Error sans x reader
Hello there! Sorry this took so long. I deleted the whole chapter since... Well... It didn't go as planned so I did this! Requested by sagestar5! Enjoy! :3
Your pov
You sat in the white empty space, known as the void. Error had kidnapped you and he kept you here for.... Hmmm.... 15 years....? Yeah. It's 15 years. You were here since you were 5 years old. He said that you were a 'glitch' in the system. Says the one who was so glitchy and has error signs all around him. You huffed. You both hated each other and rarely talked. When you do, you just shout insults to each other. You could've kicked his face if it wasn't for his 'knitting strings'. He always has it tied around your soul. When you try to escape or even hurt him, he tightens them which hurts like heck. He didn't even gave you some stuff to entertain yourself with. All you do is sit there, being forced to eat the things he gave you. You were his 'puppet'. He controls you using his strings and makes you speak and do things so he can destroy the au. Yeah, totally great being an assistant of a broken, glitchy Microsoft 3 skeleton. Totally. Just then, a portal opened. "C'mOn gLitCh. M0vEe." He pulled at the strings and you stood up. He made you walk with him in the portal. You arrived at Echotale. It's where Gaster Sans lives. He throws some clothes at you and made you go into a dressing room to change. You were dressed in a crop top. The bottom of it looked like it was ripped. You also wore some leggings that reached to your thighs and knee high boots. You came out and error had a yellow hue on his face but shook it off. "StOp StaaaaaanDinG TheRe aNd gO¡" You sighed and walked out, well, he made you walk out. He went up to the ceiling of the mountain and hid in the shadows while he controlled you. You went pass the bridge near a sentry station and made it to snowdin. "What's a pretty lady like you doing here~?" You looked behind you and saw G. A smile got forced on your face as you waved. "Name's Sans but you can call me G. What's yours doll?" "(Y/n)." He kissed your hand and you blushed. Now, this happened multiple times now but you didn't really get used to it. The strings on your soul gripped your soul a bit tighter. It was really painful but you ignore it. "So, do you got any places to stay?" "U-ummm... N-no actually..." You said, still flustered. "Why don't ya stay over my house? I don't mind a pretty lady like you roaming around." You nodded as he grabbed your hand and led you to the all too familiar house. You sat down on the couch as he went up to his room. "I'll be in here if ya need me." He closed the door. "NnOwww... YOu knOw wHhaat To d0." 'you' walked to the kitchen and opened the sink cabinet. You saw the core. You got it and error appeared. "GoOd jOb." You gave it to him as he wrapped it with his strings. The surroundings was glitchy. He tightened the strings until it broke. The surroundings lost its color. You heard screams as the world melted to a white void with a few codes. He opened a portal and you both went through it. He closed it as you sat down on the ground again. "GOnNa gO soMeWhEeeeerE. DOnt tRy tOo eScaPppe." He went through another portal. You wondered. What does your parents look like? Are they nice? Are they okay? Do you have any siblings? You didn't know who your parents are. You didn't even remember their voice or what they look like. Not even a faint picture of them. You sighed. You wanted to meet them so badly. You curled up in the void, rocking yourself back and forth. It's so booooorrrriiinnng.... You rolled around the floor, looked at your soul, drew something in the air, talked to yourself, thought of random things.... You didn't really knew what to do. You paced around the room and explored, trying to find at least SOMETHING to entertain you. You saw something in the distance. You ran to it. You saw a house similar to all the houses of sans and papyrus. You went in. It was the same but it was a little glitchy, strings hanging down in every corner, some souls in bubbles... Wait, souls in bubbles? You looked around and saw them floating everywhere. Different colors. You walked towards one and tried to touch it... Suddenly, your soul was out and it has more strings on it. "StOp!" That voice sounds familiar. You tried to look behind you but failed. "whO Are yOu? WhaT ArE yOu doIng HerE?" They kept asking questions. "I'm (y/n), I just happen to pass by here when I was looking for at least something to entertain myself with." Silence... You heard the person's breathing. You were slowly released to the ground. You looked around. "Papyrus?"
"HOw do you knoW mY namE hUmaN?" He actually looks pretty neat. "O-oh! It's nothing. It's just... I saw you before." "MAybE yOu haD weNt To OthEr aU's!" Papyrus smiled at you. "SAy, do You KnOw sAns?" You nodded sadly and showed him your soul. It glowed a faint (s/c). The strings were tied around it. Papyrus's eyes widened "y-YouR his PuPpEt? SinCe whEn haVe yOu bEeN heRe?" "15 years." Papyrus gasped. "ThAt mUstVe beEn awFuL! IM soRrY to Hear thaT hUmaN! WaiT... WoUld YoU liKe soMe spAghetTi tO cheEr yOu uP?" You licked your lips. You only had chocolate and bread. It would be nice if you can eat something else! You nodded and smiled. He also smiled and went to the kitchen, you following him and helping him cook.
Error's pov
UGh! whEr3 is ShE? Is ShE looSt? KIdnaPpeDd? K-killed? I CanT fiNd heR. I TriEd tO conTaccct hEr soUl wiTh mY striNggs buT it's disAblEd. I'm.... Worried... I don't want her to get hurt... SuRe, wE maYy be enEmiEs buT I stIll lIk3 hErrr... I PaCed ArouNd thE vOiid, tRyIng to ThinK oF at LeaasT som3ThinG! AnYthing! I AskEd alL thE sansES anD lOokEs thRough evErY single aU! BuT... I CanT fiNd her... I-i DoNt... S-she's.... GAHhh! I WeNt InTo paNic mOde. WhAt iF shE goT kiLled? LoSt? She MiGht nEeD heLp... I-
Error: Please reboot.
"-broski? Bro? Ya Kay there glitchy dude?" "UuuGh..." I SaW 9o'S abOminAtion. "WhAt do yoU wAnt? Im bussssy." "Well, I'm just here ta say hi. Don't be such a party pooper yo!" I GroaNned. "ScRam 90's AboMinatIoN. I'm ThinkIng abOut soMethiNg riGht NoW." He sAys sOme More jiBberiSh buT it Was BlockEd by My ThinkIing. HoW cAn I FinD heR? WheRe cAnnn she be? Is she okay? I hOpe shE is... IS ShE weLll f3d? ShE bEttEr nOt hAve a scraTch on hEr whEn I FinD her. "-yo! It's unrad when you don't listen to me!" "WhaT?" I rEaliZed tHat All This tIme I WaS thInkIng, I WaS waLking. I saw somEthing in the disTance. I WeNt towards iT anD it waS a HousE, 90'S abOmInaTion coMinG wiTh. I rAn iN aNd sAwww pApYrUs anD (y/n).
Your pov
You heard the door slam open. Both you and papyrus looked. You saw error and another sans. Papyrus was lifted up into the air by sans. He looks... Angry... Really angry. "WHAt dId yOu do To hEr?!? YOu huRt heR diDnttt yoU?!? YoU beTtEr nOt laY anOther FinGer on Her oR elSe I Will ObliTeRate yoU yOu funkinG mAggoT!" Error was glitching furiously. Papyrus was crying as error gripped his soul with the strings. You ran to error and tried to cut the strings. "ERROR STOP!" "N0! HE HUURT YOU AND I AMMM NOT GOIng tO leT thAt go!!! NOw gEt ouT of My wAy!" He flung you across the room. You hit the wall which left a big crack. You swore you heard your bones crack. You fell to the ground, blood on your back. The other colorful sans went to your side and tried to heal you. You can tell he's not pretty good at it. You also noticed that his glasses said 'Oh No' instead of the usual 'YOLO'. Error looked at you and widened his eyes. He dropped papyrus and ran to you but you passed out, your back hurting.
Error's pov
OH nO... WHat HaVe I donE? I huRt hEr. Oh no oH nO oH No... I rAn to hEr As she passsssEd oUt. I oPened a pOrTal aNd caRriEd hEr in It, nOt eVen lEttIng The oTher tWo thRough. "FiX hEr Now!" I SaId To UndeRtAlE alPhYs. ShE wAs SurPrised by mY suDden AppPpEAranCe bUt got (y/n) And liFted hER ShIrt tO lOoK at whAt I hAd doNe. IT wAS rEaLlY bLooDy. SHe goT a smAll TablEt thinG and gOt (y/N) To laY doWn on HeR stoMach. She hovEreD tHe thInnnG amD I SaW thAt hEr baCkbOne WAs crAcked. I WiDeNed my eyEs. WAs iT rEaLly ThaT hArD? I Mean, whEn I Am anGry I Do tHrow thIngs aNd peOplE quIte haRd. OH geEz... "H-her backbone is fractured. It s-should heal w-when she consumes monster magic to heal t-the injury. She also n-needs to be careful to not b-bend too much but t-thats just it. Nothing else. A-also, she needs to stay here f-for a few weeks." "ThAnk yOu alPh." ShE weNt off To gEt somE bandages. I siGheD anD sAt on A chAir neXt to ThE beD she waS oN. ShE pRobAbly hAteS me. NoT lIke ShE doeSnt iN thE fIiirssT plAce. I meaN, I kIdnaPpeD heR. ShE doesnT evEn seem To remembEr Her paReNts. I ReaLly aM stUpiD. AlPhys CamE baCk anD bAndAgeD heR uP. ShE stIll DidNt wAkE uP thOugh. I rEsted mY skUll oN my pAlllm anD juSt wAtCheD h3r. ShE stIrrS bUt shE stiLl didNt wAke up. I waItEd...
I woKe uP bY thE bEd MovIng. ShE wAs WAkIng up. I smiLed. ShE groaNed anD lOokEd at me. HeR eyEs wiDeneD and trIed To siT uP but I didnT leT hEr. "DoNt waNt Your baCkbOne to be brokeN doNt ya? If ya DonT want To, thEn jUsT laY doWn." I SaiD as she stIll lOokEd at Me iN fear. I SiGhed. "LOoK, I KnoW I conTroLleD yOu aRound And Treated yOu aS noThing But, I jUsT wanT YoU tO knOw thAt I StiLl caRe abOut You. IM soRry For earLier. I Was juSt tOo AngRy anD worrIEd, I DiDnt reAllY kneW whAt TooK ovEr m3." I lOoKeD doWn. I fElT a HanD on MinE. I LoOked Up aNd SaW (y/n) smilIng At mE. "It's okay. I understand. You just want to protect me. I forgive you." I hUggEd HeR, caRefuL to nOt toUch thE baNdaged spOt. "ThAnK yyyOu..." ShE hugGeD baCK... "*Squeal!* SOOO CUUUTE!" We bOth leT gO, our fAces diFfErEnt sHades. "ALPHYS!!!" We bOth choRused aS ShE squEalEd And gIggled. "I need to tell this to undyne!" ShE ran Out. WE bOth lOokEd at eacH othEr, embArraSseD.
Skippy di Skippy di Skippy di do~!
LOng story shOrt, wE enDed Up beIng toGetheR. I apOloGizeD to PapYrus amD as usUal, hE forGave mE. I rEleaSed (y/n)'s SouL frEe from my StriNgs. WE boTh goT iNk to mAkE us an AU. We WeRe in The SurfaCe, livIng in a ManSion. LiFe wAs reaLly great. I snEakEd uP to (y/n) and pUt my ArMs on hEr waiSt. "HeyA. WhaTs shaKin baCon?" I kIssEd hEr chEek anD she blUshEd. "E-error!" I ChuCklEd. "I See thAt yOu Are cooKing soMe stEak." ShE noDdeD and huMmed. "Yep!" ShE finishEd anD pUt iT on The plaTe. AftEr eAtIng lunCh, we cuDdlEd on The coUch, hEr evEntuaLly faLlinG aslEep. I pAt her hEaD.
This is more than what I asked for...
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