Chapter 28- Husband and wife

It's been over a month since me and Stephen eloped. It was the best decision that we have ever made, since we've been a couple. Everything was finally moving into place in our life's.

Stephen was back working, while I was at home taking care of Liam. I enjoyed everything about being a mom. I especially enjoyed dressing him up in cute little outfits.

But what I was really happy about, was the fact that I was now carrying Stephen's last name. I was officially Mrs. Henry.

Our families were a little upset when they found out that we eloped, but we had promised them that we would have a wedding in due time. It's just something that we needed to do for ourselves. It was time that we grew up, and started our life together as a family.

Kyla thought we were moving too fast, and we should have waited. But this was my life, and I knew I wanted to be with Stephen.

I was currently out of work. My manager totally understood, and was extremely happy for me. Of course, she told me I could come back when I was ready. But I knew that I wouldn't be working no time soon.

Today, was just another day at home with Liam. He was currently taking his nap, so I decided to text Kyla. We were suppose to hangout over the weekend, but Stephen has an important event that we all need to attend.

Stephen and I decided that it was time to tell everyone that we got married. I was kind of nervous, but I really didn't care about other people's opinions.

Bestie💕: I still think you both are moving too fast. Even when your relationship first started you both were moving way too fast. I'm not saying Stephen is a bad guy, but he has a lot of growing up to do. Are you sure you're willing to be in this marriage? Remember you have a son to think about. It's not just you two anymore.

I understood where she was coming from, but I knew I made the right decision. I love Stephen, and I want to start a life with him. We were a family, and I knew I wanted to be the one who he could always count on to be at his side.

You: I know, Kyla. But we made this decision, because we love each other. I know he has done a lot of wrong to me. But no matter what I do we always end up back together. I can't picture my life without him. We're a family and I really want this with him.

Bestie💕: As long as your happy then I will be too. I just don't want him to hurt you again. Not only for your sake, but for your son's sake too.

Kyla is a great friend, so of course I made her the Godmother. She loves Liam so much. The first time she came over to the hospital to visit, she fell in love with him. I couldn't ask for a better person to be Liam's Godmother. She only cared about what was best for us. That's why she is my best friend.

You: I know. But Stephen knows. If he does anything to hurt me again, I will leave and never come back. But so far he has been a great husband and father to the both of us. 😊

Bestie💕: Good. I guess I'll text you later. Maybe we can make plans for next week.

You: Okay. Love ya.

Bestie💕: TTYL. Love ya too. 💕

Shutting my phone screen off, I put my phone on top of the table. I get up from off of the couch, and walk up the stairs towards Liam's nursery. Opening up his door slightly, I check up on him.

He was still sound asleep. Walking quietly towards his crib, I look down at his sleeping form. He looked so much like his dad. I still couldn't believe I was a mother to this adorable little boy.

Deciding to leave the room before he gets up, I walk out quietly closing the door slightly. On my way downstairs, I bump into a hard chest. Looking up slowly, I come into contact with a pair of green eyes. I didn't even know Stephen would be home this early.

"I thought you had a full schedule today?" I ask confused.

"A couple of events and photoshoots got rescheduled and cancelled." He places his hands on either side of my waist, and pulls me against his chest. He kisses the top of my head, and then places his chin onto my head.

"Is Liam asleep?" He asks.

"Yeah. He was a little fussy, but he evently went to sleep. I knew he was tired." I move slightly out of his hold on me, smiling I look up at him.

"Good. I have some alone time with you for at least an hour or so." He smirks.

"Elijah..!" Without warning he tightens his grip on my waist, and picks me up throwing me over his shoulder.

"Fuckk! I can't wait to be inside of you." He groans.

"Elijah...we can't." As much as I really wanted to have him deep inside of me. I didn't think it was the right time. I mean, we had a great sex life and we finally got back to how we were before. But we just couldn't. Stopping in his tracks, he slowly puts me back down.

"What's wrong, mi amor?" He frowns.

"I'm.." We already had Liam, and we were still getting use to being parents. Plus, it was only a month and two weeks since I had our son. I wasn't even ready to have another baby yet. I mean, I wasn't for sure if I was pregnant, but I was late. Maybe I was just overreacting.

"Tell me." I could tell he was really concerned. I needed to be honest with him. We were a couple now, and we needed to be honest with one another.

"I'm not sure yet, but I might be pregnant..again." I sigh.

"I mean, that's great but I didn't know I had super sperm." He jokes smirking.

"Elijah!" I whine slapping his chest.

"Even if you are. We will get through this together. Your my wife. I'm always going to be here for you, and my family." He says sincerely.

"I love you, Elijah." I smile.

"I love you too, mi amor" He smiles back.

Grabbing my hand he pulls me with him towards our bedroom. Once, inside our room he smashes his lips onto mine. Moving me backwards, he pushes me gentlely onto the bed. I look up at him while he pulls his shirt over his head.

I couldn't believe he was actually my husband. He was my everything. Words couldn't explain how much I love him. He has done so much since we restarted our relationship.

He has stayed true to his word. Everyday feels like I'm in a dream.The love and support he shows me means so much to me. He's been such a great father to our son.

Throwing his shirt onto the floor, he starts to unbuckles his belt. His eyes soon land on me as I watch him undress. I sit up on my elbows, and stare back up into his eyes.

"I don't regret eloping. I think we should start over in a new hou-" He begins to explain, but I cut him off.

"But-" Removing his jeans he's left in nothing but his boxers. He moves towards the bed, and crawls onto the bed towards me. Placing my hands on his shoulders, I wrap my arms around his neck.

"I know. We fixed this house, but I think it's time to move." He whispers against my neck.

"Okay..lets do it." I smile.

Smiling against my neck, he starts to kiss his way down my neck. A slight moan leaves my lips. His hands roam my body, one of his hands slides down towards one of my breast. Squeezing it he rubs his tumb over my aching nipple.

All I wanted at this moment was him. Pulling away from him, I pull my shirt over my head. Helping me he unclips my bra, and removes my sweat pants along with my panties. Throwing them all over the floor, he spreads my legs and places himself in between them.

Lining himself up with my entrance, he thrusts into me. He gives me no time to adjust to him, but I didn't mind. Feeling connected with him was my only goal right now.

His thrust are deep and hard, moaning he hangs his head down closing his eyes. Running my hands along his back, my nails dig right into his skin.

Crying out in pure pleasure, he places both of my legs onto his shoulders. Slamming into me in this new angel, he hits my g-spot repeatedly. Feeling my walls tighten around his cock, I know I was about to break.

Groaning he picks up his pace thrusting into me violently. Before we can both release, we hear a loud cry. Great timing Liam, I say to myself. Slowing down his thrust, he opens his eyes. Looking down at me, he sighs in disappointment. I guess this is what it was like being a parent.

"Elij-" I begin to say, but he cuts me off.

"I know. I'll go check up on him, and you stay here. Don't move." He sighs.

Pulling out of me, I hear the slick sound of my arousal. Grabbing his boxers he slips them on, and heads out of the room. Fuck. I didn't get to come. I knew I was going to be one moody bitch today. Collapsing onto the bed I close my eyes.

I felt so drained, even if I didn't get my fill I still felt tired. Feeling like I was about to fall asleep, I hear footsteps nearing the bedroom. Opening up my eyes I see Stephen carrying Liam in his arms.

"He wouldn't let me put him down." He says.

"What do you expect. He loves his daddy.." I smirk.

"Oh. Wait until we're alone again." He warns.

"Can't wait." I wink.

A month later, currently we're in London, Stephen's mom thought we needed a vacation, and I couldn't agree with her more. Plus, she wanted to see Liam, and I was in much need of a vacation away from Spain.

I mean, I know that it was home to Stephen. But I've been thinking about moving here to London, so Liam is closer to his grandparents, uncles, and aunt.

Of course, I would love to be closer to my mom, but she has currently moved to LA finally. I wanted her and my brothers to settle down before I went over to visit them.

I really do want Liam to be closer to my side of the family too, but Stephen's family is much more closer to us from Spain.

Today, Liam was staying with Stephen's parents while me and him went out. I wasn't sure what we were going to do, but I was happy to have some alone time with him.

Liam is my everything, but I don't get as much alone time with Stephen anymore. I know that's what's part of being a parent, but I'm at least happy for this opportunity.

"So, what are we doing today?" I ask Stephen.

"Umm..I was thinking about house hunting?" I stop in my tracks, and turn to face him. Seeing him smirk that sexy smirk of his, I knew he wasn't bullshitting me.

"Really?!" I smile.

Nodding his head yes, I engulf him in a tight hug. I couldn't believe he was actually serious about buying a house in London.

I was talking to him about it, and I guess he took it into consideration. I knew we would go in between Spain and London, but I was fine with that. But I knew I wanted to raise Liam in London.

"Yes. I think it's a good idea to raise Liam here." He smiles against my head. Pulling away from him slightly, I look up at him smiling.

"I love you, Elijah. You've been a great husband and father to me and Liam. I appreciate that you stood to your word." I say looking into his green eyes.

"Nothing but the best for my babies. I love you both so much, and I wouldn't trade you two for the world. But I think Liam's going to need a brother or sister soon. Don't you think?" He smirks.

"Elijah!" I squeal as he squeezes my ass.

"What?! I thought I had super sperm. I mean, your not pregnant and I think that needs to be changed." Rolling my eyes, I move out of his hold on me and continue walking.

Five hours later, we looked at some houses and found one that was perfect for us. We decided that me and Liam would move down here next week. The paperwork was already officially done. All that was left to do was furnish the house.

We decided to spend the rest of our night at a hotel. We did call my mother-in-law to check-in on Liam, and let her know. Of course, she was more then happy to spend more time with him.

Getting into our room, Stephen closes the door behind us. I walk towards the bed plopping myself down onto it. Hearing Stephen's footsteps, I turn around and sit up on the bed.

"I think you should remove those uncomfortable clothes." He whispers seductively.

"I think you should go first, Mr. Henry." I smirk.

"Your wish is my command, Mrs. Henry." He winks.

Damn. This man. I still can't believe that he is all mine. He's so freaking sexy, and hot. Leaning onto my elbows, I watch him as he starts to remove his shirt from over his head. Throwing his shirt onto the floor, he unbuckles his belt and unzips his jeans.

Once, every item of clothing is removed from his body including his boxers. He moves towards the end of the bed. Without a doubt this night was going to be a moment that me, and Stephen connected on a whole another level as husband and wife.

It's been two weeks since we've been in London. We have been currently fixing the house. Liam has been staying at his grandparents' house, while we continue to fix up the house. I've spoken to Kyla and she wasn't too kin on the idea of me moving away from her.

She still has a bad feeling towards me and Stephen's marriage. But like I said before I didn't care. I was happy. I love Stephen, and he's been nothing but good to me and his son.

I was happy our house was coming together. Little by little it was starting to look like home to us. I would even go as far and say Liam's nursery here looked way better. But I did like Liam's nursery back in our house in Spain too.

"Let's let the movers finish, and Leah will give me a call when the house is finished." Stephen says.

Leah was our house designer, she was mainly in charge of everything. She knew how we wanted our house, and she was an amazing designer too. I was honestly happy with everything she had chosen so far. So, I knew if I left everything in her hands, then everything would probably look ten times better than what I had imagined.

"Okay. I think it's time to go check up on Liam anyway. I miss my baby." I smile.

"I know. But he's in good hands, plus I have to stop by the market. Mum wants us to pick up a few things before we go back." nodding my head, we say bye to Leah and head out of the house.

Twenty minutes later, we walk around the market while I push the cart. I follow behind Stephen as he picks up the items that his mother asked for.

Turning into the next aisle, I hear squeals and screams. I literally thought there was a fight breaking out, but to my dismay I see three women run up to Stephen.

This happened on a daily basis, no matter if I was there or not. I just got used to it, and dealed with it. He was mine. That's all that mattered to me. So, it really didn't bother me anymore.

"OMG! I can't believe we actually bumped into you. C-can we take a picture with you?" The woman with the shoulder length jet black hair asks him.

Turning his head towards me for approval, I just shrug my shoulders. Honestly I really didn't care anymore. He was a model, and every girl, boy, woman, and guy was going to notice him. It was hard not too. Stephen was not only handsome, but the man was covered in tattoos from head to toe. He stood out, but he was such a unique person.

"Is that a yesss..?" He smirks.

Jerk! He was trying to make me look like the bad guy. Rolling my eyes, I nod my head yes. I grab the paper with the list of items, and continue on my merry way.

"Is that your wife?" I hear one of them ask him.

"Yes." He answers.

Smirking I push the cart into the next aisle. I knew those women were probably sulking now. Yes, ladies Stephen James Henry is my husband. He's taken. Laughing quitely at my silliness, I continue shopping. I wanted to get back to see my little Liam. I was missing my baby.

Five hours later, finally in bed after a long day out. As soon as we got back, I ran straight towards Liam. I couldn't begin to explain how much I missed him today. I had changed his diaper, and feed him before he went to sleep.

Everyone in the house was either out or downstairs watching some movie Stephen's dad had put on. Stephen was currently downstairs watching the movie with his dad, and one of his brothers. I was feeling tired, so I came upstairs.

I sat in bed scrolling through my phone, Kyla was texting me about something. I wasn't quite sure what she was talking about. But it was making me nervous. I didn't want to overreact or overthink.

Bestie💕: Look, you don't have to believe me. But it's right there on instagram and on the tabloids. She's claiming that she's pregnant.

You: But the only person he said he cheated on me with was his ex.

Bestie💕: You need to talk to him...

You: ok..

Bestie💕: Don't be mad. I'm only telling you because I care.

@graciepiscopo: Pregnant with @whoiselijah baby don't believe me ask him for yourself.😘.
What have you done now Stephen...?

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