Requested by MLPFan001
Crazy, tough and hard to kill, which two seemingly unkillable psycopath with emerge victorious?
Nui Harime
-Due to being a Life-Fiber hybrid, has an insane healing ability.
-Able to heal from Wounds, almost instantly.
-If her heart is ripped out, will immediately snap back into place, even if severed from her body.
-Cannot be stopped unless a severed Limb is cut off from both sides at the same time.
Fourth Wall awareness:
-Arguably one of her best powers.
-Has a Fourth Wall Awareness.
-Able to interact with Title Cards.
-She both leans against it, and flat out, lies on top of it, as shown above.
-Can reach across the screen to interact with foes.
-Played with Satsuki's Hair, despite being nowhere near her.
Nui Strength:
-Blocked attacks from Ryuko with each with her new arms.
-Even before getting them, blocked enraged attacks from Ryuko with no issue.
-Blocked an attack from Sanageyama, with no effort.
-Easilly overpowered Ryuko's Father.
Nui Speed & Reflexes:
-Avoided Point Blank Anti-Life Fiber Bullets.
-Blitzed Ryuko Matoi.
-Kept up with Satsuki Kiryuin.
-Avoided attacks from Berserker rage Ryuko.
-Outpaced the Elite Four with relative ease.
Nui Durability:
-Skin is naturally harder than Steel.
-Endured a Beating from Ryuko, a bunch of times.
-Ripped her own heart out.
-Should that be counted as a Strength Feat?
-Took hits from Mako.
-Has a Shit Ton of Blood.
-Like seriously, she really does.
-Tanked Anti-life fiber mines without a scratch.
Nui Powers and Abilities:
-Can create copies of herself.
-While no limit has been shown, safe to estimate around the Hundreds range.
-Can be taken out rather easily, compared to Nui herself.
-Can Appear to grow her head to much greater sizes than normal.
-Used to freak out Mako.
-Just a form of Hallucination, and no physical properties.
Mental Refitting:
-Has the Ability to Mind Control People.
-Does this by scattering Life Fibers all over the victims body, and even brain.
-Can control the victim like a puppet.
-A strong willed person can break free however.
New Arms:
-Just as Hard as the Scissor Blade.
-Despite being slightly less flexible than her normal arms, work just as well.
-Can transform into blades.
-Can Transform into wings for flight!
Razor Sharp Measuring Tape:
-Uses like a whip.
-As in the title, Very Sharp.
-Can easily cut through Human Skin with little issue.
Nui's Scissor Blade:
-The other Half to the Rending Scissors.
-When both halves are used, can stop Life Fiber regeneration.
-Can alter it's shape slightly, to look more like a scythe.
-Even with just 1 half, can stop Regeneration on a smaller level.
-As shown when a single slash from Ryuko's father got rid of her eye for good.
Forced Ryuko into her Berserker form.
Master Manipulator on that note.
Blitzed Ryuko apon their second encounter.
Successfully destroyed Senketsu for some time.
Blocked an attack from Ryuko after getting her new arms.
Blocked hits from her even before then, with no effort.
Dodged point blank, anti-life fiber bullets.
So out insane, and out of control that not even Ragyo Kiryuin could fully control her.
Kept pace with Satsuki Kiryuin.
Took on the Elite Four with Ease, despite being out-numbered four-to-one.
Due to her hybrid physiology, Harime is unable to use Kamui.
Underestimates her opponents while constantly instigating them.
Loyal to the point of sacrificial suicide on command.
Lost both arms to Ryuko Matoi.
Superhuman Body
Exceptionally skilled with swords and all forms of guns
Mastery in assassination techniques and numberous martial arts
Superb healing factor
Magic satchel
Contains various items, regardless of continuity
Includes teleportation belt, machine guns, katanas, pistols and other things
Fourth wall awareness
Deadpool can also break the fourth wall.
Teleporter Belt
Allows Deadpool to teleport short distances
Occasionally prone to malfunction
Magic Satchel
Holds unlimited weapons and ammo
Bends laws of physics and space
Powerful enough to decapitate a human using just blunt force
Submachine Guns
Flashbang Grenades
Frag Grenades
Bear Traps
Pulse Rifles
Chargable: allowing them to instantly vaporise a human at full charge.
Degeneration Beam
Insect Swarm Grenades
Carbondanium katana
Universal Acid
His own dismembered arm, Arm-Fall-Off-Boy would be proud
Navigated an obstacle course meant for Iron Man-like suits unscathed
Completely regenerated from a single hand
Sole person to outwith Taskmaster
Can dodge point-blank machine guns
Casually battled Red Hulk
Once became a Herald of Galactus
Regularly shrugs off wounds
Infiltrated Latveria & defeated 12 Doombots
Defeated 100 ninjas while on the phone
Pulled a rogue midair helicopter
Defeated Wolverine, Taskmaster, & the Hulk
Biggest opening weekend for an R-rated film ever ($132.7 million!)
Healing factor is not perfect
Head requires reattachment
Claims that regeneration is slow and painful.
Killable by drowning, suffocation and destroying, vaporizing or incinerating all his cells.
His cells also regenerate the cancer cells so he always has it
If someone takes away the cancer then his healing factor will cause him to explode
The depiction of his healing factor attributes, limits and speed is inconsistent. The Movie canon requires at least an hour to regrow an entire hand.
According to Mistress Death, his healing factor is linked to his subconscious so he sometimes doesn't bother regenerating
Mental stability sometimes creates problems
Deadpool is constantly distracted by the voices in his head.
Frequently allows himself to be in harms way.
Does not take any given situation seriously.
Tends to forget his sachet, either leaving it at home or in the cab he rode in.
Deadpool attacks or betrays his allies frequently and has the reputation of being very annoying. Even his most iconic sidekicks despise him.
Hallucinates frequently
Frequently suffers from amnesia.
Incredibly impulsive
Even if immortal, Deadpool can still be overpowered; especially by opponents with superhuman durability
Has been defeated by the Hulk easily and painfully multiple times.
Had a strict no killing rule for a good while before changing it to not killing innocent bystanders
Cannot decide on a spouse
Was knocked out by Captain America with a single punch
His teleporter doesn't work half the time
He risks going back in time if he teleports at the sametime someone else teleports
Once took too long getting into his outfit in a phone booth, resulting in the death of an old man he was about to save.
Is defeated by Daredevil in a majority of their encounters mostly due to pure skill alone
Has been easily defeated by The Punisher
Abandoned factory
In a dark abandoned factory, Nui Harime sat at the table, speaking to herself as she fiddles a needle around a dead Gabara head.
Nui: You know, there is something which I have always wondered. Should I give Ryuko a brain or a testicle? I don't know. Which should I give.
As Nui is busy talking to herself, unknown to her, a shadowy silhouette slithers through the darkness.
The figure narrows his eyes as he cocks his guns.
Just as Nui is cutting up Gabara's head, her eyes shifts to the side.
Someone's here.
Nui stood in her position, motionless.
After what seems like an eternity, all of a sudden, the sounds of gunshots booms across the room along with the loud shrill screams of Nui.
Nui: AHHHHH!!!!
Blood splatters across the ground as the bullets continues to strike Nui repeatly.
After what seems like a million gunshots, Nui stood motionless before collapsing onto the ground.
As Nui lies motionless on the ground, all of a sudden, a tall muscular man cladded in a red and black spandex suit jumps out, exclaiming.
Deadpool: Aw yeah! Deadpool here!
Deadpool steps towards Nui's body and he questions.
Deadpool: I don't know about ya, but I just turned a Japanese girl into Swiss Cheese!
However, Deadpool heard a loud feminine voice saying.
Nui: Oh really?
Without warning, something cuts across Deadpool's body, causing blood to spill out.
Deadpool: AHHHHH!!!!
Deadpool screams out in agony as he clutches his body, blood spilling out.
He looks down and his eyes narrows as he pouts.
Deadpool: Hey no fair, you cheated.
Nui pushes herself up as she held up her Measuring Tape.
Nui: Sorry, but I don't play fair.
Deadpool: Neither do I.
Without warning, Deadpool brandishes his katana and he swung it across Nui's body.
Nui: AHHH! Alright! That does it!
Nui swung her Measuring Tape across, striking right across Deadpool's body.
Deadpool: Ow!
Nui launches herself forward, brandishing her Scissor Blade.
Nui: You're going down! YAHHHHH!!!!
Nui screams out in fury as she launches herself forward.
Deadpool narrows his eyes and he swung his sword across, parrying Nui's attacks.
Deadpool teleports across while Nui blitz across the room, traveling at superhuman speed, trading blows while moving across the room.
Nui: NARGH!!!!
Nui screams out in anger as she swung her blade downwards.
However, Deadpool rolls across the attack before whipping out his gun, opening fire at her.
Nui: Ow!
Nui screams out as she backs off from the attack.
Deadpool narrows his eyes and he smirks beneath the mask as he points his gun at her.
However, Nui's mouth suddenly twists into a smirk as she launches herself forward.
As Deadpool opens fire at her, Nui swerves her head to the side, dodging the bullet before swinging her blade across.
Deadpool: AHHHHH!!!!
Deadpool screams out in agony as his hand drops onto the ground.
Deadpool clutches his arm and he blows at it.
Deadpool: HOO!!!! HOO!!! Ow! Ow! Ow!
As Deadpool screams in pain, Nui stares down at him and she questions in a mocking tone.
Nui: What's wrong? I just gave you a new back scratcher.
Deadpool: Back scratcher? Ha! Gotta write that down.
Nui widens her eyes as Deadpool picks up his hand and he places it over his arm hole.
Flesh tissues grows over the gap, healing the wound, reattaching Deadpool's head.
Nui: Ah I see. You can regenerate as well.
Deadpool: Yeah. So can a bunch of other guys. By the way....
Deadpool brandishes out a couple of submachine and he said to her.
Deadpool: Don't think just because you're somebody's waifu means I'm gonna play nice with you!
Deadpool points his guns at Nui and he opens fire at her.
Nui jumps across the room, dodging as Deadpool continues to fire at her.
Nui launches herself across the room and without warning, she slams headfirst right into his forehead.
As Deadpool staggers back, Nui swung her Scissor Blade at him.
However, without warning, Deadpool suddenly disappears out of sight, causing Nui to widen her eyes in shock.
Nui: What?!
All of a sudden....
Nui's eyes widens as she felt her arms separating from her body.
Plop! Plop!
Nui stood dumbfounded as she heard Deadpool's voice behind her saying.
Deadpool: Gotcha!
Nui screams out in agony as she runs across the room, her blood spilling everywhere.
Deadpool smirks and he proudly boasts as he held up his Carbondanium Sword.
Deadpool: Carbondanium, nullifies your own healing factor.
However, Nui smirks and she said.
Nui: Oh I won't need them to kill you.
Nui swung her head backwards, slamming right into Deadpool's forehead.
Deadpool: NARGH!!! Not this again!
As Deadpool held his head in pain, Nui quickly regrew her arms and she transforms them into blades.
Nui spun around and she swung her bladed arms across Deadpool.
Nui: AHHHHHH!!!!
Nui screams out in fury as she slashes at Deadpool, not giving the Merc with a Mouth a chance to recover.
Deadpool: Huagh!!!!
Deadpool vomits out blood as he staggers back, bleeding out.
Nui picks up Deadpool's Carbondanium Sword and she questions mischieviously.
Nui: Nullifies Healing Factors eh?
Nui steps towards the injured Deadpool and she suggests sadistically.
Nui: Oh I know. How about I use that same sword to chop off your head! I need to pay you back for what you did with my arms!
However, just as Nui steps towards Deadpool, all of a sudden, Deadpool brandishes his sais and he swung them forward, stabbing them right into Nui's head.
Nui: AHHHHH!!!!
Nui screams out in pain as the sharp tips of the sais stabs into her brain.
As Nui staggers back, Deadpool pulls out a grenade, pulls out the muzzle, drops it onto the ground and he teleports himself away to safety.
The entire factory explodes in a bright massive explosion, briefly turning the night into day.
As the fire dies down, Deadpool suddenly pops out of nowhere and he said to the viewers proudly.
Deadpool: And that's a wrap folks! See ya next time....hugh!!!
Without warning, Deadpool felt something sharp stabs right through his ribs, causing him to scream out in pain.
Deadpool looks down and his eyes widens in sheer shock and recognition.
Right through his chest is the Carbondanium Sword!
But impossible, the sword was still inside the factory when it exploded, how is it in his chest?!
Deadpool turns and his eyes widens as Nui rises up from behind him, smirking.
Shocked, Deadpool questions.
Deadpool: How?! How did you get out?
Nui explains.
Nui: Oh, I managed to fly myself out. That sai to the brain still hurts though. But...
Nui wraps her hands around the hilt of the blade and she shouts out.
Nui: I'm gonna make you pay!
Within seconds, Nui swung her blade upwards, slicing right through Deadpool.
Deadpool's eyes widens and before he could react, Deadpool's entire body splits itself into two before falling forward.
As Deadpool lies motionless, Nui tosses the Carbondanium Sword at Deadpool's corpse and she said.
Nui: Now if you excuse me, I've got a date.
FrostWing's House
FrostWing is just sitting on the sofa in his living room, watching television when all of a sudden, he heard a knock on the door.
FrostWing: Hm? I wonder who is it?
FrostWing pushes himself up and he walks towards the door.
As FrostWing opens the door, all of a sudden, he heard a familiar voice saying.
Nui: FrostWing!
Before FrostWing could even react, Nui leans forward and she planted a kiss right in his cheek.
FrostWing widens his eyes and he questions.
FrostWing: Nui? What are you doing here? And why are you covered in blood?
Nui explains to him.
Nui: Oh had a run in with a red man. Ended with him getting sliced into half.
Ahhhhh!!! It was so much fun!
FrostWing nods and he said.
FrostWing: Yeah. I'm sure it was. Well why don't you come in and get yourself cleaned up?
Nui: Sure!
With that, FrostWing opens the door wide, stepping aside as he welcomes Nui into the house.
Tonight is not going to be such a boring night after all.
The winner is
Nui Harime
Advantages and disadvantages
Nui Harime
Better healing factor
More insane
Not a strategist
Tends to rush in blindly
More heavy arsenal
More inferior healing factor
Victory quote:
Nui: Uh-huh! Totally! I'm the one who killed him!
Up Next
Godzilla vs EVA 01
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