Chapter 3 Doomed


Peter: ok, quick status update from Midtown high of course you know us, Peter Parker and Cookie Z, aka the spectacular web-ball and Pokémon, know as Spider man and Mystic Pink

Me: our lives were turned upside down when the super spy Nick Fury of S.H.I.E.L.D told us if we want to be the ultimate, amazing us we could be

Peter: now, we would have to go to school with a bunch of new guys

Me: Power man, White tiger, Iron fist, Nova, Beast, Elemental, Invisible Girl, and our newest member Rainbow slayer. real names, Luke Cage, Ava Ayala, Danny Rand, Sam Alexander, Spike Stuka, Ivan Stuka, Maria Olives, and Kagura Amitola

(Deadpool: *holds up poster* P.S shout out to kaguramitola )

(Ignore the baby)

Peter: Fury stuffed them in our school, so not only do we have to navigate all the high school usual's we have them to deal too. let's explore shall we?

Me: *points at chill peaple* we like to call this table, the silver surfers, cool, but disant

Peter: *points at jocks* the hulks, they smash stuff. and luckily, there is one happy place don't have with--SAM?!?!


we ran over to our table, Peter was mad. me? I didn't really care, I foresaw this will happen and i know how to share my friends.

"at our table? with MJ and Harry, our best friends? who are totally okay that you're here?" Peter asked, clearly upset. (Deadpool: you don't say)

Sam turned to us, and showed us a mashed potato Coulson, "check it. I made a exact mashed potato replica of principal Coulson!"

why? just why? (Deadpool: idk)

"hallway. Now" Peter said glaring at Sam as he dragged Sam into the hallway.

i sat next to MJ, she and Harry looked confused.

"don't worry. they are idiots" i said, as i used my wolf hearing powers.

"what's your damage Parker?" Sam asked angerly, as he glaring daggers at Peter.

"My table, Peter Parker's table and Peter's friends, I don't want to mix my chocolate with my peanut butter, get it?" Peter said, glaring back at Sam.

i used my psychic power to go tell Coulson that the two idoits are fighting, he said i have to go to the detention room, for a mission from S.H.I.E.L.D and the others are waiting.

i got up and began to walk over to 'detention' room as i kept hearing Peter and Sam fighting.

"I'm allergic to peanuts" Sam said.

'guys' i try to tell them in telepathy, 'guys'

"look, you guys are special ways....i guess but Spider man and Mystic pink does Fury's super hero thing out there. in here, it's our time, our rules" Peter said, please don't drag me down with you.

"you know, words are coming out of your mouth, but i stopped caring, like, yesterday" Sam said.

"you're just mad that Fury made me and Cookie leaders of the team" Peter said, wait what?

"i am not mad becouse there is no leader! but if there was, he wouldn't be a pajama wearing web head" Sam shot back, as he and Peter were haveing a glare off.

'Coulson, please get over here and deal with these two, their about to fist fight in 60 seconds' i told Coulson in telepathy.

'on it' Coulson thought/said.

i looked into Peter's mind to see him webbed up Sam and threw him into a giant tolet?

"i have a better idea, you can settle it in detention" Coulson said, oh thank grandpa, i just walked over to the detention room.

"detention?" Peter asked, as we walked in the detention room, I sat in between Peter and Sam.

"principle Coulson, I've never had detection in my life! Aunt May is gonna kill me!" Peter said as he banged his head on the table, "then she's gonna bring me back as a zombie and kill me again!"

then banged his head on the table again, then I made a mind link for us.

Coulson smiled, and thought/said in the mind link 'good job with the role play you guys, that was perfect'

Peter looked behind us and saw Ava, Danny, Luke, Ivan, Spike, Kagura relaxed in their sits.

'oh, this was just to get us all together for a secret S.H.I.E.L.D thing, I thought this was serious' Peter thought/said, as he sigh in relief.

'define 'serious'' Coulson thought/said, as he pressed a button, a door opened up under us and we fell in, I looked at myself and I was in my super hero did they put my costume on me with out me knowing? (Deadpool: book logic) make sense.

the chair shot through a tube really fast, faster then I'm used to, the door opened and I was shot out and I flew before I landed on the ground and I flew next to Rainbow slayer, Invisible Girl.

I saw Spider man shot threw a tube, but unlike me and the others, he landed on top of Nova, who was on top of Beast, who was on top Elemental, who was on top on Iron fist, who was on top Power man, they all groaned in pain.

Another tube open up and White tiger jumped and flipped and landed like a gymnast.

"ta-da!" White tiger said, my and the girls jokily clapped.

we looked at the boys and saw, Iron fist, Power man, Elemental, and Beast were standing up, but Spider man and Nova weren't, Spider man was still on top of Nova.

"move your webs" Nova complained.

"i had this knot thing on my back and those dumb pointy are just the right shape" Spider man said, idioits....(Deadpool: agreed)

"Boys" Me, White tiger, Rainbow slayer, Invisible Girl said and rolled our eyes.

Invisible Girl and Rainbow slayer walked to the window, i teleported over with them, it looked like we're under water?

"where are we?" Invisible Girl asked, as she looked out the window.

Just then we heard Fury's voice over the speakers,"Attention all S.H.I.E.L.D prepare to surface"

I feel the floor beneath my feet rumble then I looked out the window to see us in the Helicarrier breaking out of the water as we rise into the air.

"The Helicarrier, I love this job!" White Tiger exclaims almost sounding giddily.

"Wait we get paid?" Elemental asked.

"I don't think so" Beast said.

I sighed as I turned around to see flew out from under Spider man.

"I don't know what your problem is webs but if you want to throw down, let's get it cover with," Nova hovers above Spider man with an annoyed scowl drawn over his face as his fists crackles furiously with blue energy.

"In a feisty mood," all of us turn our heads to the left to see Fury's face projected on a big screen. "Outstanding, the court is precisely where you'll train to focus that aggression."

"Court? Like B-ball court," I ask as I tilt my head slightly in confusion.

"Court like come here to judge, harshly," Fury narrows his eye, all the windows closed and me and robots come out of the ground.

"should have called it the bathroom, I just webbed my shorts" Spider man said, ew (Deadpool: HAHA ya gross)

"Bet you're web shooters that I take down more drones than you can," Nova challenged Spider man.

"First to ten knockouts win," Spider man said smiling under his mask, AANNDD they were off...idiots...(Deadpool: hahaha)

White Tiger, Rainbow slayer, Invisible Girl, Elemental, Beast and I watch Nova and Spidey destroy robots left and right.

"their so stupid" White tiger said as she rolled her eyes.

"I see that we are gonna get in trouble by Fury" I said as I look into the future.

"wait what?"

after Nova and Spidey finished blowing up ten robots they looked at each other "in your face!"

"gentlemen!" Fury said, angerly, "the object of this exercise was to cross the room without setting off any traps"

"You said that, when did you say that," Spider man asked confused.

i'll just show Spider man and Nova my memory of what happened.

~flash back~

Spidey and Nova were having a glare off again while Fury was talking "just cross the room without setting of any traps, bla, bla, bla"

~flash back over~

I didn't listen that well...don't judge me (Deadpool: nobody does)

"Ohhhh, my bad," Spider man said, no really sherlock.

"I was going to send you into the field today, but until you start working together you're grounded," Fury said, HOW COULD THIS HAPPENED TO ME?!?! I MADE NO MISTAKES?!?!

"But that's not fair, it was dork 1 and dork 2," White Tiger complains as she pointed at Nova and Spider man, who I picture as nerds.

"ya and your not our dad" I said, as I glared at him slightly.

"ya, but I can be yours. by adopting you" Fury said. (Deadpool: no fair)

"me and Pink are older then you" Elemental said, did I say he over 3,000 years old? (Deadpool: nope) oh well, better tell you now.

"yes but  Mystic Pink's cover age makes her younger then her actual age so I have the right to adopt her" Fury said, I hate my fake age so much right now.

"i'm out" I said as I started flying, but Rainbow slayer grabbed my leg before I fly out of the celling.

"You're going to clean up your mess as a team," Fury orders, on cue a small, oval-shaped, grey robot appears from the wall with cleaning utensils hanging and inside of it.

"you better not destroy this cute robot" I said patting the robots head as I grabbed a duster thing.

Spider man grabbed a broom and went up to the ceiling.

"I call ceiling!"

then metal parts fell down.

~Time Skip~

we finally finished putting aka throwing the robot parts in a pile.

"be the best hero to you can be." White tiger complained to Me, Power man, Rainbow slayer, and Beast, then she turned her head to Spider man and Nova, "i'm pushing a broom thanks to you two."

"A tornado becomes a gentle breeze only as temperatures cool down," Iron Fist says as he claps his hands together and bowing his head, being the Zen master he is. An awkward silence permeates through the room, we looked at Power man.

"He does that," Power Man states as he tosses a chunk of metal onto the scrap heap, "Let's just finish so we can prove what we got to Fury."

Me, Nova and Elemental melted the robot parts into liquid then it when into the drain.

"You guys are the newbs," Spider man leap down from the ceiling and landed next to me, "we've been catching baddies for over a year. me and Pink got Batroc, Melter, Code, Whirlwind, the Frightful and I mean all four."

"Please don't bring me down with you webs" I said sighing.

"That's it! Spider man you're a gave me an idea," White Tiger exclaims but then stops herself as she was about to call Spidey a genius, I know it's true by why she doesn't say it. Then she walks over to the computer at the corner of the room, she opens up a window showing a list of costumed villains. "SHIELD's most wanted, we bring in someone from this list," White Tiger says as he scrolls down the list.

"Instant respect," Power Man finishes as he stands right behind the chair placing his knuckles on his hips.

"Right, but we have to make sure it's someone we can handle," Rainbow slayer gives firm nod as she watch White tiger continues to seek a perfect villain.

"Hmm, how about Lady Porcupine?" Whiter tiger stops at a female villain with a costume full of painful-looking spikes. oh dear....(Deadpool: you guys will be fine)

"Yawn," Spider man pretend to do the word then he spoke, "Nova, you can take that one. Take some bandages."

"As if, I'm aiming higher," Nova shoves Spider man out of his way as he pressed a button on the keypad. "Like top of the list. Lets get him, Doctor Doom!"

On the screen appeared a robotic-like man with a green hood shrouding his face.


Spider man: there's no way Nova no brains really thinks he can take down S.H.I.E.L.D's most wanted criminal

Me: I don't really follow the I can turn on the TV by myself without breaking something, but I think Doom is like a evil an evil king or mayor or something

Spider man: even Sam gotta admit chasing him would be insane, now we just sit back and let logic works it's sweet magic


"Last one to Latveria, lose Fury's eyepatch," Nova shouts very prematurely then he blasts off in his famous blue energy. He zooms down a hallway, scattering a bunch of agents' papers which they were carrying.

Thinking quickly, I use my magic to pick up and grouping the papers before they fly away.

"It's called impulse control Nova, look it up," Spider man yell at the boy as he chased after Nova, I sighed use my magic to handed the papers back to their respective agents.

~Time Skip~

we were on a large S.H.I.E.L.D jet. . .not all of us because  White tiger and Rainbow slayer aren't here yet.

"Who knows how to fly this things? I want to conserve some energy for the beat down," Nova asks as he presses some buttons on the controls.

"I think-" Invisible Girl tried to say but Nova cut her off.

"Oh nevermind, I found the autopilot. sorry I.G" Nova said as he press a button, Invisible Girl sighed annoyed.


Spider man: this is the part where we do something responsible Doom might actually a big deal

Me: we should be the bigger man and milti beast and hopefully call this off

Spider man: Eh. maybe next life

Me: for the live of grandpa


"Don't worry guys, I got this," Spider man said as he turn around to face Iron Fist and Power Man.

"We're just gonna let him get this?" Power Man asks as he crosses his arms over his chest.

"Depends, are we a group of solo acts or just a group," Iron Fist says bluntly as he scans all of us with calculating eyes.

"Turn off the testosterone," White Tiger exclaims as she peeks in room with Rainbow slayer.

Rainbow slayer continues for White tiger, "We are not going to fly to Latveria and catch Dr. Doom."

"You're right Rainbow, that would be insane. Can you both talk some sense into him over there," Spider man said as he toss his thumb over his shoulder, pointing into the direction of Bucket head.

"Huh, finally somebody's using their head," White Tiger said as she and Rainbow slayer walke down the steps.

the door closed then the jet turned on and we were flying in different ships.

"I hate you all."

"I know you love us Tiger"

"shut it Elemental"

~Time Skip~

we were on our way to Latveria and I was bored...yes I get bored easy so I was used my time magic that one of my uncle's teach me how to used. I saw many time lines of how we might live to see next week.

"hi Pink" Spider man said, as a screen popped up next to me.

"hi Spidey"

"what are you doing?"

"seeing all time lines were we live to see next week"

"wait how can you do that? are you 13?"

"i'm 112 in human years actually. and my uncle Dialga teach me how to see all time lines"

"can you travel threw time?"

"not yet, uncle Dialga well teach me how to that in....half a year"

"nice, wanna go see the others?"

"why not?" I asked as we go to see iron fist pressing buttons.

"You have a clue about what you're doing right?" Spider man lift an eyebrow in confusion of his antics.

"Looking for tunes, music soothes the savage teens," Iron Fist replies with his cool, gentle voice as he directed his attention back to his quest of looking for music.

"Um, awesome?" I say, more like question as I pressed the button again to check on Power Man with Spider man.

"Hey Power Man now's the-" but Spider man was interrupted as Power Man gives a groan then empties his stomach in a brown bag.

"Ooookay," Spider man awkwardly as we tapped the button giving his privacy. I spot White Tiger writing in her notebook, scribbling away with an extreme tenacious look.

"Working on a battle plan that will actually help us pull this off?" I ask.

"AP Calculus. If I'm stuck with a bunch of goons on a grudge match, I'm finishing my homework," she replies in a bleak tone as she never averted she attention away from the notebook.

"It's not a grudge match," Spider man countered with a fiery response.

On cue Nova appeared on our screen beside White Tiger and it seems like he's on the phone with someone.

"MJ, I'm glad you called. Detention, ah it was okay; Parker only cried a little bit," he sends a teasing grin at Spider man's direction, fueling his annoyance.

Me and Spider man turned off Nova screen and we went to go see Rainbow slayer.

"hi Rainbow" Spider man said as we saw Rainbow slayer on her on her phone.

"hi" she said as she text her boyfriend Takumi.

"so how are thing going with you know who?" I asked.

"going great, I gave him a phone and showed him how to use it. it took a long time." Rainbow slayer said, giggling a bit. (Deadpool: HAHA noob)

"that's my big brother for you" I said, btw if you wondering why I'm so old now is because in my home world, time goes 100x faster then normal worlds. (Deadpool: so your still younger then him?) in a weird way yes.

Me and Spider man went to see Beast, but he was asleep, so we went to see Elemental.

"hi Elemental" Spider man said.

"what's up?" Elemental asked, as he was messing with his guns.

"is that even safe?" Spider man asked.

"depends on my mood" Elemental said.

I sighed as I turn off their screen and continue looking in the time line.

After a few minutes of staring at the white fluffy clouds that are dotted across the far-reaching, vibrant blue sky, my eyelids are starting to get heavy. I shut my eyes, welcoming the solitude and peace of the darkness; no hero duties, no pain, no SHIELD, and especially no annoying boy band. Then the calm voice of Iron Fist jostled me from my state of peace.

"Latveria in three minutes." I look outside the window to see the entire sky change from the rich blue to the navy blue that it is now. "See you down there for cleanup," Nova exclaims as he opens the door then zooms out in a bright flash.

"Maybe this gone too far. Nah." I say, then the plane splits into four parts separating from the center as we followed Nova towards Latveria. Then after a few seconds of solo flying, a piece of land, fertile with towering mountains and rich foliage and forests, comes into view.

"This is Latveria, hmm looks peaceful and calm," Iron Fist sounding surprised at the unusual silence of a land that is ruled m SHIELD's most wanted criminal. The four ships boost with extra power as we gain speed towards Latveria.

"Doubt it, guy's number 1 for a reason," Power Man's screen pops up.

"We have a plan?" Rainbow slayer asked.

"Well to be honest, I was going to go up to the castle and say 'Cupcake gram!'. Everyone loves cupcakes," Spider man reply bashfully as his inner child takes over his mind and mouth again. But in retrospect, that would be really funny.

White Tiger's unamused face comes up, clear disappointment and annoyance drawn on her face. "You're an idiot."

"he is always a idiot" I said, shrugging.

"Hey!" Spidey said offended. Then bright flashes and thunderous bangs, catch all of our attentions outside of our windows to see what looks like fireworks exploding in numerous of colors against the navy blue, night sky.

"Pretty, is it Doomsday?" Spidey ask, as he looked at the sky.

"Those aren't fireworks," Power Man comments. I used my dragon vision to see what's going on, then I spotted Nova being chased by a horde of misses as they explode behind them reaching their maximum distance or him blowing them up with his energy blasts and he was.....cheering?

I think I heard him say, "bring it on Doctor DoDo! There is nothing you can't build I can't break!"

Why am I friends with the weird ones? (Deadpool: hey!!)

Then Nova got tackled by robots and fell to the ground, I teleport myself out of my jet but I used my powers to put my jet on the ground safely, then I use my death/destroy powers on them to rescue Nova.

"Thanks Pink, but wasn't that move to dangerous?" Nova asked me.

"Nope, my uncle Yveltal teach me how to kill or destroyed enemies if I wanted to" I told him with a smile.

"Should I be worried?"

"Yep, trust me. If I wanted to I can do worse"

The rest of the team came and started attacking the robots, Power man ripped the robots in half, Iron fist just hit the robots with his magic fist, White tiger slash with her claws, Spider man used his webs to destroy them, Beast used his animal power to control the ants to attack the robots, Elemental just used his guns and shot them, and Rainbow slayer and Invisible Girl teamed and kick their butts.

Spider man came up to Nova with two robot heads in his hands and said, "thanks for taking care of the light work, but now, let the pros handle from here" he said.

then our spidey sense went off.

"whoa" Spider man said, "that's some spidey sense"

"agreed" I said.

we looked up and saw Dr. Doom dramatically fly down from his castle, "look upon me and tremble. for my face is the last thing you shall see. I am Doom."

"well I seen uglier" I said as I fly in the air calmly, it's true! I fought a god damn evil king dragon for crying out loud! (Deadpool: that right)

Dr. Doom is pretty tall. Power man looks to be 6 feet, Elemental is 7 feet, and Dr. Doom looks to be 8 feet tall at best. (Deadpool: man Elemental how does it feel to be shorter then someone? HAHAHA) dude chill (Deadpool: sorry)

"Dr. Doom I presume? heh, rhyme" Spider man said as he got into a fighting stance.

"Fury dares to attack Doom on sovereign ground?" Dr. Doom said pointing a finger at us and turned red then shot a laser at Nova, Iron fist and Elemental. The three of then jumped in different directions and it made a small explosion behind them. He shot another one at White tiger, Power man and Beast.

Beast and White tiger jump out of the way and as Power man grabbed a large piece of metal and the laser hit it instead of him, but send him flying into the forest, but I use my nature/living magic to catch him.

"thanks Pink!" Power man said, and he threw the piece of metal.

"Okay. i'll say it. we're doomed" Spider man gulped.

"yep he just said that" I said, "I guess it's play time" (Deadpool: YOU GO GIRL!!) heh. thanks.

Doom's gauntlet started glowing like his finger did, he punched the ground. The shock waves traveled in the ground below us. I flew and grabbed Spider man and the others with psychic before they got hit. I used one of my moves, mulit emotions (Deadpool: self only move) on Dr. Doom but he dodge it.

I put the team back on the ground.


Me: before we continue this 'lovely' battle, shall we look what we're up against?

Spider man: of course! Vision power gauntlet, Vibranium re-enforced armor, lasers at the wazoom

Me: Nuclear power wazoon with tha:

Spider man: I don't think he's a turn your head and cough doctor

Me: good thing in hoshido and Nohr have healers.....


before we get started I used my telepathy to talk to the rest of my team.

Dr. Doom started shooting laser beams at me and Spider man but I used my magic to make a shield, soon I teleport us to our team, minus Nova. I have no idea where he went. But I thinks Webs is to stubborn to call them that yet.

"Okay, you can shoot bolts, we impressed!" Spider man said as I removed the shield, "But can you surrender quietly?"

'your not right in the head' White tiger thought/told, as she rolled her eyes.

'I mean, his Spider man. not to bright in the head' Elemental thought/told White tiger.

'hey, I am in this mind link too ya know?!' Spider man thought/yelled at our two team mates.

Dr. Doom shot a beam at us, making all of us split in different directions.

White tiger and Rainbow slayer tried to run up to Dr. Doom but he shot a laser making backflipped back.

'Team, run S.H.I.E.L.D maneuver Dugan 12.' White tiger thought/told us, but the rest of us looked at each other confused.

'any have any idea what she just said?' I though/ask as they shrugged.

White tiger sighed, 'three hit high, three hit low'

'oh, why you didn't say so?' Power man though/ask.


A blue light past us, and with a voice that was all to familiar and the only other person that can fly. It was your favorite bucket head, Nova.

Nova send a beam of his space energy at Dr. Doom but only to be use his shield to block the attack.

'yeah, like you're landing in le coup de grace' Spider man muttered in his mind, 'whatever that means'

Then our beloved Web head went into action.

'wait!' White tiger thought/told Nova and Spidey but they ignored her and shot/blasted their webbing and blue energy beam.

'Stupidest. Boys. Ever.' White tiger thought/muttered.

'agreed' Beast, Elemental, Rainbow Slayer, and Invisible girl thought/agreed with our cat superhero friend.

a small explosion happened and we covered out eyes from the blast.

'as a boy. I second that' Iron fist though/said as we looked back to where our team mate had acted stupid.

when the smoke cleared Nova and Spider man were hunched over trying their breath. But what is most shocking is that Dr. Doom was past out under them. WHAT THE HECK?!?! (Deadpool: I know right?!)

'get out!' Power man thought/yelled shocked.

'I did it! woohoo I rock!' Nova thought/cheered, we all gave him the 'really' face, 'what? I do'

'first one home with Dr. Dork gets dinner with Fury!' Spider man thought/told us as he enter a get with a now web up Dr. Doom and now flying in his S.H.I.E.L.D ship.

'hey!' Nova thought/yelled as he started to fly at Spider man and banged his fists at the window.

I went into Spider man's mind and it showed me that Nova had a weird face on and making human baby sounds.....weird (Deadpool: normal for me) of course it is.....

"what a crybaby" Spider man said outload as he pointed at Nova.

'come on, that's not far! web head!' Nova thought/yelled at Spider man in the mind link. and to be honest it hurts my head. (Deadpool: need a ice pack?) yep, this is a side affect when using this psychic ability.

~time skip with Fury a little before we arrived~

"Coulson" Fury said as he opened a screen that showed Coulson working with a lot of sheets of paper in our high school, "do you have any idea where our teenage and immoral heroes in training are?"

"sorry sir, I'm in the middle of a crisis right now. School beget is a mess!" Coulson said stressed out as he looked at all the papers on his deck, "no more doors on boys bathrooms, no more toilet paper- hey maybe S.H.I.E.L.D can do-" Fury turned off the screen before Coulson can finished.

"good god, Coulson has gone native" Fury mutted with eyes- (Deadpool: or one eye) ya that too....eye widen.

We walked in into the room and Webs made sure Fury saw it.

"some people are just not meant for the high presser of school administration" Spider man said (Deadpool: ya school sucks YEET YEET YEET), "while others are keenly for the butt kicking around the globe department"

Nova then flew and grabbed the webbed up Dr. Doom from Spidey, "I caught him! it was me! totally my idea!"

Elemental put up his gun to Nova and blasted a web ball that covered his mouth., "should have done that at first mate"

"where have you maniacs been?" Fury asked, walking over to us.

"well Nicky boy" Spider man said, "we're ready for the 'advanced class' so to prove it, we got you a present. Wanted for rocket D&D, armor, and a green cap in the 21st century. you know him, you loath him. The looney from Latveria"

He removed the web that covered Dr. Doom, "tadaaaa! he is so loving us. Except you Nova"

Nova glared at him as he removed the webbing that covered his mouth.

Fury was angry. And you don't need to have the power to read people's emotions to tell like me. Just look in his face (Deadpool: I know that angry look first hand) we know you do Wade, we know you do.

"not my idea" Rainbow slayer said, raising her hands in surrender. (Deadpool: cowered) be nice. (Deadpool: sorry)

"not mine ether" Invisible girl as she sighed.

"you kids capture the most dangerous man on the plant" Fury said, he sounded angry.......really angry. (Deadpool: whoops)

"you don't have to thank me, but I would accept a jetpack" Spider man said...I looking into his mind and he was flying in a jetpack, what is wrong with him? (Deadpool: idk)

Fury grabbed his gun and pointed at Dr. Doom with a angry look, "you didn't catch Doom, you walked him right into my helicarrier!"

"Correction, Direction Fury. They walked a Marl VI holdament chassis into your helicarrier" Dr. Doom said.

"I'm guessing that's not a new washing machine?" Spider man joked, then Invisible girl slapped him upside the head as hard (Deadpool: not to hard to make him bleed) as she could as DR. Doom broke free from the webbing that covered him and every S.H.I.E.L.D agent grabbed their guns and pointed at Dr. Doom.


Me: did anyone else see this playing differently?

Spider man: like me getting a jetpack? I did

Me: I was to set you on fire so badly right now......


Just the Dr. Doom's eyes glow red and his chest opened up, then mini Doom bots jumped out. Each smaller then the other and in total there is 6.

all our eye widen as the Dr. Doom bots had weapons coming out of everywhere possible.

the smallest Dr. Doom bot ran to us and shot 2 laser beams at us, we all dodged it in time but power man wasn't fast enough and got hit but i blasted it away from him.

Every S.H.I.E.L.D agent began shotting at the Dr. Doom bots, who, put up a forced field to protect themselves.

"Doom bots" the biggest Dr. Doom said, "scatter and destroy!"

The big Dr. Doom bot blasted a hole below him and escape as the other Dr. Doom bots escaped in a door that the agents left open.

Me, Spider man and Fury kneeled or in my case float beside the hole that Dr. Doom made. Me and Spider man looked at Fury and he was so mad you can see his rage....its like your mom and dad getting so mad at you for doing something stuiped and wants to probably kill you kinda mad.

"Blood pressure Nick" Spider man said, (Deadpool: or you might die) he can't hear you (Deadpool: its true! he can die!) shut it for a bit will you?

"its not good for you" i said, and i'm not in the mood for healing blood pressure stuff.

"i got this" Spider man said.

"I got this" Nova said as Spider man glared at him as they both went into different doors to stop Dr. Doom. Alone i may add my dear reader. (Deadpool: i call dibs on their arms!) 10$ (Deadpool: bet)

"isn't 'we' in their vocabularies?" White tiger asked, mostly to herself.

"most likely not" Beast said as he called in some bird and flies and bees to help him.

"i thought they were dumb but not this dumb" Rainbow slayer sighed.

"Guys stick together!" White tiger called out as she off to get the Dr. Doom bots.

Me, Invisible girl and Rainbow slayer followed White tiger and Elemental, Beast, Iron fist and Power man went their own way and Fury said something to the agents that I can't hear anymore.

Me and the girls went for the smallest Dr. Doom bot since it was in the air vent.

'Their splitting up to do the most damage' white tiger though/said as she tried to attack the small Dr. Doom bot but it went into the vent.

'WE need to corral them' Invisible girl thought/said, and when she said 'we', (Deadpool: mostly to Nova and Spider man) she meant to work as a team.

'i'm the fastest' Nova thought/said as he was fighting a Dr. Doom bot that was bigger then ours, 'I'll get then all if bug brain does not blow it again'

'not this again' Elemental thought/said as he shot a flew bullets at a Dr. Doom bot, but it was to fast for him to hit it.

'I blew it?' Spider man defended himself, 'this is all-'

'SHUT UP!' Iron fist, Power man, Rainbow slayer and Beast thought/yelled at the same time.

'you both started this' Power man thought/said as he tried to step on the smallest Dr. Doom bot

Iron fist blocked a bigger Dr. Doom bot's attacked, 'to be fair we did go along-'

'not now Iron fist' Power man thought/said, then the smallest Dr. Doom bot shot lasers at Power man's feet at max.

"destroy all enemies of the great Dr. Doom" the smallest said as it finally burned Power man, who yelled in pain a bit and hold his foot as he bowed on it.

'we're all to blame, mostly Nova' Spider man thought/said as he dodged a attack from the Dr. Doom bot, then attacked it with webs 'but don't worry. i got the experience I'll fit-'

his phone went off, it was MJ.....great.....(Deadpool: ease drop on then) what do you think i"m doing Wade? i want to hear the drama. (Deadpool: HAHA this will be good)

"hello?" He anwered.

"Hey Pete. any chance your still with Sam?" MJ asked over the line, it also sounded like she was cutting something.

"MJ. Busy. Later" Spider man said as he dodged the Dr. Doom blades.

"i don't know what you have against Sam, but-" MJ tried to say but Spider man cut her off.

"not now MJ" he said then hanged she's gonna call me soon (Deadpool: why do have your phones on you anywas?) hey sometimes you get bored and want to play some games. and also I normally order pizza when Aunt May is out.

Spider man kept dodging the attackes.

Me and the girls jumped out of the air vent that the Dr. Doom bot went in. The Dr. Doom bot blow hole in the wall but we followed him through out.

White tiger clawed one of it's hand off with the help of Rainbow slayers bow weopon, with one hand it shot a misile at me and invisible girl.

i teleported away and Invisible girl jumped out of the way but it ended up hitting the engines insded. (Deadpool: whoops) you said it.

'they took out one of the engines' White tiger thought/said as we slide to the right, 'we're losing stabbility'

MJ began to call me (Deadpool: oh sh**), i picked up.

"greetings" i said as i began to fly.

"Hi Cookie, i was wondering if you have seen Sam. i tried calling Pete but he hanged up on me" MJ explained.

"ya i have. i can't believe he did that" i said and i rolled my multi colored eyes.

MJ sighed, "can you try telling Sam i got his homework?"

"okay, oh and maybe recall Peter later. he might be in a better mood" I said.

"I will" MJ saif then hanged up, the Fury went on the com.

"We're losing more then that" Fury said as he and some agents are at the core room fighting the main Dr. Doom, "one of the Doom bots is in the fusion reactor chamber" The Dr. Doom bot shot the core but a forced field protected it, "it won't mater if we keep it aflot, if that thing hits the core we going nuclear"

"yikes" Spider man said, "some plain...I try to prove a point to Nova of all people...not the big apple is going to be the big fried unless-" then he thought of something, 'Nova, Beast. I have a plain'

'what is it?' Beast thought/asked and he blocked a Dr. Doom attack.

'i don't take orders from you' Nova thought/said as he ovoded a Dr. Doom lasers.

'i'm not giving order, bucket head. we have to act like team mates now or everything goes boom!' Spider man thought/said as he webbed up the Dr. Doom robot he was fighting 'if you and beast can stabilize the helicarrier engine-'

'while you hog all the glory?' Nova thought/said as he used his space energy to protect himself from the Dr. Doom's laser.

'i'm not hogging anything! you are the only other person that can fly and maybe keep us airborn. Beast can control his animal friends to help. it's a little thing i call 'working together'' Spider man though/said, it's true, Beast is the only one that can control any animal and Nova is the only person besides me that can fly.

'he has a point' Beast said. (Deadpool: facts)


tiny Spider man: *makes a rainboe* and that's one to grow one


Nova and Beast made it outside. Nova used his moon/space power to push the Helicarrier up near the broken engine and Beast used the birds, flies, bees to help out. The Helicarrier was flying before it crashed into the city.

'guys, i'm digging deep into S.H.I.E.L.D. play book pull a code 46 triple Wendy with extra sauce' Spider man thought/said (Deadpool: what did he just say?) idk my friend but it sounded like someone talking crazy. (Deadpool: like me! but i'm more crazy, YOU'LL NOT TAKE MY CROWN SPIDEY!!!!) oh boy.....

'you're just saying words' Rainbow slayer thought/said she shot a arrow at the Dr. Doom bot.

'yes but i have a plan' Spider man thought/said as he tired to stop the Dr. Doom bot from slashing him.

White tiger ran over to a computer that was near her and began typing something while me and the other girls hold off the Dr. Doom bot.

'the reactor is in 12, Q-3. It's below us' White tiger thought/read off the tiny screen.

Rainbow slayer jumped back to face White tiger, 'since you actually know that, tell us where we should meet'

White tiger typed something in the mini computer, 'follow my coordiates'

'man, this sticks' Power man thought/said since the tiny Dr. doom bot keeps moving.

"behold the might of Doom!" Dr. Doom bot said until Iron fist kicked it into a wall making it explode.

'lets trade' Iron fist smirked and he jumped behind Power man as the blade hit his chest but broke.

'sweet, Ivan your turn' Power man said and Elemental shot a bullet in the Dr. Doom bot's head.

'i call that a win' Elemental said as he fix his cowboy hat.

'lets finish the dumb robot' Invisible girl said as she grabbed the robot and throw it at White tiger, who clawed it in half.

meanwhile Beast and Nova are still tiring to keep the helicarrier up.

Soon Spider man, Iron fist, Power man, Elemental made it over to where me and the girls are.

'still waitting for the plan' White tiger thought/said as we were surrounded by the Dr. Doom bots.

Spider man grabbed Iron fist and my wrist, 'straight down. think you both can handle it?'

'we're not paying for it' we smirked as his fist glowed yellow and mine icy blue and punched the floor below us and all of us falling free.

'free falling through the helicarrier with five killer robots is the plan?' White tiger thought/asked Spider man angerly. (Deadpool: seems like it)

'half a plan?' Spider man thought/said as he shrugged.

'i hate you' Elemantel thought/said.

'no you don't' i'm lovable' Spider man thought/said.

'don't worry. I won't let any of you die. i saw into the future' i thought/said to them/

Iron fist stopped our bickering, 'next stop, power core'

Me and Iron fist punched each beam that would stop us and maybe break our bones. we made It to the power room.

i heard Fury yelled, "that thing can not get though" and some of the agents and Fury got hit by the main Dr. Doom who was covered in a forced field.

when Fury sawed us he eyes widen...I mean who can blame him? we destroyed part of the S.H.I.E.L.D to make it to the power core. (Deadpool: we're gonna be in doomed) was that a pun? (Deadpool: yep) sigh...

'Power man now!' Spider man thought/ordered as he shot a web. Power man grabbed Iron fist's hand, who grabbed Elemental, who grabbed Invisible girl's hand.

I begin to fly and i grabbed White tiger and Rainbow slayer's hands, we moved out of the way and the mini Dr. Doom robots fell on the beams and exploded.

Spider man seem to have trouble moving them, 'what have you guys been eating?' i looking into his mind and see them fat and eating meat....(Deadpool: HAHAHAHA)

we all landed on a iron pillar near.

'that actually worked' Whiter tiger thought/said surprised.

'shocker' Invisible girl said as she playfully slapped Spider man's arm.

"are you done patting yourselves on the back?" Fury asked though the com.

"um...5 more minutes?" Rainbow slayer joked, then we all looked at Dr. Doom with eyes widen.

"regards from Victor von Doom" Dr. Doom said as he got ready his laser gun and pointed at the core.

just the Nova and Beast came running in, 'we're coming guys!'

Nova zoomed right in front of Dr. Doom's laser, Nova looked like he was....absorbing the engery? he fell on the ground weak and Beast ran over to him.

'NOVA!!' Me and Spider man thought/yelled out to him.

'finish it, Webs. Pink!' Nova thought/told us.

Spider man used his webs to shot Dr. Doom in the back and send him 5 feet in the air, White tiger and Rainbow slayer jumped in and cut the wens off his back, Elemental kicked him in his back making him go face first into the floor. Power man and Invisible girl ran up and picked up Dr. Doom making him face Iron fist and me and we punched him with our magical fists making Dr. Doom explode.

Spider man jumped down where he is and catch the fake Dr. Doom head and as soon as he landed he throw the Doom head like a football player. and he did a stuiped and cute little dance.

I teleported over to Nova, 'didn't know you can absorb energy'

'nether did i' Nova thought/said as me and Beast helped him stand up, i healed us.

'wow dude, you rock!' Spider man thought/complemented. shocked (Deadpool: same)

'you too,' Nova the cleared what he meant, 'well less then me'

the rest off the team came over then we call fell down tried, i'm gonna used this moment as black mail later (Deadpool: lets do it) yay!

them Spider man's phone rang, he put it on speaker. (Deadpool: someone is mad) you said it.

"Peter Parker! do not hang up on me! i need to talk to Sam! i have his homework!" MJ said angerly....forgot to tell him that...whoops.

Webs turned the speaker off and throw the phone to Nova, "here chief have a party" then he lay down on the floor

~time skip~

Me and the team were lined up like soldiers and Fury started angerly yelling at us.

"if you ever pull that stunt again, i will personally-"


Spider man: this goes on for 5 minutes

Me: please don't say

Spider man: shhh, let just see me riding a jetpack


"does 'i'm sorry' help?" Spider man asked.

"maybe really, really, really sorry?" i joined in

"no" Fury deadpan, (Deadpool: his mean) you said it, "whoever did this step fowered , your off the team"


Spider man: that's my cue. I messed up big time today

Me: Spidey....


Spider man stepped forwered, "it was me,sir"

the rest off us stepped up as well.

"no it was us" Power man spoke up.

Fury looked at us to see if we're joking but we didn't back down, "never again" he turned around, "team"

Spider man turned to us, "okay that was cool guys. But if anyone says group hug. I'll cry"

"what about study group hug?" Coulson said waking behind us, "you have to make up school work you missed today"

"now i'm gonna cry" Spider man said everyone groaned.

"i did my homework" She said, then we walked into the control room.

"all in one, i'd say that worked out pretty well" Spider man said.

Suddenly every screen in the room showed live of Dr. Doom, "children, let it be known that the eye of the all powerful Doom has fallen apon you this day. I've scanned your every strenght, every weakness. cross my path again and suffer unspeakable consequences" then the screan went black.

"you okay? you look scared?" Spider man, who was in Power man's arms asked.

"that's just the case. i was" Power man said, then they both relized the position they are in then Spidey jumped out.

"ya, a little bit" Spider man said.

"at least its over" i said (Deadpool: for now!) your not helping (Deadpool: sorry)

"we're just gonna let him punk us like that? to the transport!" Nova said as he flied to the docking bay.

Spider man sighed, "i'll get him"

"'we' will get him" Iron fist corrected.


Me: done!

Ayla: sorry it took us so long to update

Cherry: Cookie was taking tests

Me: now School is off for me and i'll have more time to update

All: BYE

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