Chapter 12: What you will.

Chapter 12: What you will.


In the cafeteria...

A member of the Luna Nova journalism club threw out a pile of newspapers so that everyone who was interested could grab one and read the news fresh out of the oven.

Wangari: Extra! Extra! The witches of the Samhain Festival have been announced!

Lotte picked up a newspaper from the floor.

Lotte: Madame Ural is a Nobel Laureate in literature and considered the leading authority on magical novels.

Akko: Look at all the witches around the world! I'm so excited! Samhain festival is going to be amazing!

Sucy: Doesn't she know?

Lotte: How am I supposed to tell her?

Lotte turned her attention to Y/N who was happily shaking his head with a smile plastered on it. Lotte smiled when she saw his friend like that.

Lotte: Y/N, you look very happy today.

And she was right. Y/N radiated an aura of happiness in a radius of several meters. And his smile could pass from one person to another like a disease.

Y/N: Oh, you know... Today is such a wonderful day.

She smiled upon hearing this.

Lotte: Did something happen?

Y/N: Yeah...

He remembered how he sent the witch flying and, with her, several possible problems...

Y/N: Something good happened.

The wizard said, closing his eyes and without losing his smile.



In the main hall...

Headmistress: Next week we will celebrate the Samhain Festival, a tradition that dates back sixteen hundred years. This is our opportunity to demonstrate the might and mettle of Luna Nova to the alumnae of the world. All students must prepare a magic display on their teams.

They cast a spell that showed witches of times past.

Headmistress: This was offered during the previous Samhain Festival. Boilling of toads for enchantments. Memorizing ten thousand incantations. Ancient dark dance. A magical full-course medieval dinner. At the close of the Samhain Festival, the most exceptional witch will be chosen. She will be awarded the title of Moonlit Witch.

In the example shown, a witch was shown wearing a splendid white outfit. One that was recognized by a few.

Y/N: Wait, isn't that-?

Akko: The suit of Shiny Chariot! She was chosen at the Moonlit Witch!

Professor Finnelan: We will now assign the Samhain Festival duties to the teams. Each team sends a representative to draw your lot.

After that, the teacher looked at the male student.

Professor Finnelan: Y/N.

Y/N: Yes, Professor.

Professor Finnelan: The headmistress wants you to be the "security guard" of the festival and make sure that nothing goes wrong.

The wizard nodded.

Y/N: Fine.

Then he turned to his team and whispered:

Y/N: Who will choose? Maybe you, Akko?

Akko: I can't! I have the worst luck in lotteries!

Lotte: Well, so do I!!

The red team focused their attention on Diana. She pulled out the brightest and most luminous sprout from the pot, which looked like some kind of spirit.

Sprout: Your team is assigned to summoning.

Everyone began to applaud and give a standing ovation.

Y/N: -_- Of course. Who doubted?

Lotte: We need to pick something.

Sucy: Go do it, Akko!

Akko: There is no way!

Professor Finnelan: Representative of that team, get up here now.

Akko: Sucy! No, Lotte!

Y/N/Sucy/Lotte: Akko!!!

She gave up and walked towards the place where the teacher was. Kagari was so worried that she couldn't choose one of the sprouts. Fortunately, Professor Lukić helped her with this in the kindest way.

Professor Lukić: Choose now, or I will choosing which of your nails to tear out!

Akko: Oh, fine!

Akko pulled out an almost dead sprout, which whispered in a tired voice.

Sprout: You can be the sacrifice.

Y/N: Sacrifice? What is it?

Professor Lukić laughed evilly.

Professor Lukić: Do you want to know what sacrifices do? This pot contains an ancient ghost "Bachoalawy the Bewailing". Bachoalawy wakes up at the stroke of midnight at the end of the Festival, wailing and flailing about. This is when the sacrifices are offered. After consuming them, Bachoalawy rests once more until the dawn of the next Samhain Festival.

Y/N: •_• Oh... my... God.

Akko: The people of sacrifice duty die!?

Professor Lukić: There is no danger to your lives. The sacrifices pass throwing the ghost's bowels and are safely excreted.

Y/N: 0_0 Holy... crap...

All the students in the audience started laughing and mocking Akko, while she clutched her head in shock.

Diana: Silence! We must focus on our Samhain Festival duties at hand. Save your prattle for later.

Professor Finnelan: Exactly. Also, Diana Cavendish. You have been voted in as Luna Nova's youngest ever Samhain Festival committee chair.

Barbara: How wonderful, Diana!

Hannah: You are the best, Diana!

Y/N: •_• You have got to be kidding. This is some kind of conspiracy. This is for sure.



In the dorm...

Akko: What's with the whole sacrifice duty? Wasn't the Samhain Festival supposed to be fun?

Y/N: Akko, don't worry. Maybe it looks disgusting, but... Okay, I won't lie. I almost threw up.

The brunette threw her pillow at him after hearing this.

Akko: You wouldn't say anything at all. You, unlike us, will not participate in this.

Y/N: Calm down. You have to find advantages even in this. Look at Sucy. She has a smile that reaches her ears.

Sucy: The thought of ​​passing through the inside of a ghost giving me shivers~

Y/N: -_- Never mind... But if you want to be the same as Shiny Chariot, then you have to go ahead no matter what.

Akko: I know! But it's not our fault that this ghost cries all the time!

Everyone in the room was silent for a while.

Jasminka: Y/N, what do you want to do in the future?

This question took the boy by surprise and made him really think.

Y/N: I think... First, I'll leave this place after a while.

Hearing his answer, Amanda fell to the floor in surprise.

Akko: What?!

Y/N: This academy is for witches, not for wizards. So there's no place for me here.

Sucy's smile disappeared and Lotte asked with sweat on her face:

Lotte: A-are you done with the thing that you had to finish?

Y/N: Yeah. Last night. Once and for all.

Amanda: Oh, c'mon... This place is not that bad. You could study here and find your life's work.

Y/N: -_- Tell me at least one reason why I should stay here.

Amanda: Well... Argh... Anyway! Akko wants to be the Moonlit Witch when she can't even ride a broom.

Y/N: -_- You changed the subject, but you're right. It makes sense.

Akko: Hey!

Lotte: That's true. It can not be helped. Our duties fell to us randomly.

Sucy: You got your hopes by putting your head in the clouds.

Y/N: Listen, Akko. I know you want to be like your idol, but-

Akko: You guys are the worst!!!

She quickly left, slamming the door loudly.

Y/N: O_O°... Someone has to go after her.

Sucy: Yeah.

Lotte: Absolutely.

Amanda: Mhm.

The wizard looked at everyone who didn't even move from their place.

Y/N: -_-...Hey, calm down. Just don't crowd around.



In the halls...

Y/N: Akko! Akko! Where are you?! Let's talk about that! You can hit me if you want... -_- again.

After some time, he entered the room with the mirrors and saw Diana.

Y/N: Oh, Diana.

Diana: Who?! What?! Umm... Yes, I'm Diana!

Y/N: -_- I know... Did you see Akko? I want to talk with her.

Diana: Akko?! No! I didn't!

Y/N: Fine. I will... Huh? What kind of mirrors are these?

The wizard approached the wooden-framed mirror.

Diana: Be careful. This one can do something bad to you.

Y/N: Like what?

L/N looked in the mirror and saw his own reflection, which showed his the middle finger with a smirk on his face.

Diana: 0_0

Y/N: 0_0... You're still cute.

Diana: Anyway... I need to go! I-I have a lot of work! Bye!

He didn't have time to say goodbye, as she managed to leave the room. Diana seemed too strange to him.



Y/N went outside, but Akko was not there either. It was as if she had fallen into the ground. The boy, despite his childish nature, could feel guilty for what he had done, and therefore it was so important for him to apologize to Kagari.

Suddenly, he saw Hannah and Barbara not far from the statue. Their hands were placed on their heads and their faces were decorated with black paint.

Y/N: What the hell are you two doing?

Hannah: Don't bother us!

Barbara: We accidentally put a curse on ourselves and Diana said if we don't stand like this, we'll turn into 80-year-old women.

The boy looked at them as if they had just left the psychological clinic and were not cured.

Y/N: -_- Are you two stupid or what? A curse cannot be...

Before he could explain everything, Y/N remembered how these two forcibly shoved him into the pantry and locked him in for a laugh.

Y/N: Although... Diana is right. Stay still, otherwise everything will be in vain and you won't have to do anything except count your wrinkles every day.

Hannah/Barbara: Eeeeeeeh!!!



Y/N: Akko!

The wizard searched everywhere and there was only one place where he didn't register: in front of the academy. And he was not wrong. Y/N he found her among the other students. Even Diana herself was here.

Y/N: What's wrong?

Diana: Y/N...

Akko guiltily began to play with her fingers when the boy looked at her.

Diana: She took my form and...

Akko: By accident!

The blonde gave her a disapproving look.

Diana:... pretended to be me. She plays Chariot without the slightest knowledge of the history of the magic tradition. You have no right to learn in this academy.

Y/N: Hey!

The wizard's sudden outburst of anger silenced her and the other students.

Y/N: Yes. She may have an empty head! BUT! You can't talk about her like that. She is doing everything she can. And you don't even realize it!

Diana: And what do you care, Y/N?

Y/N: Me? It means a lot to me! Don't think you are the best in the world, because there are always bigger fish here!

Diana crossed her arms and raised an eyebrow.

Diana: For example, who?

The boy opened his mouth to shout his name, but had the willpower to shut up.

Diana: As I thought. Unanswered...

Akko: Me! I'll show you! My passion for magic is real! Kagari Atsuko will be cast as the Moonlit Witch during the Samhain Festival! Come on, Y/N!

Diana followed the two of them with her gaze. His anger not only surprised her but also aroused some suspicion in her.

Diana's Mind: (I thought he wanted to exclaim his response... Something is definitely wrong with him...)



After all this, Akko and Y/N found themselves alone in the hallway. The girl had a sad face as the wizard tried to cheer her up.

Y/N: Akko, you've known her for a while. Don't take her words seriously. You can get as big as Shiny Chariot.

She did not answer.

Y/N: Akko?

Akko: Thank you for... defending me.

Y/N: O-oh. This is no big deal. I knew what she was like, so I had to protect you.

Akko: Wait. Were you bullied too? How?

Y/N: °_° Umm... Well...




???: Die!!!

Y/N/???: Aaaaaaaaah!!!



Y/N: -_- It's hard to know. But you don't have to lose your motivation. Forgive me for my words...

She pounced on him, wrapped her arms around his body, he was as warm as the last time.

Akko: Everything is fine.

Y/N froze, not knowing what to do. It was too sudden. Slowly, but without moving, he hugged her. The brunette was a little shorter, so she could feel his heartbeat. They both remained silent until the wizard spoke:

Y/N: You're still empty-headed if you think you can beat Diana without any strategy.

Akko: -_- Don't ruin the moment.



A/N: Sorry for the short chapter. But the next chapter will have a relation to the plot. Please, be patient. Thank for everyone.

End of chapter 12.

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