3rd Person

A little after the troll hive attack...


"Hey Chiron!" A camper yelled. "Where's Will?" Chiron pursed his lips as he turned around.

"He is on a quest. I'm afraid that I cannot say any more than that." He said. The camper groaned.

"But he was going to give me a masterclass archery class!" He threw his hands up in the air, exasperated. "He's always getting new excuses every day."

"I assure you; this is something extremely important. Now, off you go. I can give you a masterclass today, if you want." The camper's eyes brightened, and he ran off, grinning.

"Thanks, Chiron!" He waved and sprinted to the Hermes cabin. Chiron smiled and trotted slowly to the arena, whistling a tune from the 50s. 

"Chiron! The monsters—" Katie Gardner breathed heavily, as if she had been running. "There are monsters! Like, from the Battle of the Labyrinth!" Chiron paled. 

"Blow the conch horn! Sound the attack! Gather the demigods of Camp Half-Blood!" He commanded, grabbing his bow and arrows from the sling across his back. He heard the three conch horns blow signifying the attack was here.

"Head counselors! Gather your cabins and prepare for battle! This is an ambush!" He galloped towards the Big House.

"I must contact Percy Jackson." He murmured to himself. Taking a glass prism from the Big House table where Seymour was, he hastily created a rainbow and threw a drachma at it.

"O, Iris, goddess of the rainbow, show me Percy Jackson in the Lost Cities." The image flickered and a hazy image of a sleeping Percy appeared in the rainbow. Chiron stifled a smile. He was drooling.

"Percy!" He shouted. The demigods shot awake, his sea-green eyes wide with alert.

"Chiron! What's up? Oh gods, is something wrong? Are you ok—"

"We're being attacked." Chiron interrupted. "Where are the Seven? We need them now!" Percy's face blanched.

"How big is the army?" He demanded, throwing off the covers of his...hospital bed?

"Why are you in a hospital?" Chiron blurted out. Percy rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly.

"Long story. Now, how many are there?"

"Roughly the same as the Battle of the Labyrinth." He admitted. If possible, Percy paled even more.

"What happened? I heard a scream—" A crazy-looking elf with messy brown hair entered the view of the Iris-Message. His jaw dropped.


"My camp is being attacked." Percy fretted. "Please, can't I go? I'm fine now! It's been like 3 days!" The elf pursed his lips.

"No, you are staying here—"

"Elwin." Percy had a serious look on his face. The doctor sighed in defeat.

"Fine. But you'll bring Sophie and the others with you. I'll tell Sophie and the Seven, be careful and don't almost die again!" He yelled after him as Percy thanked him and vapor-traveled out. Almost a second later, Percy materialized in the Big House, Riptide drawn and at the ready.

"Where are they? I need to get to the campers—"

"My word, I keep forgetting you could do that, child." Chiron clutched at his heart as he disconnected the IM. " The battle is near Thalia's Pine on Half-Blood Hill." Percy, his eyes hard with the rage of battle and ran out the door.

Percy pounded through the camp, wondering if he was too late. He couldn't waste his energy by vapor-traveling, so he just had to go by foot. Slowly, but surely, he heard the battle cries and clangs of metal against metal.

"Hey Beef-Head!" Percy caught his old friend's eye. The Minotaur. The beast roared in rage and stampeded straight towards Percy. He side-stepped easily, tutting.

"My, my, you're out of practice." He said, remembering Luke Castellan's words to him and a sharp needle pierced his heart slightly. "Don't you beef-heads ever learn?" He drew his sword through the bull's chest as it screeched angrily before disappearing into golden dust.

"Ack!" He dodged a sizzling spittle of hydra saliva. "Hey!" He glared at the hydra, who nearly cowered under his wolf stare. It let out a shriek and charged towards a young camper that couldn't be older than 8, who's hazel eyes were widened in fear.

"Out of the way!" Percy shouted, pushing himself between the terrified camper and the hydra's venom. He deflected most of it with his sword, but some of the droplets leaked onto his skin and made Percy growl in pain.

"Stupid hydras." He muttered as he lifted his hands, and a tidal wave came crashing down on the monsters.

The monster let out a strangled croak, choking out water before dissipating like the Minotaur.

"Why, hello, Perseus!" A hiss sounded behind him.

"Shut up, Kelli, go to Tartarus already." He slashed behind him, but the empousa dodged and grabbed a nearby camper.

"Move and she dies." She hissed, holding a claw to the younger camper's throat.

"Shut your trap, idiot." The camper snapped as she did a backward kick to the monster. She howled in pain and clutched her stomach. Percy finished it with a swipe to the neck.

"Nice job." He fist-bumped the camper as he killed a hellhound.

"No prob." She replied as she started sparring with a dracaena. 

"Percy!" Percy heard a voice behind him.

"Annabeth! Guys!" He yelled as he saw his girlfriend and the brown-eyed elf appearing in the midst of the battle. Tam, Linh, Fitz, Dex, Wylie, Keefe, the Seven, Will, and Nico joined him.

"Woah!" Sophie ducked as a flying dagger soared over her head. "Time to fight?" She took out her dagger, Hope.

"I don't think that kind of metal would work." Percy warned her as he stabbed a cyclops in the stomach.

"Oh really?" She drew a goblin throwing star at the forehead of the cyclopes Percy was fighting and it hit square on target. The cyclops squealed and melted into dust. Dex took out a gadget of his and launched it into the face of a pit scorpion. The small metallic box exploded, and the scorpion was gone, only diminished to dust.

"Ok, that'll work." Percy nodded, looking impressed and swung Riptide at a basilisk. His eyes widened at the monster.

"Was that a basilisk?" He muttered, mostly to himself. "Oh gods, he's here." Sophie wondered who 'he' was, but before she would ask, a voice boomed through the battle.

"Fear me, demigods!" It bellowed. Percy rolled his eyes. "The Neverseen has captured Perseus Jackson, and now I am—"

"Stupid!" Percy yelled back. "You moron, they never captured me in the first place! Honestly, the Neverseen aren't that bright. You should really get your facts right, Polybotes." The demigods all gasped at the name of the giant.

"You cannot defeat me without the help of a god, foolish demigod! I am unstoppable!" He laughed evilly. 

"Dud, I defeated you once with the head of a statue." Percy said dryly. "Well, it was Terminus, but a good whack to the head killed you." He mimed throwing something. "Anything you've got to say to that?" Polybotes snarled.

"You will pay for this, Perseus Jackson!" He roared, pointing his trident-thingy at Percy.

"Aw, come on, man! I don't have a credit card!" He whined as he charged at the giant.

"Percy!" Annabeth cried.

Polybotes scowled and swung his. Percy narrowly dodged, ran underneath the giant's scaly legs, jumped and stuck Riptide in the calf, careful not to touch the skin. He roared in agony.

"Can't you do better, Polybotes? Wow, you really were the opposite of Poseidon. At least he's a good fighter." Percy remarked sassily as he wove in and out of attacking, parrying, and deflecting blows. Because Polybotes had a trident, he could only do far-distance attacks and therefore couldn't really hurt Percy.

"Deal with these!" He thundered and pulled three basilisks out of his hair and threw them at Percy.

"No need, Perce!" Sophie, Fitz, and Keefe yelled in perfect unison as they shot goblin shooting stars right on target of the basilisks. It killed the basilisks on the spot, making gold dust float around the giant's feet.

"I just need to touch you, Perseus Jackson..." The giant cackled.

"Ayo, bro? That sounded way too wrong..." Percy cringed.

"My touch turns water into poison—"

"Yeah, yeah, you already said that." Percy waved him away. "Let's hurry up, already."

"Even if you kill me with a god, Son of the Sea, I will regenerate! Tartarus is on our side now!" Percy stiffened. Tartarus. He hated that guy.

"Tartarus my old dude?" Percy cocked his head. "Hel nah." He launched Riptide at the giant's nose, and it went straight up it. Polybotes wailed and clutched his nose, which was now steadily bleeding ichor.

"Hey, Olympians!" Percy waved his hands wildly towards the sky. "Any chance you could help me defeat this giant?" A bright light shone down the raging battle, and Apollo flashed in.

"Apollo! My favorite cuz! Uh, other than my demigod cousins and Hermes, of course." Percy grinned. "Any chance you could, uh, help me?"

"Sure thing, Perce! You already got him good up there." He pointed to where the giant was recovering from the razor-sharp blade up his nostril. "A classic." Percy nodded, his ADHD going overdrive as he noticed Polybotes lumbering towards them.

"Heads up, fire up!" Apollo notched an arrow from behind and it hit Polybotes on a tattooed shoulder.

"God of the sun, you are no match for the bane of the Sea!" The giant laughed/roared.

"You're no match for the bane of Olympus!" Apollo shouted back. Bane of Olympus? Percy wondered. Where did that come from?

"The bane of Olympus is weak, just like the gods that claim to rule over fairness." He chortled.

"You do the same thing, you know!" Percy complained. "You claim to rule over intelligence!" Polybotes growled angrily.

"I will destroy the kingdom of Neptune, and after that I will destroy you!" He laughed.

"I'd like to see you try." Percy spat, grabbing Riptide that had now appeared in his pocket. As Apollo loaded another arrow into his bow, Polybotes suddenly had a wicked grin in his face. He feinted to the left towards Apollo, but then launched poison-tainted water at one of the demigods.


"Nico!" Percy cried as the water splashed onto the son of Hades. Time seemed to slow despite Kronos not being there as Percy could feel the poison seep into Nico's system.

"Nico!" His boyfriend gasped. "Don't you DARE die on me, DI ANGELO!" He frantically aided Nico, tears filling his eyes along with Apollo, who rushed over. Percy turned slowly to Polybotes, anger flaring like a flame in his sea-green eyes.

"You didn't." His voice was dangerously low. 

"Oh yes I did." Polybotes chuckled but looked concerned about the growing murderous look in Percy's eyes. It looked like a whirling storm of green acid, venom that could seep through your heart and bleed the living daylights out of you, perhaps even your soul. The look of dark, black hatred.

"Did you hear about the news, Polybotes?" Percy smiled insanely, tilting his head innocently.

"Do not play smart with me, puny godling." He warned. Percy only smiled wider. The battlefield went silent.

"Oh, but we are so similar in so many ways, dear Polybotes!" He said, a sickly sweetness in his voice.

"Percy...?" Annabeth whimpered. Percy's eyes flashed, but instead of the murky green glow from last time, it was bloodred. 

He stretched out his hands, and evil smirk quirking his lips.

"Percy, no!"

[Hehehe...cliffhanger! sorry not sorry :)

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