Wally West and the Alternate Dimension Featurette

Note: I thought it would be fun to have an the actors I would choose to be the characters in the movie.

(The scence where Wally is talking to Raven)

Wally: What are you talking about this place looks home !

(Wally turns around to see an Staute of Zoom)

Wally: Zoom ?!

(Shows Wally fighting Zoom)

From Dc

Stephanie Lemelin (voice of Artemis/Huntress) : It's really an character's journey of Wally West

(Shows Wally training hard but getting weaker)

Director: The movie takes place right after Season 2 finnaly. There is no time skip we get right into the story. It's non cannon with season 3 but it is cannon with seasons 1 and 2.

Jason Rusch (voice of Wally west) : In the Season 2 finale Wally disappears into the speed force after the crastalis energy hits him. This movie explores what happend to Wally West after he disappeared.

(Shows Wally Running though the speed force)

Tom Cavanaugh (voice of Zoom) : Zoom aka the Reverse Flash knocks out Wally and brings Wally out of the speed force and into this new Earth known as Earth 20. An Earth where Revese Flash killed that's Earth's Barry Allen and took over Central city.

(Shows Wally in Earth 20 centeral city)

Jason Rusch (voice of Wally west) It feels like your world but isn't. There are Heroes Wally regonize but there in different roles like Dick Grayson is Batman, Captain Cold is an good guy, Artmies goes by Huntress in this dimension, Jason Todd is alive as the Red hood, Chesier is Catwoman in this dimension, Ted Kord aka the blue beetle is alive, Batgirl is Cassandra Cain and not Barbara Gordon, Robin is an little kid and this World's Flash is Wally west.

Bill Hader voice of Ted Kord/ Blue Beetle: There are new Heroes that Wally dosen't know like Firestorm, Kyle Rainer as green Lanter, Booster Gold, Stargirl, ,the wonder twins, Powergirl and S.T.R.I.P.E.

Michael Rosebaum voice of Earth 20 Flash: Wally Really bonds with theses New Heroes and has an connection with Earth 20 Flash and Citzen cold. He acts like an big both towards Wally.

Kelly Hu: It's instering having characters play diffent roles becuse in some ways Catwoman is Similar to Cheshire.

(Shows Catwoman robbing an mesume)

The director : We have Cw's Wentworth Miller and Katie McGrath reprising thire as Captain cold and Lena Luthor Roles but they're playing them very differently. Citzen cold is an thife turned hero with an big brother complex while trying to get over problems with drinking and Wentworth playd it well.

(Shows Citzen Cold protecting Wally)

Citzen Cold: I got your back kid

The director: This is defentely an different take on Lena Luthor since we choose her to be Lex Luthor's Daughter. Lena is very mysterious and she's an shut in always hiding in her office but she has some kinda elgants to her and Katie plays it beutifully.

Stephanie Lemelin: It's not excatly like young justice becuse Wally is in an diffent dimension. What makes Earth 20 diffent from Wally's world is Earth 20 world has an diffent period. Where Wally's earth time period is 2016, Earth 20's year is 2003.

Arleen Sorkin voice of Harley Quinn: There's early 2000's pop muisc like Brittney spears, Backstreet boys, Ncsyc ! The technology is an bit data but it's fun to go back to that period where things felt simpler !

Haley voice of Stargirl: Playing Stargirl as an early 2000s teenager is really fun. Even when she's using the old dail phone.

Stargirl: Then I said, then she said then rob said

Bill Hader : There is alot heartful moments as Wally tries to get back home to Artemis but in an way it's an classic hero story

(Shows the heroes together)

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