Turning Points
Jack's POV
That's what filled the car as I drove so overwhelmed and my heart ache as I listened . The cries was coming from the girl who sat in my passenger seat . Leaving Gio asleep when she called in distress I had come and picked her up .Her eyes that was always wide -curious had tears streaming down. She was leaned up against the window bun hitting the window ..her buns usually brought out her beautiful facial features only showed how devastating it looked as she cried today . At the mere age of 18 she shouldn't be experiencing this ..
She as in Nadia .. my sister .
"Nadia please stop crying " I murmured slightly looking at her as we stopped shortly at a red light "Don't let this define you "
"How could I not ? " Nadia answered in a slur still drunk wincing as she talked from the scratches she had on her face . "Jack just -just don't tell mom and dad okay ?"
"You know you can't ask me to do that "I responded solemnly as I reversed the car one hand still clutching her shaking hand . "It's not like you only sneaked out but you got drunk and you were assaulted .. you wasn't even supposed to be out tonight "
She grew silent looking almost as if in a daze from me denying her request .
"Why have you been rebelling against our parents Nad ? They are trying to protect you " I spoke with anguish not towards her but the circumstance. I'm her older brother I'm supposed to protect her .
Nadia had snuck out the house and went to a local pub convinced by her friends . They had started partying drinking heavily as they did so . My sister had went to the bathroom telling them not to move and that she would be back when she had returned they wasn't at the bar . Going through the sea of people looking for her friends who had abandoned her had led to a man trying to push up onto her . As she refused and tried to evade him he had gotten aggressive leading to the scratches on her face . It was stopped by a patron who seen the altercation happening stopping it from going any further after which shakily she called me to come get her .
"They won't let me have a life .. they are so strict I feel like I can't even be myself " Nadia said in a hush tone . She had calmed down no longer crying but her hands were still shaking. " You know how they are everything has to be perfect"
Our parents are of Caribbean descent ..Haitian to be exact . Often times through out our childhood despite them being good parents everything felt shut out by their expectations.It was their way for us to thrive to do better but of course only through in their image . So they were strict and it could be very overbearing I had felt that first hand when I was her age . I was adopted by them and Nadia was their miracle baby ..our fathers sperm count was not at high level at all almost barren & they discovered it would be hard to conceive but then came my sister debunking that.
"I'm so sorry Nadia you know I know how it feels but that doesn't mean to be defiant and do things like this .. there's other ways to get the freedom you desire " I say soothingly as we pull into my driveway " a safer way "
Next Morning
My phone rings waking me out my sleep . Last night was a long night Gio ended up leaving at 5 am as we played board games with my sister to make her feel better . She slept over here after I spoke to my parents covering for her . My heart aches knowing she was going through a rough patch .
"Hello" I spoke into the phone that I had answered without looking.
"Wake uppppp Skylar and I are coming over for a late brunch in an hour so get to cooking" Natalie says firmly into the phone with her sing song voice.
"How are you gonna just invite yourself over like that ? " I say chuckling voice still gruff from being awoken.
"Cause I said so Jack now .." She said humorously "UP! UP!"
"I'm getting up as we speak " I say rolling over getting out of bed " bye Natalie till later"
The phone is hung up after a quick "Ok" as I stretch grumbling to myself about being bossed around . Heading into the shower I start scrubbing my body enjoying the feel off the warm water hitting my body waking me up but soothing my muscles all the same . I hop out after 30 minutes brushing my teeth before getting dressed . After I put on the shirt and a pair of shorts looking casual and comfortable as ever I head to the kitchen to see my sister Nadia already up .
"Good Morning " Nadia greets chippy as ever being as how she was a morning person " you making breakfast?"
"Good morning and yes I am " I reply back grabbing eggs out the fridge " we have company coming over this morning "
" Who? " She asks with eye brow raised not only cause she was curious but also she wasn't keen to new people .
"My neighbors that moved in next door " I say peeling plantains multitasking as I also stir the eggs saving them for last as they cooked the fastest "Natalie and her son Skylar "
Met with a quick "hmmph" I continued to cook in silence as Nadia scrolled through her phone. I was making eggs , fried plantains & sausage . I also decided on oatmeal , biscuits and toast all things I was used to eating in the morning . I felt it gave a variety off options for a hearty breakfast being a quick and easy choice to make too .I went to work finishing the task cooking the eggs last . I made Nadia set the table putting plates and cups on the table alongside the drink options.
Going upstairs to change I heard the doorbell ring and heard Nadia open the door greeting our guest . Coming back downstairs as quick freshly changed I greeted Natalie and Skylar " Hey yall know where the table the food just got finished being made a few minutes ago "
"You made it yourself ? " Natalie asked as we all walked to the table as Skylar stayed quiet .
"Yes I sure did I see y'all have met my sister Natalie "I answered as she and my sister at the table turning to Skylar before he could sit " Can you help bring the food in here Skylar ?
He nods his head meekly before following behind me to the kitchen .
" I wanted to apologize honestly for pushing up on you and invading your space " I look at him apologetically . After everything that went down with my sister I started to see an error in my actions towards Skylar I was so used to being that forward and trying to get what I want I never sat to think if I overstepped . " it wasn't my place to do that . It was impulsive and wrong . I hope you can accept my apology and bypass it since I hold a great respect for you and your mother alongside the bond her & I share ."
" I can't say I forgive you all the way yet but I do respect the fact that you can apologize " Skylar says his big orbs meeting mines feeling as if they were seeing into my soul " I don't think your a bad person so we definitely can work towards forgiveness "
"That's all I would ever ask " I say with a soft smile as we make it to the table setting all the food down .
Everyone made they plates said grace and dug in . The brunch was filled with laughs and great bonding . It was a hoot to share stories clinging onto our seats as we enjoyed the early afternoon . Looking around at my sister smiling and Natalie looking so enthused into conversation. I slowly turn to Skylar who sees me looking at him .
We looked at each other and shared a smile of understanding.
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