4: Future shellschock 4/4

Cody guided you through his home, leading you to what seemed like a laboratory. At least you assumed it since it had great resemblance to Donnies part if the lair, which he called his Lab.

"Well, welcome to my lab you guys." You gave the whole room a glance.

"Looks very interessting Cody." You gave the boy a smile before changing the subject.

"Uhm, putting that aside, Cody how come you acctually know about the turtles and Master Splinter?" This question had been in your head since the redheded boy had introduced himself. Even with all the relics in that room from before, he had to have gotten the information from somewhere.

"Oh, I read about them." He picked up a book from a desk that you all had reached. "Caesy and April wrote alot about you guys."

"Caesy keept a journal?" Confused you looked at the brothers who were just as surprised as you. None of ou thought Caesy would be the type of guy who would acctually write something down.

"So what if Casey wrote about us. What I wanna know now is how we got here." Raph was getting pretty upseat and mad by now, which you acctually understood. You guys had gotten separated by Mikey some time ago and had no idea how to find him in this huge city.

"Just wait a second and I'll show you." Cody started explaining while pressing some buttons on the keyboard infront of him. All of you heard something moving behind your backs so you turned to come face to face with something that looked like a giant TV.

"What is this?" Donnie asked, you could see how exited he was.

"The machine that brought you all here." Cody answered.

"Wait, do this is a... time machine?" You turned back to Cody and saw him shake his head.

"This machine was supposed to only take a glimps into the past, like a TV. The time traveling was a whole accident...and I have no idea how to recreate the mistake again."

"So you're telling us we are stuck in 2105?" Leo was waiting for an answer from Cody but you all knew what the answer was.

"Yes, but I'll get you guys back. I promise! For the meantime you 6... Hey wait a minute." Cody had counted all of you and had now noticed one of the tirtles were missing. "Where's turtle number 4?"

"We lost Mikey the minute we got here. We've been trying to tell this to your metalic friend here but he wouldn't listen!" Raph was now angry again and almost shouting while glaring at Serling.

"Raph damit calm down already!" You cut in, trying to calm him down.

"Cody would you be able to help us find Mikey?" Cody scrached his head while thinking.

"I might know how we could find him." He turned back to the computer behind hin and opened something that seemed to be like a holographic map of the city.

"Let's see... how to find a mutant turtle in a city 30 million..."

"Maybe I can help?" Donnie and Cody started talking about science and stuff which you did not understand so you blocked out the next few minutes.

"Great I found him!" A few minutes later Cody ceered and turned to the five of you.

"Shall I get the limousine young master?" Serling sujested and was already on his way out as Cody stopped him.

"No, wait! I have a better idea"

"Here you go guys, I call it the Havershell!" Some time later Cody and the rest of you entered something that seemed like a garage or something similar. Before your eyes you saw something that could be a vehicle, but you weren't quite sure about it, since it was shaped like a turtle. At this point however you weren't acctually surprised with anything anymore.

"Sweet ride Cody." Raph was acctually impressed for once.

"Did you design this Cody?" Donnie was amazed by the design and tec of the Huvershell.

"Acctually," Cody looked at Donnie. "you designed it. I just used your blueprints to make it."

"Cody, I don't want to interrupt you and Donnie discussing stuff like this, but I really think we should get going. Mikey has been alone for a long time... And that never turnes out well...." What you pointed out was true, each time Mikey had gone away on his own in the past, it always had ended in a disaster.
"Sure thing (y/N), than let's go." Cody was about to get into the Huvershell, when Serling jumped infront of him, blocking his way.

"Master Cody, you musn't go out, it is just far to dangerous!" The robot really didn't want Cody to leave the building and refused to get out of his way so that Cody could enter the Huvershell.

"Hey Serling!" Since you were already at the opening to the Huvershell you shouted out to help Cody.

"Miss (y/N), what is it?" Serling turned to you to see what was going on and you knew the idea you had worked out. You started to laugh as Cody and Donnie, who had been next to Cody when he was stopped by Serling, rushed past the robot and entered the vehicle along with Raph, Leo, Master Splinter and yourself. Shortly afterwards you all were making your way downtown, to the coordinates Cody had found Mikey at.

"There he is!" Leonardo pointed into an alley after about 10 minutes of driving. You let out a small, nervous laugh as you saw what was going on, on the ground.

"Yep, there he is, and as suspected he's in trouble. " About 10 guys in bright blue capes were ganging up on him. Quickley the brothers and Master Splinter jumped out of the door to Mikeys aid. Cody imedietly went to the windows to watch the fight. With a big grin on his face he turned to you.

"You're not gonna help?" You frowned and crossed your arms while walking to the window yourself to watch what was going on.

"I know some basic moves but I would NEVER survive in a situation like this. The guys will be able to handel this themselfs. See?" You smiled as you saw the turtles already had beaten the opponents.

"Oh oh, look! The guys are gonna get sneak attacked!" Cody jumped up and rushed to the steering wheel. You took a peek to the ground and saw one of the gang members sneak up behind Raph and Leo, with a weapon in his hand. Suddenly the Huvershell made a fast movement, that the movement made you fall to the ground.

"What the hell Cody?"

"Sorry (y/N), it was the only way I could think about to help the guys." You blinked a few times confused.

"Wait,... did you hit that guy with the Huvershell?!" Shocked you got up and whanted to leave the to check on the guy. Even if he attacked Mikey and the others, death or servere injuries wasn't something you wished anyone to receive. Raphael cought you in mid running while he and the others re-entered the Huvershell.

"Calm down (y/N). No one is really hurt. Hey Cody, get going" Raph pushed you back in and turned to Cody. "I hear the police comming and I don't think i would be good to be here when they arrive.

"Talk no more, we're out of here." Cody started up the car and you all were on your way back to Codys penthouse.

-some time later-

"Guys I'm really sorry." The six of you were sitting in the living room of Codys place after Mikeys rescue. Cody was apologizing for everything that had happen in the past few hours. " It really seems like you guys are stuck here untill I can send you all back into your own time."

"It's not your fault Cody... well not directly." You comforted the redheded.

"I will find a way to get you all back home." Cody promised and gave you all a smile. "I just hope you guys will be able to adjust to my time." You gave him a small smile.

"I don't think you have to worry Cody." Turning to the 4 brothers who were currently checking out the huge TV you laughed. Sometimes you forgot that the four of them were still teenagers. "I think we all will be able to live with the sutuation." With that you joined the brothers.
Again, sorry for the long wait for this part. I have been having a lot of stress at my workplace and sometimes you just dont have the motivation to write than.
Also sorry that the coverart for this part is pretty crappy. The picture is already about 1 or two months old and since I really wanted you guys to have this part now I didn't finish up with the background ^^'

Anyway I hope you like this part (and I hope the writting isn't too sloppy... I have the feeling I could have done something better but I can tell you it's really hard to describe the whole episode xD )
I'll bring you the next part as soon as possible~

Oh yeah if anyone knowes if I spelled 'Huvershell' correctly or even wrong please correct me for the future parts ^^

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