Chapter 21- The end of us?
Later that day, Stephen had took me out to lunch at some little cafe. I didn't tell him about what had happened at the photoshoot, but I was fuming with anger.
Who the hell did she think she was? Just because she was his ex-girlfriend, didn't mean she had any say over who he was dating. I had a funny feeling I was going to have to deal with a crazy ex. And I was right.
This was so frustrating. But I couldn't let this bother me. I was going to talk to Stephen about this when we got home. I couldn't just keep this to myself, and let this keep eating at me. When we were done eating at the cafe, Stephen drove us back home.
Twenty minutes later, Stephen parks his Range Rover into the driveway. He shuts off the engine, and I unbuckle my seatbelt.
Opening the car door I get out, as Stephen opens up his door. We both head towards the house. Pressing the car remote, he locks the car doors. I grab my keys from my purse, and open up the front door.
I head towards our room to change into something comfy. Placing my purse on the closet table, I remove my clothes. I settle for one of Stephen's black shirts, and a pair of black pj shorts.
When I'm finally finished, I head out of the room to find Stephen. I find him in the living room going through his phone. I plop myself down onto the couch right next to him. Drawing his attention away from his phone, he gives me his full attention.
"Something wrong, mi amor?" He asks.
"Elijah...I don't want to make a big deal out of this. But it's going to drive me freaking insane. It's not enough that she was with you on your birthday. But also at your photoshoot too?!" All my built up frustration was just spewing out of me. I was honestly agitated with this whole situation.
I didn't want to have to deal with a crazy ex-girlfriend. This was not on my itinerary. I wanted to just be with Stephen no matter what the issue was, but this was cutting it way too close.
Breaking me from my thoughts, Stephen adjusts himself on the couch, so that he's facing me.
"Look, I didn't know she was going to be there either. But you really are making this a big deal. I'm with you and you already know how I feel about you. So, what's the issue? I don't come home to her, and I don't sleep with her. You need to learn how to have trust in me." He sighs in annoyance.
I understood where he was coming from. But what he needed to understand was the fact that I was afraid of losing him to someone. Especially, his ex-girlfriend who was more fit for him and his image.
I've tried so hard to become the girlfriend who is strong, supportive, and confident in our relationship. it's hard to always hide my true feelings. I'm insecure, scared, and an emotional wreck.
I'm just not use to his fast pace lifestyle. Am only human, and I have my days. Some days am fine with everything, and some days am insecure about everything.
But I always try my hardest to keep a smile on my face, because I love him. I was fighting for our relationship, and he just needed to understand that I was really trying my best.
Not getting any reply from me, he sighs pinching the bridge of his nose. Sometimes I felt as though he never understands me. He always claims that he listens, and that he understands. But I just think Stephen is slowly getting tired of our relationship. And it's written all over his face.
"....I love you, Elijah. I don't want to make this into an issue. I'm just..afraid of losing you. But I'm starting to think your getting tired of us." I frown.
Slowly but surely my eyes start to gloss over. I fought hard to hold back my tears, but I couldn't. Letting my tears fall, they stream down my cheeks. Looking at me Stephen's facial expression turns into a worried look.
He moves near me engulfing me in a tight hug. I bury myself into his chest, and begin to sob even harder. I hiccup a few times. I felt so drained.
The day I met Stephen was such an incredible day. I got to meet the man I was falling for. But now that we were in a relationship. It was like it was slowly falling apart.
It made me feel like we were never meant to be. Maybe I shouldn't have came to Barcelona. I should have left us the way we were. But I knew my heart would have ached to be with him regardless.
Breaking me from my thoughts, Stephen slowly moves me away from his chest. Looking up at him, he wipes my tears away with his thumbs.
Finally, feeling a little better I move back into my original spot on the couch. Feeling embarrassed I look down, and play with my fingers.
"Mi amor, I'm sorry." He kisses my cheek, and gets up from off the couch.
Grabbing the hem of his shirt, I pull him back down. Sitting back down, he looks at me. "You don't have to be sorry. It's not your fault. Honestly, I just want to move pass this. I want us to have a healthy relationship, Elijah. I want us to work." Moving closer to him, I cup his face.
"I love you so much, Elijah." Closing the distance between us, he smashes his lips onto mine.
"I love you too, mi amor. I promise to make this relationship work." He mumbles between our kiss.
Three weeks later, I decided to hangout with Kyla. We really haven't had a girls' day out. So, I thought today would be a great day to hangout. We were currently out at the mall shopping.
"So...You and Stephen are good?" She asks me meekly.
"Uhm..Yeah. We had a little issue, but solved it. He really has been trying to make our relationship work." I answer walking towards the food court.
"Well, I'm asking because I know what happened. I'm surprised your so calm about it. But then again. You two have went through hell and back." Stopping in my tracks, I turn towards her.
"WHAT?!" I yell in confusion.
"About his ex-girlfriend. It's all over the internet, and in magazines. She posted a picture of him and her." Taking out her phone, she unlocks it and clicks into her instagram.
Passing me her phone, I grab it and look down to see a picture of Stephen and his ex laying down together. Not only did she post a picture of the two of them together, but she added a caption too.
@claudiaa_parra: @whoiselijah I love you, mi amor. It's sad to see you in an unhappy relationship. You deserve nothing but the best. I miss seeing that smile of yours. But it seems as though I might never see that again. Just remember I'm always here for you.😍😘💕💋
I couldn't believe what I was reading. Was this dumb bitch serious? She had the audacity to post this shit, and also tag Stephen in it too. Not only that, but she's claiming that he's in an unhappy relationship with me.
I was fuming with anger. I wanted to smack the stupid out of her dumb slutty ass. Didn't she understand he was in a relationship, and she had no say over our relationship. She didn't know shit about what was going on between us.
She had some fucking nerve to claim shit like she knew. She needed to get her facts straight. Handing Kyla her phone back, I turn around and walk towards the mall exit. Following behind me, we both leave the mall without a word.
Two hours later, I sat in bed with Stephen. We have been arguing for the pass few hours. He keeps telling me how it's really not that serious, and nothings been going on between them. But I though otherwise. It had to be a reason why she was posting shit like this, and popping up everywhere he was.
"Fuck you!!!" I yell angrily.
I get out of bed walking towards the closet. I grab my duffle bag, and start stuffing clothes inside of it.
"Fuck me?! You're so over fucking dramatic! Claiming am cheating, when I'm not! If I wanted her, do you think I would still be with you?! NO!" He yells, spinning me around and glaring at me.
"I think we need a break. Maybe that's what we need." At that moment tears start to stream down my cheeks. Just the thought of breaking up made my heart fall apart. I didn't want to lose him.
I sob hysterically pushing him away from me. I weakly walk out of the room carrying my duffle bag. I knew he didn't want to be in this relationship with me. I was never enough for him from the start.
I try walking towards the front door, but he grabs my arm pulling me back into his chest. I'm spun around, and come face to face with him. His once green orbs a dark tint. He looked so conflicted.
"What do you want me to do?! Huh?! I tried. All we do is argue. You knew this from the start that my life came with a lot of baggage. I tried to make you comfortable, but there was always another problem again. I'm sorry I can't be the boyfriend you wanted." He exclaims sadly.
Tears continue to stream down my cheeks. I didn't know what to do. I guess this was the end of our relationship. But I wasn't going to let him go this easily. I wanted to be with him. He meant everything to me. It didn't matter how many issues we went through. I wanted us to stay together.
"I-I'm s-sorry. Pl-please don't leave me, Stephen." I sob. I wrap my arms around his waist holding onto him tightly, like my life depended on it.
His body tenses up underneath me, and he pushes me away. "I'm sorry. I really am. But we need a break. I messed up." He turns around to walk away, but I grip his shirt tightly.
He turns around but doesn't make eye-contact with me. He bites on his bottom lip looking anywhere, but at me.
"So, you admit you cheated on me?!" I hiccup through fallen tears.
"I love you..." He looks up at me, and looks me straight in the eyes. "I would never hurt you. But you have no trust in me. And that's why we need this break. You should stay with Kyla for awhile." Escaping from my grip he walks away from me, and disappears into the bedroom.
This was what it felt like to have your heart broken. I felt every emotion hit me all at once. My heart had shattered, along with all of my will to love. I felt as though I might never be able to be with another guy again.
Falling onto the floor I sob hysterically. I cover my face with my hands, I felt so hurt. I hated Stephen for hurting me. He thought I didn't have any trust in him, but he was wrong. I just wanted him to tell me not to worry about it, and he would take care of it. But no.
He always told me not to be over dramatic. That it would blow over. But it never did, and it always made me feel more insecure.
Some time later, I sat in the kitchen sipping on a glass of water. Stephen was in the living room talking to Kyla. She had came over a few minutes ago. I felt so drained. My eyes were puffy, and most likely a bloodshot red. I knew I looked like shit, because I felt like shit.
My boyfriend was leaving me for his ex. He may have not said it directly to me, but I could tell. He claims he didn't cheat. But I knew otherwise. I didn't get why she knew where he was all the time. And why she posted something like that?
It was only obvious. He was cheating on me with her. I sigh putting the cup down on the table. I lay my head down feeling tired. My head was pounding like crazy. I had never felt this way before. It was a horrible feeling, and I wouldn't wish this on anyone.
Breaking me from my thoughts, I feel someone put their hand onto my shoulder. Picking my head back up, I see Kyla in front of me while Stephen stands a few feet from us.
"Are you okay?" She asks me hesitantly.
Looking down I shake my head 'no', I felt my eyes start to gloss over. She knees before me engulfing me in a tight hug. "It's going to be okay. I promise. You and Stephen just need some time apart." She says lowly.
Pulling away from her I get out of my seat. "I'm going back home." Walking out of the kitchen, I hear them both follow behind me.
"_____, don't do this on impulse. It's not like you two are breaking up. You guys just need some time apart, and-" Cutting her off I turn around facing both of them.
"Literally, we are breaking up. What's the point of staying in Barcelona. I don't know why I came here anyways. I made a big mistake. I should have left things the way they were!!!" I yell angrily, through fallen tears.
"Don't say that."She frowns. I knew I had hit a touchy spot, but I was hurt and I didn't care.
"....I'm not breaking up with-" I didn't even want to hear anything from him at the moment.
"Save it! I hate you! I never want to be with you ever again! I fucking hate youuuuu!" I run towards the front door, opening the door I slam it shut. I didn't know where I was going, but I ran until I couldn't run anymore.
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