chapter 11
Looking in to the mirror in my bathroom, my eyes widen at what was on my neck, " WHAT.THE.ACUAL.FUCK ", dark red bruises and teeth mark's decorated my pale skin, " How am I supposed to cover them ".
Making my way in to the school car-park , I could see Pike out of the corner of my eye. He had the back of his truck open were he and a few others sat with there legs dangling just above the floor. As usual Demi was trying her best to get a prime spot between Pike's leg's and as usual he was having none of it.
My gaze lingered on Pike as he smiled and laughed with his group, his smile reaching his eyes as two small dimples appeared that I didn't even know he had, I had seen nothing but smirk's and menacing looks from him.
He was dressed in a white low V-neck vest, the shadowes of his ripped chest muscles only giving you a peek at what his body was like under his clothes, a black denim jacket with cream fleece lining and collar did nothing but credit his size, black skinny ripped jeans clung to his well toned leg's, he wasn't one of these ones that only worked there top half, 'no' he did the whole body and you could see it, with a pair of combat boots finishing his look, he had pulled his hair up into a top knot.
I was suddenly pulled from my thoughts as I see Jace lean in to Pike and whisper something, Pike's eye's suddenly snap in my direction, and that all so familiar smirk now replaces that beautiful smile as he is now focused on me.
Not wanting to hang about I make my way quickly to my locker, tapping my pin in and lifting the handle I pull the door open, only to get smacked in the face with a vile smelling grey sludge, it's in my eye's , nose and mouth, I begin to retch and make a dash for the toilets, the corridor bursts in to laughter as I scrape the putrid muck from my eye's.
Making it to the toilets I turn the tap on while I peek with the one eye I can open, cupping my hand's I slosh the water in to my face, repeating a few more time's, now able to open my other eye as I see the sludge swill down the plug hole, grabbing some paper towels I begin to dry my face as I curse to my self while trying to hold the tears back. Hearing the door to the restroom bang as it shut I turn to see Jace stood with his back against the door, I turn and look in to the mirror in front of me looking at my blood shot eye's looking right back at me, ' this is going to hurt .'
I feel the breath leave my lungs as Jace slams his fist in to my stomach and I hit the floor hard, I curl my body in tight as I always do as Jace rain's down on my body with all he has. He's almost the same size as Pike so I have no chance of fighting back, not like I would anyway.
Finally I open my eye's and I'm all alone still on the floor of the toilets, picking my self up I wince in pain as I feel a sharp pain shoot through my ribs, I cradle them as I make my way to the mirror, I thought it would have been a lot worse, but it look's like its just my lip is split and a small bruise on my left cheek bone. Checking the time on my phone, lessons started about half hour ago.
Looking in the mirror I take in my appearance, my eye's are blood shoot, I still have some of that vile sludge in my hair and on my clothes, and the smell is vile ' I'm a mess alright '. I decide to go home, I didn't have any tests or what you would consider important lesson's, so I finished trying to dry my self as best as I could and started making my way home.
Sitting on the back of my truck, Jace and Badz on ether side of me, making sure Demi couldn't squeeze her ass in next to me, but she was now trying to place herself in between my leg's and I was having none of it.
She used to be the one I would call if I needed to exert some sexual build up which if I'm honest was almost every night, but now I didn't even want her near me and the harder she was trying the more I was getting pissed off.
All I could think of even as I laughed at the joke Badz had just told was Noah, his beautiful blue eye's, his soft pink pouty lips, his soft pale skin, and then there was his ass, 'FUCK' that ass of his was soft and springy, the memory of his perfect little ass jiggling with every hard thrust I gave him as I buried my solid shaft repeatedly in to his tight hole. I feel my smile reach my eye's at the memory and feel a throb in my cock, I know I need another taste, but for that I need to get him alone again.
I feel Jace lean in to me " Look who's watching you bro, he look's like he's daydreaming about you ", Looking up I see Noah looking at me, he's wearing skinny black ripped jean's with a baggy light blue V-neck t-shirt that is way to big for him and so his shoulder is exposed as the t-shirt slides revealing the soft skin of his collarbone, my cock throbs more, until I noticed he has covered my mark's and they can't be seen, smirking at him I think to my self I need to make sure he can't cover them next time. With that I watch as he quickly head's off in to the school, Jace tap's my leg, " I'm off, I need to use the toilet before class, I'll see you in I.T. ", nodding we fist bump and he head's off.
I had spent the day looking for Noah, only to finally over hear a small group of student's laughing about Noah and something to do with his locker, and that he had gone home. I don't know if I'm more pissed that they were laughing at him or that he had gone home without telling me, guess I'll be paying him a home visit again after school.
Sitting on the couch wrapped up in a soft fleece blanket with a cup of hot chocolate after literally fighting with my hair in the shower, trying to get the smell of, well what ever the fuck that sludge was that was stuck in it., I flicked through Netflix finally settling on ' Alice in boarder land. '
I don't know how long I had been on the sofa, all I know is that its dark when I wake-up, TV has gone on to standby, the living room is in darkness. Flipping the lamp on at the side of the sofa, I pick my cup up and make my way to the kitchen, the only light coming from a small strip light under the one cupboard to the left of me, I swill the cup under the hot tap, jumping when something hits the window directly in front of me, stepping back from the sink as my eye's try to focus on anything that may move in the shadowes of the back garden, it wasn't a big garden but the fact that the tree's and grass had not been cut in a long time was making it almost impossible to make anything out, there was a breeze that was swishing the long grass about so I couldn't really distinguish any other movement.
Making my way to the back door, I flip the back light on, opening the door I step out on to the small square of concrete that serves as a small step into the back garden, squinting my eye's I see nothing, the position of the back light being right above my head does nothing but blind me. Hearing a movement to my right I go to step back into the house, but a hand grabs me by the wrist of the hand that was holding the door open, gasping in shock and fright, I try to pull my wrist from the vice like grip but failed to as I'm yanked from the door and pushed down in to the long grass of the garden, my hands are pinned to the ground above my head and my mouth is covered as someone straddles me, I scrunch my eye's shut tight, fear freezing my body ridged.
" Open your eye's Noah.", the deep voiced whisper that was breathed against my ear as soft hot lips brushed against the shell of it, made my eye's flutter open only to be met with Pike's black eye's staring back at me, his hand leaves my mouth, now travelling down my body, I flinch in pain as his hand slides over my sore ribs, ' I'm now guessing Jace did more damage than I had thought. ', Pike look's in to my eye's, " What's wrong with your ribs?." Now that my hand's are free I pull them down to my chest as I mutter, " Why don't you ask Jace, it's nothing you lot haven't done to me before,." With a frown on his face as his eye's move between my face and my ribs, " I thought I had made it clear you was not to be fucked with any more,. " The word's fell from his mouth as he leaned over me, bracing his body with his right hand in the grass at the side of my head as his left grabbed my t-shirt pulling it up to reveal nasty blue, green and purple bruises all over my right side. " If I'm not to be fucked with, then why are you still bothering me ."
The word's left my mouth before I realised what I had said, my eye's locked with Pike's as his huge body stiffened above my small one, " I...I...I.., I'm sorry, I didn't mean to " my words are cut off as Pike leans down close to my face as his left hand slowly circles my slender throat, my head slightly tipping back and my chin rising, I close my eye's waiting for his hand to have me gasping for breath, but the sensation of my wind pipe being restricted dose not come, instead I feel soft hot lips press gently on mine, he place's more soft kiss's as his lips trace a line to my ear, " let's not forget your place Noah, and trust........, I will take care of Jace and anyone else who touches what is mine.
chapter 11 is here sorry for the wait. xx
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