Arrow ~ The Thanatos Guild ~ Part One
I honestly had so much fun writing this episode that I'm actually happy I waited until I completed the entire episode before uploading it, partly because I was on a roll and didn't want to stop . . . and also because I realized I hadn't even mentioned Talia until I went to sleep. Oops. XD Hopefully this rewrite to incorporate Malcolm and company will be just as satisfactory as the original episode.
But hey, Nyssa's back! :D A happy occasion gets interrupted by unwelcome familiar faces, two former foes team up, and Curtis and Dinah continue investigating the SCPD.
William took a quick look around the bunker, then quickly stuck his finger in the frosting at the bottom of Thea's cake. "Ah ah ah!" Kara hastily hurried over, and William stared at her with wide eyes. "You do not get to do that without me," she declared, swiping some frosting of her own.
William snickered as she stuck the frosting in her mouth. "You are so lucky you are my brother's fiancée," Thea chuckled as she walked up.
"Mmm," Kara licked her lips, turning to Thea. "I'm lucky I'm going to have such a cool sister-in-law who hopefully isn't going to tell him this."
Thea sighed dramatically, winking at William. "You're lucky you have such a cool aunt who approves of bad behavior."
Kara giggled as she took a sip of her punch, and William beamed up at Thea. "I'm gonna miss you."
"And I'm gonna miss you, too," Thea smiled, putting a hand on his shoulder. "Just promise me that you're gonna watch over your dad, OK?"
William frowned. "But he's the Green Arrow."
Thea got a devilish smirk on her lips and beckoned Kara closer. "You know," she whispered conspiratorially, making Oliver poke his head around where he, Quentin, J'onn, and Alex were speaking with Roy, and he quickly hurried over. "Before he was the Green Arrow, he actually used to be really afraid of the dark, and he needed a nightlight in his room till he was, like, what . . . six . . . " She grinned when she saw her brother walk over. "Sixteen?"
"It was not a nightlight," Oliver immediately went on the defensive, even as Kara laughed giddily. "I couldn't sleep with it being pitch black. By the way, I did see that, both of you," he looked between his fiancée and son. "Go get a fork and a plate and get yourselves reasonable slices of cake." He was about to say more when Kara gave him a pouty look, and he groaned, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Only because I know you have high metabolism, angel."
"Yes!" Kara whooped, taking William's hand and dragging him off to where the eating utensils were.
"You are a child!" Alex yelled as they passed her by.
"That's these two!" Laurel countered from nearby.
Slade snorted and started choking on his drink as Malcolm immediately started protesting, starting new rounds of laughter from all around the bunker. Oliver rolled his eyes fondly, and Thea smiled up at him. "Thank you for doing this," she said. "It's . . . actually pretty cool."
"Why do you sound surprised?" Oliver raised an eyebrow.
"Yeah, I – I don't know," Thea scratched the back of her head. "I just thought that maybe you would . . . you'd be a little more anti me going."
"I'm the one who encouraged you to go follow your heart," Oliver reminded her. "Malcolm's the one you're probably gonna need to keep buttering up to convince him."
"I heard that!" Malcolm barked.
"You were meant to!" Oliver shouted back.
Thea chuckled. "I know, I know," she told him. "It's just that now that it's all real, I just . . . I thought that maybe you would be, like, a tad less supportive."
"I am completely supportive of anything and everything that makes you happy," Oliver promised her. "Speaking of which, I did tell Roy that the two times that I shot him with arrows would be nothing compared to what would happen to him if you end up unhappy."
"Ah," Thea winced.
"Yeah," Oliver nodded. "Do you understand?"
"So what did my dad threaten him with?"
"Probably every weapon imaginable, and everything I still can't believe could actually be a weapon," Roy grimaced as he walked over to join them.
"Ah," Kara slid into the conversation, a large corner piece of cake in her hands. "I heard something involving overbearing big brothers and fathers."
"Yeah, no, no, they've never been like that," Thea rolled her eyes playfully.
"Mmmhmm," Kara nodded, sticking a piece of cake in her mouth. "And you know what? Yesterday, I saw a pig fly over the bunker."
Oliver huffed, turning to look at Malcolm as he disengaged from Slade and Laurel to walk over. "Your sister's insulting us."
"So now she's just my sister and not your fiancée?" Malcolm raised an eyebrow. "Oh, good to know. We can keep her for ourselves, then."
"Nope," Oliver immediately shook his head.
"You see, now I hear an overprotective fiancé," Malcolm smirked.
Oliver sighed in frustration as Kara and Thea giggled. "Why do I keep you around?"
"Her," Thea and Kara pointed to each other at the same time.
"I'm being ganged up on," Oliver grumbled. "Wonderful."
"Now you know how Slade and I feel sometimes," Malcolm smirked victoriously, raising his drink in acknowledgment to the statement.
Kara sighed, turning to look at Thea. "I know it's been said a million times, but we're gonna miss you," she smiled. "And I've only known Roy for, like, a second compared to the rest of you, and I'm gonna miss you, too."
"Well, you guys have to come visit us once we find out where we're gonna land," Roy shrugged.
"Where do you think that's gonna be?" Oliver asked, genuinely curious.
"Well, we don't really know exactly," Thea admitted. "But that's – that's kind of the best part. I mean, we're gonna figure it out as we go along."
"So just like these two, except you're both human," Malcolm nodded.
"Hey, don't drag me into this!" Kara protested.
Malcolm raised an eyebrow. "No guidebook, right?"
Kara squawked, staring at him in shock, and Oliver sighed, seeing Thea's confused look. "There's no guidebook saying how this is gonna work," he summarized, gesturing between himself and Kara.
"Oh," Thea nodded in understanding.
"Well, as long as we're together, that's really all that matters, right?" Roy smiled at Thea.
"Amen to that," Oliver smiled down at Kara, who beamed in response as he kissed the top of her head.
"So how's the whole, you know, 'back from the dead' thing going?" Winn asked Laurel.
"It's going," Laurel rolled her eyes.
"It's actually Diaz, huh?" Mon-El scowled.
"Unfortunately, yes," Laurel sighed.
"I never liked him," James frowned.
"You literally only met him when we went after him to meet Cayden James," Alex frowned.
"I didn't like him then, I didn't like him now," James shrugged. "I've never liked him."
"Touché," Alex conceded.
"Well, that makes all of us," Laurel said.
"And he's got Anatoli and Talia with him as well," Slade added.
"Oh," Winn smiled nervously. "Great."
"My thoughts exactly when they showed up and cut the wizard and I off."
"Magician!" Malcolm barked from where he was with Thea and Roy.
"How did he – ?" Winn's eyes widened as he looked back and forth between the two.
"Who knows with these two," Dig rolled his eyes as he and Quentin walked over. "It's like they have a sixth sense about when a bickering war begins."
"I've lived with them, and I can attest to that," Laurel nodded.
"My sincerest condolences," Alex said with a straight face.
Laurel snickered as Slade gave the auburn-haired woman a dirty look. "So Diaz, Anatoli, and Talia," J'onn frowned.
"And however much of the police force that's been breached," Quentin huffed. "Yep."
"He's gonna be a bigger pain than Cayden was just because of how much influence he's already had in Star City," Slade nodded.
"Shame he got away," Dig gave him a look.
Slade coolly raised an eyebrow in response. "Perhaps you've forgotten how unfriendly our faces are to the actual SCPD these days."
Oliver cleared his throat as he stepped into the space offered by Mon-El. "I see a work conversation, so . . . speaking of the SCPD, where are we with them?"
"Well, uh, Dinah and Curtis, they're growing a list of possible cops on the take, but that could end up being the least of our worries," Quentin answered.
"How so?" Oliver frowned.
"The D.A.'s office's refusal to drop your case without Roy's testimony," Quentin answered. "That doesn't sit right with me."
"So the police force may not be the only part of the city's power structure that Diaz has his fingers in," J'onn frowned.
"Well," Winn gave a false smile. "Well, that's just even greater."
"Yeah, no kidding," Oliver rubbed his face.
"Oliver, you let me worry about Diaz," Dig told him. "You spend a little more time with your sister before she gets out of here."
"Have you met Oliver?" Alex smirked. "You think he's gonna stop worrying about things all of a sudden?"
"Thank you very much, Alex," Oliver sighed.
"Well, ever since he trusted me to take over," Dig shrugged. "If that's still on the table."
James's eyebrows shot up as Winn and Alex exchanged looks. J'onn finally cleared his throat and looked between the two men. "I don't know the entirety of this conversation, but I don't think this is the time and place to have it."
"Agreed," Slade gave Dig a warning look.
"Hey!" Kara poked her head over Oliver's shoulder suddenly, smiling brightly. "Cake's good!"
"Oh, hey, no, wait!" Winn shouted as she hurried off again, the tense mood broken just like that. "No! That does not bode well for the cake!"
"She's gonna eat it all if we don't get some, man," Mon-El chuckled to Oliver.
"How do you know she hasn't already?" Oliver couldn't help smirk as Mon-El effortlessly disengaged him from the previous conversation.
"Because she taunted us about it," Mon-El grinned, his smile fading a bit as they stepped out of ear shot. "You OK?" he asked. "Because J'onn's right, I wouldn't want that brought up at my sister's party."
"Yeah," Oliver sighed. "He just brought it up last week, too."
"When you were looking for a way to rescue Roy, right?" At Oliver's questioning look, Mon-El held up his hands defensively. "Malcolm is a gossip."
Oliver sighed. "Yeah, he did."
"Look, that's a conversation that you need to start when you're ready to," Mon-El told him. "John's not doing himself any favors by trying to bring it up too soon."
Dinah scowled, looking at the officer on her computer screen. "This is definitely one of the jerks who beat Roy to a pulp last week."
"I wonder what food they're serving at Thea and Roy's goodbye party," Curtis mused as he walked over to the table with a bowl. "Pizza, apps – maybe those mini-desserts. That's this new thing," he added to Dinah, who looked at him in amusement. "Like, you go to this party, and then they serve you these desserts, like mini doughnuts, and you just dip them in the sauce. I mean, that would be reason enough to crash the party. Not that I'm saying I want to crash the party, I'm not expecting to be invited, but, you know, Felicity is my business partner, so I just – "
"Curtis," Dinah cut through his babble. "Focus. We need to find out how many of these cops are dirty."
"Well, Officer Hester makes ten," Curtis pointed out.
"Yeah, and counting," Dinah grumbled. "You know, the more cops who are dirty, the harder it is to believe Captain Hill didn't know."
"Who's next?" Curtis asked.
Dinah clicked the next key, and the next officer's profile appeared. "Nick Anastas."
"Hoo," Curtis sat up straight, picking up the laptop and grinning as he took a closer look. "More like Hotnastas. Wow!"
"Well, just because you have the hots for him doesn't mean he's not on Diaz's payroll," Dinah reminded him.
"All his stats check out," Curtis searched. "He hasn't had any influxes of cash into his account, no pressure points for blackmail. Look, I'm just saying you never mentioned to me that you work with such a hot police offer, not even once."
"I guess I never noticed," Dinah shrugged.
"Yeah, just like you don't notice beautiful sunsets and rainbows," he grinned. "Look, you just don't see beauty as – " The door behind them opened, and Curtis turned to see Zoe enter. "Hey, Z!" he smiled. "How was school?"
"Good," Zoe answered, smiling when she saw who else was inside. "Hi, Dinah."
"What's up, Zoe?" Dinah waved.
"Feeling like some mac and cheese tonight?" Curtis asked.
Zoe made a face. "Again?"
"Can you get sick of mac and cheese?" Curtis asked, still smiling.
"Definitely getting there," Zoe nodded.
"Oh, come on," Curtis mumbled as Dinah smirked and sat down at the table.
"Going to my room to do homework," Zoe told them, waving and leaving.
"You two seem to be getting along well," Dinah complimented.
"Yeah," Curtis nodded with a smile. "You know, it's nice having a little munchkin around."
"Well, I'm sure Rene appreciates somebody he trusts taking care of her," Dinah told him.
"Yeah," Curtis agreed. "You know, he should be starting rehab soon. Hopefully, he'll be back to normal ASAP. I really, really miss that guy."
"Me, too," Dinah agreed, then reached for her phone when it rang. "Hey," she grinned when she saw the Caller ID. "It's your boyfriend, Anastas." She checked the message she got, then nodded. "Homicide. Got to go. You keep digging. I got to find out who at work I can trust."
"He's not my boyfriend yet," Curtis protested. Dinah gave him a knowing look, and Curtis held up two thumbs. "I'm on it."
Dinah nodded and left the apartment, leaving Curtis to keep digging.
"You know, I never thought there would be a day when I would say I'm gonna miss you and really, truly mean it," Thea sighed as she put her bag into the car she and Roy were leaving in.
"Try and sound a little more convincing, why don't you?" Malcolm snorted.
Thea just giggled and closed the trunk, turning to look at him. "Thank you for everything since Lian Yu," she told him with a smile.
"Thank you for giving me another chance," Malcolm smiled back. "And helping keep me in line."
"Dad, the day anyone keeps you in line is the day hell freezes over," Thea snorted.
Malcolm tilted his head. "So hell froze over around the time we met Kara," he deduced.
Thea burst out laughing. "Oh, I'm going to miss you."
"I'll miss you, too," Malcolm smiled. "Come here."
Thea hugged Malcolm tightly as Roy headed for the car. "Bye, Dad."
"Bye, Thea," Malcolm smiled, kissing the top of her head.
A ripping noise cut through the air, and Malcolm pulled Thea away as a black arrow smacked into the front tire of the car. "What the hell?" Roy stopped short, eyes wide.
Malcolm turned around, reaching under his jacket for a knife, just as two figures clothed in black hooded outfits with bows grappled to the ground. "Dad!" Thea cried as both aimed at him.
Malcolm launched his knife at the closest figure, who fired their arrow and knocked the blade off course. "Get inside!" he shouted as the figure rushed him.
Thea scrambled backwards as the figure took another arrow, this one looking like a tranquilizer, then another arrow, this one dark red, smacked into their back. Malcolm didn't hesitate to grab the bow and arrow and aim at the other figure, his arrow and a similar red arrow hitting them at the same time.
Malcolm panted, looking down at the figures, then turned when he heard boots hit the asphalt. "What the hell, Nyssa?" he glared.
"This wasn't me," she told him as she walked up. "They've targeted me, too. That means we need to move."
"Targeted?" Roy parroted.
"Are there more coming?" Thea asked, looking around.
"Many more," Nyssa said grimly. "These are the scouts."
"They look like League of Assassins," Roy frowned.
"But you disbanded the League," Malcolm looked at Nyssa.
"We both know nothing stays dead forever," Nyssa shook her head. "It appears my father made sure of that."
Malcolm took a deep breath, closing his eyes and pinching the bridge of his nose. "OK," he opened his eyes again, looking at Nyssa. "They're after both of us, that's what you're saying? Why both of us?"
"As much as I loathe saying it, like me, you are a former Demon's Head," Nyssa answered. "And while we are alive, that is something we can never truly run from, even after we have lost that mantle."
Thea swallowed hard. "What do they want with my dad?"
"What happened?" Oliver asked as he hurried out of the elevator.
"Are you guys hurt?" Kara's gaze swung from person to person. "Malcolm, Thea, Roy?"
"No, almas, we're fine," Malcolm shook his head.
"So is it good or bad that we haven't left the city yet?" Winn asked.
"Agent Schott," J'onn glared.
"Who was the target?" Oliver looked between everyone.
"Me," Malcolm said grimly. "And apparently, I'm not the only one."
"He is not," Nyssa shook her head, then focused on Kara from where she was stirring a mug of tea. "I hear you intend to take my husband as your own."
Kara's mouth opened and closed. "Um . . . that does not seem to be the priority at the moment, so can we focus on why my brother was nearly killed and we can sort out me marrying Oliver later?"
Nyssa's lips twitched upwards in a smirk. "In the League, such talk would take the form of mortal combat."
"Twenty bucks on Kara," Alex held up a finger.
"What the hell is going on?" Oliver cut in.
Malcolm sighed. "This technically is the League of Assassins, but it's a band that I wasn't even sure existed or not."
"What does that mean?" James frowned.
"They're called the Thanatos Guild," Malcolm answered. "When I became Ra's, I heard . . . whispers about them, but I never discovered if they were real or not. Someone took the title before I could determine anything for certain."
"They exist," Nyssa told him. "Because I began hearing whispers about them shortly after we all returned from Lian Yu."
"And you didn't think to bring this up when you helped in National City?" Malcolm raised an eyebrow.
"I think we can both agree that someone else was our main priority," Nyssa narrowed her eyes.
Kara cleared her throat. "The Thanatos Guild, please?"
Nyssa sighed. "It is a branch that was started by my father at an unknown time."
"Well, he's dead, and you're his daughter, and you ended the League," Dig frowned.
"And you all know how happy some League members were about that," Malcolm gave him a look.
"Merlyn is correct," Nyssa nodded. "My father's legacy endures. He had a second in command of the Guild, Athena, and she has taken charge. She is a contemporary of mine, and a rival. Her involvement alone suggests a very dark purpose at work here."
"Why would they attack Malcolm?" Kara frowned.
"Aside from the fact Oliver gave the ring of the Demon's Head to me?" Malcolm snorted. "I can't think of one."
"But I can," Nyssa said. "Before my father found who he believed to be his true heir, he discovered a map that leads to something ancient, powerful. I do not know what it is, but I do know that he desired his true heir to be at his side when he unearthed it."
"I never heard anything about it," Oliver frowned.
"Well, you killed him before he could tell you," Malcolm pointed out.
"Suppose he never really trusted me, then," Oliver shrugged. "And maybe that's why no one from this . . . Guild has gone after me yet."
"But Merlyn held control of the League for a time, and I, as you have constantly pointed out, am my father's daughter who also held the ring before melting it down," Nyssa said. "Athena believes me or Merlyn to either be in possession of the map or at the very least have knowledge of its whereabouts."
"Oh, does she?" Malcolm huffed, closing his eyes and shaking his head. "Of course she does. OK. I guess telling them I have no idea isn't going to work, is it?"
"Unfortunately, no," Nyssa shook her head. "We will have to settle this ourselves, together."
"Can Star City survive that?" Felicity asked nervously.
"Well, we'll find out, because I do not want this Guild here," Malcolm shook his head. "Was I bitter about the League getting disbanded? Yes, but what's happened in the last year has changed me. I don't want anything to do with this, not now when I realize how much it's cost me before."
"I don't want this either," Nyssa told him. "But we cannot run from this. You cannot deny your past or your legacy as Ra's al Ghul any more than I can deny mine or my father's, and they will keep hunting us because of it."
Malcolm sighed. "Well . . . let's go on a treasure hunt."
Thea bit her lip, looking between Roy and Malcolm before stepping forward. "How can I help?"
"What?" Roy looked at her quickly.
"Thea, no," Malcolm shook his head. "You've got your chance to leave with Roy. Take it and go."
"I'll still have the chance after this Guild is figured out," Thea shook her head. "They're going after you, and I have not spent the last year getting closer to you just to see you dive headfirst, almost blind, back into the past and possibly get killed because of it!"
"You were also attacked just before they left Star City," Alex pointed out. "They could go after Thea again if they think you have the map's location."
"Leverage," Roy scowled.
Malcolm groaned, palming his face. "Fine," he finally ground out. "But after this, don't let my life put yours on hold, Thea."
"Good," Thea smiled, turning to Nyssa. "So, this . . . map. Where is it?"
"I do not know," Nyssa admitted.
"And we're already off to a great start," Malcolm drawled.
"If you would let me continue," Nyssa shot him an annoyed look. "There is a League associate in Star City, one I know from my father's own mouth he trusted. If he shared the map's location with anyone, not even his daughter, it would have been with her."
"Sounds like you haven't actually spoken with her," James frowned.
"I have not," Nyssa sniffed. "She . . . does not care for me."
Felicity scoffed, then covered it with a cough when Nyssa shot her an annoyed glance. "And you think I can get it from her?" Malcolm raised an eyebrow.
"She was a sympathizer of yours," Nyssa nodded. "However, I will not require your help for this."
Malcolm held out his hands, then dropped them in a helpless gesture. "Then why save my ass, tell me we need to work together, then tell me you don't need me for this?"
"Because of where she would be found," Nyssa answered, turning to look at Thea. "And it is fortunate you wish to stay, Thea. It is your assistance I will require. Perhaps yours as well, Kara. And . . . " She looked around, frowning. "Laurel would help as well."
"Laurel?" Malcolm frowned.
"Any would be blind to see these three are those you are closest to, save for Slade Wilson," Nyssa answered. "The more of your closest sympathizers there are in the same room, the better. And she would not deny your daughter or sisters."
"This woman sounds cheery," Mon-El frowned.
"OK," Thea nodded her agreement. "Like Dad said, we will help you find this map, settle this with the Guild, and then Roy and I will leave."
"Thank you," Nyssa nodded, then tilted her head as she looked at Mon-El. "Who is this?"
Malcolm barked out a laugh, pulling out his phone. "I'll call Laurel while you guys explain."
Mon-El smiled nervously, leaning in closer to Alex. "Is it just me, or is she scary?"
"She's scary," Alex assured him.
"It's a drug deal gone bad," the officer told Dinah when she arrived at the scene, holding up a small zipped bag for her.
"Very bad," Dinah agreed. "Man was shot over a dozen times."
"Maybe he pissed off the competition," the officer shrugged.
A door opened nearby, and Dinah looked up to see Hill walk down a set of stairs. "I'll take it from here, Lieutenant Drake."
"Captain, this is a drug-related homicide," Dinah tilted her head as Hill walked up. "Isn't it a little below your pay grade?"
"It's part of a larger sting operation," Hill told her.
Dinah frowned. "I wasn't aware of a larger sting op – "
"You weren't aware because it's above your pay grade, Lieutenant," Hill cut her off.
"Oh," Dinah blinked, then nodded, along with her fellow officer. "We will head back to the station, then."
They were walking back towards the cars when Hill called out. "Hey! You can leave the evidence with me."
Dinah paused, then turned back around and smiled. "Of course," she nodded, walking over and handing Hill the bag.
She got a tense smile in response, and Dinah turned around, walking away from her captain. As she did, she pulled out her phone and sent a quick text to Curtis.
Look into Captain Hill. Something strange.
"Remind me why I'm here when Laurel Lance is supposed to be in the brighter parts of Star City, bringing light back?" Laurel asked Kara quietly as they followed Nyssa and Thea, Laurel in a biker jacket and heeled boots, Kara in a pink leather jacket, grey skinny jeans, and black thigh-high boots.
"Ah," Kara grimaced. "Apparently, this contact 'will not deny Malcolm's daughter and sisters.'"
Laurel's mouth opened, then shut again. "Oh."
"Yeah," Kara nodded. "Speaking of . . . are we going to talk about Diaz's little threat?"
"I think it was pretty self-explanatory, Kara," Laurel gave her a look. "Either you stood down, or Malcolm or Slade got outed."
"Not the part of the threat I meant." Laurel pursed her lips and turned away, and Kara sighed. "Laurel, please, tell me. Would I, of all people, judge if you actually love him?"
"And if I do?" Laurel scowled, turning to face her.
"Great!" Kara answered with a smile. Laurel blinked and stared at her, and Kara looked just as surprised right back. "What, did you actually think I was going to judge you?"
"I am the doppelgänger of the woman who dated his son," Laurel said slowly.
"I never knew this Earth's Laurel, or Tommy," Kara shrugged. "Not really a good reason to ask why I'm not judging you."
Laurel huffed, turning and walking on. "He's older than me."
"Still not seeing a good one!" Kara jogged after her.
Laurel finally glared at her. "Rebecca." Kara halted in her tracks, and Laurel sighed, turning to look at her. "Kara, he destroyed part of Star City to try and avenge her death."
"I know," Kara nodded. "He's mentioned it multiple times. So have a lot of other people, too. Don't you think she would want him to find someone who could make him happy again?"
Laurel closed her eyes. "That's even assuming the feeling is mutual."
"You didn't see him when you were first beaten down by Diaz's men, then you were abducted by him," Kara smiled softly. "There is a very good chance they are."
Laurel stared at her. "You think so?"
"Only one way for you to find out," Kara smiled gently.
"Guys?" Thea's voice called, and they turned to see Nyssa open a door nearby. "You coming?"
Kara nudged Laurel. "Might not be a good idea to find out right this minute, but tell him," she smiled encouragingly. "He should know. And you deserve a chance to try."
Laurel swallowed, then followed Kara towards Nyssa and Thea.
"Whoa," Kara blinked as she looked around the dimly-lit building they were in, filled with very shady people. "OK . . . and it's a good idea for the mayor's fiancée to be seen here?"
"I highly doubt word of your appearance will spread," Nyssa told her.
"Well," Thea cleared her throat, "now I see why you didn't want the boys to come."
"They'd have us out of here before you could even say 'bail,'" Laurel agreed.
Nyssa stopped, then nodded towards a woman sitting alone at a table. "That is Tigressa."
Thea tilted her head, examining her as she downed shot after shot. "Looks like the only thing she knows how to kill is vodka."
"She has over two hundred confirmed kills, one of them being her own brother because he matched her quote," Nyssa said dryly.
"Mon-El was right," Kara cleared her throat. "Very cheery woman."
Nyssa led the way over, and Tigressa scowled, tracing the rim of one of her shot glasses. "Al Ghul," she sneered. "I should take your hand for what you did to Al Sa-her."
"I never understood your affection for Merlyn, Tigressa, but I always respected it," Nyssa sighed, then gestured to Thea. "This is his – "
"Spawn," Tigressa interrupted, making all four women stare at her. "You think I wouldn't recognize Malcolm's own blood? Or the women he claims as his own family?"
"It doesn't end in blood," Kara said.
Tigressa smirked, then looked at Thea. "Your father had much faith in you."
"He still does," Thea leaned on the table. "But neither of us are fans of this new League running around. Can you help us with that?"
Tigressa chuckled. "So you've met Athena." She eyed Nyssa. "She's not the leader your father desired."
"No, that ended up being my brother and Kara's fiancée, who very clearly didn't want it," Thea snorted. "I am here because Athena thinks my dad could possibly open some map for her."
"With good reason," Tigressa nodded. "No one knows who Ra's al Ghul ensured could truly unlock its secrets, but Athena has good reason to believe that any successor of his could have received the secret to." She side-eyed Nyssa. "I suppose we'll find out." She plucked a pen from a passing waitress's tray, scribbling on a napkin. "The Demon's Head secreted the map here."
Thea nodded, taking the napkin and examining it. "Call me curious," Laurel leaned forward, "but why didn't you just take the map?"
Tigressa examined her, then smirked. "I rejected the path of the League of Assassins a long time ago."
Laurel smirked right back. "You'll have to tell us. A few people might want to know how you did that."
"Thank you," Kara interrupted.
"Well, when you find it, you may not be so grateful," Tigressa shook her head.
"There's this thing you should try," Laurel snorted. "It's called 'being polite.'"
Tigressa chuckled. "The lawyer has bite. It doesn't surprise me Malcolm found you."
Both Nyssa and Thea shot Laurel surprised looks, but she just huffed and stood. "A lot of things about me would surprise you," she said, turning on her heel and leaving.
"Wait," Thea turned to Kara as they hurried after Laurel. "My dad and Laurel?"
"It's," Kara began, trying to find the words before sighing. "I have no idea."
"I believe you can settle that later," Nyssa said, pointing at the address Thea held. "Contact your father and brother."
I feel like I should also warn people I may be laying DarkSiren moments on a bit thick . . . they're stubborn, but they're getting there.
Another update should come tonight!
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