TDAS Re-write finale Alternate Ending
(Pan up to the final level, Gwen and Zoey quickly climb up the ladder to the top (Gwen stumbling a bit because of her bad leg). Zoey pops her head up first, only to duck a flying meatball being shot from Chef's bazooka. Zoey leaps up, dodging more meatballs, and sprints to behind a rock. Chef starts shooting in the other direction just as Gwen pops up. Gwen leaps up from the ladder and lands on her feet, but she squeaks in pain from her bad ankle, and starts limping towards the stone)
Chris: oooh, some impressive maneuvers from both Gwen AND Zoey! (Flies up to Chef on his jetpack) and unimpressive shooting from Chef! (Chef shoots a meatball at Chris, knocking him out of the air)
Duncan: (Pops up from one of the ladder) yoo-hoo! Cheffy! You got aim like my Grandma, dude! (Chef growls and starts firing towards Duncan; Duncan moves his head to avoid the blasts)
(Gwen slowly limps over to the stone, until she trips and falls. But before she can hit the ground, Zoey rushes over and catches her)
Gwen: (Sighs in relief) thanks, Zoey.
Zoey: no way I'd let my sister get hurt. (Notices the sword) oh, wow, there's the sword all right.
Gwen: ...well, what're you waiting for? Grab it!!
Zoey: (Gasps) wait, you're serious? But you deserve it more than I do.
Gwen: maybe, but I just want to get this freakin' show over with! So not to be rude, BUT WIN SO WE CAN GO HOME ALREADY!!!!
Zoey: (Gently puts Gwen down) can't argue with that logic. (Grips onto the sword)
(Zoey keeps tugging until finally... the sword comes loose from the stone! Zoey holds the sword over her head and gasps)
Zoey: Yes! Woo-hoo!!!
Chris: (Walks up to Zoey with the million dollar case) Zoey wins the Million Dollars!!
Gwen: (Sighs happily) at least it's over.
Duncan: (Moaning) aww, man.
Mike: (Pops up, and runs up to Zoey) alright, Zoey! Way to- (Suddenly gets blasted in the face with a meatball)
Chef: (Chuckles, then clears his throat nervously) I was just cleaning it, and it went off. (Mike cleans off the meatball, and wraps his arms around Zoey. Gwen does the same)
Gwen: way to go, Zoey!
(The others are all walk up to Zoey, cheering as well)
Cameron: you deserved it! Nice win!
(Suddenly a louder cheer is heard from the distance. Chris pulls out a pair of binoculars and looks, in the distance can be seen the rest of the cast from the Aftermath, including the seven contestants from the balloons, safe and sound, and a fully back-to-normal Ezekiel)
Chris: huh, looks like every pushover has her day, Zoey. Even your peeps from the aftermath came all the way out here to cheer.
Duncan: (Puts his hand on Gwen's shoulder) so, you're not even a BIT bummed?
Gwen: maybe a little; but hey, I made it to the finale, TWICE. That's pretty good, right?
Mike: so Zoey; now that you're a millionaire, what're you gonna do first?
Gwen: If I might make a suggestion, can I borrow the case for a second?
Zoey: (Hands Gwen the case) sure.
Gwen: thanks. I've wanted to do this all season. (She hobbles over to Chris, pulls the case back, and then swings it... right into Chris' kiwis)
Chris: AIIIIEEECUCARACHA!!! (Grabs onto his kiwis and falls to the ground, holding them in pain; speaks in a squeaky voice) so THAT'S what it feels like!
Gwen: (Hands Zoey back the case) THAT'S for all the crap you've put us through all... forever! (The contestants all laugh at Chris' pain) and, hear this; NO WAY am I, or ANY OF US, EVER coming back to this dump again!
Duncan: (Wraps his arm around her shoulder) THAT'S my girl. (They both smile at each other and lean in for another kiss... when the island starts rumbling, steam coming out of the hole in the stone)
Chris: um... what's going on?
Noah: uh... Chef, just a little question, what'd you use to drill these moats?
Chef: a fracking machine.
Gwen: whoa! You can't say that on TV!
Cameron: a fracking machine is a hydraulic drill! ...YOU CAN'T USE IT ON AN ISLAND THIS SMALL; IT'S DANGEROUS!!!!
Chris: (Nervously) why? Wha-what could happen? (Water starts gushing out of the stone like a geyser)
Noah: THAT could happen, you idiot!!!
(Everyone starts screaming and running around; suddenly Izzy swoops in and lands on top with the others)
Izzy: (Oblivious to the chaos) hey guys! (Cackles; notices the geyser) huh? What I miss?
(Cut to the dock of shame, where the yeti walks towards the Flush of Shame, holding a newspaper and whistling. Suddenly, water comes gushing out of the toilet; pretty soon water is gushing out of the Confessional, the mine, even the rocks and trees from the ground. The animals all run for their lives, excluding one squirrel who holds up a sign with a picture of a broken earth, cackling insanely. Water bursts out of the mess hall, the interns floating on one table. The butler plays a violin on the spa hotel patio, as water washes over it. Finally, pan out to the whole island, as it sinks straight into the ocean. Miscellaneous objects float away; Chef just sips his coffee cup as he floats on a rubber duck. Heather and Alejandro pop up from underwater)
Heather: cheated out of a million bucks... AGAIN! I hate this show!!
Alejandro: (Calm) but, we have the greatest consolation prize of all... each other.
Heather: (Annoyed) great... JUUUUUST great. (Fang pops up as well; the two swim off as Fang chases them)
(The top of a cabin floats by, with Duncan, Gwen, Mike, Zoey, Cameron, Courtney, and the case riding on top)
Duncan: (Laughs wildly) WHOO-HOOO!!! That was awesome!!! We GOTTA do that again NEXT season!
Gwen/Mike/Zoey/Cameron/Courtney: (Annoyed) No!
Chris: (Floats by on top of the confessional) well, that's it for our very first All-Star season. But don't worry; we're coming back with a brand new cast! And I guess a brand new island too. (Chuckles) until next time, I'm Chris McLean, and this has been Total Drama... (Suddenly, a Chris invincibility statue falls from the sky and strikes Chris on the head, causing him to fall unconscious. The contestants on the cabin roof laugh at this, followed by the cast on the Aftermath yacht; as it comes around and stops next to the cabin)
Geoff: THAT... WAS... WICKED!!!!
Bridgette: another awesome season, guys! Now let's get out of here; you're all gonna be a part of an awesome wedding! (Smiles lovingly at Geoff)
Geoff: true that, babe! Followed by a WICKED WEDDING/SEASON FIVE WRAP-UP PAR-TAY!!!!! (The cabin cast cheers loudly)
Brick: (Notices something) wait a minute. ...Has anyone seen Owen?
Zoey: hey, where are Noah and Dawn?
(Right there, the Boat of Losers comes sailing past, carrying all the animals off the island. Right at the tow is Owen on water-skis, with Noah, Izzy, and Dawn on his shoulders)
Owen: look, Ma, we're water-skiing! (Suddenly trips, causing all four to fall right into the water. They pop back up and Owen chuckles) THAT was awesome!
Gwen: (Chuckles) come on, party-boys; we got a wedding/wrap-up party to get to.
Noah: Nice!
Izzy: Be there in a minute! (She and Dawn smile mischievously, looking at their boyfriends) but first...
Owen/Noah: (Nervous) uh oh.
(Izzy and Dawn grab their boyfriends' heads and pull them into passionate kisses, causing both couples to sink underwater. Owen and Noah's arms shoot upward, and high-five each other)
(End Credits)
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