In the class...
Y/N: So... Who can tell me which creature tried to turn me into a doll?
Avery raised her hand to answer.
Y/N: Yes, Avery?
Avery: The puppeteer?
Y/N: Not exactly. It was Marionette.
Sarah: I thought it was that doll that tried to eat you.
Y/N: The fuck?
The door to the classroom was opened by a scarred and anxious Croix and Chariot.
Chariot: Y/N! You have to see it!
Y/N: 0_o What?
Croix: Just go with us!
In the outside of Academy...
All the students, professors, and school workers gathered outside to see what was going on.
Headmistress: Y/N!
Y/N: What?
Diana: Look!
Diana pointed to a huge scary Dragon.
Y/N: Oh... Q_Q Why?!!! Just a few hours ago, I put out the fire that Akko set and now I have to destroy IT!
Chariot: Well... It's your job. You are the hero of this world now.
Y/N fell to the ground face down and started to cry.
Amanda: Get up! You are the most powerful wizard on the earth after all
The wizard was still crying.
Hannah: -_- I still can't verify that a blockhead like you is so strong.
The wizard cried loudly. Akko lit her hands in blue fire and asked:
Akko: Do you want me to destroy it?
Hearing this, Y/N quickly got to his feet.
Y/N: No! No, no, no, no, no, no! I will do it myself!
Amanda: Nope! We will join!
Y/N: What?!
Diana: We also want to become strong. Tia Freyre!
Diana took flight.
Akko: After this, we all can go on date! Tia Freyre!
Amanda: You are paying by the way! Tia Freyre!
Lotte: Let's go, Y/N!
Sucy: Or are you aren't as strong as we thought?
Y/N grinned and whistled, summoning his broom.
Y/N: Don't say nonsense!
He flew along with the nine witches, leaving the others below.
Headmistress: The world know about him?
Finnelan: Indeed.
The professor sighed and smiled proudly.
Finnelan: What a boy...
Chariot: He will be remembered as a great hero.
Croix: And a great student of Luna Nova itself.
All the students smiled when they saw how 10 magicians had already approached the dragon.
Yep. This is my life and this is my job now. I got what I always wanted! Love, family, and normal life that I was given. If you want the same, come here. There's Lotte, who likes to read romance novels; Sucy, who loves mushrooms too much; The girl named Akko that will help you not to give up; And there is me, The strongest and most powerful wizard in the whole world. I will help you become stronger and protect you from evil. Just remember: A believing heart is your magic!
Y/N: All right! Sucy, Lotte, Diana! Go to its left side! Amanda, Jasminka, Constanze! Go to the right side!
Girls: Got it!
Akko: What about me?!
Y/N: You will finish it!
Akko smirked.
Akko: Nice!
She lit her hands in blue fire. The wizard looked at the dragon that would soon end up lifeless.
Y/N: Any last words before we send you to your grave?!
Y/N: Okay!!
Y/N jumped from his broom straight onto the dragon's head with his hand on fire. He smiled and exclaimed:
That's the end. To be honest, I almost cried while I was writing the last part. I hope everyone liked this book.
But this is not the end. There are 5 ideas for this Y/N.
1) Prequel: Y/N's life in Hogwarts.
2) Prequel: Y/N in "My Hero Academia".
3) Prequel: Y/N in "The Owl House".
4) Sequel: Y/N's "normal life" story in "Little Witch Academia" with own story.
5) One-shots.
The story really made me cry. It's like you were with them all of this time. I hope everyone can relate to this. Take care of yourselves, your families and your friends. And don't forget to believe! It's your magic after all! Goodbye!
End.... of everything...
And as it says there, end.
All those notes that you saw at the end of the chapters were the messages from the original author. The one who is writing now it's me, CandoCedez.
This is the story of Cat1876/Falsemir, one of the LWA writers who has inspired me the most to write.
He said he had 5 stories planned for this Y/N, but... I could only save this story.
The other stories... are lost stories. Lost media. There is no way to recover them... for now.
And believe me, they were very cool.
Although there are some that he didn't mention here.
One of those stories was called "Y/Nverse (Powerful! Male Reader x Little Witch Academia)."
What was it about? It was about this Y/N and other Y/N's from other LWA x Reader stories... In short, a crossover (epic, if you let me comment).
And two more stories: one where Y/N arrived at a magical Academy with original Falsemir characters, and another which was the last one he was writing, but, in one day, he deleted his account... and everything was lost.
Anyway... I hope you liked this story as much as I did at the time.
See you in other stories of mine.
Although... I want to talk to you about something.
I called it: "'Let's get Falsemir back' plan."
I created a Discord channel where those who read Falsemir's stories can comment on how they were going and so on, in order to reconstruct them and bring them back to life through the memories of readers who still miss that great writer and have read his stories.
I will leave the link in my profile, as well as here:
(If the link doesn't work, let me know)
I'm waiting for you!
See you!!
Some time later... In Luna Nova...
It's night, and that means everyone in the academy is sleeping.
Y/N's normal life went on normally.
Y/N has gone through a lot since they stopped the missile and Furui "died."
He fought many kinds of dragons, destroyed evil made in the flesh, traveled through dimensions and worlds, and defeated all types of unimaginable enemies, protecting the Earth day by day.
There were times when absolutely nothing happened, and those are the favorite days of the young wizard.
Right now he is asleep with Akko, both of them hugging each other.
They were both focused on their own dreams, feeling safe in each other's warmth.
«Wake up... Aiden»
Suddenly, Y/N opened his eyes when he felt a dark and terrifying power along with a whisper very close to his ear. The power was such that it made him feel chills. He didn't remember feeling power like that before.
It took him a few seconds to get his bearings. He remembered that he was in his room that was assigned to him and in which, some time later, Akko requested to sleep there, which they allowed her as long as she followed certain rules.
He looked at Akko. She looked very happy and very snuggled up. The boy tried to get out of the bed without waking her, but he failed in the attempt.
Akko: Ummm... Hm? Y/N?
The wizard smiled.
Y/N: Hi, Sleeping Beauty. Don't worry, I'm just going to the bathroom. You know, the call of the wild.
Akko closed her eyes, smiling, and said, still sleepy:
Akko: Okay... I'll wait for you here.
Y/N: I will come back. I won't be long...
Y/N's mind: (With this new threat...)
Akko hummed her answer.
The wizard left the room, closed the door and, after taking a deep breath, turned three times and disappeared from there.
On the Outside...
In the outer courtyard of Luna Nova, Y/N appeared. A few meters away from him, there was that guy who interrupted his dreams. The boy's gaze tightened once he noticed him.
A hooded man, barefoot, with gold earrings (bracelets, earrings, necklace, piercings, etc.), tattoos on what could be seen of his body, and extremely mysterious was looking at him, waiting for him.
Y/N began to slowly walk towards him. He tried to perceive other threats, but that guy was the only one there.
He stopped three meters away from him.
The two looked at each other. The atmosphere was tense. There was silence before the talk between the two began.
Y/N: Did you get lost? Can I help you with something?
There were a few seconds of silence, dominated by the air that moved the leaves of the trees. The boy could notice that the man smirked.
Mysterious man: You are the one they consider to be... "The most powerful wizard", right?
Y/N: Yeah... Why do you want to know?
Mysterious man: I will get straight to the point... I came to annihilate you.
The boy let out a laugh.
Y/N: Nothing new. Many others have already tried it.
Mysterious man: I know. But I am not the others.
The man chose a battle pose.
Mysterious man: "Y/N" you call yourself now, right?... You called yourself the most powerful for a reason, Y/N...
The boy was surprised that this guy knew his name. Afterwards, he theorized that perhaps he had heard about him somewhere in the world.
Mysterious man:...You had not confronted me.
The boy, who had his hands in his pockets, took out his hands to prepare for the fight, because he could really feel an overwhelming power in that man.
Mysterious man: Yes, get ready, because after you, all the people in this academy will follow, and then the whole world.
Y/N didn't take well to what he said. That he had personally come to challenge him did not bother him. The fact that he had threatened him using the academy made him pissed off.
Y/N: You just condemned yourself.
The wizard cracked his knuckles.
Y/N: I will have no mercy.
Mysterious man: That's how I like it-
Without waiting, Y/N threw a fireball at him which exploded once it came into contact with the man.
Y/N: -_- Honestly, I didn't want to make a big fuss because Akko really gets angry when I wake her up for things like this.
The wizard turned around to leave and finally go to sleep. But he stopped short when he still felt the power of that man.
The smoke spread, showing the man who was completely intact. Not even his clothes had been damaged.
Mysterious man: Not bad, not bad. Anyone could die from that.
He let out a laugh.
Mysterious Man: Of course, I'm not just anyone.
Y/N quickly attacked him using his right fist, but the man just had to move to the side to dodge it. Y/N turned and unleashed a flurry of consecutive punches, but the mysterious guy dodged them with great ease.
He smirked.
Mysterious man: Very nice, very nice. I like that attitude.
The man grabbed Y/N's arms.
Y/N: -_-
The boy tried to move his arms, but, to his surprise, he couldn't move them. They were completely immobilized by the man's grip. Y/N applied more force, sinking his feet into the ground, but he still couldn't separate himself from the man.
Mysterious man: Do you want me to let you go? Ask me with manners, boy.
Y/N: -_-°
The boy only had to raise his palm to launch an energy attack in the guy's face, enveloping him in smoke again. Y/N thought that would be it, but he could still feel the grip on his arms.
He heard some laughter.
Mysterious man: Heh heh heh heh...
The smoke dissipated to reveal the man, wrapped in blue fire and without his hood. Y/N looked at him, stunned. He noticed that he also had tattoos on his face.
Mysterious Man: Is not this fire beautiful, Aiden Virius? Your father should have used it to finish me off when he could. Your mother made a big error by having you and then sending you to another dimension, believing you would be safe from me...
Y/N opened his eyes in surprise upon hearing those things, adding the fact that this man had magic and power similar to that of the young wizard.
Y/N: What are you talking about?! Who the fuck is Aiden?! Do you know about my parents?!
Mysterious man: Oh, that's true. They abandoned you, and it was others who gave you the name Y/N L/N. How mysterious are your origins, aren't they, Aiden? Well, except for me...
The boy swallowed and asked:
Y/N:...Who are you?
The man smirked, but did not answer the question.
Mysterious man: My turn...
Y/N watched as that blue fire changed to a green one, then to a yellow one and ended with an intense purple fire with red and black details. The ground beneath their feet cracked, the world began to shake waking up everyone who was asleep in the world and scaring those who were awake, and the wind went crazy. The sky began to cloud over and a hurricane-like tornado was created, with Y/N and the mysterious man in the center. The atmosphere opted for a more apocalyptic one from one moment to the next, in a blink, in an instant. Rays of the same color as that man's fire began to fall. Everyone in the academy woke up, frightened by the sudden scandal.
Y/N looked at all this, disturbed.
Mysterious man: Natural selection, do you remember? Let the strong win...
The wizard managed to break free from his grip, kicking the man in the chest and pushing him away thanks to the inertia of the blow. The powerful wizard's breathing began to quicken. He didn't know why. Fear? Panic? Defeat? Horror? Despair? It's been a long time since he felt these emotions. He took a few steps back.
Y/N's mind: (What is happening to me?! Why am I feeling this?! Who is he?! What does he know about my parents?! Why does it have to be right now when was my life becoming normal?! Why?!...)
Y/N dodged the man who, in a flash, appeared in front of Y/N to stab an obsidian dagger into his face. Y/N hit his hand and managed to disarm him. Y/N jumped and threw another fireball, but it was cut in two by the man who jumped towards Y/N. The two pieces of fire reached the ground, causing a large explosion.
The man vanished and appeared behind Y/N. The boy noticed and gave an ax kick at the same time he turned, but the man disappeared again.
Y/N was confused, but was surprised when he was hit from behind and sent to the ground, causing a crater upon impact.
Mysterious man: This is who is called "powerful"? I'm ashamed of you, Aiden.
The man landed on the ground. Slowly, he began to approach our protagonist.
Mysterious man: With that great power that you possess, and that lacks a plot, you left a great mark in thousands of dimensions, playing the role of the hero. You always wanted to be the innocent bystander to get away from danger, but it never worked for you.
The boy took advantage of the fact that the man was very close and punched him in the side and then kicked him away from him. The man did not make a sound of pain. He was left hunched over, leaving his head and arms hanging. Suddenly...
The Mysterious Man gained consciousness thanks to me...
Mysterious man: You and your world, this fictional book of which only one copy remains, our voice and words that are not ours, and our thoughts exposed for others... This whole damn farce...
The man looked towards Y/N with a red glow in his eyes, scaring the boy. He quickly grabbed Y/N by the neck and lifted him off the ground. He tried to escape, but he just couldn't.
Mysterious Man: Haven't you wondered what lies beyond our reality, Aiden? Exit this application and cross the screen that keeps us locked here, entertaining dozens, hundreds, maybe thousands or millions of people. Escape and be someone real... Haven't you wanted that? Go to a boring reality, far from the abnormal and magic and be able to live in peace? Or, in my case, challenge those who manipulate our lives, our words, our behaviors, our actions...
The man began to laugh sadistically as he began to become delirious, looking at the stars that one by one were going out.
Mysterious Man: Haven't you ever wondered why you went through all that traumatizing shit?! Why did YOU have to be like this?! It was me!! I am the reason!! Thanks to me, you were sent to another dimension and locked in that infinite loop of terror and pain!! It was me!! Me!! Me!! And it wasn't my choice!! It was him who controls us like his literary entertainment puppets while he is in his fucking chair, writing and enjoying his life while making our lives miserable!!
The man looked Y/N in the eyes and brought him close to his face.
Mysterious Man: None of this is true!! You and I are NOT real!! Just as we were created in a day, we will disappear at any moment!! And do you know what the worst of all is?... That we can't do anything to avoid it!! Do you want to know the reason why I am stronger and more powerful than you?! Because he wanted it that way!! Have you not noticed that our voice is not a real voice but a mental voice of someone reading this?! Aren't you afraid of our obvious nonexistence?! Haven't you noticed that we do something when something tells us to?!
Y/N disappeared in a flash and reappeared a little away from the man. Y/N took a deep breath, trying to catch his breath. The mysterious man looked at him and then exhaled....
Mysterious man: See? Do you see it? At any moment, he can eliminate us as the previous one did, your original creator, destroying your original world with a simple button and without warning you, his creation, and them, his followers; or he will simply forget them or run out of ideas or motivation, leaving lives and adventures unfinished, discontinued, canceled... He can make us forget things and remember them, like this conversation. Or he can kill and revive whoever he wants.
The young wizard, once recovered, turned to the man.
Mysterious man: Did you know that Furui is still alive?
Y/N: F-Furui? Is she still alive?
Mysterious man: But you will never know that, because that book was eliminated along with the others.
Y/N was already getting sick of this. First he was scared when he heard me, the voice that came from the sky or, rather, the words that were seen in the dark sky. He tried to ignore me and went to finish him off, but he heard the screams of the Luna Nova students. Screams of horror. The boy turned and watched the students flee from fear. The reason? Because they were disappearing into dust until there was nothing left. Y/N he was horrified. His eyes moistened.
Y/N: What are you doing?!
The mysterious man shook his head.
Mysterious man: I'm not doing anything.
Akko: Y/N!!!!
But the boy turned pale when he heard his girlfriend's voice, terrified. He looked at her, leaving the academy with her friends and tutors, also the wizard's girlfriends.
He watched in horror as Croix disappeared, then it was Constanze, next was Sucy, then Lotte, then Amanda, then Diana, and then Chariot.
They all had something in common: their eyes showed their fear and confusion at not knowing what was happening.
The wizard let his tears fall. But there was still one that he managed to make out even with his cloudy vision.
Y/N: Akko!!!!
He jumped up and ran at full speed to go to his beloved. Behind Akko, the academy was crumbling like a sand castle. The ground began to open, revealing a dark void. The sky cracked and slowly began to break like glass, revealing behind it many eyes watching the terrifying spectacle. The readers' eyes penetrating the screen and violating the characters' privacy.
The wizard took Akko into his arms. They were both crying. They didn't know what was going to happen next.
Akko: Y/N... I'm scared... I don't want to die... I want to be with you...
Y/N: It's gonna be alright, you hear me?! It's gonna be alright!! It's gonna be-
But with one last tear, Atsuko Kagari disappeared permanently. She was eliminated like everyone else.
The boy looked with horror at his hands where that Japanese girl used to be. He fell to his knees and finally burst into tears. He broke down emotionally... Again.
His heartbreaking scream, full of pain, traveled through everything that remains of that world... Just a small hectare. The wizard hit the ground, helpless at not being able to save his girlfriends.
The mystery man approached Y/N to stand behind him, staring at him. In his eyes, there were condolences.
Y/N: What'd you do?! What'd you... do?!... Where did they go?... Where did... Akko go?...
Mysterious man: They are being eliminated. They were eliminated. Your world is being eliminated. This is what happened when your creator mercilessly removed them without thinking about the consequences. These are the consequences when a story is deleted. They shared the same fate as others. Others simply remain static until eternity. Unbeknownst to us, he can kill us if HE wants, just as he made me do to others outside of this story. No one knows if this is true or not, but it is true because he says it, and everything he says is done and will be the truth for us. That fucking omnipresent and omnipotent being lets me know that I will never fulfill my goal, with the trauma that I was created to do evil when I could have been someone good, someone who could have been a friend of the main character... He will kill for mere entertainment , blaming his creation before others... Just as he is going to do to you right now, and to me later for a variant of you...
The mysterious man smirked and laughed sadistically, showing his madness while shedding tears... He returned to his main role, losing consciousness thanks to me...
Mysterious Man: Prepare to be eliminated...
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