S2E9: The Might of Devastator

At the Decepticon base we see Megatron, Starscream and Megatronus discussing their plan as their target is the Royal Sakurada family as Megatronus explains.

Megatronus: The Royal Sakurada family millions of years ago was my last kingdom to destroy so no one will not stop my plans of draining this worlds sun. However I was defeated and now I am free I will continue my plans of draining a planets sun and killing all life in this pathetic world.

Starscream: So you wanted us to kill the Royal family?

Megatronus: Except for one. Bring their father here. I wish to see his face when everything he ever cares for is gone.

Starscream: What about the star harvester? Surely you know where it is?

Suddenly Starscream is lifted off of his feet and slammed onto the ground as Megatronus barks at him.

Megatronus: Do not question your god! I will reveal its location once this is complete.

Megatron: The Autobots will surely respond if we enter the kingdom.

Megatronus: Agree. We need a distraction. I suppose you have a solution to this problem?

Megatron: (smirk) In fact I do. Scrapper have you and your team to meet me at the ground bridge for your mission.

Scrapper: (radio) Yes sir.

Megatronus: Impressive. You are worthy of my name Megatron.

Megatron: (smirk) We both aim to eliminate our enemies. Once that is done Cybertron will be ours. (Sinister laughter)


At the Sakurada Kingdom we see Y/n and his game creation club members along sith Hot Rod, Jazz, Arcee, Bumblebee and blurr stood behind a large crowd as they heard about this challenge the Royal families children will be taking part.

There is a tall tower and at top of the tower are stuff animals and their goal is to get up there and carefully get them down and place them into buckets.

Blurr: (smirk) This looks easy. If I was apart of this then i would differently win this within a second.

Hot Rod: (smirk) Same.

Kazama: So I guess we get to see their powers?

Chitose: Looks like it.

Sakura: (smile) It be cool if I have some powers like them. It be so cool.

Kazama: I may take a guess what powers yours maybe.

Then Souichirou appears on the screen on the tower as he tells the crowd and his children.

Souichirou: (screen) I would like to say good luck and hope you may not lose because whoever loses will be scrubbing the toilets in the castle for a week.

Hikari: Ew that's gross!

Souichirou: (screen) This is also a special day cause both the Autobots and Y/n along with his friends are here to see the show. I hope you guys have a good time and let the games begin.

And so the games begin with the Royal Sakurada children show their powers to everyone which amazed the game creation club as they watch.

Takao: (surprised) Wow look at them go!

Kazama: (surprised) Yeah no kidding.

Y/n: So Blurr how is your time on earth going?

Blurr: (smile) Way pass cool. Learn a lot of things although the humans rules doesn't make any sense. For example there is a speed limit. That sucks. How can you show to the world how fast I can go?

Y/n: (light chuckle) Well there is race tracks but they are not as big as Velocitron.

Blurr: Boo that sucks.

Roka: So how big is the races on Velocitron?

Blurr: Massive. Trust me it was big. It covers the whole planet with a lot of race tracks. It was the greatest moment for racers like myself.

Tsutsumi: And you were famous?

Blurr: (smirk) Yep. I was the best racer ever before the war.

Arcee: When the war began Blurr was the most fastest intelligence gather bot ever. Not only he is fast so does his mind.

Sakuragaoka: So it make him smart?

Blurr: Yeah but I use my speed more than my brain.

Y/n: Can't argue with that.

They continue watching the children and things are peaceful when they heard something and turn to see construction vehicles driving over to the crowd.

Kazama: I think those idiots are going there wrong way.

Hot Rod: Wait......something isn't right.

They stare at the vehicles until they noticed they have no drivers and then they transformed which gotten everyone's attention as they turn and see them.

Jazz: Constructicons!

The civilians begin to run in a panic while the Constructicons began shooting everything and around them. Buildings begin to crumble and a part falls and was about to Kanade but Blurr dashes over and grab her so he can move her away.

Blurr: (smirk) Your welcome.

Takao: Y/n!

Y/n: Get everyone out of here. We need to evacuate this area.

They agree and they went off while a mini ground bridge opens and his suit came out which he puts it on. Once on the Autobots begin to fire at the Constructicons.

Hot Rod: Optimus this is Hot Rod! The Constructicons are here and attacking the kingdom! We need back up right now!

Optimus prime: (radio) We hear you loud and clear. Back up is on theie way.

After that Bonecrusher tackles Hot Rod to the ground and begins beaten him up only for Arcee to kick him away and help him up.

Arcee: You okay?

Hot Rod: Yeah thanks.

Mixmaster fires at them which Hot Rod moved Arcee away.

Hot Rod: Might be best to stay close with me.

Arcee: (smile) Agree.

They continue to battle the Constructicons all awhile Shu, Akane, Aoi, Shiori and Haruka were at the top with Akane looking down to see the battle.

Then Scavenger looks up and spotted Akane which she quickly moves away.

Scavenger: Looks like all of them are up there.

Long Haul: They think they are safe but they are not.

Scrapper: Then let's show them. Continue combine into Devastator!

They then begin to combine which the bots and everyone that is a safe distance watched as they form into a very much bigger robot and stood up. They were taller than the tower where the rest od the Sakurada children where at as they turn and were met by Devastator.

Devastator: Ha Ha Ha! Devastator will end the Royal bloodline with a simple crush!

Shu tries to teleported everyone out but Devastator grabs the tower and begins to shake on it. They move around and Shu falls and hit his head.

Aoi: Shu!

This keeps going when missiles hits Devastator from behind and turn to Y/n as he fires more missiles this time at his face.

Y/n: Leave them alone! Face me instead.

Devastator: Puny human can not stand against the might of Devastator! Devastator will crush you!

Then Blurr race up the tower and onto the roof as he quickly get the rest of the Sakurada children out and then race back to the roof.

Devastator turn only to be kicked in the face by Blurr. He quickly kicks Devastator many times and when Devastator goes to slap him away Blurr runs around his body.

Jazz gets onto another building and fires loud music that cost Devastator to cover it's ears and swing his fist down to crush Jazz but he moved.

The fist crashed through the building and destroying it as the bots begin to fire apon Devastator. Devastator is now enrage and begins destroying other buildings while Y/n flies away shooting parts of Devastator's body right up to the top.

He fire twin machine guns on his wrist when Devastator grabs Y/n and begins to squeeze him. Y/n does his best but Devastator was too strong for him.

Hot Rod: Y/n!

Then they hear sirens and they turn to see the Protectobots along with IronHide, Trailbreaker, Smokescreen, Prowl and Inferno as the Protectobots begin to combine and once combine they form into Defensor and strikes a punch at Devastator.

This vost Devastator to drop Y/n and he fell onky to be catch by Prowl just before he hit the ground.

Prowl: You okay?

Y/n: (breath heavily) Yeah. I don't know what would kill me first the hand crushing me or having no air.

Prowl nodes while Defensor and Devastator fought at the streets as the other Autobots came up and they discuss the situation.

IronHide: We think there is something up.

Hot Rod: What it's just a Decepticon attack like usual.

IronHide: No this is different. Why would Megatron sent in their most powerful combiner to attack us?

Prowl: I agree. Its not like Megatron to do this......unless this is a distraction.

Blurr: What for?

Then they heard a explosion and turn to see smoke coming from the castle as Prowl says.

Prowl: For their real mission.

Y/n: Oh no.


We see the castle being under attack as a ground bridge open and Optimus prime, Sideswipe and Sunstreaker came out and see the castle. Suddenly a fusion cannon blasted Sunstreaker and Sideswipe back as they fall to the ground as they lay injured while Optimus prime turn and Megatron appears at the gates of the castle.

Optimus prime: Megatron. I knew Devastator was a distraction.

Megatron: (smirk) Indeed it is. I'm glad you are here Optimus because this will be the last time we see each other.

Optimus prime: And why is that?

Then Optimus prime felt a strong force. His matrix can feel it and when he looks up he sees a figure he never thought to see. He sees Megatronus floating on top of the castle with Souichirou in his hand as Megatronus floats down nextbto Megatron and stare at Optimus prime.

Megatronus: So your the last prime. I can sense the Matrix of Leadership within you. My brothers essence are within you.

Optimus prime: They are not your brothers. You betrayed them.

Megatronus: They betray me long ago prime. I fought along side them but in the end they betray me. Now I will show them what happens when they betray me!

Optimus prime: That will not happen. I will stop you.

Megatronus hands over Souichirou to Megatron and then he teleported I front of Optimus prime and then with a singal hand he blasted Optimus prime back. He was sent flying and he crash onto the ground.

Optimus prime slowly gets up and pulled out his energon axe and then rushes towards him and swing his axe at him. Megatronus dodges his swings until he catches his axe with a singal hand which the blade didn't cut him.

Megatronus: Impressive prime however I think this game is over.

Then he shattered Optimus primes energon axe and then he strikes a powerful blow at Optimus which he lands on the ground and lays there just as the Autobots arrived and sees Megatronus which they are shocked especially Y/n.

A ground bridge opens and Megatron goes through along with Souichirou in his hand while Megatronus spots Y/n and then tells him.

Megatronus: Mark my words boy. Soon this planet will be your grave. All life on this planet.....Will die.

Then Megatronus turns and goes through the ground bridge and after he goes enters the ground bridge closes as Y/n and the other Autobots stood there and see they have a big situation on their hands.

To be continued...................................................

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