Who're You Gonna Call?! Ghosthunters!
Wirt had thought that yesterday would be the strangest day here, but then it'd all go back to normal, and Wirt would be stuck worrying again, wondering if he should have gone with them, wondering if he made the right choice, going through the motions of putting his thoughts down on paper... but apparently, life would never go back to that again.
The first sign was when he'd found something in his mailbox first thing in the morning. By itself, this would not be odd, because there were a lot of people who could and would send him letters (Mabel had done it before, and even though he'd never told her, Wirt had thought they were funny), but the really strange thing was that when he opened the letter, it was completely blank.
Wirt blinked, looking over and around the letter for any explanation, but it was literally just a blank piece of paper. Weird, but Wirt didn't really think much of it. All he did was put the paper back in the envelope, and put it back in his mailbox. He forgot about it as he went to breakfast.
There's were another strange thing happened: Kai was there, talking animatedly to Mira. The two looked up as Wirt came in, and whatever Kai was saying petered out. Wirt froze, and he felt like he'd been caught spying again.
After a second, Mira waved, breaking the spell. "Hey, Wirt. How are you doing?"
Wirt rubbed the back of his head. "...Good?"
Mira gave him a tight-lipped smile. "Great."
Mira turned away from him, and back to Kai. "If it's really that cold, just get a jacket or something."
Kai turned away from Wirt, too. "I can't find one! And besides, it's not cold down there, it's just cold in one spot! And you know what does that? Ghosts!"
Mira scowled. "All basements are like that! You're probably imagining it!"
Awkwardly, Wirt went to grab an apple.
"I'm not!" Kai cried. "I can prove it, just come down and you'll see! Besides, what if it's... you know..."
Mira shook her head. "Kai, come on."
"But what if it is-?!"
"It's not, Kai," Mira snapped. "Adam is... he's gone, okay? Thinking like he's still around, it's only going to hurt us worth, okay?"
"But I have proof!" Kai argued, and Mira raised an eyebrow at him. Kai faltered. "Uh... there's a cold spot... in the basement."
Mira stared at him, and Kai frowned, stepping back. Wirt watched them, wide-eyed. He really hoped they didn't notice him.
Suddenly, Mira huffed, shaking her head. "I know you're sad, Kai, and... and I am, too. But pretending that he's still here, and looking for signs that he's still around, it'll only hurt you, you know?"
"...Yeah, I guess," Kai sighed. "But, um, he's not angry at me, right?"
Mira titled her head. "Angry at you? Why?"
"Well..." Kai rubbed his arm, nervously. "I don't really want to be angry if he IS haunting me."
Mira rolled her eyes, but she chuckled anyway. "He loved you, Kai, I'm pretty sure he's not going to become a poltergeist around you anytime soon."
Kai looked relieved. "Oh, that's good."
Mira laughed.
Kai laughed, too. "Right... Well, I guess I'll get back to that machine, I think I'm really getting somewhere with it-."
"Kai, you've been done there for weeks!" Mira chided him. "Come on, let's go hang out with Tulip. We'll have some fun, ok?"
Kai looked out of his death. "I mean, working on that thing IS fun..."
Mira shook her head at him. "You're going to kill yourself like that, Kai."
Kai shrugged, and the two moved to the door, and Mira pushed Kai through first, but when Mira herself walked through, she paused, suddenly shivering. Wirt perked up, surprised, but Mira only shook her head, following Kai out.
Wirt, finished with his lunch, followed them through, but though he paused right in the place Mira had shivered, he didn't feel a thing.
When Wirt got back to his home, he sat down, and immediately sat down, taking out a pen. After all, a bunch of weird things happened today, and Wirt wanted to write them down. He was inspired, and the words were bursting in his head, and if he waited a little more, he would forget all about it. Without thinking, he reached for the blank letter he'd received.
The letter moved from underneath his hand.
Wirt turned, startled. He blinked down at the letter, frowning, and then grabbed at it again. Once again, the paper fluttered out of his grasp, but this time, it didn't just settle a few centimeters away, it went all the off the table and fell to the floor, on the other side of the room. Wirt stared at it, and he couldn't help but think back to Kai's claims of a ghost wandering around...
Suddenly, the paper whirled around, as did the cup and the bowl. It twirled up in the air and around the room, and Wirt watched it with wide eyes. It did a sort of dance in the air, and then settled on the floor.
"...Uh," Wirt looked around the room wildly, as if someone was playing a prank on him. It wasn't impossible, since, like everyone else he didn't lock his doors... but save for him, the room was empty.
Well, empty for him and whoever else was doing this.
Suddenly, Wirt's chair lifted up beneath him and forced him to the ground.
"Ow!" Wirt cried. "What the- Hey!"
The chair didn't listen to him, but it didn't really seem to know what else to do. It bobbed in the air uncertainly for a couple minutes, did a spin, and then dropped to the ground. Wirt didn't move for a couple seconds, waiting for something else to happen. He wasn't disappointed.
Every object in the room suddenly got up and started spinning around, like some strange horrible parade. From the ground, Wirt watched in terror as all his writing tools, his paper, and his kitchen utensils floated around the room in a weird frenzy, before they were suddenly put down gently on the table. Wirt waited tensely for the next horror, but every thing stayed where it was.
After a couple minutes of this, Wirt rushed out of his house, and onto the street outside.
'A ghost?! A real actual ghost?! Why? How? What the heck would it want with me?!'
Wirt wasn't really sure where he was running, but as he did, he kept glancing behind him for any sign of the ghost. He wasn't really sure what he was expecting to find, but the street behind him remained empty. Still, when he turned back to the road in front of him, he kept feeling something on the back of his neck, a cold breath.
Whenever that happened, Wirt ran faster, glancing back at the empty road.
Soon enough, Wirt found himself in front of the town hall, tripping up the steps in his hurry to get in. He burst through the doors, and then froze.
It seemed that everyone in town had gathered in the town hall today, and they all turned to stare at Wirt. In the back of his mind, Wirt realized it was lunch time.
"Uh... hey Wirt," Dipper eventually spoke up. "Is everything alright?"
"No!" Wirt said quickly, before he could stop himself. Despite his misgivings, he continued. "There's... There's ghost c-chasing me!"
Wirt's voice loudly bounced off the walls, and he blushed at everyone's concerned and alarmed looks.
"A... ghost?" Tulip asked, sounding skeptical.
"See?!" Kai cried, waving frantically to Wirt. "I told you there was a ghost!"
Mira frowned. "Hold on. Why do you think there was a ghost, Wirt?"
Wirt gulped. "H-huh? W-Well, uh..."
Wirt sweated. He it was... the trope in EVERY movie. Wirt would tell them what he saw, and they'd tell him it was the wind, and no one would believe him, and he would make a fool of himself...
Suddenly, the wind picked up, and at first, Wirt didn't think much of it before he remembered that the door to the hallway one that distinctly swung closed.
"What the?" Tulip asked, looking around as if she would find the answer around her. "What is that-?"
"IT'S THE GHOST!" Kai cried hysterically. "IT'S HERE! IT'S ATTACKING US!"
"Is there a storm coming in or something?" Mira wondered. "What is... that...?"
Mira trailed off as the table in the kitchen suddenly floated up right in front of them. In the back of his mind, Wirt was grateful to the ghost for backing up his seemingly crazy claim.
"Oh no..." he heard Mira mutter.
"Quick!" Dipper cried. "Get salt! Ghost's don't like salt!"
"But they do like the lamby dance!" Mabel tacked on cheerfully, and Dipper gave his sister a look that Wirt remembered often giving Greg.
"Shut up, Mabel!" he hissed out of the side of his mouth, and Wirt twisted his mouth to keep his laugh in. But as the table started spinning in the air, he suddenly didn't feel like laughing.
Avoiding the table, Tulip quickly got a big bag off salt from a cupboard, and passed it to Dipper, who immediately put a line of salt on the doorway. The whole ordeal was over in less than a minute, and as soon as the ghost seemed to notice, it gently set down the table and... well, Wirt didn't know what it was doing know.
"...So, what do we do now?" Mira asked. "The ghost is trapped in there, right?"
"...Right," Dipper said, but even though his voice was steady, he looked just as confused as she did. "Next, we should figure what kind of ghost it is, and if it's friendly, I ghost we could attempt to communicate?"
No one seemed to know how to respond to that, until Norman spoke up.
"I... think it's friendly?" Norman spoke up, and Wirt glanced at him surprised. Honestly, he'd forgotten Norman was here.
"We don't know that yet," Dipper replied. "First, we should gather the characteristics of the ghost, and... I guess we'll have to go in there to do that... Wait, Wirt and Kai, you've been in close contact with this ghost before, what do you remember about it?"
Wirt and Kai exchanged a surprised and awkward glance. Out of the corner of his eye, Wirt watched as Tulip took out a notebook, and begun to scribble something down.
"Uh... I guess it was cold, sometimes?" Kai told him. Wirt frowned.
"I... guess?" he said. "I didn't really feel that, but it kept levitating stuff around me. There was a letter, too, though?"
Dipper looked interested. "A letter?"
Wirt shrugged, embarrassed. "It was blank."
"Huh," Dipper noted thoughtfully. "That sounds pretty important. Go get it."
"O-Okay." While Wirt didn't really want to, he also didn't want to argue, so he obediently turned around to the door.
"Window," Norman muttered loudly, loud enough for them all to hear, but he still looked surprised when everyone turned to him.
"Um... 'window'?" Mira repeated, confused. Norman's eyes went wide.
"Oh... I saw the ghost... go through the window," Norman told them, and when everyone turned to the kitchen, they saw he was right: the window at the top was wide open, and no one could remember if they'd left it like that already or not.
"Oh, great," Dipper grumbled.
"So, this ghost can't go through walls?" Tulip wondered. She wrote that down on the notebook, too.
"Strange," she and Dipper noted at the same time.
"Now what?!" Mira cried. "It's loose now!"
"It can do anything!" Kai added.
"Well, maybe not..." Norman muttered, but no one heard him.
"We need to find it!" Mabel decided. "Let's go, let's go!"
"I'm... pretty sure it'll find us," Tulip pointed out.
"No, we should go and try and get the jump on it," Dipper disagreed. He held up the big bag of salt. "Here! Everyone take some salt! We'll go in pairs and find the ghost! Look for anything unusual so we can figure out what kind of ghost it is!"
"Alright!" Mabel cheered. "Let's go, Dipper!"
Dipper nodded to her, and the two of them ran out. The others looked around at each other.
"Norman and Wirt, you can go together," Mira offered, and Wirt inwardly cringed. Norman seemed nice, but he barely knew him... "And Tulip, Kai and I can be a group of three, ok?"
Wirt kind of wanted to argue, but instead he just nodded his head, glancing over to Norman as he did.
"Okay!" Mira said, and her group left, leaving only Wirt and Norman. They looked over to each other. Wirt wondered if he and Norman had ever talked before this.
"Um... I wonder... where we should go," Wirt tried to say, but it came out as more of a mumble.
Norman glanced at him, and shrugged. Wirt didn't know whether to feel better or worse that Norman didn't look happy about this team up either. In fact, he seemed to be debating something in his head as he stared at Wirt. Perhaps whether or not to actually work with him or not?
"I guess we just start wandering around?" Norman offered, but he sounded unsure. However, Wirt was just grateful for an answer.
"Y-Yeah!" Wirt agreed, way too forcefully. "Uh... should we go?"
"I guess."
With that, the two followed the rest of their friends out of the building and into the town outside. Dipper and Mabel rushed by them, and while Mabel waved (Norman and Wirt gave her awkward wave back), Dipper only gave them an odd look. Wirt watched as he glanced toward Norman, and then continued on.
Wirt wondered what that was all about.
Well, if Norman noticed it, too, he didn't dwell on it.
"You mentioned something about a letter, right?" Norman asked him, and Wirt nodded. "Alright. I guess we could check that for clues.
Wirt agreed, and he led Norman to his house, opening the door and letting him in. It was only when they stepped inside that Wirt remembered the mess.
"Uh...! It's not usually this messy!" Wirt told him hastily. "It was just... the ghost..."
"...It's fine," Norman told him, but it wasn't very reassuring. "Where's the letter?"
Wirt received it from the fridge, and since he already knew what was on it (nothing), he gave it to Norman. But when Norman got it, his eyes scanned the page, and his expression shifted to one on surprise, as if he was... reading it.
"Do... You see something on it?" Wirt asked after a while of this. Norman seemed to start.
"Uh... no," Norman told him, shaking his head. "There's nothing here, it's just a piece of paper. Come on. Let's go."
Wirt opened his mouth to say something, but before he could, Norman was already out his door.
With Wirt's letter in hand.
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