Chapter 27- He's here
Time flies by so fast, I knew I should have planned the baby shower earlier. It was the week of the baby shower, and instead of celebrating I was in the hospital.
My water had just randomly broke. I'm completely lying. I hate to admit it, and I know if Kyla finds out she's going to kill me.
I had a moment of weakness, and I gave into my desire. Well, I gave it right up to Stephen. We were just watching a movie in his room. We were still sleeping in separate rooms. We had made a commitment to not have sex, until we thought our relationship had progressed. But I guess we both broke that agreement.
"My stomach has been feeling tight." I say leaning on Stephen's shoulder.
"It's going to feel tight. The baby will be here any day now." He explains, rubbing my stomach in a circular motion.
Feeling slightly tired I close my eyes. Between him rubbing my stomach, and the beat of his heart gave me a sense of calmness. Feeling him move slightly, I open my eyes.
"I'm sorry. The movie is over." Moving off of him, I lay on the pillow instead.
Grabbing the remote control he turns the TV off. He leans back onto the bed, and pulls me into his embrace. It just felt so good being in his arms. The warmth radiating from his body, made me feel tired and warm. I lay against his chest listening to his heart beat repeatedly.
I had to be asleep for no more then two hours. The other side of the bed was empty. I slowly sit up in bed, turning my head I hear the door open. Stephen walks into the room, closing the door behind him. He gets back into bed, and turns towards me.
"You're okay?" He asks me.
"Yeah." Thinking its no longer a good idea to be in bed together. I start to get out of the bed, but he grabs my arm.
"Where are you going, mi amor?" He pulls me back down onto the bed, and kisses my cheek.
It felt good being with him, but we had made a commitment to not have sex or sleep together. I was really trying to stay committed to that agreement between us. But everyday it was slowly getting harder, and harder to not feel tempted to just say fuck it.
"Elijah, we can't. I'm going to go back to my room. This is best for the both of us." I try breaking loose from his hold on me, but he doesn't let go. I look up at him, and the look in his dark green eyes gave me a hint of what was going through his mind.
The only time Stephen's eyes had that dark tint to them, was when he was turned on. But he couldn't do this too me. He made this promise with me, and we had to stick by it for the sake of our relationship.
I didn't want us fucking this relationship up, because we were slowly getting back to where we were before. But it was just this time we were more on stable ground in our relationship now.
"Why can't we just break the rules this once? Look, I miss you, mi amor. I can't help the way you make me feel. I just react to everything you do." He explains seductively.
Just the way between his accent and the huskyness to his voice had me feeling some type of way. I really did want him. And I knew I wouldn't regret it, but I really wanted our relationship to work. And I felt like if we just had sex, it would ruin everything.
"We can't, Elijah." I try pulling my arm away from his grasp, but he tightens his hold. Without warning he pulls me onto the bed. I really wanted to fight him, but I really wanted this.
Laying me down on the bed, he spreads my legs and places himself in between them. Looking up into his green eyes, I could see the lust in them. We've been trying to hold back for so long, but it was bound to happen eventually.
We both missed being with each other this way, and even though I was scared to take this step with him again. I knew I was not going to regret it.
*End of flashback*
I truly regreted it. Fuck! These damm contractions were painful. This was worser then having period cramps. I felt like I was dying inside. This damm bed felt uncomfortable, and Stephen's annoying voice was not smoothing me at all. I just wanted this baby out of me.
Who knew having sex would break my water. If I knew that I would have stayed away from Stephen. But I guess I should be happy, since we'll be finally able to see our son. I was really looking forward to seeing him. I'm still unsure about the names we came up with. But I'm sure once I see him, it'll be easier to name him.
I've been laying down in this bed for over two hours. I'm not much dilated yet, but I'm hoping in the next few hours I am. Because I really can't take this freaking pain anymore. I was happy for the simple fact I was finally having my first child. But I hated the pain I had to go through.
Stephen was currently sitting in the chair next to my bed. He tried touching me, but I'm not in any mood to be touched. I still blame him for this. He impregnated me, and he made my water break.
The look on his face told me everything. He looked like a lost puppy. It was quite funny actually. I was in too much pain to laugh at him.
"Do you want more ice?" He asks me quietly.
All I could do at this moment was glare at him. The contractions were coming and going. But when they did come, I felt like I was going to cry. I hated this. It wasn't enough that I couldn't get any epidural, because I wasn't fully dilated yet.
"I guess that's a no?" If he was trying to lighten up the mood. Then he was doing a bad job at it, because all I wanted at this moment was this baby out of me. I just wanted this pain to go away.
"I'm..sorry. I'm just trying to help. Mi am-" He tries to say, but I cut him off.
"I understand. But your not! Please just be quiet. That's all I'm asking for." I just wanted peace and quiet. Everything around me was just making everything worse. It's like everything annoyed me. I knew I was probably being a complete and total bitch to Stephen, but right now I couldn't take anything.
A few hours later, I was already four centermeters dilated. I couldn't wait to have this baby already. Finally, the doctor was able to give me an epidural, which helped a lot with the pain I was having.
I was also having a lot of discomfort. After the doctor gave me the epidural, I felt a little bit better. I didn't feel as much snappy towards Stephen.
"I'm sorry." I apologize, turning my head towards him.
"It's fine. I understand. Your in labor and in pain. And I can't do anything about it." He frowns.
Moving my hand I interlock my hand with his hand rested on the bed. I really do love Stephen. No matter what we go through, I'm always going to love him. I could honestly say I was happy that I was having our first child. I really wanted us to work. I just hope that he wants this as much as I do.
"I love you, mi amor." He smiles.
"I love you too, Elijah." I knew I couldn't live without him in my life. He meant everything to me. No matter what he did, I knew that we would always be a family.
After hours and hours of many contractions I was finally ten centermeters. The pain I had to go through pushing this baby out was one of the most exhausted moments in my life. But hearing him finally cry, was really an emotional moment for me. I cried so hard Stephen thought I would faint due to all that pushing.
When the nurses were done weighting and cleaning him up. They wrapped him up in a hospital blanket, and handed him to me. Of course, the first thing I saw was his green eyes that resembled his father's. It was really quite a shock to me.
I didn't think he would resemble Stephen so much. I mean I was hoping he would, but I knew I was probably thinking unrealistically. But here I was holding our son, and he had most of Stephen's features. I guess good genes do run in Stephen's family.
"He's beautiful." Stephen smiles.
After the nurses help Stephen cut the umbilical cord, all the nurses and doctors clear out of our room. Of course they checked and cleaned me up. All I wanted to do was sleep. But I just couldn't. Seeing Stephen hold our son, was one of the most heart warming moments ever.
"I can't believe he's finally here." He says, looking down at our son.
I could see the love shinning in his eyes. I could tell he was proud to be a father. I was happy that he loved our son, and I knew he was going to be a great father. Maybe just maybe we could finally get married and be a family.
"I know. I can't believe it either. What time is your family coming?" I ask him.
Stephen and my family were in Barcelona due to the baby shower that was suppose to happen. I was excited for my mom to see her grandson. I knew she was going to be really happy to see him.
This was her first grandchild too. I was even still in shock. I couldn't believe that I was a mommy now to this cute little baby. He was so small.
Five hours later, everyone had came three hours ago, and stood for two hours. Stephen's mother started crying, she was really happy to finally see the baby. She even said he looked like a mini Stephen. We had finally decided on a name.
I wouldn't say it was hard, but quite easy due to Stephen's mom. Even my mom said it would fit him too. We decided to name him Liam Elijah Henry. We thought adding Stephen's nickname as his middle name was a fit.
Liam just felt right when his mother mentioned the name. And of course his last name was because of Stephen. I just hoped soon I would carry Stephen's last name.
Liam was currently sleeping in the baby bed, that the hospital provided. We had dressed him in one of the onesies that Stephen had packed in my bag.
Stephen had thought it was a good idea to let his fans know, that our son was born. I just told him not to show his face yet. I wanted to wait for a while. I thought it would be good if we waited a month.
whoiselijah: The day is finally here. Liam Elijah Henry was born today. I am proud to say that I am a father to a healthy handsome baby boy. I thank my beautiful fiance @prettybxgirl_08 for holding out these last couple of nine months. I know it hasn't been easy, but I love you, mi amor. Your my everything. ❤👨👩👦
Seeing Stephen's post on instagram had me in tears. I couldn't begin to describe how much I love him. I know we've been through a lot, but I really love him. He is my heart. I don't know what I would do without him. I decided in that moment I wanted to marry him.
"Let's elope" I say.
Looking up from his phone, he looks at me with a confused face. I know it was unexpected, but I knew I wanted this. I've known from the start that I wanted to spend my life with him. Stephen was the only man I wanted, I was in love with him. Even with all of our issues, we always ended up back together.
"Elope? Mi amor, we just had a baby. I think we should take it one step at a time." He explains.
"Do you not want to marry me?" I was starting to feel some type of way. I mean I didn't want to rush into anything, but I knew this is what I wanted. I wanted to be with him, and finally have his last name. I think we waited long enough.
"It's not that, ________. I love you. You know I do. It's just that we've been through a lot as a couple. I don't think eloping is the right thing to do. I really do want to marry you, but the baby is enough for right now. We shouldn't rush things. We already did, and I think we should take a break. We should take things slow since we have Liam now." He explains.
Sighing I look down, I understood his reasoning. But haven't we tried taking things slow? I just wanted to start a life with him. We live together already. We were basically in a serious relationship that we were kind of like a married couple. I just don't understand. Was he having second thoughts about marrying me now?
"Look, I love you okay? Stop thinking into stuff. I'm not having second thoughts or thinking of cheating. If it was up to me I would have you bend over that bed, while I-" He explains to me, but I cut him off before he can finish.
"Elijah!" I say embarrassed.
"It's only true." He smirks.
Oh god. This guy. No matter where we were, he always made me wet. That smirk on his sexy pink lips. So kissable and plump. Looking away from him, I look at Liam who is still sound asleep.
Even through all this noise, he still managed to stay asleep. Hopefully, he would be one of those babies who slept through the night.
"Embarrassed?" I could hear the the smirk in his voice. He was such a cocky jerk.
"No!" I outburst frowning.
"Your still sexy, mi amor." My body felt like it was on fire. It's like the heat was rising to my face. I felt hot and bothered. This damn guy.
"Don't start..." I sigh.
Hearing him move I turn my head, he walks towards the bed. He sits at the edge of the bed. He grabs my hand and kisses it.
"I meant what I said. I would do it." He smirks cocky.
"Elijah! I just had our son not too long ago. Did you not learn your lesson?!" Honestly, I think he was just trying to make me feel better. And sadly it was working quite well. Could you blame me. My man was sexy. If it was up to me, we would be in bed all night like we use to be. But sadly we weren't at that level in our relationship right now.
"I'm sorry. I love you, mi amor. I just want you to know that I really appreciate you. And...if you want to elope. Then let's do it. Because I need you and my son in my life." Without warning I jump into his arms. I was so happy. I really wanted this with Stephen. I knew if we were married I wouldn't regret it.
He was my everything. And I wanted him to be the first person I saw everytime I woke up in the morning. Eventually, we would do a wedding with our families, but for right now. I couldn't wait. I wanted to be able to call him my husband. I wanted to be Mrs. Henry.
"Really?! OMG. I love you, Elijah!" I squeal.
"Yes, mi amor. But shhh Liam is still sleeping." He smiles.
"I know. I'm sorry.." I smile back at him.
Two weeks later, it was hard being a mother, Liam got up at every hour during the night. Thank goodness Stephen was even helping. I felt so freaking tired. Walking back into the room, Stephen plops himself down onto the bed. He was even exhausted.
Liam was a lot of work, but we really truly loved and adored him. He was such a cutie. I loved him so much. I was so obsessed with him, that my phone was full with almost over two-hundred pictures of him.
I was blessed to have such a healthy adorable baby boy. They weren't kidding when they said your kids were your world. Because he was my world.
"He's finally asleep." Stephen sighs.
I kiss his cheek, and wrap my arms around him. I loved being in his warmth. It was my favorite way to fall asleep. He moves his arms, and wraps them around me.
"Two more days." He whispers.
"I know." I smile.
"Then your mine forever, Mrs. Henry." He whispers against my ear. A shiver runs down my spine.
"Always, Mr. Henry."
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