(🎃) What if Y/N was an Exe?


It was a haunting and spooky time of the year. Trick or Treating, watching scary movies, or if you're Beta, have a drinking party with many drinking games.

Speaking of that, while the girls were out having a slumber party, playing their own little card game, Beta was in the middle of a party himself at at the castle. He was casually hanging out with his buddies, Y/N & Skully, both you and Beta were wasted. SMG4 and the others didn't want to be apart of it, so they went to bed, but Skully stayed because he wanted to at least spend the holiday with friends and family.

Y/N: Woooo! Hooo *Hiccup* This party's the greatest!..

Beta: Yeah maaaaan..This party is fucking amazing..

Skully was skeptical of his drink, smelling it, he flinches.

Skully: Ugh..

He attempted to put it down but Beta noticed and forced him to drink it.

Beta: Cmonnnn! Live a littleee!!

Skully: *Muffled* Hey!! Let me go!

He felt the alcohol hit his tastebuds, he hesitated but decided..

Fuck it..

He chugged it all down. You and Beta were shocked as he pushed the glass away from him.

Skully: There, happy?

Beta: Good job buddy!!

Y/N: Yay!!!

Skully: You both are wasted..

Y/N: Whaaaat? Nooo, I'm not wasted!

Beta: You're wasted!!

He chucked a plastic cup at him.

Skully: Uh huh..

He crossed his arms and sat back.

Your eyes widen at something.

Beta: Gotcha didn't I?

Skully: Yes. Yes you did.

Beta: Goteeeeemmm..

Skully: Y/N? You good over there?

Y/N: Uh..Skully..w-who's that bitch standing in front of y-you?..

You gain a puzzled look from him.

Skully: What are you talking about?


Skully: Did you make him do seaweed?..

Beta: Only one joint-

Then the power cuts.

Skully: What the?!

Beta: Hey asshole! Why'd you turn the power off?!

Skully: Uh, I didn't, I wasn't even near the fuse box you wasted drunk.

Beta: I will kick your ass you boney piece of shit! Now switch the power back on!!

Skully: I can't, I don't even know where the fuse box is!

Y/N: We have a backup generator..*hiccup* In the..umm...uhhh....kitchen! Yeah! Kitchen!

Skully: Alright, that I can navigate. I'll be back.

You hear footsteps fading away.


Skully: Okay, where is it?..

He searched the wall and found the switch.

Skully: Ah Hah!

Wrong switch.

Skully: Oh, it's Tari's Nintendo Switch. How'd it get here?..

He shakes his head and puts it away, he then finds the real switch and flips it back on.

Skully: Okay! That should do it, now to head back and see Y/N.

. . .

He gets back and finds Y/N missing, and Beta face down onto the floor.

Skully: *Sigh* Damn it Beta..why'd you get up?..

He sighed.

Skully: Where is Y/N?..Eh, I'll find him later, come on you lazy drunk, off the floor.

He went to go get him but to his horror..

He was dead.

His throat's been slit, and multiple stab wounds were all over his back.

Skully: J-Jesus's Christ!! BETA!!!

He gets on his knees and examines him.

Skully: W-Who did this to you?!

He hears footsteps outside, he gets up and got his flashlight out.


He chases after this figure for what felt like hours, until he hears no footsteps at all.

Skully: *Pant* Where did this thing go?.

He looks around calmly and echolocated a figure standing at Bowser's castle.

Skully: Well then, this is gonna be a long walk..


He finally reaches Bowser's castle and finds Y/N?.

Skully: Y/N? Are you ok?

Y/N: ...................................................

Skully: Y/N?..

He gets a bad vibe when he saw he was covered in blood and backs away. Running through the woods.

Skully: I gotta warn the others! If this is some sick prank, I'm making Halloween illegal in this kingdom!

He reaches the castle.

Skully: Guys! Guys! Something creepy is going on here- SWEET JESUS!!

He finds the mangled corpses of SMG4, Mario, Luigi & Toad.

Skully: What the hell is this?!?

He turns back around and saw Y/N, his eyes glowed a bloodshot red color, his smile grew as he tilted his head, cracking it in the process.

Skully: Y-Y/N..what the fuck is wrong with you?..


[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

He lunged at Skully, he quickly dodged him and bolted off.

Skully: Shit shit shit!! I need to find the others!!!! And Fast!

He turns behind him and saw Y/N standing there again, he kicks down a tree to try and stop him, he avoided the tree and ran the other way until he reaches a lake, he tripped on a rock and crawls away from this thing.

Skully: W-What the fuck are you?!

He saw the water and quickly swan down to find Boopkins watching anime.

Boopkins: Huh? Oh hey Skully!-


He screamed as he was then pulled away by a force, frightening Boopkins.

Boopkins: Uhh..S-Skully?..are you ok?...

No response, only blood started to flood his watery home.

Boopkins: Is this some type of prank?..because it-it isn't funny..

He shakes as he went out of the water and looks around.

Boopkins: Skully?..

Out of nowhere, a knife went flying by and got a direct hit dead in the forehead. Boopkins fell dead.

Y/N: So many souls to play with, so little time.

Would you agree?


The girls were chatting, all but one.

Meggy: Is something wrong Tari?..

Tari: Huh?..

Saiko: You haven't talked all night. What's the trouble?

Tari: I-it's just..

She looked around panicked a little.

Tari: I don't think we should've messed with that Ouija Board..

Saiko facepalms.

Saiko: It's fine Tari, it was a stupid little game, ghosts aren't real.

King Boo: Am I a joke to you

Saiko: GET OUT!

She sticks a needle in him, causing him to pop like a balloon.

Belle: Saiko's right, you don't need to worry about anything.

Beth: Yeah! You'll be fine!

Tari smiled in relief.

Tari: Thanks girls..

Meggy: You're welcome-

The door was kicked open, making the girls jump.

Saiko: Who's there?!

Belle: If it's Beta or Mario wearing a fucking mask, I'm gonna punch his nose off their stupid faces..

Red eyes glowed in the doorway.

Saiko: Haha, very funny boys, now come out.


Saiko: Are you deaf? I said come out!

No answer, so she groans and gets up with her hammer.

Saiko: Don't say I didn't warn you.

She hits this figure, only to have the hammer shatter on top it's head.

Saiko: W-What?!

The figure revealed itself to be Y/N.

Meggy: Y/N? Did you pull that prank all by yourself? If so, that was awesome!


Belle: He's starting to freak me out..

Tari: Where's the others?..

Y/N smiled menacingly and pulled out a decapitated head of Skully and Mario. The girls started to panic at the sight.

Belle: Oh my god!!


Beth: Jesus Christ!

Y/N: You're. All. Next.

It ends with the girls meeting their rapid demise...Y/N forever roams the woods, waiting for his next prey.

Y/N: What have I done?..You did what you were always designed to do..kill. No! I don't wanna kill! I just wanted to have a fun time! And you ruined everything!! Watch it, or your next.. Yeah? Take me then..


Beth: So, what did you think of that? I didn't get to write a good ending to it yet. So it's still in working progress.

Everyone sat there, Tari was petrified. As the others were mixed about it.

Tari: I-is it over?..

Beta: Yea, it's over.

Saiko: That's interesting..

Y/N: So I end up killing everyone?

Beth: Yep!

Beta: Shame I died first.

Meggy: Oh, it was creepy. But I must say. I wasn't expecting that ending at all.

Skully: Me neither.

Y/N: Well, what a surprise that was, eh?

SMG4: Good story!

Mario: Oooh, can Mario share a story next?

Everyone: No!

Mario: Why not-a?

Y/N: Every time you tell a story, it's about the time where you accidentally burned your spaghetti in a toaster oven!

Mario: But it was terrifying!

You roll your eyes.

Meggy: Look Red, we mean actual scary stories. Not just personal problems.

She kissed your cheek.

Meggy: So, cutie, got any stories?

Y/N: I did have this one time where we all were the size of apples.

Bob: Oh ShIt!

Beta: Every heard of the story about the dick-faced monkey?

Skully rolled his eyes.

Skully: Please. Not that story, anything but that.

The others were grossed out.

Beth: Ew!

Axol: Isn't that a bit much?..

Beta: Oh trust me! It's a good story!

SMG4: Uh. No, no you won't be sharing that story..

Beta: Aw why not?

Y/N: It sounds lewd!

Beta: It isn't though!

Beth: Should I just..keep on writing a new story?..

Tari: S-Sure..but please make it less scary..

She said holding Archibald close to her.

Beth: Time to write a new fresh one then!

She began to write a new one again, as you all relaxed by the campfire on the night of Halloween.

(I'm a ghost now.)


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