absorbing Landon's fear and making him feel calm. Thanks, Landon thanked Luisa. You're welcome and just so you know what you're feeling won't last, Luisa told Landon. How long have you been going here? Landon questioned Luisa. 

I've been here only two months all because my dad met Dr. Saltzman and that's why he allowed me to become a student here, Luisa answered Landon. Do you have a mom or is it just your dad? Landon questioned Luisa. 

Luisa felt Landon's curiosity so she decided to answer his question. It's just my dad and I since my mom was killed by a jealous co worker and she tried to take me to become her daughter, I was only twelve years old, also there's no need to worry, this woman is no longer alive, she died of a brain aneurysm, Luisa answered Landon.

Who or what had you feeling happy before I came down here? Luisa questioned Landon. Hope and I kissed, Landon answered Luisa, while smiling. Luisa couldn't help but feel jealous because of her crush on Hope however she managed to push the feeling down since she knew Hope didn't feel the same way about her. 

Maybe you and Hope can be together even after you memories of the supernatural are erased, Luisa told Landon. I hope so because I really like her, Landon told Luisa. 

I'm glad Hope at least let you in, she's lost a lot and I want to see her happy, Luisa told Landon. What's it like feeling everyone's emotions? Landon questioned Luisa. Overwhelming and exhausting, sometimes I don't know if I'm the one who feels the emotions or it's coming from other's, at least I can block out emotions whenever I want Luisa answered Landon. 

Good to know, Landon said.

⁓              ⁓            ⁓

Luisa sat down by Lizzie and Josie along with the other students holding Rocket While Dr. Saltzman was speaking. Luisa was also focusing on blocking out everybody else's emotions since she didn't like being around so many people.

 For ten years we've gone undetected, protecting you, protecting our secret, has been our singular mission, tonight I need your help to find Landon Kirby...before he exposes us all, Alaric told everyone. 

Once the other students began whispering, Luisa tuned them out. Luisa was sure that Landon wasn't human but didn't know what king of supernatural he was.

Luisa found her dad in the library. Hey dad, Luisa said. What supernatural do you think Landon is? Luisa questioned Mathias. He could be a untapped witch, a untriggered werewolf or some other supernatural being we don't know about yet, Mathias answered Luisa. 

What if Landon is a merman, a fairy or something else, I could throw water on him when we find him and see if he transforms, or see if he has wings, Luisa said.

 I'm not sure if merpeople, fairies or if there are any other supernatural creatures or beings, Mathias told Luisa. It would be great if there are and we just don't know about them yet, Luisa told Mathias. 

Just be carful if you do find Landon since none of us know what he is or what he's capable of, I'd hate to lose you too, Mathias told Luisa. Dr. Saltzman has been teaching me to fight and with the help of the witches, werewolves and vampires, I'll be fine, Luisa told Mathias.

~     ~     ~ 

So I've decided to stay and let Hope and Dr. Saltzman find Landon, they can handle themselves without me since I don't know what Landon is or what he's capable of, and I have no idea what they are going to do with him, Luisa told Mathias. 

Anyway are you ready to use your abilities, I know your easily distracted and I'm hoping we can work on that, Mathias told Luisa. Of course, I want to learn to not be easily distracted anymore, Luisa told Mathias. Good, so now let's start with going to the Mystic Grill, Mathias told Luisa. 

But dad! Luisa exclaimed. Do you know the amount of people that go there, Luisa questioned Mathias. 

Yes, I do, Mathias answered Luisa. Which is why we are going there, for you to learn to not be as easily distracted and to keep up your concentration around the different emotions that the people there have, Mathias told Luisa. Fine, Luisa agreed. 

Can I bring Rocket too, Luisa questioned Mathias. No, people eat there, Mathias answered Luisa. I'll leave him with Lizzie until we get back, Luisa told Mathias.

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