The Gala and Smack A Bitch- Double Feature

Everything was incredibly fancy, and the venue was massive. Tall pillars of marble with gold trimming rose above the band and drifted into the ceiling decorated in lush red carpeting. None of them had ever seen any installed on a ceiling before, nor had they ever seen staircases like the ones lifting above the area and onto a mysterious second floor viewing balcony.

The best they could do was act like they belonged here, or at least try.

"Welcome to The Gala." The security let them through after a quick glance over their outfits. It was a black tux event, so everything was formal and, well, black. Adam was particularly cheerful, despite the absence of his beanie. The boys all looked absolutely dapper, and with a lot of encouragement from their women, they were feeling it too.

The girls wore slender, slim fitting black dresses to their knees and three inch platform closed toe heels with natural makeup. Needless to say, their satisfaction with the far higher standards they had to meet was lacking, but they were stunning.

"Look at all that free food," Hazel muttered, earning a few nervous giggles.

Jacob snorted. "What's the appropriate amount to stack on a plate and leave with?"

"I could eat everything on that table alone. In an hour." Steven turned to his Connie and then the rest with a silly grin. "I feel like a giant. Everyone here looks like how Jasmin looks to you guys."

Jasmin almost smacked him but the behavior would have been looked down upon. Her eyes lifted to the people around them and she straightened her posture. "We've been noticed."

More than a few eyes were watching the band, most much older than them and more experienced.

"Can we not split up just yet?" Anna asked softly. "I feel... like I'm not ready."

"That's okay. Me neither." Adam smoothed a hand over his jacket and sighed. "Being trans is so loud."

The talking ceased as they grew within earshot. A few of them smiled at the obviously anxious band and every one of them returned a cheerful but reserved one right back.

"You guys must be the unnamed band all the young people are so excited about." Adam turned and nearly passed out on the spot.

Adam wasn't necessarily the kind of man to get starry eyed or overexcited, but standing in front of him was his actual celebrity idol.

Steven caught onto his pause almost instantly. "We are. It's nice to meet you." He was grateful to the man for extending his hand instead of making them guess whether or not to. The girls received kisses and the boys surprisingly firm shakes from the older man.

When he got to Adam he grinned and patted his hand. "And you. I remember you, which is nuts cause I have a shit memory."

Starry eyed, Adam grinned. "It's an honor."

"Proud of ya, kiddo."

He excused himself and went to greet a smaller woman entering.

They all looked to Adam, but he was wordless. He threw up his hands in the air just a bit and blew out a shaky breath. His entire face turned bright red for a few moments and then quickly disappeared.

"Did you just repress a blush?" Hazel teased. It was the most bizarre thing ever to be able to control the amount of blood in your face.

He cleared his throat a bit and nodded. "Behave."

They didn't have time to tease him more before more excitement seemed to find them.

The Curse Is Calling had arrived, and everyone had seen the minor altercation between them and TiBNAALD on The Envy Adams Show.

"I'm... so happy to be here," Steven told them with the slightest twinge of sarcasm in his eyes. "Scatter."

"Anna Banks, yeah?"

Anna smiled as another voice caught her attention. "You're Pam Ketras!"

She nodded and pulled her in for a hug. "Us girls have gotta stick together. I'm so glad to see young trans women getting into the industry."

Anna was grateful to no end that she was too dehydrated to cry and ruin her makeup.


Jasmin had found herself alone near the wine bar when she first ran into Allison. Or rather, when she simply appeared out of thin air. "Jasmin, I didn't get to see much of you at The Envy Adams Show. I love your dress."

Jasmin felt the skin on her back crawling. "Thank you." She wasn't going to compliment her back, and she didn't care who heard it not happen.

"You know, I heard Bad Things and Good For You. Very passionate."

They'd been doing music for a little over two years now and their last album Dedicated To Us had resonated to a massive audience even outside of their normal reach. Bad Things was their most special song, but she adored Good For You too. Expressing affection was hard, her relationship with Jacob was mostly construed of teasing and fake bullying, but Steven had given her a new love language: song. "I appreciate it. Our loves never been stronger."

Allison tittered in delight and patted her arm. "You're so brave."

Jasmin's smile dimmed a bit. "What do you mean?"

"Well, after having such a rocky start with so much drama, it's brave to still be together. I could never." Her eyes were unsettlingly blue and bright. "I'm glad things got easier once you added more people to the equation."

A year. They were headed on a year as a polycule now, but something about the way she said it broke her heart. That wasn't true, was it?

The smile was killed and fell off Jasmin's face into a blank look of hurt. "I-I don't–,"

"Oh, Carter is waving me over. I should go."

Jasmin set down her glass and pushed away from the buffet. Suddenly she was feeling queasy.

Jacob caught up to her as he escaped a rather prying conversation. "My Vixen." He kissed her hand and bowed. He'd never be able to snuff the amount of unadulterated happiness of having her anywhere with him. "Are you okay?"

She eyed his hand on hers and squeezed weakly as tears tried to push their way to her eyes. "Yeah. I'm okay. Are you okay?"


"Oh." Anna tried not to sound disgusted by Allison's accidental brush of her hand. "Hello, Allison."

"I almost didn't recognize you! You look so put-together!" Allison's animated face showed an excited smile, but something was off.

It was a compliment. No, no, wait. Anna knew this, it was a straight up insult implying she normally wasn't put together. It burned her with embarrassment but she smiled. "You too."

"What are you drinking?"

She had been pleased to know they had the sweet kind instead of a dry stale blend. "Champagne, it's actually–."

"I'm surprised you're allowed to wear a dress." Allison sipped at her own drink, a twinkle in her eye. "The invitations used to specify that, I thought."

She couldn't even say anything at first. Her trying to be polite expression turned downcast into hardened and cool anger. "Actually, they were very clear about gender expression in our invitation."

"Hopefully everyone else feels the same. Speaking of which, there's the CEO of the sponsoring company. Wonderful to see you, Bra- Anna. It's nice to see you, Anna."

She felt like a dagger had just been driven through her chest. Was she crying or just a humiliated pink as Allison purposely almost called her by her dead name?

Pam Ketras put a hand on her shoulder. "That woman's a piece of work. D'ja know she's seeing the sponsor?"

She shrugged numbly and downed the rest of her champagne as elegantly as possible.


"You look beautiful," Allison told Connie.

This was not the place to start a fight even though Connie wanted nothing more than to smack this bitch in the face for even approaching her. Her dress was tacky. She looked like a fucking black Tahoe, it was boxy and those thick black hoops looked like wheels. "Thank you. How are you?" She hated being fake, but events like this required it.

"I'm okay." Her face flickered for a second and the compassionate side of Connie tried to believe there was a human in there.

"You sure?"

She sniffled and her eyes watered a bit. "Yeah just... I think it's your perfume."

Connie was a religiously intense person about scent. She showered regularly and most importantly, she kept her perfume discreet. She knew factually that one could only smell her if they walked by particularly slow or leaned in close. But still, her mind made her self conscious and hyper aware of the faint aroma of vanilla.

"I'm just gonna go blow my nose." She smiled politely and left Connie to stand awkwardly by herself. Had people been talking about her perfume being too strong? Was that why the band had been catching so many people's attention?

"Look at you, you're magnificent." Steven took her hand from behind and twirled her.

Most of the self consciousness faded at his touch and she giggled, finishing the impromptu move with a light touch to his chest. "You'll get us in trouble."

"It's a Gala about love. They'll get over it. I couldn't care less if we weren't invited to another one of these. They're stuffy." His brown eyes sparkled at her. "You smell so pretty."

Immediately her mood crashed down. "I'm going to go to the bathroom really quick."

And suddenly the entire reason he'd come to see her inbetween mingling was leaving him: the barely there but present smell of safety and comfort. He stared after her with worry for a moment. Had he said something?


"Hey, you dropped something." Jacob crouched to the floor to grab the keychain that had fallen out of the women's fur jacket and as he rose realized two horrific truths.

"Jacob Olfax, the sexy countertenor." Allison displayed her hand for him to kiss.

He knew eyes were watching him and that it would turn out worse for everyone if he didn't. He could sacrifice for Steven, because in his hand was unmistakably a clicker. A new, sturdier, silver one. This was not crushable under his heel, and that would make a scene. "Allison." His mind scrambled for something to say, because he now realized her next stop was almost certainly Steven. A surge of protectiveness made him tense. "Your dress is beautiful." A lie. An easy lie that she ate up like it was praise from God himself.

Not that he believed in any of that anymore.

"Why thank you! It's actually–,"

Jacob tuned out as his eyes flickered to the hulking form of his friend staring after Connie. He and Jasmin passed gazes, reading each other seamlessly. She was ready to get him out of there, and she knew now his reasoning for entertaining her. She grabbed Steven's hand and he intertwined them, grinning at her as she distracted him. The sight made him grin too, which made Allison even more thrilled.

"Speaking of pink, would you happen to think on your position in Stevens band?"

He tuned back in so lucidly that it took him a second to process her request. "I'm sorry?"

"Well, your voice is one of a kind," She murmured hungrily. "The Curse Is Calling could really use an extraordinary talent like yours."

Use. The word echoed cinematically in his mind as everything zoomed in and out all at the same time. She wanted to use him.

He blinked slowly and fought back a scoff. "I wouldn't call myself an extraordinary talent. Steven taught me a lot of what I know."

"Ah, but you're different than Steven. Your talent lies in looks too." She patted his cheek and he almost flinched away. Her hand was freezing cold and not welcome anywhere on his body.

Wait did she just say he was hot? And even more funny, that Steven wasn't? He glanced over her shoulder and saw the rest of the band trying to casually stare at the interaction. To be fair they were doing a pretty good job, but he knew how it felt to be looked at by his friends when they all had the habit of accidentally making direct eye contact with the interest.

Okay, maybe they were being a bit obvious.

"I try."

Her eyes sparkled and she gave him a very sultry once she over that made him immediately feel like he was naked in the tundra. A chill swept over him. "I can see that." She walked off without even a goodbye, her hips swaying elegantly with each step. Jacob had no trouble ignoring it entirely as the band approached.

The girls looked amongst each other. "We'll be right back."


Steven was caught next, he was expecting and prepared for an assault.

But he was not prepared for the way she purred his name, that same tone she used to use, and the distinctive metallic clink in her jacket pocket. He never saw it, he didn't need to. He was frozen to the spot and horrified.

How could she?

She smiled up at him and leaned close to whisper something that almost made him throw up past the burning blush. It wasn't particularly explicit, but it felt like a threat in its innuendoes.

Her eyes drifted over him as she turned away towards the band and walked past them. He was stuck for only a few more seconds, but suddenly he was ready to leave. Now.

Before he went pink and started corrupting.


The band was stunned next, she was going for the kill when she murmured just loud enough for them to hear, "Enjoy my sloppy seconds."

"Are we ready to leave?" Steven asked, a faint glow starting to color his cheeks and ears.

They nodded their agreement silently, all completely floored, and left alongside another group of people so it wouldn't seem conspicuous.


"She's writing a new song, she says," Steven sighed. "That's never a good sign." He let his Connie reach over to untie his bow tie. "Thank you, love."

"Let's just get out of this formalwear. I'm so done with tonight," Anna grumbled. "I thought Galas were giant tea parties."

"You and me both." Jacob's hands kept mussing up his perfectly laid hair (due to its messiness normally, it was hairsprayed). "I need alcohol."

"That's unanimous," Jasmin confirmed as she dug into the cooler next to the fire. "What are we going with?"


"Could light me on fire if I dropped a single bit on me."

"He means high proof."

"Everclear." Connie's voice was low and tense. "Pour me a shot or two of Everclear."

"Me too," Anna agreed.

Hazel tossed a concerned look to the other men. "Everything okay?"

"She insulted my relationship with Jacob," Jasmin told them as she took a couple of swallows. Her eyes watered and she retched but it stayed down. "I couldn't even say anything back. I almost started crying."

Adam's eyes widened. Jasmin crying was as rare as it was for him. "Geez, Jazzy. Do you want a hug?"

"Honestly I might smack the next person that touches me. I'm severely overstimulated."

The girls passed around the bottle, all looking a bit more sullen than their male counterparts.


She raised her head, lip trembling but evened it out with worrying ease. "Give me another minute to get drunk please."

Jacob snatched the bottle from an already tipsy Connie and took a drink himself. "I think she must have gotten all of us."

Steven swallowed nervously. "Uhm, she told me that she missed me... And then..." His eyes darted to Connie's. "She said something I don't feel comfortable repeating."

Connie mumbled something and Steven looked at her quizzically. "I said with my bare fucking hands."

Anna rolled her eyes. "She told me I should've been wearing a tux."

Indignant cries erupted from them.

"Whoa, what the fuck?" Adam's fists clenched at his sides. The audacity of that bitch was appalling and impossible. His beautiful girlfriend was so magnificent, especially with all that black. He wished he'd been there, but he also knew he would've decked her clean out. He could hit women if he used to be one, right? Partial immunity? He only needed to hit one.

Stevens eyes flickered to pink for a split second. "She's getting irritated every time I don't go back to her. What exactly did she say?"

"Something about the invitations usually clarifying about which gender needs to wear what." Anna fiddled with her hair. "I hate her so fucking much."

"Anna, sweetheart..." She raised a hand to stop the pity in its tracks and Hazel shut his mouth.

Steven stared at his hands and pouted as the bottle was taken from him next. "Is Allison why you were mad at me at the Gala, Ni?"

Connie gasped and shook her head, pulling an alcoholic blush from him easily as she climbed on his lap. "Oh baby, I wasn't mad at you. Allison got me too." She frowned and slumped. "She got in my head about my perfume."

"Aren't we all wearing the same one now almost?"

"It's from the same line," Steven confirmed. "She was going after insecurity."

"She asked me to join The Curse Is Calling." Jacob blew out a breath and laughed to himself. "She was trying to be all over me cause Steven was nearby too."

"Thank god I didn't have to smack a bitch today." Jasmin set her jaw and tensed her entire body. "That woman threatens to bring the worst parts of me out, swear to god."

"Ugh, I know. Every time she's near Steven I just want to become the worst version of myself and say the nastiest shit I can think of."

"Why don't we?" Hazel asked seriously. "Why don't we just... have a moment in time, work on our free styling, and never tell another soul? We're good at it and need to keep freestyling anyways. Why should we have to keep it in and stew over it? I'm so fucking sick of her trying to mess with us. You wouldn't believe what she said to me."

Adam frowned. "What?"

Hazel pursed his lips and shook his head. "Like Steven, I don't feel comfortable repeating it. It wasn't too bad but it just..." He glanced between his main partners and his worry lines deepened. "I don't know how she does it. I don't know how she gets in your head."

"Sometimes I seriously don't think she's human," Steven confessed quietly, drawing their attention. "Sometimes I felt like she was sucking the very life out of my body just by making contact with me." He seemed to grapple with something for a few moments. He was already glowing, but it seemed to heighten considerably until he made a decision. "I hate talking shit. It's not in my nature. But. Therapy can only do so much, and Jeanne's been telling me she's a shitty person who deserves to be talked about like that if I want to get past it. May as well try."

The rest of them exchanged a look, Connie shook her head slightly, and they came to a unanimous agreement.

They'd tell him eventually, but not right now.

They all rubbed wherever they could reach on his body and he slowly calmed down a bit more. "We'll need to get pretty fucked up though."

Anna and Jacob grinned. "Bet."


So the next day they found an old track Steven had mixed for free styling and lengthened it another couple of minutes. By that time, they'd all been drunk for nearly three hours and were giggling, making out and generally hyping themselves up for what would be essentially their first group demolition project.

The demolition in question being Allison, of course.

They were swaying as they crashed on the couch, all flushed and red faced as they intertwined themselves with no rhyme or reason and Alex took a quick intro video.

"Okay, you guys... you guys are–," He couldn't seem to stop laughing long enough to actually say anything because Hazel and Jasmin were making kissy faces at him and it was embarrassing for no reason. "Stop! Stop it! You guys are drunk and freeztyling! H-how?"

Connie wiggled a bit in the pile and squealed when an unknown hand squeezed her side to keep her still. "Magic! We're..." She snorted and swatted at the hand as it tickled her. "We're gonna use magic!"

Steven nodded proudly. "My magic! I was a good boy all day," He told Alex emphatically. "Now I get to vent for like, the first time ever." He swooned and settled a bit deeper into them all, running his hand up Jacob's leg just for the pleasure of the giggle he received. "Sober Stevens gonna feel bad."

Alex stumbled over and climbed on top of him too, settling under his left arm insistently and rolling his eyes at the series of kisses to his cheek and neck. "Steven! You're all heathens and–," Someone grabbed his butt, a hand he recognized as Hazel. "Watch your hands!"

Steven pulled off and gasped. "Holy shit! I left a hickey on accident!"

Jacob leaned up to place another directly on the other side. "We're even now!"

"Come onnnnn you guys! I'm so hyped up and ready!" Jasmin bounced as much as she was allowed to and reached for the remote. Steven had casted his computer so they only had to figure out a few buttons.

Earlier in the day he'd started a nervous wreck internally, but throughout the day things got easier and easier. He'd probably never find it in himself to roast someone ever again (unless it was his friends and he was joking). But this was different now. Allison had abused him for too long, and now she was going after the people close to him, which he could not allow.

The girls were pumped up to let it all out, and they'd all agreed on four rules:

1.) None of this was to leave this room officially released. They needed to avoid the unnecessary drama that would come with it. Avoiding officializing it would make it more likely to be perceived as just them goofing off.

2.) Anything goes. Period.

3.) No judgement, they could say whatever they wanted.

4.) When it was over, they'd do their best to let go of what happened at the gala and move on from it.

There was always a bit of competition in their freestyling practice, and this one was no exception with how giddy and drunken they were. The best roast would win a prize of their choosing, so it was all out to win and one up each other. For every good burn they'd take a shot, so the table in front of them was filled with them.

Steven went first. "I ain't worried about a bitch who never been in my place
Always move in silence, never question your fate
Always check on everybody, gotta make sure they straight," Jacob high fived him with an, "I'm not going any-fucking-where!" and a shot.
"If I'm getting money, then you know we all got a plate
Since a baby in her tummy, mama knew I was great," It was true. Great wasn't even the word: extraordinary. He was something extraordinary, and fuck Allison for ever treating him like he wasn't. They all took shots, knowing exactly what he was hinting at not-so-subtly.
"They can't play me like a dummy, they know what not to take
Fuck these bitches, 'cause the money only thing I'ma chase
Love is precious, that's the only thing I try not to waste," Connie leaned over to place a kiss on his inner thigh and grinned up at him and took a shot.
"She hatin' 'cause I'm up, you can tell on her face," He rolled his eyes and tossed his hair pridefully. That was what all of this was about. He was happier without Allison, and she hated it.
"I been eating so much, I've been saying my grace
When the times was rough, I would look up and pray," He clasped his hands and looked up like he was praying.
"Thank God I ain't have to smack a bitch today!"

They clapped and he passed the mic to Hazel, slumping into his seat and giggling to himself as he felt a release in tension deep within him. He needed that.

Hazel rocked along with the beat and Anna and Adam cheered him on as he held up his hands. "Whoa! Smack a bitch today
Thank God I ain't have to smack a bitch today!" He closed one eye as he geared up, trying to pull the words from his mind. "Smack that bitch right with the Glock
Check that bitch like she my watch," He checked his watchless wrist to a few giggles and drinks.
"Stay in the field, no white socks
Patrick Star, how you 'bout to get rocked," The band exploded into cries of approval and a group swig and he fed off the energy.
"Knock that hoe clean, now man that's how I tidy
Clappin' at these hoes, to stop me, need Blue Ivy
My 'cule go everywhere I go like my ID," That they did and they all flexed, giving imaginary glamour shots as the polycule in question.
"Bitches be hiding like preg-a-nant Kylie
It's on sight, better think twice, spit on that bitch like a motherfuckin' mic
Cuttin' up on a hoe just like a slice, put both hands on a bitch like a bike
Yeah! Bitch were untouchable, and if shorty keep on trippin' childish
I'ma smack her in the head with a Lunchable, like,"

Jasmin joined him as they cheered Hazel on the background and took the rest of the chorus before leaning in, lowering her voice unlike the last two, "That silly bitch had a problem, So what's up?," She motioned them to lean closer and they did.
"You know I keep it tucked
If it's up, then it's up," She was once again bragging about her license to carry permit, and Jacob raised an amused eyebrow as her eyes dropped to the matching switchblade concealed and strapped to his ankle.
"I ain't beefing with that bitch
Cause she's never running up
I'm way too fine to fight
But I'll still fuck these bitches up,"

Adam shouted, "Fuck yeah you are!" and took another shot.

"If you come to the crib
You gonna die hoe
Show up in that baggy dress
Looking like a tahoe," Connie threw up her hands and shouted, "Right!" then took two shots.
"Got more fighters with me
I got bitches on my side though
Bitches want the smoke
But fighting all sneaky on the down low
Real bitches rolling with me," Anna grinned and threw up a peace sign, a signal that she was perhaps the baddest bitch of them all. "Pants got a 150
Told that bitch to come and get me
When I drive up to her city
She want static? I got plenty
Yeah this shit be getting gritty
No these hoes they can't be trusted
So I never get to friendly." Another round of applause went off as Connie snatched the microphone, already teeming with pent up energy.

"I feel sad for all of these dragless foot draggers
No titty saggers," Right off the bat they knew they were going to get an earful, clever and stinging and more so that they'd been significantly drunk even by drinking shots of low proof alcohol. "She lying on her back for free
Hustling backwards," Anna had told Connie what Pam had told her, and she thought it was ridiculous. Her voice carried that energy with a mocking, unbelieving tone. "That silly hoe
Lyin', fuckin 'knowing she a non-factor,"
Coming at my band
you bout to wake up a bad bitch
That hoe thinks she won, well bitch, go at em
Imagine a raggedy bitch running me ragged
I'll pimp slap a bitch tonight
No gladly
I'm savage I live life with no regret
Damn right not fucking sponsors
Unless they cutting a check!" They gasped, most of them not knowing Allison had done it for free.
Connie got even more worked up, laughing out her fury. "THESE HOES TRYNA MAKE ME AN EMOTIONAL WRECK

They'd guessed right, now they were headed into more than just comfortable drunk. It started to nip at them a little and buzz around them as Anna clumsily grabbed the mic. "He ain't gonna kiss her
And he ain't gonna miss her
But if she keep on trying
Imma have to fucking diss her
Claiming she a baddie
But she acting like a bitch!" Their jaws dropped in euphoric awe as Anna took an entire new, almost cartoonish personality. No one had even thought of Anna as much of a rapper, but they hadn't seen anything yet. "My hands are bisexual
I'll show you how they switch,"

Hazel chuckled. "No really, she'll fight boys and girls."

"That bitch is making me mad
And it's getting real sad
Acting really pissy, baby
Do you need a pad?"

The band all shouted "Ohhh shit!" and laughed as Jacob asked in mock seriousness, "Are you incontinent, Allison?"

Apparently Anna was taking no prisoners tonight. "You fuckin' talk too much, I don't listen, give a fuck!
Bitch, I'll run you over in my fuckin' Tesla truck!" She was absolutely thrilled when she's found one, and the full body happy wiggle was so cute they couldn't help but blow her kisses.
"Kill these hoes
Stab these hoes bitch
Pop these hoes
Smack these hoes bitch!" She held up a hand in a half shrug and grinned. "I know I really shouldn't
But she makes me hella mad
Smack that bitch and her momma
And I'll even smack her dad!"

Jacob wiggled his fingers for it and dropped a kiss to her knee. "Rollin' up OG, when I'm smokin' my J
New car, too fast, so I'm winnin' the race
Blast off, fast car, cool breeze in your face
Don't flirt with me bitch, stay in your place," He made a gagging motion and turned to Adam, pretending to be Allison. "You rap about transition too much!"

Adam got in his face and scoffed. "Because transition paid off bitch, hush."

Jacob tried his best not to giggle or grow flustered as he tugged on a string of his hoodie. "Uhm, why he be yelling so much?"

Adam smirked. "Cause if I see you in the streets bitch
It won't show blood.
I don't need your opinion
I do what I fucking want
You're such a fucking bum
Our pockets all swole, lump sum
Damn, bitch is a fucking chump
If I see her
Her ass is done
Thank God I ain't
Thank God I ain't have to smack a bitch today."

Connie leaned back and clenched her fists. "Catch a case and punch that bitch right in her face..."

Alex was nearly falling off the couch in laughter as the song ended and they high fived each other, whooping at the top of their lungs. "You guys were hella pent up. I'll say it, I love you guys."

In the impending lowering of noise they started to hear frequent dings on Alex's phone, still left where he'd propped it up for a picture.

Steven's eyes widened and the rest followed his gaze. Then it was scrambling to see Alex had somehow in his drunken haze not taken a picture at all, but rather had started a live instead. "Ohhhhh boy..." He scrolled up through the comments and furrowed his brow as they all peaked around him.

Anna puffed out her cheeks and gave a tipsy chortle. "Oh my god, they loved it."

'Finally, a song I can play at my church cookout this tuesday.'

Another commenter took it even further. 'I think my mom needs to hear this.'

'If this wasn't what therapy is then I don't wanna go.'

'MYSTERY BITCH GOT DRAGGED THE FLUFF BAND HAS A DARK SIDE LETS GOOOOO!' That particular comment had hundreds under it saying they wanted to see more.

The next day on TokTok, someone had used it for a venting/cosplay post after a bad day and people were latching onto it as a way to get their frustrations out about people in their lives testing their limits.

They never did anything quite that crazy again, but every time they came across it they'd drop a like.

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