Chapter 16: The Beginning of Borealis

After a Friday filled with pointless lectures and silent resentment, detention is finally clearing a path for us. Albeit I've loathed this moment since the night before, I hastily make my way towards our locker so I can get the hours over with sooner rather than later.

My steps begin to slow as I round the corner to the C-wing. My breathing is slightly labored from the running I did, considering my last class is on the complete opposite side of the school. 

As I arrive at the locker bank, I scan the area absentmindedly. I guess it's something I'm used to doing considering all that's gone on throughout my life. My gaze, however, falls upon the sight of who do you think? 

Obviously Lance, and although a part of me is... somewhat excited to see him the other half is fighting the instinct to run. It's like my mind is in a state of limbo and my thoughts and movements are frozen. 

What exactly should I be doing? I've avoided him for almost three weeks and then we suddenly become buddies this past week? Not to mention the arguments that seem to break out every time we get close to one another. I'll admit I've caused a lot of unnecessary tension between the two of us and running right now would probably save me the migraine but Shiro says that if I always run then I'll never get anywhere.

As I contemplate my choices, I neglect to notice the duo of lazurite peering in my direction. Two brightly lit pools of turquoise water gathered into the irises of a certain cuban boy. The same cuban boy I've been trying to hide from for the past five minutes. Good going Keith. 

Something still seems wrong though. He's not sporting his usual act, his facial features spell out stress and his body seems like it could give up on him at any moment. Those eyes peering back at me seem glazed over and he doesn't look very aware of his surroundings, more like he's living in his head, and I know how much it sucks to get caught up in there. 

This boy that I've judged so harshly in the past month, this boy who I held so close to my own standard of perfection, this boy who has asked me so many times to just stop making assumptions about him and ask him questions rather than insinuate something as ridiculous as perfection...

He's suffering. I don't know what's wrong or how to help him, I don't think he even wants my help. Who would want my help?

I walk out from behind the corner and make my way towards the locker. The halls are devoid of any life besides our own, our heartbeats silent yet still beating steadily. They don't beat for any other purpose, aside from having to pump blood throughout our bodies. Our hearts don't beat for people, well at least mine doesn't. Lance probably has a huge family, lots of friends, and all the happiness he could ever want, but if that were the case...

He wouldn't look so devoid of soul.

Lance turns from the locker after closing it and seems startled at my presence. Maybe he didn't see me and I could have escaped, damnit, but this is something we have to do whether we like it or not.

He just stares at me. His face is emotionless, he looks just how I left him... well how I assume I left him since I didn't even look at his face when I left. That was definitely a dick move. I probably made him think he did something wrong, or maybe he loathes me and doesn't even want to associate with me! 

I physically have to swallow the little amount of pride I have left and face Lance's intimidation. I take a deep breath in and out to try and rid myself of these nerves but they seem never ending, so I just come out with it.

"Look Lance. I'm sorry about what happened last night. I don't know what keeps coming over me. I'm sorry you had to see me like that, it won't happen again." I hate how small I sound, my voice was barely above a hushed whisper. I lost eye contact halfway through the first sentence, and that apology sounded more like a guilt trip than anything. Damnit I'm already screwing up and this is the first time we've seen each other or talked since last night.

The words he chose to utter at this moment seemed confusing and I don't know why he picked them, but in my opinion I think I really needed to hear them.

"Did you know your eyes light up when you drink Hot cocoa?" My eyes? I brush the tips of my fingers over my eyes like you would see someone do to their lips after a kiss. How am I supposed to answer that? I guess I don't have to because I pick up the slight movement of Lance's chest as he prepares to speak again.

"You seemed so... happy. In that moment the blanket of steam encased you in it's embrace and you seemed as though you were drowning in Euphoria, Gah! Sorry about that. My mind wanders sometimes." I... I looked happy? 

All my worries seemed to melt away after those few words and I didn't even think it was possible to feel so relaxed in a school building. Something about his voice, I don't know, it's just soothing. 

However his serious and thought filled tone was soon replaced by school Lance. 

Welcome back school Lance, no one missed you. Maybe it's bad that I preferred the other side of Lance. The Lance that isn't faking...

Faking. Its an act. How did I just notice that?

But I mean who could blame me? School Lance is reckless and impulsive while the real Lance is... is, I actually don't know much about the real Lance. I've been shown glimpses, sure, but he's never dropped his guard around me long enough for me to fully take it in.

Then again neither have I.

Maybe when he saved me? Or some of the moments at the coffeehouse? Possibly when he was listening to me play my guitar and frantically ran around in his room before closing the shades fearfully. I don't know the real him, but I judge him. I still keep judging him. 

But about my eyes... he said that they lit up. Did he really pay attention to a detail that small?

" eyes?" My voice was breathy and I looked down at the hand that brushed over my eyes not to long ago.

"Jeez... sorry I made this awkward-"

"No... no you didn't make it awkward. It's fine. No one's really been able to pick up on my love for hot cocoa except Allura. Everyone else just knows I'm a slut for black coffee." His laugh, I never noticed before but he has so many different laughs. This one was carefree and so intoxicating that I ended up joining in a little. When was the last time I laughed? 

"Anyways, we should probably get to detention or Mr. Ulaz will blow a gasket, and personally I don't feel like fixing him." Lance grabs my hand to go but drops it quickly and halts to a stop. He turns his head to me and rubs the back of his neck nervously.

"Sorry. I forgot you don't like to be touched." He begins to walk again but I stop him.

"No it's fine, I just don't like being surprised with it. I don't mind it too much if you want to... not in a weird way!" He cared. He cares! He actually cares, that fact alone might make me start crying, but after saying he cares about me and actually proving it, I honestly don't know how to act. McClain is full of surprises, I'll give him that. 

His small laugh somehow echos in the empty hall but dies down the moment I grab back onto his hand. This time I lace our fingers together instead of doing that awkward stiff handhold. It might be cliche and shit but our hands fit so nicely together. His hands are calloused in some spots, hot coffee scars on his knuckles, but overall they're warm. And not like body temperature warm, more like he feels... safe. My eyes are focused on our intertwined hands alone and I try my hardest to not let them stray in fear of the smirk he must be wearing. 

I can't hold them back anymore, curiosity's a bitch when it wants to be, and after starring at our hands together for roughly three minutes, I look up at him. I don't remember his face being that red when we talked. I'm not going to think too hard about that now though or we'll be late to detention. I send him a small smile, half thankful that he didn't say something stupid and begin leading the way, Lance clumsily following in my footsteps.

It must be hot in this school. First Lance's cheeks flair up and now I feel sweaty and awkward. My cheeks feel warm and I feel flushed. Wait... this can't be a blush right? It's not a blush... you're just tired. Blushing at a time like this would be weird. 

We're complete opposites, black and white, day and night, yin and yang. We don't fit... well maybe our hands do but that's beside the point.

God... what if this really is a blush? We take a left as I try to cover my painted face from his view and hide my red tainted ears with my hair.

I hope he doesn't see me blush, I don't like Lance McClain! 

Why would I like Lance anyways...why would he like me? He saw me at some of my weakest points and that's saying something! Maybe he hates me because I'm suicidal? Who would want to be with someone like me? Who would want to be with someone who was desperate enough to die that he threw himself off a bridge? I know if I were a normal person, I'd want to be with someone who wouldn't leave me or make me live in constant fear that they would leave.

So that settles it.  

The halls are completely empty now beside Lance, the spirits of the teens going to this school, and I. We were rushing at this point but nothing could break our physical connection... well maybe nothing but Mr. Ulaz's gaze. The door was unlocked and we quickly took our normal seats in the class. We're the only two idiots dumb enough to get double-detention on a Friday, so we're the only two in class when Mr' Ulaz walks in. He stands in front of our seats and looks at the two of us simultaneously.

"Look, I don't really care what you do in detention. I know how long these things are supposed to last so just tell me why you tried to get detention and I will leave you guys to do whatever you want for the time." He slid his glasses back onto his nose before looking at Lance.

Lance looked like he was in a different world. He seemed so out of reality, it seemed as though nothing could pull him back, but after a few quick minutes he snapped himself out of it. What has been going on with him lately? This is not the school Lance he's been trying to use to hide behind, is this vulnerability? Fear? Stress? Maybe we have more in common than I originally anticipated. Lance looked over at me, then Mr. Ulaz. He plastered a smile on his face, that was so obviously forced, and began to explain himself.

"Well you see how we are the only two in here? I didn't want Mullet to suffer by himself, that would be torture..." He was putting emphasis on his words like an actor bellowing their lines. This is so obviously fake. Does that mean he doesn't actually see me as a friend? 

Why would he. What am I even talking about?

First off it's obvious we aren't friends (At least I don't think, he thinks we are), and second off what is it with him and calling me mullet? Whatever, if it gets the teacher off my back I could care less what Lance tells him.

"Ok then McClain. You're probably the only student I 've ever met that's gotten detention on purpose. To be honest I was actually surprised considering how smart of a student you are." Lance's eyes widened and he put his head on his desk. He looked up with his painful smile and shrugs.

"Yeah well, I want to get into a good college Mr. Ulaz. I'm so sorry for the way I acted in class." Lance gave him an apologetic smile and the teacher nodded in approval before exiting the classroom.

I never thought Lance was a good student, not trying to be rude but I never considered it since he supposedly interrupts class all the time. I don't think he wanted anyone to know though, because he looked like he were about to murder Mr. Ulaz for saying that in front of me or saying it in general. Maybe he's trying to maintain that quarterback status? For a guy as skinny as him though, he'll break like a toothpick on the field.

I should really talk to him about that, but now doesn't seem to be the time. I sit watching all this unfold while setting up my desk with four hours worth of sketching equipment.

"So word on the street is you're a pretty academically gifted guy." I keep my eyes on my papers trying to avoid the awkwardness that I could sense floating around us. Academically gifted guy? Who says that? Ughh... I sound like such a nerd. Why am I even questioning this right now? 

"Not really... I could always do better and besides it's not like that's really important." Lance leaned a little in his seat and rested both hands on his desk.

"What's your grade in this class?" I put my pencil down and stole a glance in his direction.

"Ummm... 97, it's stupid though." Is he serious? That's amazing!

"97! That is really good considering how hard this class is. Way better than my grade but it's not like I care, I don't need this class..." I continued playing around with my pencil, letting the lead have free range of my paper.

"Why? What do you want to do?" He perks up... it actually looks like he's interested in what I want to do with my future, but then again he could just be trying find something before the conversation dies, which I'll give him props for because it shows he's still considerate enough to try.

"I haven't thought that far yet but I highly doubt I need Trigonometry to get there." I roll my eyes and send my attention back over to my drawing. This time I'm working on the sketches of the crystal in my blade, but then again I'm always working on that. It's just so mysterious. I'm enamored with it, and even when I'm not paying attention my mind begins doodling it on the margins of my notes or the school desks themselves.

I take a glance to my right, kinda curious as to why the boy next to me stopped talking, not that I'm complaining, actually I would prefer if we sat in silence. It would keep me away from having to discuss all our questionable encounters but all I'm met with are crystal clear, watered down eyes. Has he been staring the whole time? He keeps looking at me and leans in a little.

"It's so nice out huh?" He winks and puts on a grin.

"Then keep it out." He snickers from his chair and I turned my head towards the window to smile a little. My tone of voice is slightly agitated since I really don't want to talk Lance anymore. Well, that's not exactly it. It's more like I don't want to pull a Keith like I did last night. Right now, I just don't want Lance to bring up anything.

"Just trying to lighten the mood Mulletman." He sat back in his chair as I rolled my eyes continuously trying to emphasize my annoyance.

Lance attempted to take a deep breath and prepare himself for a sigh but he winced midway and slammed his fist on the desk. I was not expecting that and I jumped. I guess that sounds exaggerated but honestly my pencil skidded across the paper.

"Hey! Uhh... Lance you good?" I don't really care, I'm more concerned with the fact that he slammed his desk out of nowhere breaking my concentration. Ok, maybe I care a little.

"Peachy." He stuck up his thumb and tried to laugh it off but I could see he was holding back tears. This made my heart ache. I don't know what it was about Lance McClain but I hate him and possibly like him at the same time, as a potential friend! Not romantically at all!

I could see two sides to Lance, and obviously he desperately tries to show off the fake one mores than the real one. The obnoxious ladies man image that pissed me off was the one he flaunted but not the sweet, caring side. I didn't want to see him cry for some reason. I wanted to give him a hug but at the same time I didn't. I've been too vulnerable around Lance for a while. I just need to stay away. I'll have tonight and the weekend to spend by myself since it's Friday.

In all my frustration I began to rub at my wrists again, it just hit me that I would be stuck here for four hours and I wouldn't be able to go home and relieve myself of the days stress and anxiety until this detention was over. Come to think of it, I don't think I cut last night or hurt myself at all, odd as it may sound.

I'll have tonight, I'll be ok till then.

My phone buzzes from my pocket and I pull it out swiftly to see who texted. Of course it's Pidge. Who else actually takes the time to text me? Well maybe Hunk, but he likes calling more then texting.


Pidge: Hey U still in Prison?

Kogane: Yeah, why?

Pidge: Sendin u the details of Rolo's party

Kogane: SHIT! I completely forgot!! Do I have to go Pidgeon? Can you spare me?

Pidge: Lighten up Keith! Jeez, it's not like I'm sending you to a funeral. Anyways here's the deets

A photo has been sent by Pidge

Kogane: A funeral would probably be more entertaining if I'm being honest.

Pidge: And u wonder why we call you emo

Kogane: Whatever Pidge, I know where it is.

Pidge: Don't sass me... Mullet lmao

Kogane: Only Lance gets to call me that.

Pidge: You guys already have pet names for each other? ooooo

Kogane: NO! He just won't shut up when I tell him not to call me that.

Pidge: Yea yea u know u like it but speaking of Lance, we want you to bring him with u since ur neighbors

Kogane: Why do you torture me?

Pidge: Cause that's what i'm here 4

Kogane: Do I have to?

Pidge: yes or I am tackling u when you get here

Kogane: You're going to do that anyways.

Pidge: Details...

Kogane: Fine, see you then.


I grunted in annoyance and flew my arms onto my desk with a thud. This made Lance shoot up and look over to me in alarm, wincing a little for some reason when he got up.

 It kinda felt good to give him payback for making me jump before. I didn't want to explain why I just flailed my arms everywhere like a crazy person, but when he raised an eyebrow I just dodge the subject completely and changing it to something else.

"Hey Lance you going to Rolo's party?" I turned my head, it still sat on the desk but now it was leaning on the imaginary pillow I made with my arms.

"Yeah... WAIT! You're going? I didn't strike you as the party type actually never mind I forgot Pidge told me you were coming." Lance smirked. I could see Lance was back in his chipper mood, yippee for me.

"You're right, I would rather spend my time in detention after school everyday with you than go to this party, but Pidge and Hunk want me to go so whatever." Wait! What did I just say to him?! No take it back Kogane! "Not that I like being here or anything." I kinda mumbled and look away, tempted to continue my drawing but something forces my eyes to look over to Lance again.

I begin to study his face as he looks at me, taking in everything I just said. His tanned skin was complimented by his ocean blue eyes speckled with the faintest splashes of green, soft freckles dotted his nose and cheeks. Something about his face still seems off though, like he's covering something up.

"Anyway, Pidge wants me to bring you since it would be easier than you walking by yourself. Besides were all going to the same place." He smiled at me, but everything about this smile was different than the one from before. This smile was genuine and made me feel like he saved it especially for me. Then Lance tipped an imaginary hat.

"Mr. Kogane are you asking my to be your date to the party?" My cheeks instantly flushed with blood as my head shot up from it's comfy position. He was wearing a shit eating grin and I could tell that the sweet moment was over.

"You're such an idiot." I muttered with a slight chuckle of disbelief. I covered my cheeks with my hands to hide my pink stained face.

"Says the guy walking with me to the party." He put his head on his hand and rested his elbow on the desk, trying to give me the look someone would be wearing while staring at their crush. I'm kind of glad he didn't bring up the bridge again. He's following our agreement and I admire that.

"We aren't walking, I'm driving. Seriously you expect us to walk all the way to the other side of town for this stupid party? Speaking of which, do you need to stop at your house before we go to mine?" Lance picked up his head and looked forward, his smile gone.

"No, I don't need to be anywhere near there tonight." Lance's demeanor changed again drastically. I'm not going to read to much into that cause he seemed to get really serious all of a sudden and I don't want to put him in a bad mood (mostly cause I'm stuck with him for the rest of the day).

I didn't say anything for a little while. Silence hung in the air as I opened up my sketch pads and went to work on one of the pieces. They look really bad, but once the folder was unfastened my drawings had all of Lance's attention.

"You know you're really talented Keith." Lance looked mesmerized by the pieces. The first one he saw ended up being one that I've never shown anyone for some reason, and it also happens to be one of my favorite.

This one consists of a starry galaxy in the sky and a silhouette of two people on a hill, looking up at the constellations. It reminds me of what a happy family would do together, my old foster family said they would do this with me but that was probably just a lie so they would be cleared to foster me.

This world is full of lies and hatred.

"This one is definitely my favorite." Lance pointed to the one I described in my head and I smiled slightly.

"Yeah, mine too. You're actually the only one to ever see it." I looked over at Lance, who was now leaning on my desk to look at my sketches. He's so close to me. His hair's practically tickling my nose. It smells like a coffee shop, vanilla and cinnamon, and the scent of his cologne's salt water fragrance lightly clinging to his shirt.

"Can I name it?" Name it? Why would he want to name this? It's terrible, but I mean what's the harm in letting him name the sketch.

"Umm... sure?" He studies it for a second, I can't see his face though because it's turned toward the page and his hair is all I have to gaze upon at the moment, not complaining though. After a few more seconds he turns his head. Wonder and excitement glistening in his eyes, eyes that are so close to mine, noses inches apart, lips... nope! Begone gay thoughts!

"The Beginning of Borealis." He pulls away and leans back in his chair satisfied with what he came up with, a big goofy smile plastered on his face.

"Huh... why?"

"It reminds me of the aurora borealis, well the Nothern lights. Plus the two people sitting there look like they're wiping every bad thing away and making room for a new beginning with just the two of them. I read that constellations can be seen as glimpses of the past and prophets of the future, depending on what pictures call to you. They look like they're ready to move on together so I guess that's why I chose it.  Besides who doesn't love a little alliteration." Dammit! How can someone be so passionate about something they've just seen? And why do I have to find it adorable? Look... people find dogs and cats adorable, and babies, and weird shit. So me calling Lance adorable in my head doesn't make it weird right? Wait why am I trying to fortify myself in my head?

"That's actually a really nice thought... I think I'll keep it." 

I rubbed my wrist while thinking but when I realized I put both my hands firmly on my lap, trying to stop the habit. Lance saw what I was doing though before I was able to stop myself.

"Speaking of which you never answered my question from Tuesday morning." I looked over into Lance's eyes, which suggest he's talking about my wrists. His eyes fill with worry and we stay like this, in the empty room for a good minute. I laugh nervously to fill the silence that began to linger.

"'s nothing just a..a nervous tick." I smiled falsely to hide my lies. Although I wasn't completely lying about it being something I do when I'm anxious. Lance sat back in his chair and began to stretch with his hands behind his back, slowly, like he's in pain, physically and mentally.

"I know you're not telling me the whole truth but I'll just leave it, if you don't want to tell me I won't try to pry it out of you." I know you're not telling me the whole truth either McClain, we both have our secrets, but if I told you mine would you really tell me yours?

Lance was looking at his hands on the desk now and then brought his gaze to me. He was being so sincere, this was a new side to Lance I didn't know existed, this is the second half of him I noticed earlier right?

Dammit I think I like Lance McClain.



Spoiler alert! Next chapter there may be a lil fluff heehehe. And season 8 guys! I really don't know what to say... 

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