S1E3: My first catch!

(Location: Crack Rock Valley)

We over see a rocky landscape with hills and mountains follow by cracks on the floors as in the distances we see both Barricade and Flamewar riding through the bumpy landscape as they are returning back to base after they were defeated by the Autobots.

Soon we arrived at their base which is a Decepticon crashed ship that they crashed many years ago. Soon the two transform into their robot forms and make their way towards the entrance. Barricade punch in the codes on the hologram controls and soon the door open and they enter inside.

They were greeted by Decepticon Troopers who saluted to them and then walk off. The two walk down the halls as they were coming up to the medical bay as Shockblast exit out of the room and then turn to see Barricade and Flamewar back.

Shockblast: Great! You two are back! Tell me, any damages that you have gotten from the Autobots?

Flamewar: You be best to stay clear or else. (Continue walking)

Shockblast: Oh well. Not bad to ask anyways.

He head back inside as the two turn a corner and they were immediately met by Knockout as he lend his back onto the wall with his arms folded as he glance over at the two and said with a smirk.

Knockout: (smirk) Looks like someone came back without an Autobots heads.

Barricade: There was three of them Knockout. They have us outnumbered.

Knockout: (smirk) Sure there were. Say didn't you say earlier before you left that "no Autobots will never beat me?" (Chuckle) That was cute.

Barricade forms and fist and next thing we see him slamming Knockout onto the wall and holding him by the neck as he tells him.

Barricade: (anger) And this is why they call you KNOCKOUT!

???: Enough!

They turn and see Spundblas along with Buzzsaw on his shoulder as Soundblaster looks at Barricade and Flamewar and tells them both.

Soundblaster: Commander Bludgeon would like to see you two. He wants to know what happened and if there is any Autobots on this planet. If I were you, I wouldn't make him wait for long.

Barricade glare at Knockout and let him go as the two follow Sounds while Knockout stood up.

Knockout: If my paint job is ruined will scrap him.

Know walks off while the trio enter the bridge as we see a few Decepticon troopers along with Bludgeon sitting at his chair facing the screen while Barricade and Flamewar walks up to him and kneel down.

Bludgeon: Report.

Barricade: We have found out what happened to the Decepticon troopers that were sent.

Bludgeon: And?

Flamewar: It seems that the Autobots are here. We try to fight them but they outnumbered us.


He then turn his chair around, leave his chair and walks over the the two and slammed one foot onto Barricade head which made him slam onto the floor while we can fully see Bludgeon as he slowly crash Barricade's head with his foot.

Bludgeon: You were defeated by Autobots even though I trained you two to be the best troopers ever. How pathetic!

Barricade: B-But there were three and-

Bludgeon: That's no excuse! I've faced five Autobots back on Cybertron and I still lived and won! You are pathetic, both of you!

He then released Barricade as he turn to the screens of Earth as he stare at them and then calls on Slipstream through his coms.

Bludgeon: Slipstream do you hear me?

Slipstream: (coms) Yes commander Bludgeon. How may I be in service.

Bludgeon: I want you to find those Autobots and i want you to destroy them and bring their sparks to me as proof.

Slipstream: (coms) As you wish commander Bludgeon.


In the woods far away from Valley Green city we see Turbospike, Zero, Joshua, Madison, Verity, Lucario, Piplub and Sorrel sat down in a open feiled while Alex, Ben and Y/n are away into the woods as Joshua has a Pokemon ball on his hand as he looks at it and ask.

Joshua: So a Pokemon can be stored in this little device?

Verity: (smile) Yeah it's really useful when it comes to catching Pokemon as well as carrying them.

Joshua: How interesting. Perceptor would find this interesting if he was here.

Sorrel: Who?

Turbospike: He's our Autobot scientist. He along with Wheeljack and Hoist are a team of genius who made fency toys for us in battle.

Verity: (smile) That's cool.

Sorrel: Any idea when the other Autobots will come?

Madison: No idea. We don't even know they are still alive. All we know we could be the only last Autobots in the whole galaxy.

Turbospike: Let's not forget Autobots colonies.

Verity: (surprised) You guys colonies other planets?

Turbospike: Well used to. It was in the golden days of Cybertron where we go to different planets across the galaxy and it felt amazing. Unfortunately there was a rust virus that threating our lives so we have to shut it down. After that we lost all communications from those planet. Heck they might not know what's happening on Cybertron until either one of their colonies come to Cybertron or Cybertrons survivors gose to one of them.

Verity: Jeez the war must be awful on Cybertron. How did it all started?

Joshua: It started by a Cybertronian by the name of Megatron. He was tired of the corruption and killings on other Cybertronians on Cybertron. So he gather as many followers and start the war. He wanted to make Cybertron rule with fear and power. Megatron will do anything in his power to get what he wants.

Sorrel: He must be one feared Decepticon leader.

Turbospike: (smirk) I'm not afraid of him. I might even face him in one v one when ever I have a chance.

Joshua: Don't say stuff like that Turbospike! Many Autobots died by the hands of Megatron, show some respect!

Turbospike: (wave his hands) Okay Okay fine jeez sorry.

Madison: Take it easy you two. (Sigh) Still he has killed many Autobots and shows no mercy towards any of them. That's the reason we're fighting against the Decepticons.

Verity: Must be rough. I'm really am sorry.

Madison: (smile) It's fine. Just glad we find a planet that is peaceful and wonderful. Bet Y/n, Alex and Ben are enjoying themselves right now.


We see Y/n, Alex and Ben walking through the woods and looking for any Pokemon for Alex to catch. Y/n looks around but doesn't see any Pokemon anywhere.

Y/n: Strange should there be a few Pokemon in this forest?

Alex: There should be. I heard this forest has many pokemons here. Especially rare ones.

Y/n: So what Pokemon is it you wishing to catch?

Alex: Probably something cool or cute. After all I like to have two cute Pokemons with me, ain't that right Ben?

Ben: (smile) Eevee.

Y/n: (smile) Still I must say this pkace feels nice. Usually I hear some gunfire and some explosions but in here....it feels great.

Alex: (smile) Well welcome to Earth. There isn't much u like your planet. It's pretty much peaceful and nice.

Suddenly they hear something in the bushes which they turn to see the bushes moving a bit. Then to Alex surprised a Zorua step out of the bushes as if he is in pain and then fell onto the floor.

Alex, Ben and Y/n rush over and Alex picks it up to see what's wrong.

Alex: Are you okay? What's wrong?

Y/n: Looks like he's injured. We need to take him back to the rest as fast as possible.

Alex: Right!


We see Zorua waking up as we see him looking up at the sky when Ben appear and smiled follow by Lucario and Piplub.

The rest sat around Zorua as he immediately sat up and looks at them all in a panic like look but Alex tells him.

Alex: Take it easy. We're not gonna harm you.

Verity: (smile) Good thing I know how to patch up pokemons.

Zorua looks at his leg and see it patched up. He then look up at the rest and suddenly he transformed into a male human wearing a black shirt, white gloves and a big red letter R on his chest.

This surprised the Autobots as they never know Pokemons can transform but not in their way.

Y/n: (surprised) Wow I never know Pokemon is able to transform into humans?!

Sorrel: That's because Zorua's have a special ability to transform into both Pokemon and humans when ever they like. They can also use pokemons attacks if possible.

Madison: (surprised) Whoa amazing!

Verity: Yeah but why did he turned into a Team Rocket henchmen?

Alex: Maybe he's trying to tell us something.

Zorua nodes and changed back to normal and runs off but he stopped and turn back to them and barks at them as if he wants them to follow him.

Turbospike: Seems like he wants to follow him.

Y/n: Must be trouble. Autobots let's roll.

They all follow Zorua and soon they can hear something that sounded like construction working as they sneak and they peak over the trees and bushes to see construction work vehicles along with more Team Rocket henchmen going around making what looks like a base while some were capturing any pokemons and load them up inside large cages.

Y/n: (whisper) Who in the All sparks are those guys?

Alex: (whisper) They're called Team Rocket. They're a terrorist organisation that wants to take over the world and stealing peoppes pokemons.

Turbospike: (whisper) So basically the Decepticons except humans. Shouldn't have told us that before.

Verity: (whisper) Well you be surprised how they are not much as a threat ad the Decepticons are.

Sorrel: (whisper) Guys look!

They look over and see five Team Rocket trucks with the members loading the captured Pokemon inside.

Sorrel: (whisper) Looks like they are loading them up and taking them away.

Verity: (whisper) How horrible. What should we do?

Turbospike: (Aim his sniper rifle) Leave that one to me. I'll make sure those Team Rocket run off with their-

Y/n: (lower his rifle) Stand down Turbospike. They maybe cruel humans but we don't kill them. It isn't right.

Turbospike: (whisper) Two things. One: Don't touch my rifle. Second: What's your idea Captain?

Y/n thinks about it as he looks at the area they were in and after for some time he got one.

Y/n: (whisper) Okay I have an idea.

(5 minutes later)

The last truck is shut as the Team Rocket henchmen slams his fist onto the back of the truck and all five take off. They form a line as they were about to leave the area when suddenly both trees fell in front which cost the front truck to immediately stop.

Ones the rest stopped two more trees from behind fell and they were now stuck. They got out and try to figure out what's going on while back at the construction site we see the Team Rocket henchmen looking over to see the trucks being block then suddenly one of the empty construction vehicles start to go out of the control ad it crashed onto anything while Team Rocket henchmen runs off as they were confused on what is going on.

All of this was a discussion as we see Alex, Ben, Verity, Sorrel and Zorua sneak by them and released the other Pokemons out from their cages and set them all free.

Team Rocket henchmen: Hey you!

They turn to see they were spotted but Zorua step forward and then use night daze and blast most od Team Rocket henchmen flying.

Alex: Now's our chance!

They continue releasing the Pokemons from their cages and setting them off into the woods. Then there was a blast follow by a yell from Zorua as Alex turns to see Zorua badly hurt as a Team rocket henchmen with a few of their  pokemons. Then one of their Blaziken charge up his Ember which Alex sees and rushes over and grabs hold of Zorua while he calls out.

Alex: Ben use Protect!

Ben gets in front of them and use Protect to shield both Alex and Zorua from Blazikens Ember. Ben couldn't handle it any longer but he tried hid best but the blast sent him flying which Alex catched Ben while Zorua is surprised.

The Team Rocket henchmen laughs as they approach them when Verity and Sorrel along with Lucario and Piplub.

Verity: We won't let you harm them!

Sorrel: We will fight you!

Team Rocket henchmen: (smirk) You kidding me right? You kids have no chance against us. Your outnumbered.

Y/n: Think again!

(Epic them time 0:35 to 0:57)

Suddenly Y/n leaps over Alex and the rest and stand in front of them as he aim his rifle at them. Team Rocket henchmen were shocked to be met by a giant robot but soon more came as Madison and Turbospike came oit of the trees, fliping over their vehicles and equipment while Joshua dive down in his jet form and transform into bot form as he land hard onto the ground.

Then Zero flip over some vehicles while he slice them up. Once that all Autobots form up around Team Rocket and look down at them which they were shocked by this.

Y/n: Listen here Team Rocket and listen good. You will not harm the innocent Pokemons within these woods. You will gather everything you need and leave. Because we will be defening these pokemon no matter the cost.

They agree, not wanting to go into battle against gaint robots so they run off, leaving g their trucks behind and run off into the woods as they disappeared while the Autobots, Alex and the rest watch them leave and once that they free the other Pokemons and set themoff into thw woods.

(Short whike later)

The sun was about to set down as we see them on top of the hill and looking at the veiw as they gotta Team Rocket out of the peaceful an wonderful forest and rescue the captured pokemons.

Madison: I never knew some humans will just captured Pokemons and destroying their home.

Joshua: They are nothing like the Decepticons and they should be ashamed.

Verity: (smile) Yeah but at least we rescued them from them.

Joshua: (smile) That is true.

Turbospike: Too bad you didn't catch your first pokemon Alex.

Alex: (smile) That's alright. I'm just glad Zorua and the other Pokemons are safe.

Y/n: (smile) Agree.

Suddenly they heard something behind them and turn around to see Zorua walking up to them and looking at Alex. He stare at him a while which the Autobots were a bit confused.

Joshua: What dose he want this time?

Alex: I don't know but I think he wants to come with us?

Zorua nodes meaning yes and rushes over and leaps onto Alex arms which surprised him.

Alex: (surprised) You want me to beyour first catch?

Zorua nodes which made him smile as he tells Zorua.

Alex: (smile) Sure thing! And since your going to come with us, how's about I gave you a name. How's about.........Kai.

Kai likes his name and nodes to Alex which he smiled. He then pulled out his pokemon ball and Kai press on the button and he gets sucked inside. Soon the pokemon ball locks in place as Alex smiled while Verity and Sorrel tell him.

Verity: (smile) Congratulations Alex! Now you got your first catch Pokemons.

Sorrel: (smile) Nice work.

Y/n: (smile) Thanks. Say you two didn't catch anything so that means I have bigger team then you.

Verity: (smirk) Just you wait when I get mine!

Piplub: Piplub!

Sorrel: Same to me. Ready Lucario.

Lucario nodes and then they head down the hill to catch more Pokemons while the Autobots watch them go.

Turbospike: Man this is going be a long day.

Y/n: (smile) True but we fight for the peaceful life on this planet. It is our duty to protect this planet no matter the cost.

Turbospike: (smirk) Careful, you almost sound like Optimus prime there.

Y/n: (surprised) Huh? No I wasn't.....was I?

Joshua: I thought your words are great sir!

Madison: (Giggle) You kinda sound like Optimus prime there.

Zero: (nodes)

Turbospike: (smirk) Say let's catch them. Race you guys down the hill!

Turbospike, Zero, Madison and Joshua transform and they head off while Y/n stood there and look up at the sky as he hopes that Optimus and the rest are still alive but smiles as he transform into his vehicle form and rides off. Even if they are the last Autobots in the galaxy, he'll be a great leader to them just like Optimus Prime.

To be continued.............................

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