Egg Consumption

Characters: Tommy, BadBoyHalo, Antfrost

TW: Coughing, Slight description of unknown liquid substance entering the body without consent. 

Other: egg

"H-hey Bad, w-we can talk about this, r-right? I-I mean, I don't-I don't actually have to do this, right?" Tommy stuttered fearfully, slowly backing away from the hoodied man, not noticing that he was going in the direction of the egg.

"But Tommyyyy~ The Egg just wants to have a walking ve-I mean, the Egg just wants to see the outside world, Tommy!" BBH exclaimed back, following in the teen's slightly-visible footsteps, a weird grin plastered onto the man's face.

"I-I already t-told you! I'm-I'm neutral, alright? I don't-I don't hate the Egg, it just sorta doesn't have an effect on me! At least, I think it doesn't." He muttered the last part, making sure that the two people around him couldn't hear his last sentance.

Bad simply cracked a smirk and shook his head, hastily replying to the young male's comment. "That's the thing, Tommy. You can either hate the Egg, or like the Egg. There is no, "inbetween", or "neutral". What we need, is for you to like the Egg, because the Egg has told both of us, Ant and I, that it needs a certain host now." BBH slowly stepped closer to Tommy, almost seeming as if he had the blonde cornered against the Egg.

Antfrost was seen in the background, standing over the blonde silently to not alert of his own presence, and when the younger male got close enough to the Egg, Bad gave the siamese the signal, and Antfrost jumped down and pushed Tommy onto the Egg.

Suddenly, multiple red vines slammed its victim up against the wall nearby, and the Egg quickly turned into a thick, red, liquidy substance before plunging itself into Tommy's mouth, which had been previously gasping for air from the impact.

Not even a moment after the Egg had gone into the young teen, new, small red vines sprouted out of Tommy's body and wrapped themselves around him, one curling around his chest and his left leg, one circling around his exposed right foot, one spiraling around the boy's throat, and a tiny one even entering out of the boy's right eye. The teen seemed to be trying to scream in the process, but all that came out of his gaping mouth was silence.

Tommy was then gently dropped to the ground, and he opened his eyes just to reveal smooth, blood-red orbs staring right back at his two......former captives, as I should say.

But, to Bad and Antfrost, something still didn't seem right. The vibe that the blonde was giving off wasn't one that signified that he was being possessed, but instead one that screamed the fact that he was still in control of his own body. And, the Egg didn't seem to have a problem with that, for some unknown reason.

It wasn't long until Tommy had started coughing from all the liquid that had forcefully gone down his throat (and there was a lot due to the Egg's size), and BBH quickly rushed over to help him to his feet, allowing Tommy to lean on him until he was done with his coughing fit.

But, unlike before, the teen didn't back away from BBH, instead doing quite the opposite as he leaned into Bad's shoulder, looking as if he was already exhausted. The Egg-infected being looked over at Antfrost and motioned him over to come help him with getting Tommy to some sort of house, presumably Bad's, since they no longer had to keep in touch with the Egg all the way down below.

Thankfully, it was pouring rain outside, and the two were able to get to BBH's house quite quickly, with Tommy securely held in Bad's arms. How that man was able to fly over to his house with a 6ft teen in his arms was unknown.(I actually don't know what BadBoyHalo's house looks like, so imma just not describe it an' imma wing it-)

Bad basically slammed the door open, quickly running over to his couch that was placed conveniently near the door, while Antfrost politely closed the door and wiped his feet on the rug by the door to not track any unneeded filth into the house.

The vines wrapped around Tommy's body seemed to lengthen a slight bit as he slipped into a sleeping state, having been formerly half-concious as BBH flew them through the rain with his trident. Bad seemed to take notice of this, and sighed in relief over the fact that the Egg wouldn't cause any problems to its host's body. 

There was no promise that the Egg wouldn't mess around with the boy's mental state, though.

Bad looked over at Ant and motioned him over, deciding that this was the perfect time to discuss the recent events.

"So, what do you suppose the Egg will do now that it has free range anywhere? Maybe then the Egg will finally spread everywhere!" Bad exclaimed, a new, genuine emotion dawning on the hoodied man's face, and the siamese simply nodded, his own expression simply staying blank.

"Well, Bad, you know that we both felt it. The Egg isn't in control of Tommy's body. Sure, it may mess with some of his feelings, thoughts, and his overall appearance, but Tommy still has pretty much the same amount of control over himself, like he did before he even encountered the Egg." Antfrost pointed out, and Bad hummed in acknowledgement before choosing to comment back.

"But, here's the thing. So, back in the Egg's original room, instead of moving away from me in fear, he stayed by my side after the Egg had chosen him as its host. This means that the Egg has obviously affected Tommy's actions and feelings towards us, and that's a good thing! That means that the Egg may be able to spread faster now that it has a moving host!" Bad said, and Antfrost blinked, thinking for a bit before nodding.

"Well then. I guess we'll just have to wait for Tommy to wake up, and see if your theory works." Ant monotoned, glancing over at the sleeping blonde on the couch.

So, what'ddya think will happen?

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