|18| The Unexpected Caller
A plague.
If Sophia ever wished to banish the Marquess of Alton forever from her mind, the only way she could do was thinking of him as a corrupt infectious plague she should stay far away from.
But it was truly a bloody plague that had hounded her mind all of last night, firmly refusing to let go. As she peeled her clothes off the night before, she was surprised that his grip had not left a burn mark on her waist although his touch had been positively scalding. The back of neck, her wrist, her fingers—everywhere he had touched her, it still tingled and Sophia felt heady basking in those sensations.
Years was an ample as time for anyone to completely forget the sensations a stranger invoked, yet for Sophia it had only submerged and had come right back up the day he came back into her life. Sophia ran her fingers over the palm she had placed in his hand and instantly her breath hitched. A sharp rap on her bedroom door startled her out of her thoughts and she jumped, letting out a soft shriek.
"I am sorry to startle you, my lady, but Lord Alton is here and is waiting in the parlor," Jenkins said in that annoyingly stiff and solemn manner of his that Sophia has tried to change for yearfs and eventually give up on.
"Thank you for informing me, Jenkins. Tell Lord Alton, that however, regrettably, that Colette isn't at home today for him to call on her. She's gone to comfort her friend who recently lost her husband and son the past weekend to cholera. I sent him a card informing him of the same, but clearly he hadn't deigned to read it." Sophia sniffed.
"I'm sorry, my lady, but I cannot send him away. He says he is here to see you and he insists it's important."
Sophia frowned and scratched at the back of her ear. What could Lord Alton want with her.
"Very well. He won't leave unless I engage him." Sophia huffed. "Tell him I'll be down in a moment."
Jenkins bowed and exited.
Absentmindedly, she dabbed some rouge to her lips and cheeks and fastened her loose raven hair into a tight bun. She smoothed out her worn out dress, trying to make it look as presentable as possible. Sophia should not care to present herself properly when the caller in question had not informed in advance of his visit. But years of training to look always presentable in front of a gentleman drilled into her mind by her mother would not allow her to rub off the makeup.
"Always make sure you look your best in front of a gentleman. A women's greatest strength is her beauty and femininity, her ability to flirt and seduce. Never let go of your most powerful tool."
Lillian, Sophia's mother's voice echoed in her head and Sophia's heart twisted. It had been years since she lad lost her mother but every time she thought of her, her limp body in her arms, it felt like a knife had dug into her side.
Calming herself down by clenching her skirts, Sophia made her way out of the room, down the stairs and crossed the threshold of the drawing room.
As he was standing by the window, he didn't immediately notice her. Sophia took that moment to admire the way the sun fell on his face, making his green eyes so light they were translucent. In the sunlight his soft bronze skin gleamed.
Sophia cleared her throat and he turned towards her and bowed. "Lady Brighton."
"Lord Alton." Sophia returned his greeting and nodded towards the chaise. "Please sit."
He obliged and Sophia sat across him on the couch, watching him carefully. They had a good number of feet between them, but Sophia didn't trust him to not close that distance. Or perhaps she didn't trust herself to act on impulse.
"What is this urgent matter of yours, my lord?" Sophia said as she crossed her hands over her lap.
"It's a few things, my lady. First, I would like to apologize for my appalling suggestion of a dance last night and gripping you tight when I save you from the accident. It was truly improper and I was not thinking of what it could mean to your sister's future. All I know is that," he gave her a tender smile that still managed to pack a little bit of arrogance, "I enjoyed dancing with you all those years ago very much and in that moment, I wanted to relive it."
Before Sophia could say anything, he held his hand up to stop her and shook his head. "Respectfully, my lady, let me finish."
Sophia tilted her chin forward, beckoning him to continue.
"Secondly, I only believe that I have promised to not repeat what happened between us, with you sister, but I don't think I've apologized. For putting you in a compromising position with my invitation. For not doing more for you when it all fell apart. For the pain that I have caused your family and the price you have to pay for the rest of your life. Making amends now can't erase all that, but I hope that it is a step in a healthier relationship between us. Colette told about how the past few years have been for you and I would not wish for such isolation and sadness even on my worst enemy." Lord Alton grinned. "Although to think about it, oddly you are the closest I have to someone who hates me and possibly considers me an enemy."
Sophia couldn't help let out a short bark of laughter. It was an unusual, ironic twist of fate. "Life is unusual like that. However, I would like to say I don't hate you. I could not hate you. Ever."
Sophia intended to stop with that first sentence but her mind had other ideas. She peeked up at Lord Alton who was regarding her carefully. Silence charged with surprise and tension stretched between them.
Lord Alton let out a loud sigh. "Well, that is reliving. Now that I know you don't intend to murder me in my sleep, I can sleep without the gun under my pillow."
Sophia gaped at him for several moments before both of them broke out in chortles. The awkward silence dispersed naturally, turning into a casual moment of joy.
"Very amusing, Lord Alton. I have seen that you have not lost your keen ability to banter." Sophia pressed a hand to her temples, shaking her head in disbelief.
"I couldn't lose that, Ms. Brighton. It's my next best feature after my," he shot her a wicked grin, "my charming smile."
Sophia hid her smile behind her hand. She knew she should succumb to his flirtations but she had forgotten how easy their banter and teasing had been. How refreshing.
Lord Alton turned somber again. "Jests aside, this apology was due years ago, my lady."
Sophia couldn't stop the sudden bubble of resentment that rose in her and threatened to spill out. "It was, so why didn't you deliver it then?"
Alton gulped. "I wish I could say it was to protect you or some noble gesture, but in truth it was to protect myself. I didn't want to face you after what had happened. Or maybe I was trying to convince myself it hadn't happened at all. It is my deepest regret. But with our new arrangement with your sister, I realized it was time for me to be brave and humble and accept my fault." He ran his hands through his hair. "I sound like a damned woman now, all sappy. James would die with laughter if he heard me now. But it is true. I want to leave it in the past. Move on, Lady Brighton."
Sophia could not keep the vehemence that clogged her throat at bay. She spit, "It's easy for you to move on from the past when you have a bright future ahead of you. But how can you demand I forgive you, when I don't have the same options as you lying in front of me. Our past can be forgotten by you because you will bury it with your future, but I? All I have is this resentment and loathing that drives me to make sure the same fate does not befall my sister. It is all that I live for." Sophia flung the last few words at him with anguish. Tears pooled at the corner of her eyes as red burned in front of her. As she realized that every word was something, she tried to deny but was inexplicably true. Her sisters were all that kept her going.
"Lady Brighton, I know it is a lot to ask and I hope in due course you will be able to forgive me. But considering what I am about to ask now, your resentment hopefully should not play a role in making a wrong decision."
Oh, holy hell, was he going to propose to her?
Sophia wanted to smack herself. Where had that thought come from?
She sharply inhaled and grew silent, contemplating her response. Her anger slowly bled away and she sighed. "Very well then. I will try my best to let go of my resentment for you and ensure that it does not influence whatever you are going to ask."
The briefest look of relief and hope crossed Lord Alton's face. His face brightened on delight, as if the weight that had been crushing his lungs had finally dispelled leaving only joy behind. Blake sighed in relief, happiness coursing through his veins that Sophia had finally forgiven him.
After a few moments of silence, Lord Alton spoke. "As propriety dictates, I must ask you father for your sister's hand. I have been sending out correspondence but have not received any response-"
Sophia stood up in shock and her mouth dropped open. "You didn't mention our..alteraction right?"
Lord Alton's thick brows drew together and he shook his head, freeing a few curls from his carefully combed-down hair. "No, of course not, my lady."
Sophia let out a large audible sigh. "Good. You mustn't at any cost. My father knew that a man ruined me and my chance of getting married but he doesn't know who it is because I didn't tell him and I don't think he found out in the years hence or I am sure you would have heard from him. Years ago, he swore he would kill the man if he ever found out who it was."
"But surely he would soon? Especially when I married your sister. And I cannot pursue the marriage with his blessing formally." Lord Alton laced his fingers together and leaned forward, pursing his lips.
"It would be too late for him to do anything once you are married. My father may say he'll kill you, but over the years he has barely had strength to lift himself off the floor if he fell into a drunken stupor. I don't think any physical harm will come to you through him and he cannot make any one carry out his will. But he would have enough power to stop the engagement and we can't have that."
"What if I spoked to him, told him what I told you about making amends?"
Sophia started shaking her head before he even finished. "Nay. My father will not listen to reason. Furthermore, if he manages to break off this engagement or harm you or anything of that sorts, Colette may not end up married." Sophia grimaced and turned her face away from the strength of his gaze. "I don't want to think of the consequences of that. He may be the one to blame but he will not take it."
Blake got up and approach her, standing just a few feet away. He touched her arm for a moment and drew away. It was a casual gesture of comfort but a bolt of lightning shot through Sophia and she backed away slowly.
"I understand what you mean, my lady. If all goes well, I will become family. I can't stand to see what will happen to you when your father unleashes his wrath." Lord Alton cocked his head to the side and crossed his arms over his chest.
"He said he would leave all of us in the streets if Colette was not married successfully." Sophia pressed her tongue to her teeth, trying to keep the sobs at bay. "We would be left penniless and homeless. That's why you must marry her. If he found out who you were after the wedding, it does not matter. He may scream and threaten to kill you but the law protects you. Then, Jeanne can be taken in as your ward and I...will get by if my father disowns me. I can take care. Work as a governess, perhaps." Sophia's eyes gleamed.
"With our history, it seemed only right to ask you for Colette's hand, to gain your blessings of the union. But hearing this," Lord Alton scratched his cheek, "I am not sure if the risk is worth it. This venture is to make things better, not worse for your family. It would defeat the whole purpose if the ton hears that your father was against it and had cast you all out as a result. If they found out he didn't accept the marriage. It would push you into further scandal."
"I know. But let me handle my father. If required I can ...forge correspondence indicating that my father accepted the union and that you were engaged. We only have to keep this façade for a few weeks until the wedding. After that, if the rumors arise, they will yield no fruit and change nothing. Besides, it's not like anyone else is wanting to marry Colette and you can't force anyone's hands either into such a holy union. This is the best and only course of action. All we can do is pray that it turns out well."
Lord Alton considered her roving his eyes over her face. Involuntarily, Sophia flushed under his intense gaze and her skin crawled with desire.
"Lady Brighton, I am beginning to think you enjoy the thrill of risk-taking too much."
"It seems like it's always done in your presence so one might say you are encouraging me too much." Sophia licked her lips and smirked up at Lord Alton.
An aghast expression overtook his face before it broke out into a lazy smile. He chortled. "Fair points have been made, Lady Brighton."
"Well?" Sophia prompted.
"Well what?"
"You said you came here to ask me for my sister's hand. I believe you must actually speak the words for the gesture to be carried out," Sophia slyly replied.
He scoffed. "Ms. Brighton, you truly are a vixen with than tongue, bending other's wills. I was just about to."
"Then do it." Sophia shrugged one shoulder daintily, making Lord Alton roll his eyes perceptibly.
"Patience, my lady. These are delicate affairs." Although he said it with a somber expression, his tone betrayed his amusement at their banter. "Without further ado, I would like to ask you, Lady Brighton if you will accept the union of marriage between your sister and I."
A small part of Sophia wanted to scream no, the same part who wished she was not so far away from hi, the one who wished his arms were around her that very moment. The same part of her who felt something for him, although she did not know what it was.
Yet, what she choked out was, "Yes. I accept."
Despite her positive answer, he didn't look overly happy or thrilled. In fact, his visage still remained quite impassive and silent. "That is a relief to hear," he monotonously replied.
Was his disappointed reaction a result of her positive answer? Did he want her to decline? God, why was he so frustrating to understand?
"I thought you'd be happier than that," Sophia exclaimed, trying to discern his true reaction
"I am elated, Miss Brighton. Just a little shocked I suppose that you didn't consider the proposal more."
"What was there to consider?"
Lord Alton opened his mouth as if they he was going to say something and just shook his head. "Nothing. Nothing at all."
That was when it finally sunk in to Sophia. They were claws that grasped her heart and tore it into ribbons. They were going to be family. He was going to be her brother by law. That thought made her stomach clench. What was wrong with her. This was a moment to rejoice and be happy, not miserable.
Yet a small voice at the back of her head chanted: you would much rather have him as your husband. You are envious of your own blood.
Sophia try to banish those traitorous thoughts from her head but they wouldn't leave. The truth never did slip the mind as easily as a lie.
"You may call me Lady Sophia, if you so please. Lady Brighton seems too formal given the fact we are to be related soon." Sophia replied softly.
"You can call me Blake," he started but backtracked as he took in her shocked expression. He smirked. "Or Lord Cavendish if you so please and think that is too informal. Didn't think you were one for such stringent propriety." He winked and bit his lips and a hot fire shot through Sophia.
He knew exactly what he was doing, wretched man.
"Times have changed, Lord...Cavendish."
"True. Now since we don't have too much time on our hands, shall we stroll through the gardens and start preparing for the wedding? I believe my betrothed's old chaperone had ensured everything went well with Colette's season but the wedding is planned by the girl's parents or in our case, you so we must handle that. My mother will also contribute to the preparation, Lady Sophia so you needn't tax yourself."
Sophia loved the way her name rolled off his tongue. Spindles of ecstasy shot through her. "Of course. That is of most import now. Shall we?"
Sophia had ensured she got right down to business, talking about what flowers they would need, who they could invite and such. After fifteen minutes of her prattling on, Blake held up his hands to stop her.
"Lady Sophia. I know time is against us but you seem to discard all together. Please, relax. We can proceed with the wedding much slower than that."
Sophia whipped her head towards him and glared. He held her stare until she finally cast her icy blue downwards. "You're right. Just excited I suppose that something is going right."
Blake had the insane urge to trace her cheekbones with the pad of his thumb, run it under her eyes and coax them open so she could look at him once again. He could get lost in that endless ocean that shimmered with life.
When Sophia had agreed to forgive him, Blake's heart became instantly lighter. He had carried that guilt for too long. They could finally move on. But as brother and sister almost. That thought left a bitter taste in his mouth. What kind of brother dreamed of doing all the things he had dreamed of doing to her? What kind of brother would run his fingers through his sister's curls in order to tug at them and pull her closer, feel her lips plush and soft under his?
No. He could not go there. He should not. He would not.
Turning towards her, he asked, "Tell me, what are your thoughts on politics?"
"On politics? Do you want my thoughts on politics and laws? You know women aren't allowed to have such opinions and thoughts. It's an odd topic choice. Why turn to the conversation to that? And besides how do you know I have any at all?"
"You tease me so, slap me, make cruel jests at me, kiss me back, read, all things women aren't supposed to do and you expect me to believe you do not have any thoughts on the politics of our era?" Blake admonished, smirking.
He hadn't meant to say the kiss part but he noticed how she shivered at those words. He had too.
"Alright. I may indeed possess several opinions on it, but I am not willing to share them with you of all people. You'll laugh," she cried, slightly jostling him with her shoulders.
Blake peered at her with a hot, stern gaze. "I would never dream of laughing at you, Sophia."
Sophia's smile melted away from her face as his face peered intensely at hers. They just stood there gawking at each other for an infinite amount of time, staring into the murky depths of each other's eyes.
Unable to bear the weight of his gaze, Sophia eventually turned her face away from his. Her neck and cheeks were tinged a deep red. "Regardless of what you may say, I will not share those opinions with anyone."
"Very well. Then at least tell me what you think of love," he whispered against the shell of her ear and he could see her skin on her arms prickling upwards at the sensation. He didn't know why that subject came blurting out of his lips, yet it did. With surprising curiosity. A subject he had never discussed before. With any woman.
Sophia stared at him with widened eyes, taken aback. He felt like how she looked. What had possibly pushed him to ask that?
It was silent for several moments and Blake didn't think she would answer. He was almost going to ask another, more simply question when she looked up at him earnestly and openly.
In a whisper he had to strain his ears to hear, she said "I thought I found a semblance of it once. Now I do not know."
Blake had no response for that.
Blake's revealed another side to him! Do you think it's appropriate for a man with a rakish reputation such as he? Are rakes allowed to be this sweet?
Readers! Thank you for taking your time to read this chapter! Be sure to vote, comment and share it with others! Every single thing means the world to me! I love you all!
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