06: Naked Truths [Part 1]
You'll wish you never asked me that.
Every layer, I mean every single layer of my covering was gone and I stood bare before Aunty Tori who standing before the ornate mirror, beckoned on me with those long, red bloodied nails to come.
How could it be that I just noticed those forbidden nails now?
I walked with a heart pounding so furiously, so recklessly, I thought it would burst through my ribcage, tear through my chest and lead to my undoing.
Standing beside Aunty Tori, I let her push me towards ornate mirror. And that she did, gently and intentionally such that upon taking a step to the right, she stood directly behind me.
"Look into the mirror, Cilla.
She placed a hand on my left shoulder and my head tilted up in sync, staring at our awfully distorted reflection.
Round, Intense, Hard- Her eyes were like that of father. Her brother.
I couldn't stand myself in the mirror. It was lying, making a fool of me and my fist clenched impulsively to strike it. Cause I know we'd look better in a broken mirror.
For it would remind us of all our missing parts and those which unknown to us, we were gradually losing.
"Relax your muscles. You're freaking out." Aunty Tori whispered behind me.
Right. I'm going nuts because I hate looking into mirrors. I stopped having one when I was eight, until now.
"What do you see?" Aunty Tori stared at me through the mirror with the most stern eyes.
They looked reddish-brown, like a fine blend of grapes. An exotic choice of colour, her eyes chose to bear now.
"Us." I see lies.
It definitely has to be hypnotism. Cause what in the fury of hell am I doing in front of this glass monster, bared even to the soul, acting out her orders?
I don't know what jazz she's using or its potency but my head is spinning because it's working and I think I'm helpless.
I hate to cuss at times like this but I'm staring at my rough arms through the mirror. It's like burnt sausages, blemished and abhorred by buyers, because why the hell is Aunty Tori's eyes glistening with un-shed tears?
I un-clenched my fist.
"No, No. You don't need to focus on me." She moved away from behind me, her champagne eyes lingering at my back, bringing to me the consciousness that my back is as fucked as my arms.
I've never desired to be fully clothed than now. She made me conscious of all my miseries.
"What do you see?" She asked again. Her voice was coarse as shards of glass being blown around my daring winds.
But it was nothing like her teary eyes.
And so I stared at my distorted reflection once more in the mirror and before my eyes I reduced into that eight years old girl of yesterday- who was and is, a child of so many woes.
"Here, your toys." Mother stooped and tugged the both sides of my cheeks with a smile that reached her eyes.
The excitement in me died down when I stared at those dirty, ugly Tinkerbell dolls she was handed to me.
"What?" She noticed the switch in my expression. "You don't like them?"
Her frown was nothing like mine.
She never did listen. Or could it be a deliberate mistake?
"You promised to get me the Princess doll." I cried, flinging the multiples of Tinkerbell away. "You lied!"
Mom laughed, but it was that of an imminent rage.
"You used to like Tinkerbell, darling. What changed?"
I don't know how to repeat to her for the nth time that I'm traumatized by those dolls. That I'm tired of being tapped by those plastic hands and being forced to play with them.
But I don't tell her those words because I don't want to be called a baby!
"Eight. I'm eight years, mom! I need something less silly than Tinkerbell."
Mom laughed and tapped my head gently. "You know absolutely nothing, darling. This cute fairy is better than those silly princesses. Who said you're grown? You're still my baby. And Tinkerbell isbthe only fairy to have a human love."
I no longer understand what she's saying. But I get that's she's shoving her favourite fictional (fantasy) character down my throat.
Tears flooded my eyes. "I also don't care about Peter-pan, mom."
Scoffing, mom stood on her feet with the angriest eyes ever. "You foolish, ungrateful child. You need to understand that there's someone completely different from your father!"
She pulled her heels and striked me real hard on the head.
A loud shrill cry escaped my quavering lips as I clamped my both hands over my head, breathing like an electrocuted monkey while my shoulders convulsed non-stop.
It was so real.
It was so damn real, that part of my life that I've been fighting so hard to push behind me for the past nine years of my life was back in its vitality, to haunt me.
I tilted my head to tu-
"What exactly did you see?" Aunty Tori asked, trying act all strong.
I knew her heart was in its intricate state of breaking, because her heart and my miseries, ran parallel to each other.
"My worst nightmare." I breathed.
"You're not above vulnerability. You are just as miserable and weak as those classmates of yours you derive joy in bullying. And that's I wanted you to learn and comprehend." A tear successfully dropped out of her eyes.
I felt the vessels of my blood wreathing with rage. The possibility of that, I know not. But I feel it, the vigor with which it moved, the stress and straining which went under my skin till I nearly jumped at her in attack, clawing her face.
"You're just as worse as them, Aunty Tori." It was so damn hard for me to refer to her once again as an aunt.
"To teach you the right path, I don't mind being the devil in the guise of an angel. But you know so well, I love you like a daughter, Priscilla. I'm broken at your brokenness and I don't whatever it is your father terms you to be!" She ended with a near yell.
"You wouldn't manipulate my mind if you loved me. You don't realize that you've wronged me in an unforgivable way and I just need you out of my room right now." It went from a scream to a pleaful whisper.
I briefly closed my eyes and fluttered it open seconds later. But I don't find peace.
Just chaos on repeat, in my mind.
"What gives you the right to think that I bully people in that damn school on purpose? I don't bully people, Tori, I just make them bow to my feet. And I don't care if they bleed so far they don't soil my shoes." I nearly lost it.
"Tori?" Dad's sister asked with a raised brow but she doesn't look real shocked.
"Well, I should be worried since you came back with a stained shirt." She eyed my clothes on the tiled floor of my room.
I swallowed hard.
"She'd pay for ruining my shirt." I retorted, biting my bottom lip.
"That girl is currently admitted in the hospital. Do you planning on being a murderer?" Aunty Tori sighed.
I chuckled darkly, moving closer to her.
"What do you think of a destination called morgue?"
My hair strove to blind me.
The huffing wind came with a tinkling sound which got me stirring on my bed and sitting up on it.
Aggressively pushing my hair to the back, I blinked severally to be sure I wasn't in a dream.
What the hell was I doing on the bed? And how in the universe could I have slept so peacefully when dad could barge into the room anytime and smoother me to death.
The mere thought of it got me darting my eyes across the room, towards the un-bolted door, confirming my fears.
Just as I was about rolling out of my bed to lock the door, the muffled sound of my phone ring-tone got me furrowing my brows in irritation as I looked around for it.
My gaze fell on my school bag which was resting on the single sofa in my room and the more steps I took towards it, the more intense the sound became.
Rolling my eyes, I realized that I must have forgotten it there when I was stuck with dad, and then his sister.
"Austin," I gasped at the sight of the caller ID while staring for straight twenty seconds at my phone.
My fingers were nearly shivering and though I'm disgusted to admit it, I'm glad that he's calling. That he's keeping in touch even though he's an asshole.
Swiping through the screen, I picked right before the call ended.
"Cilla." I heard him but chose not to respond because I'm scared I might tell him that I miss him and that I want to hug him so tight.
"I'm in front of your house. I can't knock and you know why. I'll be waiting for you." He said.
I just realized that I missed his voice too.
"I know you're listening to me. Please come down before it starts raining. My driver isn't here."
"Well, I hope it rains mightily and that the fiercest thunders and lightnings from all the wicked corners of the earth strike you, bitch. Get drenched and carried away if it floods as well."
I hanged up, bringing the phone down from my ears as I clenched it so hard; I thought my bones would pierce through the flesh of my knuckles.
Past the waiting area which was filled with chairs, statuary, plaques and chairs, I was led by Detective Paul into the interrogation room, I suppose.
There was a plain mahogany table with pads of papers and pens on it, and the two chairs facing the opposite sides of the table was soon occupied first by him, then me.
He didn't seem to be satisfied with that arrangement, so he pushed his chair back and stood up, to enforce that intimidating atmosphere.
With deep frown etched all over his face, he stared me down but I wasn't moved by the likes of Detective Paul.
Taking quick strides, he moved away from the table and turned off the cameras which was also going to be to my advantage as well.
"I want to get this sorted out, as quickly as possible. Mr Hills, what were you doing when the murder took place?" Detective Paul cut to the chase.
I barely shrugged. "Partying."
Detective Paul scoffed, walking round the interrogation table as he grinned wickedly.
"You don't look a day less than 18 and you could spend the rest of your life in jail or even get a death penalty for your inhuman actions!"
I would have trembled with fear knowing that I could not only get mind-played by this man but also, locked behind bars but I don't give a damn about his threat because the camera is switched off and those in the recording room don't even know what's going on here.
Flashing back to that night of March 10, my heart bubbled with excitement as I remember the uncontrollable gushing of blood from his neck to the floor and the unheard screams as I repeatedly banged his head against the tiled toilet wall cause I gagged him to silence.
His lifeless body was post-card perfect. I badly want a re-make.
Suppressing a smile upon realization that my silence while staring at the detective made him quite uncomfortable, I knew he'd find me even suspicious.
"When were you there?"
"Around eight to ten pm."
"Did you talk to anyone there? What exactly were you doing?!" Detective Paul glared at me.
I scoffed. "Am I to answer that? Of course, I was there to have fun. And believe me, I had the best of fun. I played a game too, if you'll count that as talking."
Why didn't I mention Lolade, the long girl?
"If I ask the people at the party, they would say you were around?" Detective Paul continued.
"They should. You can ask around." I emphasized on the last word.
"I see that you're close to the girlfriend of the deceased, did you meet her at the party that night?" He asked after a long pause.
"For the record, that was the first time seeing her. She was fighting with Chimdi but she left right away. I trust that she has nothing to do with his death. She loved him." I said.
Detective Paul let out a hollow laugh. "You bought that bullshit from that girl? I know you know Evara is the murderer so just help me-"
"Your words are going south, Sir. Don't you need an evidence before pronouncing her to be the culprit? And may I add, you seem to speak with grudge. Are you affiliated with Evara?" I was beginning to get curious.
"Shut it, young man. Who is investigating who? It's best you tell me what happened that night. I'm sure you know something."
"Like what?" I scowled.
"Anything. Just anything! I'm sure that brat had a hand in it." His voice was intensely fierce.
"I think I'm done speaking. You have already decided who the culprit is without accquiring evidence." I crossed my arm with a sigh.
"Her involvement can't be denied. Tell me the whole truth," Detective Paul pressed, moving closer to me.
"Listen," He turned back to re confirm if the cameras were off because of what he was going to say.
"That girl was dating an officer from this station while she was dating her so called boyfriend showing that she never loved that poor boy. Few weeks after she broke up with the officer, he got hospitalized and on the night she was going to break up with her boyfriend, he died pathetically. Don't you think she's jinxed?" Detective Paul blurted out.
Colour me shocked. I glared at him so hard, he cleared his throat and moved away from me.
The door of the interrogation room was pushed open and another detective walked inside, darting his eyes around.
"Leuitenant Shehu is looking for you. The arrest warrant of that lady will never be issued. And a restriction has been placed on the case." The man said.
I tried not to look attentive but hell, I was curious and confused.
And I really hate being curious and confused at the same time.
"What do you mean? We've found the culprit. That girl-"
"Why are you so obsessed with
this case? The parents of the deceased made that choice. The case is closed, go answer Leuitenant Shehu."
The other detective disappeared with the opening and closing of the door.
"This is insane!" Detective Paul growled loudly with rage as he striked his fist repeatedly on the mahogany table. "It can never be!!"
"Did you sleep well when you returned?" I asked after the tall, lanky and smiley faced waiter set the steaming pizza we ordered quarter an hour ago in the middle of the table.
Evara was blowing up my phone with numerous missed calls. It was an unknown number. Curiosity got me picking up the call and it happened to be Evara.
It was seven pm in the evening but we still met up at an eatery close to her lodge. Cause she thinks she'd never feel better if she doesn't express gratitude by treating me to a meal.
Not that whatever we would eat tonight would ever be quantified to the shit I went through at the station. And the time wasted there too.
"For the first time in my life I had to take medication to sleep. My head was spinning and I couldn't close my eyes for a minute without seeing the pieces of his brain or hearing those darn voices." She opened up as she slid a giant floppy slice of the pizza into a flimsy paper plate and brought it close to her.
"Do you realize that we're eating?" I act irked by her reference to his pieced brain, but in reality, I don't really mind.
She shrugged. "I'm more traumatized. I saw it. You didn't."
"I had to meet my lodgemate and friend of mine who I've known for some months now to be insomniac for the pills." She added.
Before I could respond, Evara dug her teeth into the gooey thick crust pizza, taking a bite as tomatoe sauce dripped down her chin and a little moan escaped her lips while she fluttered her eyes shut and chewed sexily.
Fuck, I'm mesmerized!
Looking away, I gulped down my saliva and chewed on mine too. But I don't think I can ever forget how she ate that pizza slice.
"It tastes better than it looks." She looked at the pizza which had gooey cheese, pepperoni and olive toppings with such an intimate look and sighed in satisfaction.
I forced a smile, nodding at her words because as much as how great the pizza tastes, I don't think it should have her reacting that way to it.
"You have some tomatoe sauce on your face." I said, pointing at the spot above her lips.
She tried but in vain to wipe it off.
"Can you help me out?" Evara softly asked, her lips forming a pout.
Swiping through my phone screen, I clicked on the camera app, changed it to selfie mode and turned the phone to face her.
"Use the serviette." I nodded towards the paper napkin on the tray and she did just that. But with a suppressed groan.
"What did those mad men ask you?" She asked, using her fingers to play with the already used serviette.
"Random stuffs. His parents asked for the case to be closed, I wonder why." I said, hoping to get one or two things in return.
Evara's eyes widened.
"I know that he always had problems with his parents but what kind of parents are they to make such a disheartening request?" She shook her head, pitifully.
"I'm curious." I said, taking another giant slice of the pizza before us.
"They should have at least allowed for an autopsy to be ran on Chimdi."
"I deeply apologize for bringing this up. And no, I don't take you as a suspect. But what was your first reaction when you... found out about his death?"
Evara scoffed. "I cried for two hours non stop but that's my last cry for Chimdi. He has caused me so much hurt and he doesn't worth half the tears I bled from my eyes."
"You talk like a suspect when you aren't one." I told her, staring briefly at the opaque glass sliding at the exit of the eatery.
"He kept flirting around with girls. I was warned that dating him will cause me immense pain and few days after I agreed to be his girl, proved it. I tried getting out of the relationship but Chimdi was a scary guy. He wasn't someone insignificant that one can just break up with."
I nearly cackled in laughter.
Wasn't he the same guy that I encountered that night in the amanpiano dance party? That couldn't even fight to live on?
"You shouldn't have gotten involved wlith him, then." I shrugged.
Evara sighed, running her fingers on her braids for the nth time since we began talking about her late ex.
"I thought he was being manly. It looked great that I got obsessed with his toxic masculinity. But I know better now."
She said, staring intensely at me with those dark hollow eyes that reminds of the de
ceased's last moment.
Author's Note: I'm so busy that I squeezed time to update now because I don't know when next I'll be chanced to.
From now till the next release of the part 2 of Naked Truths, I'll focus on reading.🤭❤
What are your thoughts on-
Aunty Tori?
Priscilla's reaction to Austin?
Detective Paul?
Voe.🤭 Comment.🥰 Share💝
Till next update.
Annyeong Ghaseyo!😌💌
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