1. Today's The Day!

A blazing ball of yarn rose in the sky, shedding its light on the mismatched letters of the Uglyville Sign.

In the distance, Peggy's voice could be faintly heard echoing around the cliff face. "Ugly-doodle-doo!"

Uglydog's eye sprung open. Grinning, he leapt to his feet. "GOOD MORNING, UGLYVIIIIIIILE!" He shouted as loud as he could, taking off through the streets of the town. As he ran by, the city began to come to life. Dolls of every shape, size and color could bee seen throwing their shutters open wide, businesses flipped their signs from closed to open, the occasional doll called out a return greeting to their doglike friend.

"Ugly morning, Uglydog!" Peggy greeted as Uglydog passed beneath him. "Whoo-hoo! I'm aerodynamically impossible!" The pegacorn cheered as he swooped away.


Dawn just barely lit the skies above the Institute of Perfection. The sound of an air horn sounded high above the rows of identical houses. One by one, lights flickered on in the dwellings as the dolls inside shook themselves awake.


Sunlight streamed in shafts through the two-way glass into a large bedroom. It shone onto a California-king sized bed, where a lump buried itself further under the covers to avoid it.

An exposition robot burst through the door.

"It's morning, sir!" The robot announced. It wheeled up to the lump and sounded an airhorn next to it, then promptly made its exit.

Lou bolted upright in bed. He was wearing a black satin eye mask, his hair was a bit disheveled. Pushing the mask to his forehead, he threw off the covers and leapt out of bed. Clad in a blue silk pyjama shirt-and-shorts combo, he ran, barefoot, through one doorless entryway to his attached bathroom and out the other. When he emerged, he'd reverted to his suit-clad, flawless appearance. He flashed a grin at a full-length mirror and disappeared down the the stairs to start his day.


Across town, Moxy sat up in her bed, flipping through her notebook at drawings she'd done in the past. All of them were of herself, doing fun things with a human girl, like sunbathing at the beach, or jumping into a pile of fall leaves. Moxy smiled, and tracing the mystery girl's face with her hand, she softly began to sing:

"There's a child for every doll

And a doll for every child

They sometimes find each other

When destiny has smiled.

Who knows just how they're chosen?

The stories seldom say.

It could happen any moment,

And today... Could... Be...

The... Day!"

She flopped onto her back, clutching the beloved notebook to her chest. Peggy appeared outside Moxy's window. "Hey, wake up, Moxy!"

"Morning, Peggy," she answered cheerfully, "I've been up for hours!" She sprung from the bed, pausing at her calendar to circle the words TODAY'S THE DAY! on the day's date. "Today could be THE day!" She rushed to admire her distorted reflection in a carnival funhouse-style mirror.

"Hello, Gorgeous! Let's check out how you look today!

Short and stubby, and my gosh! Look how much you weigh!

You're pinkish red, got this thing on your head--" She paused to tug on the flower-shaped growth on the top of her head-- "and woah!" She turned her attention back to the mirror.

"Girl, you couldn't look better!"

Moxy crossed the room to her computer, putting the finishing touches on an article she'd written for The Daily Ugly beforehand.

"Hey, Moxy!" A voice calls from the window. Uglydog leapt through the open space. "You're in a good mood!"

"Hey!" Peggy cried, forced to fly away from his perch on Moxy's windowsill.

Moxy swiveled her chair to face Uglydog. "That's because today, I'm finally going to--"

"Get chosen to go into the Big World and be with your child," Uglydog cut her off, dancing in place on the sill. "You say that every day!"

"I know!" She replied, not phased. "But today, I might be right!" She hit 'print', and with a whirr the printer began spitting out a thick stack of newspapers.

"Shake the sleep off, and kick into the morning drill." Moxy caught the papers as they exited the printer, shoving them into a messenger bag which she'd slung over her shoulder. Uglydog nabbed a stray paper with his teeth.

"It's another awesome day here in Uglyville!" She threw open the shutters to a window other than the one Peggy and Uglydog had used. Confetti showered down to the street beneath her.

"Grab your shoes, time to spread the good news, woah!"

"Let's go!" Uglydog called. The two of them headed out the door, armed with bundles of newspapers.

"--Things just couldn't be better!"


Tuesday sat in front of her vanity, inspecting her reflection in the mirror. She held a blue lipstick in one hand and a purple one in the other, weighing in her mind which one to choose.

The walls around her were papered with posters and snapshots of Lou in various poses. Taped to the corner of the vanity mirror was her prized possession: a handwritten note written especially for Tuesday from her beloved himself. It read, in Lou's neat handwriting: If I find you outside of my house again, I'm calling the bots.

Tuesday smiled, opting for the purple lipstick.


"Call it hope or faith, whatever!" Moxy sang as she and Uglydog slid down the stair rail.

"I just know in my heart it's the day I've awaited forever!

'Cause there's a scrambled sun in a Day-Glo sky, and the mood couldn't be any brighter!" Moxy tossed newspapers to the surrounding dolls as she and Uglydog head towards the center of town.

"And as the slam-bang city goes rocketing by, well, my head couldn't feel any lighter!" Moxy spotted her bike sitting in the street where she'd left it the day before. She hopped on, speeding away.

"It's like a funhouse ride, the kind you just can't miss!" Uglydog followed behind Moxy, hopping from rooftop to rooftop to keep up with her. As he passed by the sports equipment shop he grabbed the skateboard installed on top of the building and used it to catch up with Moxy. Eh, I'll return it later, he thought.

"Call it crazy and yet, is there anything better than this?" Moxy and Uglydog jumped off their vehicles, flying up into the air. They bounced off a pair of nearby dolls and hit the street running. The dolls they landed on smiled and waved, this sort of thing was commonplace in Uglyville.

"Life just couldn't be better than this!"


Mandy shuffled into her bathroom, still mostly asleep. She hadn't changed into the Institute's uniform yet, instead she wore the camisole and sweatpants she'd gone to bed in. She yawned sleepily.

Squinting, she grabbed a tube of hand lotion and squeezed a dab onto her toothbrush. As she started to brush her teeth, her eyes grew as wide as saucers. Lotion and saliva sprayed out of her mouth, and she spit a few more times into the sink to rid herself of the last traces. Frantically, she snatched her glasses. She picked up the tube of lotion to get a better look at it. Her head dropped forward, and screwing her eyes shut, she groaned.


Along the coast of Uglyville, a boat race was in progress. It was a close race, but Icebat's boat edged past Dolliver's and passed the dock decorated with the finish flag a just a second earlier.

"ICEBAT WINS!" The referee announced. Dolls cheered or groaned, depending on which boat they'd placed their buttons on.

"Ice cream, on me!" Icebat cheered. The spectators of the race cut the lines on the catapults they'd prepared for that moment, hurling bucketloads of ice cream onto Ice Bat. She let out a small shriek from the cold.


Moxy and Uglydog made their way through a crowd of dolls, at the center of which stood Ox and Lucky Bat.

"Here you go, Mayor Ox! Hot off the press!" Moxy handed Ox a newspaper.

Ox took it from her, smiling. "Thanks, Moxy. Today's the day!"

Moxy brightened. "You really think so?! When someone gets chosen, do they get picked up by, like, a long stretch dune buggy or something fancy--"

"...I was talking about the tree planting ceremony," Ox cut her off.

"Oh..." Moxy slumped. A doll shaped like a tree walked up between the two of them.

"Mr. Tree, if you would!" Lucky Bat motioned to the new arrival. Mr. Tree whipped off his sunglasses and dropped a sapling tree into a hole in the ground while Lucky snapped pictures.

"Now I've told you before--" Ox began. He paused to pose for a picture. "All this business about the Big World and children--" He posed again, talking while trying not to move his mouth. "Those are just stories!"

"Everyone says that, but what's the harm in believing?" Moxy said.

Ox dismissed her, taking up the song where it had left off. "Never mind that, I'll tell you what the day will bring!

First a shindig, then a bash, then more partying!" He pulled out cards illustrating the Uglies all partying and having a blast.

"But Ox--" Moxy tried to say. Ox was having none of it, letting the crowd carry him away as he continued,

"Top it all with a rave, then a ball-"

"Woah!" Moxy sang, letting herself get swept up in the party atmosphere as she chased after Ox.

"Why?" The mayor asked, crowd surfing away, Lucky Bat not far behind (though not quite as graceful), "You know it couldn't be better!"

They passed by the bakery, where Wage leaned out of the window to greet them. "Mornin' Moxy! Got somethin' new you'll wanna try!"

"Hi, Wage!" Moxy chirped.

Wage held up a purple pie. "It's a brownie-cupcake-fudge-berry-ice cream-pie!"

"Yum!" Moxy's stomach growled. I was so excited about the Big World, I forgot breakfast again.

Wage scooped out a spoonful of pie for Moxy and Uglydog. "Just one bite- Who needs kids, am I right? Babo!" While they savor their bite of pie, Wage tosses the entire remainder up into the air, to where Babo was painting her roof.

Babo caught the pie in mid-air, swallowing the whole thing in one gulp. To Babo, a whole pie is just one bite. "It just couldn't taste better!" Babo sang out, hitching a ride on one of the sails of the mill atop the bakery.


Students filed though the streets of Perfection. Some were going about their regular business, visiting with friends, grabbing a bite to eat. Those scheduled for morning classes made their way toward the outdoor classroom area. As each pretty doll entered the teaching area, they passed beneath one of a line of scanners that swept their entire body. Passing through the scanners automatically changed their mark on the digital attendance sheet from absent to present. When the time for class to start drew nearer, the scanners would forward the list of absents on to the exposition robots.


Lou strode up the streets of Perfection, hands clasped behind his back, a smug air surrounding him. Dolls would ordinarily be milling around him, trying to be on the recieving end of a wave, even a glance, from their leader. It would've been more of the same that morning, if not for the fact that there was simply no time for that sort of thing; half of the dolls were too busy rushing around in preparation for their morning classes. As it was, a small gathering still formed around him. Dolls stopped what they were doing to watch him pass.

Every once in a while, he waved to a doll in the crowd, or sent one a wink. Posed randomly. The usual.

"Hi, Lou!" A female doll called to him. Lou made finger guns at her, a smirk tugging the corner of his mouth. She squealed in response, gripping her friends' hands excitedly.

His walk took him alongside a brief stretch of Perfection's outer wall. The tenors had propped themselves up against it, three in a row, talking and sharing breakfast as they waited for Lou to make his way around. Howie and Jase were in the middle of a heated discussion while Conner polished off the remains of a flannel croissant, observing the argument with an expression of mild amusement.

The trio caught sight of Lou and immediately were on their feet.

"Morning, Lou," Conner and Jase intoned.

"Looking great as usual, Lou!" Howie beamed, clasping his hands in front of him.

"Saved one for you." Conner held out his hand, extending a smoothie so bright green it looked like it could be made of lawn clippings. Lou took it wordlessly as he breezed by, not so much as looking at the trio.

The three of them filed in a few paces behind Lou. As they got closer to the classroom area, the spy girls fell into step with them. Tuesday batted her eyes at Lou, but was (once again) ignored.

The crowd gazed at the good-looking group in envy and awe. Kitty met their looks head-on, haughtily tossing her hair. Of course, nobody had any hope of being as perfect as Lou, but it was the goal of every doll to get as close as they possibly could to that level of perfection. For having been deemed (by Lou himself, no less!) the best of all the pupils, the six of them were given the privilege of being in Lou's inner circle.

Well, seven, actually. Somebody was missing.


"And soon- you-know-what-" Moxy gestured to a copy of The Daily Ugly. Uglydog bobbed his head to the beat. "Is comin'!"

Ox added, "But until it arrives, might as well keep the party-"

"Hummin'!" The two harmonized together.

Ox used his ears to fly into the air. "Yeehaw!"


An exposition robot wheeled between rows of identical houses at high speed, scanning house numbers as it went. When it reached number L-13, it made a sharp turn, approaching the door. The robot knocked. "Mandy, street L, residence #13, beautician-slash-model!" It called in its monotone voice. "I am here to remind you that class will be beginning in a few moments!"

The door flew open and Mandy hopped past the robot on one foot, trying to put on her shoes and run at the same time.

I can't tell what the clock says without my glasses! Now I'm gonna be late! She shrieked inwardly. Perfect dolls are never late!

Partially from her haste and partially because she wasn't wearing her glasses, she tripped over the street curb, falling flat on her face. She groaned for the second time that day. Is it even worth getting up at this point?

She shook off the thought, rising to her feet. Come on, doll, Lou's definitely going to notice it if you're late, you've only got-- she peered at the clock tower in the business sector of Perfection. It was hazy, Mandy couldn't even begin to read it. Forget the clock, girl, you gotta go! Now!

She took off running, barely missing a tree.


Moxy and Uglydog rode through uptown Uglyville in a go-kart.

"Yes, it's a square-peg life in a round-hole town, but the folks couldn't be any sweeter!" They hopped out and Uglydog deposited a button in the parking meter.

Wage was already waiting for them. She and Moxy grabbed each other's hands. "It may be upside-backwards and wrongside-down, but it just couldn't feel more completer!" 

Some of the crowd from both the tree-planting ceremony and the boat race gathered outside the bakery, sending smiles Moxy's way. The pink doll's enthusiasm was contagious, and she'd made herself a lot of friends in Uglyville.

"And there's so much to do!" Babo hummed, still clinging to the mill.

"And it's all such bliss!" Wage added, twirling to look at everything around her.

The three friends mingled with the crowd of dolls. Grinning widely, Moxy gestured to their surroundings. "There's no reason to fret, what could ever be better?! Than this."

The crowd answered with one voice, "No, it couldn't get better than-"

"INCOMING! INCOMING!" A voice blared from a set of speakers. The uglies shared an excited look and then everyone began to head toward 'that' place, near the outskirts of town.

Peggy lead the way. "C'mon, uglydolls! New arrival!" He called to the stragglers in the back, "Move your butts! It's goin' down!"

The entire population of Uglyville started to congregate around a small area of ground near the cliff face, marked off with a target. The dolls stared expectantly at the entrance to a pipe directly above them, decorated to look like a giant sunflower.

Ox reached the center of the crowd. "New uglydoll, comin' in hot! Willard, shake a leg!"

The crowd parted to make way for Willard, who had a mattress strapped to his back. Slowly, Willard lumbered toward the center of the target.

"You heard the mayor, Willard, get moving!" Uglydog called.

Ox took out a clock, watching the seconds count down. "In three..."

"You got this, Willard!" Peggy said.


"Does he though?" Wage asked doubtfully.


Everyone cheered as the doors to the sunflower opened and out flew a yellow doll, hurdling toward Willard and his mattress down below... Who happened to be just a few steps short of where he needed to be. The new doll slammed headfirst into the ground, flattening her previously lemon-shaped head on one end. She flopped onto her stomach with a grunt.

For a moment, everyone was silent, processing what they'd witnessed. But it only takes a second for the crowd to erupt in cheers as if nothing out of the ordinary had happened.

Uglydog facepalmed. "We're gonna need a bigger Willard."

"Or maybe not a tortoise," Wage added.

The yellow doll saw Ox coming toward her. "Is this where I get chosen to go to the Big World?" She asked excitedly.

In the crowd, Moxy gasped. She looked to the pipe's entrance, the beginnings of an idea forming in her mind.

Ox approaches the new doll, offering a hand up. "Welcome to Uglyville, friend! What's your name?" The crowd began calling out names.

"Flat Top!"

"Butch Head!"


"...Wedgehead?" Wedgehead spoke shyly.

"Great," Ox exlaimed, "I love literal naming! Isn't that right, Gibberish Cat?"

"Gloububshmoudliminouboumouw," replied Gibberish cat.

"Everyone, let's give our new neighbor a tour!" Ox declared.

"I'll show her around," Uglydog volunteered, not one to let an opportunity go to waste. He grabbed ahold of Wedgehead's hand, dragging her along behind him. Wedgehead gave a cry of surprise.

They stopped by the newspaper stand, which was stocked with copies of The Daily Ugly that Moxy had delivered just hours previous. Uglydog payed for a copy of the paper. "Stop the press, Uglydog is here,

Story of the day, of the month, of the year,"

He took Wedgehead to his house, where the aforementioned rave was in progress. Colored lights pulsed to the beat, as did the animal-like dolls that filled the place. At one end of the room, DJ Babo's Bird mastered the music thumping from the speakers; at the other, a floor-to-ceiling cat complex held Gibberish Cat's entire extended family. Wedgehead laughed, joining in on the dancing. "Here's a little scoop on the way-down-low,

Gotta check-check-check-check out the flow."

"The cats are rappin'!" One of Gibberish Cat's more coherent cousins exclaimed.

"Lobsters snappin'!" A nearby lobster added.

"But only the dog makes the party happen." Uglydog put in.

"So put it in your paper!" Chirped Babo's Bird from the turntables.

"Seal it with a kiss," a seahorse grinned, locking eyes with his mate.

Uglydog popped up behind them, Wedgehead at his side. He crossed his arms across his chest. "It couldn't be better than this!" Uglydog scaled the table, continuing to dance, Wedgehead mimicking him from below. The pair's eyes met.

I could get used to living here, Wedgehead thought.


"Another madhouse night in our crazy quilt world and our hearts couldn't soar any higher!"

Babo threw a lever and sections of the road flipped over, revealing long sections of conjoined tables winding like a snake through all of Uglyville. The uglies crowded around the table, mixing and mingling, each trying to get themselves a good seat. Wedgehead found herself between Moxy and Uglydog. As mayor, Ox took the seat of honor at the head of the unorthodox banquet.

"We got our freak flags flying, completely unfurled, and we just couldn't be more on fire!"

Octavia used her tentacles to fling the food that Wage had spent the day preparing (mostly desserts) into the thick of things. The uglies cheered as it rained down onto the table in front of them. Some began to stuff their faces with it. Others had something else in mind altogether.

"And life's a nonstop blast, it's utter-


Tray spun a pastry on her finger, wolfish grin splitting her face. Beside her, Lucky Bat gathered together all the food within reach.

Moxy handed Wedgehead a cupcake, which she was all to happy to accept. She was about to put it into her mouth when Moxy stopped her. Wordlessly, Moxy drew back her hand, clutched around a chocolate chip cookie, as if to throw it. Uglydog smirked in their direction, stockpiled with his own edible ammunition.

"Yeah, it's crazy, you bet! But it couldn't get better, yeah it's crazy, you bet! But it never gets better-"

Wage held out a tray of food to the surrounding dolls. Everybody took at least one thing, and soon the tray was empty. Wage blinked down at the bare platter for a moment, surprised at just how quickly the food went. Then she grinned, holding it over her head as a sheild.

Nearby, Babo clutched a sack of cookies nearly as big as he was.

"What could ever be... "

"FOOD FIGHT!" Ox shouted, grabbing a pair of cupcakes with his ears.

(What could ever be...)

On his cue, the town erupted into chaos. Food flew in all directions. Dolls were being pelted so hard the force of it knocked them away from the table. More than anything else was the sound of shrieking laughter, of raw, wild, uninhibited laughter that could be heard from every corner of the city.

Moxy looked around, almost overwhelmed. Happiness. It's the sound of happiness.


At the other end, a doll resembling a narwhal decided to pass the food up entirely and eat the tables instead.

Moxy raised her arms, looking skyward. She and her five closest friends delivered the last notes of the song. "THAN THIS?!"

"Couldn't be better than this!" Uglydog finished.

"...Except maybe for the Big World," Moxy added quietly to herself.

"I heard that," a good natured voice said playfully. Ox had come up behind Moxy. Lucky noticed the pair and crept closer to listen.

Ox's expression turned more serious, though he was still smiling gently. "Now Moxy, I've lived here longer than anyone, and I can tell you, it really does not get any better than this." He looked fondly back at the table, where the food fight was still partially in progress. At that precise moment, Uglydog was prancing across the table, carrying one of Wage's pies in his mouth.

Moxy took Ox's hand. "Look. You know I love it here! It's not about that," she began. "It's just..." She struggled to find the right words to describe her feelings. "Haven't you ever felt like... Like, even if you're happy-- which I definitely am, I mean, I just spent an entire day singing about it-- " She cut herself off with a tiny laugh. "...There's still something else, something... More that you're supposed to be doing?"

Ox looked at Moxy as if she'd physically struck him. He opened his mouth, then closed it, shrinking inward a bit.

Moxy smiled sadly. I guess I can't expect him to understand. I barely do myself. "Goodnight, Ox." She leaned over and pecked the mayor on the cheek. Ox managed to bring a small smile back to his face, even if there were still traces of sadness in his eyes. "Lucky Bat, see you tomorrow." The bat smiled dreamily in reply. "Who knows?" Moxy said as she walked away, "Maybe it'll be the day!"

Hearing this, the smiles fade from the remaining two dolls' faces.

Ox turned to Lucky Bat, concern etched into his expression. "I just don't want to see her heart get broken when this impossible dream of hers doesn't come true."

Lucky scuffed his foot shyly. "Maybe... I could talk to her?" He offered.

Ox turned to Lucky gratefully. "Oh, please, Lucky, give it a try. We've run out of options here. She doesn't listen to me, I've done everything I can do!"

The bat nodded slowly. "I'll give it a try, for you..." Lucky swallowed. "And Moxy," he finished, voice a bit unsteady.


"Ugh, can you believe that girl, making a scene up in front of everybody in class today?" Kitty scoffed. "She deserved to be put through the wash."

Mandy and the spy girls trekked through the endless rows of houses as the evening air continued to darken around them.

"Right? Like, sorry, but she's not even that good looking. Those braids? Uh-uh," Lydia shook her head.

Tuesday looked to her friend. "Dia, you wear a braid."

"Yeah, but I make it look good," Lydia countered. She paused, looking unsure. "...I mean, I do, don't I?"

Kitty ignored her friend's insecurities. "And like, her name is Mildred or whatever? Like, what kind of name is Mildred?"

Tuesday agreed. "Right? It's like she was named after her great-great-grandmother or something."

Lydia snorted quietly.

The spy girls turned to Mandy expectantly.

Mandy gulped. I can never think of anything to say in these situations. The silence stretched between them long enough to be uncomfortable. Tuesday and Lydia looked confused. Kitty was rolling her eyes.

Well? Say something or else they'll call you an awkward freak! With some relief, Mandy noticed the group had reached her home. "Oh-- uh, this is my house, bye guys!" Saved by the bell.

The other girls waved at Mandy as she broke away from the group.

"Don't forget our spa day tomorrow!" Tuesday called after her.

"You'd better be there," Kitty added playfully, fingering an earring that did not belong to her, "we've just got to do something about those wrinkles on your forehead."

Mandy smiled halfheartedly. Only when she was safely in her own house with the door closed behind her did she allow herself to drop the act. She sighed, slumping against the door. She slid her glasses from the lining of her shirtwaist and placed them on her face. It was a relief to be able to see again, even if it was only while she got herself ready for bed.

She sighed, glancing out the window at the setting sun. Another day gone by. She'd somehow managed to stumble her way haplessly through her lessons without tripping up, she'd kept her flaws hidden successfully, Lou even seemed like he was beginning to approve of her. And yet... She was still so far away. She still wasn't pretty. Just like yesterday. And tomorrow will be more of the same.

She looked down in despair. "Will it ever be better than this?" She whispered into the quiet.


The sun was fully set; night had come to Uglyville. Tray was pushing a cart full of fresh blossoms a few blocks away from Moxy's house. She handed one to Moxy as they passed each other going different directions. Moxy brought the flower to where her nose would have been if she'd had one, sighing wistfully.

"Guess another sun has set,

And another moon has smiled."

Moxy walked slowly in the direction of where she lived, admiring the moon and the stars.

Octavia released a bunch of luminaries, filling the night with their warm, flickering glow. Noticing Moxy's longing expression, she frowned a little.

"I'm still just one more doll,

Still waiting for her child."

Fireworks of every shape and color went off behind Moxy as she ascended the stairs to her house. She barely registered them, too caught up in a fantasy featuring herself and the mysterious human girl that filled her notebook and her dreams.

"I know it's gonna happen,

Just like the stories say..."

She slashed a red line through the words she'd written that morning.


It was the same message she'd written on every day up to that one. And the same one she'd ended up slashing through at the end of every day.

"There's a new day 'round the corner,"

Climbing atop her bed, she turned her hopeful gaze out the window, toward the button moon grinning down at Uglyville.

"And it just... might... be...

The day!"


A/N: First chapter has dropped, yeeeeeeeeee XD

Pondering stuff like what the dolls would choose to eat or wear is an interesting experience. I've made the executive decision that Lou lives on green smoothies like Elizabeth Holmes from Theranos (probably have to look that reference up, sorry XD). I'm sure they're just packed with protein or whatever XD. Gotta be healthy to keep up that perfect image, amirite?

RIP to Lou's blinds, you won't be missed XDD.

Poor Mandy tho, I feel sorry for the girl. Don' worry, doll, it's gonna get better!

It would be awesome to make this into a comic someday, but for now I compromise with a few illustrations. (literally all except 2 in this chapter are just screenshot redraws from the movie XD *laughing sweatdrop emojis intensify*)

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