• Harry's pov •

"Come on Draco!" I groaned, rolling my eyes. He was taking entirely too long. "Just one minute. Since when are you ever ready on time." I chuckled at the distress in his voice. "I want to go home and sleep in my bed and see my Teddy." I replied sternly with a pout and he sighed. "Alright alright I'm ready love." I grabbed his hand and we made our way to McGonagalls office.

"You're going to be there tomorrow Minnie?" McGonagall smiled, "must you ask me every time Mr. potter, you know I'll be there." I laughed, giving her a hug, "I just like to make sure." We went through the floo, and shortly arrived at the house. Remus and Sirius were waiting "Hey Remmie." I said hugging him tightly, and then hugging Sirius. "Hey you two, what's the plans for tonight?" Remus asked quietly.

"Games and snacks? Or muggle movies since we have two inexperienced pure bloods here." I giggled, looking between Sirius and Draco. Who both clutched their hearts and gasped dramatically, and then looked at each other in horror. Remus and I started laughing loudly, "movies it is."

We all sat on the couch, Remus and Sirius next to each other with Teddy in Rem's lap asleep. Draco and I sat on the other end of the couch cuddled up. Ignoring the look from Sirius. "Moony, why don't you take him up to the crib since he's asleep?" Siri asked and I giggled.

Remus shrugged though, smiling down at his son, "they're only little for so long. I want to enjoy it. What are we watching Prongslet?" I smiled clicking through the movies, "can we watch the Lion King?" I smiled up at Remus who nodded in approval.

"It's one of my favorites, I will sing every word of every song. I promise." I said looking at Draco who chuckled. He pulled me in closer to him, "whatever you want darling." Sirius groaned, "alright you two enough is enough. What is going on here? You're driving me crazy."

I started laughing, "nothing. What do you mean?" I batted my eyelashes instantly. "Well whatever you guys are doing you better figure it the fuck out because I'm tired of the pining."

"Oh you're one to talk padfoot, you pined over moony for a literal triple decade," I said defensively.

"I did no such thing you little shit! I told Moony I liked him. It was him who kept me waiting. You're absolutely impossible!" Sirius groaned, getting up and talking Teddy to take him upstairs. I looked at Moony with wide eyes. "I'll handle that quickly.." I mumbled softly, letting go of Draco's hand.

I walked up the stairs to Teddys nursery. "Pads.. I'm sorry." Sirius looked up sighing, "it's not your fault Prongslet. I love you, I just want you happy is all. I acted out very overdramatically. Come here." Sirius walked over hugging me tightly. "I just don't want you to wait like me and Rem did. You deserve to have happiness way sooner than that. I can tell he makes you happy."

"He makes me very happy, which is why I'm going to be asking him to be my boyfriend soon-" I was cut off with a knock at the door, "I'll get it." I mumbled walking back down to the front door. I didn't expect to see Severus Snape with a frantic look on his face. "Professor, what's wrong? Come in."

He made his way in and was pacing. "I need your help Potter. They have my Olivia. They took her, and you're what they want." I had never seen him with this much emotion. Remus stepped in, "what do you mean he's what they want? Sirius take Draco and get some water alright?" Sirius complied and took Draco into the kitchen. I sighed.

Obviously no matter how many times the death eaters get their asses handed to them they aren't going to back down. "They took her in the middle of the night, I don't know how they got through my wards. They left a note stating they would only give her back if Harry came to get her."

"That's not happening, one of us can polyjuice and do it-" I cut Remus off before he could finish. "Remus, I understand you all want to protect me but if anything goes wrong at all Liv could get hurt. I need to be the one to do this. Tell me where to go Snape I'll do everything I can to get her back."

"Harry you can't!" Sirius burst through yelling, with Draco quickly following behind him. "Guys, anything I've learned from Harry Potter is that he's going to do what he has to do to help anyone he can help. We can go with, stand back until he needs help fighting. He can go in alone and we will follow a few minutes after. Instead of telling him not to do something he had his mind set on from the moment he found out, let's just help him."

I smiled at Draco, he knew me so well. "You're right Draco." Remus sighed, "alright let's sit down and divise a quick plan. Harry get Ron and Hermione to get here as fast as they can, we're going to need all the hands we can get."

After we planned everything out, we popped over to the weasleys to have Molly watch Teddy. "Harry can I please come help you guys." Ginny said looking worried, I sighed, "alright but it's probably going to be a fight." She shrugged, grabbing her wand. "I've been fighting beside Harry Potter for years, I heard he's a good one to have on your team. I'll be just fine." I tried my best to smile, but hundreds of thoughts were wracking my brain.

I didn't like that all of these people were coming with me, most of them I had to save during the war, what if I didn't get a second chance to save them. I really didn't like that Draco was coming, I haven't gotten to truly love him yet. I couldn't imagine him getting hurt. I shook my head, I couldn't think like that. I just needed to get Liv back safe and sound.

"Alright Sev I'll pop into the given location and go in. You guys follow a few minutes later, I'll signal if and when I need help," I said gently, Severus was a mess, and I wasn't sure how to calm him down besides getting his girl back.


I apparated to the location, taking a deep breath from outside of my parents' old house. Cruel arseholes. I took a shaky breath and slowly walked into the somehow still standing building. The sight I saw when I walked in made my heart shatter.

In the middle of the room, screaming and writhing around was Olivia, tied in a chair and shooting off random spells. "Hey Liv I'm here okay, I'm here." She snapped her head up, screaming around the gag in her mouth.

She had tears streaming down her face, "oh sweet girl, hold on okay." I quickly spelled her free, she removed the gag and ran to me. I hugged her, "well, look who it is."

I gasped, pushing Olivia behind me. "Lucius." I said dumbfounded. He escaped from Azkaban. "Really Lucius. You of all people, took Snape's daughter."

"Snape took my wife, so yes. I hear you took my son as well, I have ears everywhere Potter. So it seems I can kill two birds with one stone. Hurt Snape, and take you away from Draco."

I quickly had to move past the fact that Narcissa and Snape were apparently together, that wasn't my current focus. "You won't be getting anything from anyone Lucius, besides a kiss from the dementors." I pushed Liv further behind me, and drew my wand. "We can make this easy Lucius, or we can play this the Potter way."

"Oh Potter, you didn't think I'd come alone did you?" A few people came out from around the corners, death eaters I recognized but couldn't name. I quickly shot open the door, allowing Liv to get away and signaling to the hopeful crowd of people waiting for me.

Within seconds of the signal, Draco ran in the door. "Father. Why am I not surprised?" He spat, drawing his wand.

"I'm no queers father. You want to be my son? You'll marry a woman. Your slag of a moth-"

"STUPEFY." Draco screamed suddenly, knocking Lucius back. "Don't you dare talk about my mother that way. I will never marry a woman, and I plan to snog the piss out of Harry once we're through here so if you could kindly get over yourself anytime now I'd appreciate that."

I had never felt more in love than in that moment, but I had to quickly regain my composure because everyone started shooting left and right. Remus, Sirius, Ron, Hermione and Ginny were behind me and Draco. I assume Snape safely had Olivia.

There was no more talking to be had, we were fighting now and it got intense fast. I tried to block everyone, to fight on my own but I got hit by something and blacked out.

(End Tw)


• Draco's pov •

"What do you mean he's in a coma? How long until he's awake? What is going on?" I yelled, pacing in front of the healers. Remus placed a hand on my shoulder, "Draco calm down they're doing-"

"They haven't done anything! All they've done is lay him in a hospital bed and check vitals. I want answers." I could feel the heat in my face rising from anger. We'd been here for at least two hours and no one had any updates on Harry.

"Draco why don't we go get food alright? This is hard for everyone but we can't rush the healers they need to do proper testing." Hermione said, looking at me with a worried expression.

"I'm in love with him, Hermione! I don't want to eat, I want answers. My father did this to him! I don't want to walk away and distract myself from the person that means most to me lying in a hospital bed. I want to sit right here and hold his hand and tell him everything is okay even though it might not be because that's what I'm supposed to be here for!" I screamed, tugging at my hair in frustration.

Everyone stayed silent for a few moments, it's the first time they'd heard either of us confess our feelings besides me telling Hermione before. Even Snape was looking at me like I had six heads, but I wasn't worried about that at the moment. All I wanted to know is that Harry was going to be okay.

"I understand Draco, it's very clear you love him, but we have to stay calm. If anyone can get through this it's Harry alright? He is strong and he's defeated odds before. We just have to have hope okay?" Sirius said, almost shocking his boyfriend with the maturity he'd displayed. Sirius was rarely the level headed one, especially where Harry was involved.. but they all knew how much he loved him.

A small hand ended up in mine, "I'll go with you and Mione, Dragon. I'm worried about him too, but we have to stay calm." I looked down at Liv, sighing heavily, "alright little lizard. Let's go eat then." I grumbled, after everything Liv went through because of Lucius I couldn't deny her much.

We headed to the cafeteria, and ordered some sandwiches and coffee. "What did he do to you?" I asked quietly, pushing some hair off of Livs face to inspect all of her bruises and cuts.

"He just tied me up and gagged me, he casted a crucio or two, but they were weak. Pitiful man," she tried to chuckle. I hugged her tightly, "I'm so so sorry little Lizard," I whispered, feeling the tears sting my eyes.

I looked at Mione, who now had Ron sitting next to her. They were both looking sad, staring at Liv. "I knew you guys would kick his arse, I will be okay. Did you know about dad and Cissy?"

"No, I had absolutely no idea, I've yet to talk to mother about that. I will as soon as I see her," Liv nodded, looking at Ron and Hermione, "are you guys doing okay? I know how much he means to you."

Hermione smiles, "Harry is strong, he's brave, and he's a fighter. He will be alright, we're used to it," but she looks at me while saying it. She knows that I'm NOT used to it. Watching Harry get hurt is not exactly what I had in mind this evening, and I sigh, "I wish I was," I mutter, putting my head down.

Ron reached over to pat my shoulder, "he will be alright mate. I'm sure of it. Let's just enjoy our food."

So we did, all four of us sat there together in silence, eating our lunch. When we were done, we headed back to the room where I sat next to Harry holding his hand. "Please wake up, I need you.." I mumbled softly, kissing his forehead with a frown...

I can only hope for the best from here.


A/N I am working on the last few chapters of this as fast as I can, I apologize for the delay in updates, life has taken many awkward courses lately.

Hope you enjoyed loves.

Much love,


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