Showdown: Part 1
Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers
Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers
Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers
Heroes in the shadows
Ninja Power!
Here we go!
It's the lean, mean, ninja team
On the scene, cool teens doin' ninja things
So extreme, out the sewer, like laser beams
Get rocked with the Shell-shocked Pizza KingsCan't stop these radical dudes
The secret of the ooze made the chosen few
Emerge from the shadows, to make their moves
The good guys win and the bad guys lose
Leonardo's the leader in blue
Does anything it takes to get his ninjas through
Donatello is a fellow, has a way with machines
Raphael has the most attitude on the teamMichelangelo, he's one of a kind, And you know just where to find him when it's party time!
Y/N, he's a roaring cat, and he'll protect what, he loves, and that's a fact!
Master Splinter taught them every single skill they need
To be one lean, mean, green, incredible team!
Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers
Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers
Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers
Heroes in the shadows
Ninja Power!
"And now... the final episode... of 'Space Heroes'!" Leo gasped with excitement, his face now dangerously close to the T.V.
Y/N: (Laughed)
(Y/N had agreed to watch the final episode of 'Space Heroes' with Leo today. He knew that it wasn't exactly Y/N's cup of tea, but that he thought it was okay, and Y/N had been watching it with him ever since we were kids. So, Y/N suppose he figured it would make it more special if he watched it with him. Ethan and Timothy, were sparring while this was going on.)
The episode starts off with an image of the space ship, currently taking multiple hits from possibly and enemy ship. The image goes to the inside of the ship, where Captain Ryan and his crew are trying to find a way out of danger. "Captain, the Destructionators are on our tail!" cried Cranshaw. "We're... lost."
"I've got an idea," said Captain Ryan. "It's crazy, it defies all logic, it's illegal 16 solar systems, and... my mother would most assuredly not approve, but... it just might work." With that said, Captain Ryan reached up and pressed a large red button on his chair arm. There was a second's silence, then the whole ship started to shake and sirens sounded as red lights flashed.
"Nope!" Captain Ryan said loudly. "Abandon ship!" "Huh?" said Leo, thunderstruck. All of the crew got up from their seats and marched over to their transporter. Captain Ryan didn't join in with them. "Captain, aren't you coming?" Cranshaw asked desperately. "A true captain goes down with his ship..." "Sir... it's been a privilege to-Argh!"
Captain Ryan reached up and slapped Cranshaw across the face, for what was obviously the last time. "Just go...!" With that, the doors closed. Captain Ryan sat back in his seat, gazing around his ship. "Well, old girl, it's just you and me..."
Lro: "What a hero..." (Leo gazed at the screen.)
(Y/N smiled as he shook his head slightly. There was the sound of the TV powering down, and Y/N looked up to see it had turned off. Y/N whipped his head around to see Donnie standing there, holding the remote.)
Leo: What are you doing? "That's the final episode of 'Space Heroes'!"
Donnie: "I've got something a little more important.
Timothy: Donnie, what's wrong?"
Donnie: Come and see.
(They all followed Donnie into his lab. Over on his desk by his computer was a device that looked like a gigantic golf ball, bigger than a watermelon. April and Timothy had found it deep in the sewers the other day while the brothers and nephhew were out saving Donnie and her father. It turned out to be some kind of Kraang communication device. And, apparently, Donnie and April had found and translated something from it.)
Donnie: "April and I have been sifting through all this Kraang chatter. (Types away at his computer.) And... well, listen to what we translated." (Donnie typed a little more and the Kraang device lit up.)
A second later, a Kraang droid's voice issued from it. "The final phase of the plan knowns as 'Kraang's Invasion' shall commence in the unit of time that is 6 hours. The Technodrome shall arrive from Dimension X through the portal."
Mikey: Are you sure this is the translated version?" (Smirks)
Timothy: Yeah, it didn't make any sense to me either.
Donnie: (Face palmed.) They said, in 6 hours, something called the Technodrome is coming through that portal. This is the final phase of the Kraang invasion.
Leo: Wait. "But, I thought April was the key to the Kraang plot, and they don't have her."
Y/N: Maybe they have some sort of plan to get her.
Donnie: "If that Technodrome comes through that portal... well..." Donnie turned to look at all of us. "It sounds like the end of the world..."
Ethan: Oh poop...
Raph: So, what do we do?"
(Donnie opened his mouth, but Leo cut him off.)
Leo: Guys...
(They all turned to face him. Leo had an unusually serious look on his face, a dramatic change to the look he had before whilst watching his show. He straightened up and looked at them all.)
Leo: We've gotta find a way to shut that portal down. It's up to us.
Mikey: To save the world?"
Splinter: Leonardo is right (They heard Splintet speak as he walked towards the group.) When you first went up to the surface, I feared you were not ready. But, I have come to realized that you were not only ready to become heroes; it was your destiny. And if the fate of the world must rest in somebody's hands, I am grateful it is yours."
(They all smiled up at Splinter as they bowed their heads to him. They all turned and walked around him. Then Y/N noticed father talking to Leo.)
Splinter: Leonardo. A moment, please.
(Leo stopped walking and turned back to Splinter.)
Splinter: With the world at stake, the only thing of importance is that you complete your mission.
Leo: Yes, Sensei.
Splinter: No matter what you have to sacrifice... or who."
(Y/N stood in the doorway, frozen. Leo didn't move either, but stared up at him. Then, a second later, his expression changed and he nodded. Splinter turned and walked towards the exit, and that's when he saw the cheetah. He looked at Y/N for a moment then continued walking forward and stopped in front of him.)
Splinter: You heard what I said?"
Y/N: (Nodded.)
Splinter: Then you understand the importance of it."
Y/N: (Nodded again.) "Y/N, I know what something like this must mean to you. But, you must understand. When severe dangers come into play, sacrifices must be made.
Y/N: (Gulped, and nodded slowly.)
Splinter: When the time comes, you must allow it. Do you understand?"
Y/N: (Nodded once more.) Don't worry, father. It won't come to that. You'll have all of us back here by dinner. I promise."
Splinter: Do not make promises you may not be able to keep, my son.
Y/N: I never do, father. And I don't plan to any time soon."
(Splinter put a hand on Y/N's shoulder before turning and walking away. Y/N stood in the doorway, thinking of all he had said to him.)
(The brothers prepared for the fight of their lives, with the exception of gearing up, studying, and meditating. Finally, they were now at the Shellraiser, to go and save the world. )
Y/N: (Hugs Ethan) I'll be back soon.
Ethan: I know, you will Dad. (Pulls back from the hug)
Timothy: Good luck guys, up high! (Raises his hand for a high five, he waits for a moment, but still Nothing. But, Ralph reluctantly gave him a high five.)
Raph: This is a one time thing, don't get used to it.
(April marched right up to Donnie and hugged him tightly. He tenses up before he hugs her back. She soon released her hold on Donnie and backed away to stand next to Splinter.)
Leo: Gentlemen, let's save the world.
(The doors to the Shellraiser opened, and they all marched inside. Y/N was the last to go in, stopping when he had one foot in the van. He turned to face the home team, and looked directly at Splinter. He gave him a confident look as he nodded his head. Y/N smiled, lifted two fingers in a playful salute, and then went into the van. The doors shut, the engine powered up, and the lights flashed on as the Shellraiser drove off down the subway tracks until it was out of sight.)
Ethan: What do we do now?
Timothy:........................Figure it over some juice?
Ethan: Probably the best.
(Ethan and Timothy walked off to get some juice. There was nothing but silence now. April stood there, rubbing her arm awkwardly as silence stretched on.)
ApriL: Um, Sensei... do you mind if I ask you a question?"
Splinter: Of course not.
April: (Took a deep breath, then stared directly at him.) Why aren't you going with them?"
(Master Splinter looked down at April with a confused, and slightly stern gaze.)
Splinter: Why do you ask?
April: Y/N and the turtles are out there risking their lives. Don't you think they could use your help?"
(Master Splinter looked around at all of her. His grip on his walking stick tightened, and his stern look intensified.)
Splinter: I am their teacher. "My role is to prepare them for the challenges they face."
April: (Shook his head.) But, Sensei, you said yourself that this time the fate of the world is-"
Splinter: Yamare!"
(April flinched as she instantly closed her mouth. Sensei now had an angry look on his face, and he turned his back towards the girl.)
Splinter: I do not have to explain myself to a child!" (And with that, he walked away, back into the lair.)
(Ethan and Timothy looked at the scene and had the same thought.)
Ethan/Timothy: Oh, boy.
(WIth the brothers, they were now on their way to TCRI.)
Leo: Alright, guys. We're gonna keep it simple. We go to TCRI and use the micro vision Omni disintegrator, which Donnie calculates is powerful enough to destroy the portal with a single shot.
Y/N: Good plan. Let's make sure we can make it happen. Donnie, you sure the disintegrator can finish off that portal?"
Donnie: Trust me, Y/N, it'll do the job.
Mikey: Well, then why didn't we use it last time? (Mikey asked in a whining voice.)
Donnie: (Mockingly) Because we didn't have it last time.
Mikey: You have an answer for everything, don't you, Donnie?
Donnie: Yes, I do.
Raph: Good one, Donnie. Speaking of good one, are you sure this plan will work, Leo?"
Leo: (Was silent for a moment before speaking lowly.) "It has to work."
(With the Home team, April keeps walking around the living room, giving Splinter dirty looks behind his back. Ethan and Timothy, walked over to her.)
Ethan: You okay?
April:......No. (Groaned as she walked over to the pinball game and leaned over it, looking glum.)
Timothy: April, come on, have a little faith in the brothers. They'll come home safe.
A/N: This is Timothy civillain suit.
April: (Sighs) Yeah, maybe you're right.
(The three then turned to see Kirby standing there.)
Kirby: Hey April. Where is everybody?"
April: (Stared down at the floor glumly.) The Kraang are making their move. Y/N and the turtles are on their way to TCRI."
Kirby: TCRI? Oh no...
Ethan: What's wrong?"
Kirby: The Kraang know that the brothers are coming for them.
April: How do you know this?" (Takes out her T-Phone to call them, but Kirby stopped her.)
Kirby: Don't!"The Kraang have cracked the T-Phone's inscription. We've got to warn the brothers in person."
Ethan: (Stared up at him)
April: Uh..."
Kirby: I'm your father, April. (Placed a hand on her shoulder.) You have to trust me."
(April glanced around for a moment before nodding.)
Kirby: Come on. (He turned and started to leave the lair, April followed close behind.)
Splinter: April?" (Suddenly marched up towards April and Kirby, while standing in front of Timothy and Ethan.) Where are you going?
April: Y/N and the turtles are in trouble. I've gotta go warn them. Guys, come on!
Ethan: Uhh, April, maybe we should discuss this.
Timothy: (Rubs the back of his neck) Yea, no offense Mr. O'Neil, but what you're saying sounds really sketchy.
Splinter: And, you know it is dangerous for you to be on the surface!"
April: Well, some of us can't just sit around and do nothing! Are you guys coming or not.
Timothy: April, I think-
April: Wow, and you call yourselves heroes, but you'd rather stick down here!
(And just like that, April turned and followed Kirby out of the lair, while Timothy and Ethan put their heads down in shame. Splinter places a hand on their shoulders.)
(With the brothers, Y/N stood on the edge of the building, at the very corner. He looked down to see how high up he was. . Y/N raised his head, and slowly fell forward until he fell off the ledge and went tumbling down. He waited a second before reaching up and pressing the button. The metal wings snapped out, and next thing he knew he was up high in the air, even higher than the building he had been on. Y/N breathed in as the cool air hit him in the face, and he let out a joist laugh. Man, Donnie's inventions were getting seriously awesome.)
Mikey: This. Is. Awesome!'
(Y/N heard some laughter behind him, and he turned his head to see his bros following right behind me, wearing their own metal wings. Y/N laughed as they steadily caught up with him.)
Y/N: Hey, Donnie. "These things... are awesome!
Donnie: I know, right?" he said happily.
Raph: How's Metalhead doin'?"
(Donnie gazed off as he pressed a button on the side of the Kraang-like headphone device on his head. Then he laughed.)
Donnie: Don't worry about him. He's giving the Kraang on the ground floor what they deserve.
Raph:: Nice work, Donnie!"
Mikey: Do you know what it's time for?" The world's first ever, midair, high-three!"
(It seemed that not even Leo could resist such an occasion. They all turned their wings, met in a circle high in the air, and raised their hands in a magnificent, five-way high-three. It was pretty cool, to say the least. Afterwards, they broke off and went on gliding again.)
Mikey: This is awesome!" Ninjas were born to fly!
(Y/N chuckled as he watched him do several loop-da-loops in the air.)
Leo: Alright, guys. Let's do this.
(They all flew forward, heading straight for TCRI. They all followed Leo's lead as they glided across the sky and around the building. They circled it until they came to a narrow ledge on the side where a group of pigeons were resting. As we landed most of them scattered, but one of them remained. Y/N glanced over and saw Raph smirk.)
Y/N: You got an idea?"
(Raph nodded. Then, he leapt forward and snatched the bird in his hand. He backed up and slid across the wall until he was up by the little security camera that was on the corner. He lifted his hand that was holding the pigeon and used it to block the camera.)
Y/N: Good plan. (Walked around him.)
(The others walked around him too, being sure not to fall or move Raph at all. Once they were all safe, Raph slowly set the bird down, stroked his head for a bit, and then walked on after hid brothers.)
(Y/N stayed behind and smirked at him.)
Y/N: Making friends with birds, Snow White?"
(Raph glared at Y/N before shoving his shoulder irritably, but the cheetah just laughed. Y/N and Raph turned and carefully ran off after the others, stopping only when they reached them. They were holding very still, and Leo held his hand up to keep them still. He leaned forward and peeked just ever so barely around the corner. Then, he turned and whispered something to Donnie and Mikey. They nodded.)
(Leo walked past them and went over to them, and Donnie backed up several feet, drawing out his Bo staff. Mikey reached into his belt and pulled out some climbing claws and placed them on his hands. Then, waving at us, he leapt out from behind the corner and into the light.)
Mikey: Hey, Kraang!"
(He started making silly faces, laughing and making noises. He danced around a bit before pretending to lose his balance and then falling off the ledge. He landed against the wall and stayed there, thanks to the claws. There was the sound of footsteps, and two Kraang droids stepped out to the ledge and looked down. Mikey smirked and pointed to the side. At that moment, the Donnie ran forward, swinging his staff. It knocked both of the droids off the edge and down to the far, far ground below. Donnie placed his staff back in its holster as Mikey climbed back up the wall.)
Y/N: Nice one, bros.
(Donnie reached behind him and pulled out a grappling hook. He pointed it outward and shot it, and the hook went out until it hit the opposite pillar of the building. Y/N pulled out his claws and hooked them over the rope, and followed the others as he slid down the rope.)
(Back within the lair, Timothy and Ethan, were meditating with Splinter.)
Splinter: (April: Y/N and the turtles are out there risking their lives...) (He breathed in deeply, focusing his mind and his concentration.) (April: Don't you think they could use your help...?)"(His fingers tensed up slightly as he tried to remain motionless.) (April: Some of us can't just sit around and do nothing...!")
Timothy/Ethan: (April: Wow, and you call yourselves heroes, but you'd rather stick down here!)
(The three let out a breath they had been holding and groaned lowly. April's words were echoing in their ears.)
(Suddenly, they heard soft footsteps. Splinter instantly leapt to his feet and whipped around, grabbing his staff and holding out. Timothy and Ethan made fighting stances.)
Splinter: Stop!
(It was Kirby O'Neil. He was staring at the three with blank, soulless eyes, almost like a robot.)
Timothy: Kirby?
Splinter: Where is April?
Kirby: Master Shredder wanted you to have this message.
Timothy/Ethan: What?!
Splinter: Master... Shredder?"
(Then, from behind Kirby, came two Mousers. They marched up to the three, squealing loudly. They stopped in front of them and a bright red light was issued from then, forming a huge hologram in front of them- a hologram of the Shredder.)
Shredder: "So, Hamato Yoshi... You thought you could hide from me forever." "I have April O'Neil. And if you value her life, you will come and face me like a man. We will finish what we started... all those years ago..."
(The message ended, and the hologram disappeared. Kirby stared at the three blankly for a moment before turning and walking away with the robots. Splinter suddenly dropped his stick and fell to his knees, his whole body feeling suddenly heavy. Timothy and Ethan kneeled next to him.)
Ethan: Woah, Grandpa!
Timothy: Easy!
(Splinter took several long breaths, composing myself.)
Splinter: I was foolish to let her leave like that.
Timothy:..........Maybe you were-
Splinter: (Looks at Timothy)
Timothy: So, let's go get her.
Splinter: Timo-
Timothy: Look, we may not be as skilled or as wise as you. But, we are not going to let you go fight the Shredder, by yourself.
Splinter: (Looks at Ethan)
Ethan: I'm not leaving my Grandpa.
(Splinter, thinks for a moment, before standing up, going into the room, coming out with a briefcase for Timothy.)
Splinter: Than you're going to need this.
(Timothy opens the case and comes face-to-face with into ninja gauntlets.)
(Cut to Shredder's lair, Fishface and Dogpound were waiting for Splinter to arrive.)
Fishface: So how good is this so-called ninja master anyway?
Dogpound: One of the best. He trained in the same ninja clan as master Shredder. They used to be like brothers until Hamato Yoshi betrayed him. Let me put it to you this way. He's as skilled as master Shredder, but he doesn't have the stomach to finish the fight.
(Soon the three made it to the chapel, and they walked up the steps until they were right in front of the double doors. Before Splinter could reach out and grab the handles, they heard movement. Multiple foot soldiers all suddenly landed on either side of the three, weapons drawn. One of them came at Splinter, but he took him down easily.)
(In no time at all, all of the soldiers were down. Splinter looked down at them before turning and finally heading through the doors. As expected, there were more soldiers inside, and of course, they charged at them.
Timothy: We got this one.
(Timothy and Ethan easily knocked them down, threw them away, and knocked them into each other. As they reached another set of doors, they saw one soldier walk up to them, looking defeated as he pried the doors open. He shuffled into the next room before falling to his knees and then his face. Splinter marched up, grabbed him by his feet, and quickly dragged him back. Splinter held his hand up, an indication to Timothy and Ethan to stay back.)
(Splinter easily snuck into the room and glided past Bradford and Xever. He heard Bradford growl before swung his larger fist back to hit him, but he dodged. Dofpound tried to slam Splinter into the ground, but again, he dodged. He made to grab him, but Splinter leapt up, spun in the air, and kicked him in his large muzzle. He fell back and landed on the ground.)
(Splinter had barely landed on his feet again before Xever came running at him and tried to kick him with his metal feet. Splinter straightened up, hands up in defense. Xever huffed as he shuffled from side to side, looking for a good angle to attack.)
(Xever hissed at Splinter before swinging his legs at him again, flipping forward to hit him. He shifted to the side as Xever landed back on the ground. Splinter heard growling behind him again, and at the last second he leapt back. Xever's foot, which had been aiming a kick at my face, instead landed right between Bradford's legs. Bradford let out a high-pitched whine.)
Timothy/Ethan: (Snickering)
(Splinter turned, and Xever quickly leaped up to stomp on him again. He dodged, and quickly grabbed his tail. He hissed as he reared back and aimed to bite the rat, but Splinter put his tail in front of himself, and he bit himself instead. Splinter quickly smacked him in his chest, and he flew back and landed against the wall, sliding down and falling into the water that lay on either side of the walkway. Timothy and Ethan runs up to Splinter.)
(Splinter glanced behind him as he heard footsteps, but saw that Bradford had marched away, closing the doors behind him.)
Timothy: Where is-
(Then, they heard a soft grunt, and turned their heads to see April sitting on the low steps at the other end of the walkway. She was chained to the floor by her wrists, and was struggling to get free.)
Timothy: Hold on April.
(They quickly, but quietly ran over to her, kneeling down before her. )
Timothy: "April, it's us.
Splinter: Do not make a sound, I will have you out in a moment."
(Splinter reached his hands out to grab the chains, but his hands went straight through them.)
Timothy/Ethan: What the?
(It was a hologram. The hologram of April's face grinned up at the three before disappearing, revealing another Mouser behind the steps. Splinter gasped, stepping back with Timothy and April and throwing several shuriken, hitting the robot. A deep, cold laughter that echoed throughout the whole room.)
Shredder: Hamato Yoshi...I am so glad you accepted my... invitation...and I see you've the traitor...-"
Timothy: (Growls)
Shredder: ....and the child.
Ethan: Bite me!
(Suddenly, all around them, fire broke out throughout the entire hall, illuminating it in an almost unnatural glow. Splinter whipped all around the room, trying to find where Shredder was hiding.)
Splinter: What have you done with Apirl?"
Shredder: Now that you are here, Miss O'Neil is no longer any use to me. I gave her to my new friends, the Kraang."
Timothy: You what!?
Splinter: You fool! Do you have any idea what you've done?!"
(Suddenly, something powerful hit all three of them in the back, knocking them down. They quickly pulled themselves up, while they heard the sound of shifting metal from behind them.)
Shredder: Yes, I took your family away, and now I can put an end to you! Once, and for all..."
(Splinter and Ethan removed their hoods and turned to face Shredder.)
Shredder: What? A rat?!" (Shredder reared his head back and laughed.) "I see you are as hideous as those turtles that surround you! At least your so-called son isn't as grotesque as them."
(Ethan felt his hands clench as he dared mention his father.)
Shredder: Oh, how fitting... You're a rat who has been caught in my trap...and now you've brought the traitor to me as well."
Splinter: Look closely at these faces, Shredder. For it is the last thing you will ever see!"
(Back with the brothers, after sneaking through the vents, they came out into the main room on the top floor. The room was filled with nothing but Kraang and Kraang tech. They were all hiding up in the shadows by the ceiling, hanging from several ropes they used so they could slide in unnoticed.)
Donnie: (Whispered) We gotta take out that portal.
(Then, there was a slow, loud rumble that made them all look up. It was the huge Rock Giant that had been brought here the last time the brothers were at TCRI.)
Raph: (Muttering) I forgot about him.
Y/N: Same here.
Donnie: Don't worry, we'll be gone before that rock monster even knows we're here.
(Leo reached behind his shell and pulled out the disintegrator and powered it up, aiming down at the portal.)
Leo: Okay, guys. This all ends in 3... 2... 1.
(With that, Leo pulled the trigger and fired at the portal. The ball of energy shot forward, hit the portal. But, as the ball hit the portal, nothing happened, except the energy bounced off and evaporated into thin air. The portal sparked for a bit, revealing some kind of transparent shield encased around it, before it died down again.)
Leo: "What? There's a force field?"(Leo snapped, whipping around to face Donnie.) "Why didn't you tell me?!"
Donnie: (Sarcastically) Well, because I wanted us to fail. (Annoyed)"OBVIOUSLY, I DIDN'T KNOW!"
(There wasn't much time for Leo to argue back. Thanks to the disintegrator not working out, our attack had revealed the brothers to the Kraang, who had all turned to face them and started firing lasers at the brothers.)
Raph: Anyone got a plan B?"
(There was a loud grumble from behind them, and they looked in time to see the rock monster glaring at the brothers, a fist raised. They all gaped at him and screamed in shock before leaping out of the way of his oncoming fist. Y/N fell down and landed in a crouch on his feet. He looked up to see Leo laying on his shell, the disintegrator still clutched in his hands. The rock giant turned and started stomping towards him, and Leo, clearly panicking a little, yelled and scooted across the smooth metal floor until his shell hit the opposite wall.)
Y/N: Leo, used the gun!"
(Leo looked up at the monster before looking down at the gun. Then, he aimed it upward and fired just as the giant kicked its leg forward to hit him. The blast caused the monster's lower leg to snap off and slide down the opposite side of the room.)
(A bright pink laser suddenly zoomed by Y/N's face, and he yelped, before he growled. He took out several throwing shurikans and threw them forward as he turned around. The knives all hit their targets, all the Kraang droids that got hit when down to their knees, due to the knives hitting their heads. Y/N ran forward as he took out his claws-)
(Y/N then turns around and sees a Kraang about to shoot him. So, he runs, gets into a slide, and-)
Leo: Donnie, how's that plan B coming?"
Donnie: I'm thinking!
Leo: Think faster!" (Leo whipped around and fired the gun at the monster again, knocking off its arm.)
(Y/N sprinted past and headed towards Donnie. He quickly pulled something out-)
(He threw the giant shuriken, and it flew by and cut two Kraang droids heads. They fell down, and Donnie whipped around and knocked another droid body out towards the others, knocking them down. Y/N raised his hand and grabbed the shuriken as it came back to him.)
Donnie: I can probably hack into the Kraang system if you give me enough time!
Leo: Great! Do that!"Y/N, go up there with him and keep the Kraang off him.
Y/N: On it!"
(Donnie and Y/N both ran off and leapt up to an upper level, two floating Kraang aliens zooming towards us. He knocked out one and Y/N knocked out the other. Then, he went over to a panel and set his bag down, taking out a small contraption that he hooked up. Y/N looked down at it, and instantly recognized it.)
Y/N: Donnie, did you really use our toaster?"
Donnie: I needed to use something. (He went to work.) "And the toaster was the best I could find."
Y/N: Dude! Do you know how long it's been since me and Mikey have had toaster waffles? Three weeks! Three weeks, Donnie!"
(Another laser shot past Y/N, and he angrily whipped around and threw the shuriken, again. It shot forward before coming back and slicing the droid in the head. Y/N caught it as it came back.)
Leo: This thing's running out of juice!"
Mikey: And guys, look!" The portal!"
(Y/N whipped around to look at the portal, and saw that it was powering up.)
Leo: Whatever's coming through the portal's gonna be here soon!" said Leo.
Raph: When's that forcefield coming down, Donnie?
Donnie: I'm working on it!
Y/N: Try to work a little faster, okay Don?"
(Y/N heard loud stomping and kicking, and turned to see Leo kicking all of the floating aliens away from him. He kicked the last one really hard and it smacked the rock giant in the face. This gave Leo enough time to leap up into the air and aim the gun at the monsters chest. He yelled loudly before pulling the trigger, and the giant exploded as all of his limbs flew off of his torso. Leo leapt back, landing next to Mikey as the bits of rock fell to the ground. The monster stirred around a bit before growling, and suddenly its body parts started scooting over back to it again.)
Mikey: I forgot he could do that.
Leo: (Muttering) Not good, not good.
Donnie: Guys, I think I've got it!"
(Y/N turned and he and Y/N both looked down at the toaster. The panel made a loud beeping sound before suddenly, a tiny holla girl bobble doll popped out of one of the slots.)
Y/N: (Raised an eyebrow.) Really?"
(Donnie shrugged. There was a loud whirring sound as the portal made a noise that sounded like it was shutting down. The portal was deactivated.)
Donnie: Yes!" All hail me!"
(Before anyone could congratulate him on his victory, there was a bright flashing light as the portal suddenly opened up.)
Donnie: Uh-oh, guys?"
(None of them said anything, they were too shocked to speak. There was a loud rumbling noise, and as Y/N looked through the glass window he saw a bright glowing pink light, and something big-very big-come into focus. It was gigantic, bigger than the Kraang scouting ship from a few weeks ago.)
Mikey: (Whispering) Holy giant floating shippy-ship.
(The Kraang droids all suddenly advanced on the brothers all at once and started shooting at them.)
Mikey: Leo!" Do the zippy-zappy thing now!"
Leo: (Gripped the gun tightly in his grasp.) "Come on baby, come on baby. Come on, baby!" (Then, as though it were actually listening to him, the gun made a loud sound as it powered back up.)
Leo: Yes! Say goodnight, Kraang!"
(He sprang to his feet, whipped around, and aimed the gun at the portal as he pulled the trigger. But even as he did, the gun made a pathetic poof... and powered down. The brothers all sat there, their jaws hanging open.)
Donnie: What the heck happened?!"
Leo: I think the batteries died!"
Raph: (Used a Kraan droid to block incoming blasts) And we'll be joining them, unless someone thinks of something!
Donnie: : What's plan C, Leo?"
(Leo didn't respond to Donnie. Instead, he started looking around, as though hoping some wonderful escape plan would just jump out and greet him. )
Y/N: Um, Leo? Plan?"
Leo: I think I got one. (Turned to Donnie.) Donnie, what would happen if I ruptured the power cell?"
Donnie: The whole place would go up. With us in it!"
(Y/N shook his head. There had to be something they could do. Then Y/N saw the look on Leo's face as he stood up, drawing one of his katanas out.)
Leo: Go!"
Donnie: Whoa, Leo!" You're not thinking what I think you're thinking?"
(Leo didn't answer. Instead, he turned and started charging of in the opposite direction, katana in hand.)
Donnie: He's thinking it!"
(The other three brothers instantly turned and started heading for the glass by the roof. Y/N followed after them, but as he reached the window and turned around. Leo was zigzagging through the whole room, taking out every droid he came across. Y/N felt a surge of uneasiness swirl in his stomach as he watched him.)
Raph: Y/N, c'mon!" (He leapt out the window.)
(Y/N knew there was no time to muck around. He whipped around and ran forward, leaping out of the broken window. As soon as he reached the air he pressed the button on his chest and the wings shot out. Y/N glided forward, following close behind the other three. They didn't go too far away from the building though. Y/N turned around to look up at the sky, at the black, swirling clouds.)
(Suddenly, there was a huge bang, a flashing pink light, and the roof of the TCRI building exploded. Leo had destroyed the portal. As bits of marble and deabre flew out, Y/N noticed a larger dark figure falling down towards the ground- a figure with something blue around their head...)
Y/N: Leo!"
(Without hesitation, Raph shot forward, heading right for the falling turtle. Y/N and the other two brothers followed after him, coming closer and closer. Leo was reaching the ground fast, he was about to crash. But then, Raph swooped in at the last minute and grabbed his brother by the shoulders, pulling him up.)
Raph: Gotcha! In your face, gravity!"
Leo: Oh... thanks, Raph.
Raph: Any time, buddy."
Y/N: Now Leo. (Playfully stern voice.) What did I say about doing stupid, dangerous stunts?"
Leo: (Laughed.) Sorry, mom.
Y/N: Oh, shut it! Just don't do that again.
Donnie: Ha! I can't believe it!" We saved the world!"
Mikey: Yeah! That wasn't so hard, was it?"
(Before any of the brothers could respond, there was a loud rumbling sound, and they all looked up. Y/N felt his heart sink as he gazed up at the ginormous Kraang ship that was soaring right above them. It was much, much bigger up close, and much, much scarier-looking. They yelped as they swerved to get out of the way. They floated up in the air, staring at the monster of a ship. Y/N could practically feel the other's dread and fear radiating off of them, and he felt just as bad.)
Mikey: (Whimpered.) "Ah... I gotta stop sayin' stuff like that..."
Hope you enjoyed the chapter!!
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