Mikey Gets Shellacne

(Leo, Raph, and Donnie were in the kitchen making breakfast.)

Donnie: Toast is done!" 

(Donnie raised his staff and slammed the two pieces of burnt toast away. They flew across the kitchen towards Leo, who was holding a plate up to catch them. Instead, both pieces hit him in the face and he fell backwards. He took the piece that fell into his mouth out and grimaced.)

Leo: Might be a little overdone, Donnie." 

(Raph rolled his eyes as he grabbed two large oranges from the fruit basket and a red cup of the counter.)

Raph: Orange juice, comin' right up!" 

(He tossed the oranges into the air as he took out his sais. He leapt up and stabbed each of them onto a blade, and brought them down above the cup. He squeezed, but the juice went in every other direction instead of into the cup. One stream went straight for Donnie and hit him right in his eyes. He screamed, holding his face as he started running around the table in panic.)

Donnie: AH! It stings, it stings!"

(There was a loud crash and Raph turned around to see that Donnie had crashed into Leo while he had been frying some eggs. The pan flipped up off of the stove and came straight for him. It hit him in the chest and knocked him off the table. Raph groaned as he shot up and looked down. There were two sunny side up eggs stuck to his chest. He frowned as he whipped around to glare at both of them.) 

Raph: Donnie, I told yah scrambled!

Y/N: What are you guys doing?" 

(The other two shot up and they all turned around. Y/N was standing in the doorway, staring wide-eyed at them. He was still in his pajamas and slippers.)

Leo: Ah man. "This place is a disaster!

Y/N: Yeah, no kidding.  You guys better clean this up before father wakes up. I'm surprised he hasn't come out yet.

Raph: It's not our fault we're the only ones awake. Mikey usually makes breakfast. What's the deal? MIKEY! MIKEY, GET UP!

Y/N: Yelling won't help, Raph. Training isn't til noon. If he wants to sleep in a bit, let him."

(Raph rolled his eyes as he turned and started to pick up the mess they made. The other two did the same, picking up everything before starting to clean the counters.) 

Donnie: Did you want scrambled eggs, Y/N?

Y/N: Sure.

Raph: Are you gonna actually make scrambled this time?" 

(Donnie turned and was about to snap back when there was a sudden, loud scream. They all jumped and turned. It was Mikey.)


(They all turned to look at each other.) 

Leo: Uh... he's just realizing that now? 

(Before they could say anything there was the sound of footsteps and Mikey burst in through the curtains.) 

Mikey: Guys! Look at me! I'M COVERED IN TURTLE ZITS!

(Mikey pointed up at the top of his head and forehead, which were covered in multiple, tiny green zits. Y/N's hands came up to cover his mouth and they all grimaced in disgust.)

Raph: Talk about shellance! You look like a green chimichanga. 

Leo: Eh, don't worry, Mikey. It's... just part of being a teenager. 

Mikey: Have you ever had them?

Leo: Heck no!

Y/N: Real inspirational, Leo. 

Donnie: Hold up guys. I think this might be serious.

Y/N: Do turtles usually get zits? No, and that's what worries me."

(Donnie decided to take Mikey into his lab to examine the zits. He had taken one of his devices, another invention whose name no one could remember, and used it to scan over the zits on Mikey's head. He did this for about five minutes before finally stopping.) 

Donnie: Okay, Mikey. The good news is these so-called 'zits' aren't gonna hurt you. And, more importantly, they won't interfere with you making us breakfast." 

(Mikey and Y/N both frowned at Donnie, not looking very amused.) 

Mikey: That's a relief.

(Donnie put a hand on his shoulder.) 

Donnie: But the bad news is they'll continue to spread all over your body. Spreading, and spreading, and spreading, and spreading...! (Donnie stood up from his seat as he spoke, his voice getting progressively creepier and creepier with each word. Mikey was huddled in his chair, as though he were trying to hide. He laughed nervously.)

Mikey: Ha ha ha... and then they disappear in a couple hours, right?"

Donnie: (Shook his head) No, and then your entire body will mutate into one, single, huge, giant, gargantuan ZIT!" 

(Mikey sat in his seat, frozen as he stared up at Donnie. Then, once the silence had settled, he sprang up and let out a huge, horrified scream. As he sat there screaming, Y/N walked right up to Donnie, an angry look on her face, and gave him a good smack to the back of his head. Donnie flinched, muttering at apology.)


Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers

Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers

Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers

Heroes in the shadows

Ninja Power!

Here we go!

It's the lean, mean, ninja team

On the scene, cool teens doin' ninja things

So extreme, out the sewer, like laser beams

Get rocked with the Shell-shocked Pizza Kings

Can't stop these radical dudes

The secret of the ooze made the chosen few

Emerge from the shadows, to make their moves

The good guys win and the bad guys lose

Leonardo's the leader in blue

Does anything it takes to get his ninjas through

Donatello is a fellow, has a way with machines

Raphael has the most attitude on the team

Michelangelo, he's one of a kind, And you know just where to find him when it's party time!

Y/N, he's a roaring cat, and he'll protect what, he loves, and that's a fact!

Master Splinter taught them every single skill they need

To be one lean, mean, green, incredible team!

Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers

Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers

Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers

Heroes in the shadows

Ninja Power!

Leo: Mikey, come on!" (Leo pounded Mikey's door) It's not as bad as you think. And Raph promises not to make fun of you anymore.

Y/N: And he wants to apologize. (Glares at Raph as he folded his arms) 

(Raph stared at all of them, rolling his eyes before walking forward.) 

Raph: That's right, I'm sorry I called you 'crust muffin', and 'fungus face', and 'Godzitla, King of the Pus Monsters'. Now, come on out here!

Mikey: No way!" (Mikey yelled from behind the door.) Not while I'm covered in gross, slime-filled zits!

Donnie: Technically, they're pustules filled with oil and sebum, which is even grosser than slime. 

Leo: (Held a hand in front of him) Uh, not helping Donnie, but thanks. (Pounded Mikey's door again.) Mikey!

Mikey" Forget it, guys! I'm too hideous to be a ninja! I'll stay locked away in here... forever! And even longer if I have to..."

Y/N (Sighs) 

Timothy: (Walks up) Let me try. (Walked forward and knocked on the door) Mikey, it's me. Please, open up.

Mikey: No!

Timpthy: Mikey, c'mon. I understand how you feel. I went through this once too, you know. You know when I was 12, and I started getting pimples all over my face. I was so embarrassed, I'd try to skip school so you people wouldn't see me.""Mikey, if anyone out here understands what you're feeling, it's me. Please, open the door."

(There was a moment of silence. Timothy turned to look at the others, and they all shrugged. Then, the door creaked open. Suddenly, he grabbed his wrist, pulled him into his room and shut the door before the others could stop him. Y/N regained his balance as Mikey locked the door and turned to face him.) 

Mikey: I can't leave like this dude, not now. I'm gross!

Timothy: Listen to yourself, Mikey. Are you really gonna get this worked up over having some zits?" 

(Mikey shuffled up to him. He looked like a little kid who had a secret and felt guilty about it. Timothy frowned at him and left the room.)

Raph: So? You gonna tell us what you guys talked about or not?" 

Timothy: (Sat on the couch) Sorry, sworn to secrecy.

Raph: (Shrugged) Whatever. I don't know why that matters though, he still hasn't left his room yet.

Y/N: I can only imagine why."

(Raph scoffed and went back to reading his comic. Y/N turned to look at the TV when he heard something behind him. He turned and spotted Mikey poking his head out, and he had a pizza box covering his head. His eyes locked with mine, and he put a finger to his lips. Y/N nodded. He started to tiptoe around the pit, very far away from it. He was heading in the direction of the kitchen and was almost there when Raph lifted his head and spotted him.)

Raph: Cool! Mikey brought his own pizza! His face!

(Raph pointed at Mikey as he started to roar with laughter. Mikey angrily threw down the pizza box and stomped on it. He glared at Raph, steam spewing from his ears. Raph continued to laugh for a few moments before finally catching his breath.) 

Raph: Okay, okay! I'll stop! Now come on and zit down. HA HA HA, zit down! Oh, I crack myself up!"

Timothy: C'mon dude, leave Mikey alone already. 

Raph: Oh relax, he's fine. Besides, I can't stop now. My creativity's just flowing right no-" 

Splinter: Raphael!" (Raph froze and turned. Splinter was standing over him, a look of disappointment on his face.) You should know better than to make fun of one's appearance.  After all, how would the humans above react to yours?" 

Raph: (Stared up at him for a moment, then hung his head in shame.) You're right, Master Splinter... Sorry, Mikey.

(Mikey nodded. He shuffled over to the pit and sat down on the couch.) 

Mikey: Ugh... just kick me out, Master Splinter. I can't be a ninja when I look like a moldy pickle." 

Splinter: And why not? I do not let my appearance affect me.

Mikey: Well, yeah! 'Cause old people never care how they look. Or smell..." 

(Y/N glanced up to look at Aplinter to see his reaction, but was surprised. He didn't look offended or anything. He was staring at Mikey, as though he were looking for something. Mikey laughed nervously, turning his head and whistling.)

Splinter: My son... I sense there is something you would like to tell us.

Mikey: What?! No, not at all! Really, I didn't do anything...!" 

(Y/N frowned and leaned forward to stare at Mikey's face. He stared back at him for a moment before he flinched. He knew what Y/N was trying to do.) 

Y/N: You're lying, Mikey. 

(Everyone in the room was staring at Mikey now. He was looking all around the room, visibly shaken. He was trembling and was starting to sweat. Finally, he snapped.)

Mikey: OKAY, OKAY! You got me! I kinda, um... I sprinkled a little... mutagen. On my skin."

(Mikey had reached behind him and pulled out a large jar that was filled with blue and green mutagen. Y/N recognized it from a stowed away batch in the fridge in Donnie's lab. A batch that he had instructed us to not touch.) 

Brother: (Sans Mikey) WHAT?! ARE YOU KIDDING? WHY?

Mikey: To become better!"  Cooler, you know? You guys treat me like I'm a big goofball all the time! So, I found this vile in Donnie's lab, and the label says it'll make you 'super cool'." 

(Mikey held up the jar, and there was a piece of scotch tape on there that read 'super cool'. Donnie stomped over and grabbed the jar.) 

Donnie: No, it says you're supposed to keep it 'super cooled'! As in temperature!" (Donnie turned the jar to reveal that the rest of the tape did say 'super cooled'.) This was a reject batch of retro mutagen, Mikey! IT'S DANGEROUS!

Mikey: Well, you could've made it a little more clear! 

(Donnie held the jar up and turned it around. It showed a bunch of stickers on there that said things like 'danger', 'rejects', 'will kill you', even one that said 'Mikey, don't eat me'.) 

Mikey: Still not that clear." 

(Donnie let out an exasperated sigh before grabbing Mikey's wrist and dragging him out to the lab. They all followed behind. Donnie took some blood samples from Mikey to check out his system and how it was reacting to the zits. About 10 minutes after, as he was typing away on his computer, the screen lit up as it started beeping. Donnie stopped.)

Donnie: Oh no...

Mikey: Please tell me that's a good 'oh no'," Mikey begged. 

Donnie: It's a terrible 'oh no'. "According to these blood tests, the mutagen in your system is unstable. You only have three hours until...

Leo: Until what? Wha-what'll happen to him?!" 

Donnie: In scientific terms-go boom!"

Mikey: I'm gonna explode?!"

Donnie: Like a massive zit!" 

(Raph, Leo and Y/N all grimaced at Donnie's chosen example. Mikey backed up several feet, swaying back and forth. He looked like he was about to vomit. A few seconds later his knees buckled and he crumpled to the floor.) 

Donnie: But now that I know what caused this, I think I can engineer an antidote from the remaining sample. 

Mikey: (Sprang back up to his feet) Yes, yes, yes! I love you, man!"

(He flung himself at Donnie, wrapping his arms around him. Donnie pulled his arms back and began prying Mikey off of him.) 

Donnie: Ok-OK! Egh, c'mon!

Splinter: Then you must start right away. 

Donnie: I'm just missing one key instrument, though. A molecular centrifuge to mix the solution.

Mikey: No problem! Money is no object!"

(He stood still for a moment, before he turned and walked right up to Leo.) 

Mikey: Leo, can I borrow some cash?" 

(Leo rolled his eyes. Mikey frowned before suddenly popping up in front of Timothy.) 

Mikey: Timothy, can we use some of your money from working at Murakami's? Please?

Timothy: Um, I don't think this is something you guys can just buy, Mikey.

Donnie: The only place I've ever seen a molecular centrifuge was at TCRI. 

Raph: But we blew that place up when we took down the Kraang. 

Leo: What could be left?

Y/N: Only one way to find out."

(TCRI was trashed. There was no other way to put it. Parts and pieces of the battle were still left behind, along with bits of the building. They were sure that there would be someone there to keep pedestrians from entering the property, but there was no one. They were alone, as far as they knew. They walked through the hallway towards the main room where the Kraang had been hiding before. It was a mess, but some pieces and supplies still seemed to be intact.)

Donnie: Everybody spread out and start looking. 

(Donnie, Mikey, and Leo all went in separate directions, looking around the floor. Raph and Y/N didn't move yet.) 

Raph: How are we supposed to find anything in here? It's so dark. 

Y/N: Really? I can see just fine. (Walking forward) 

Raph: Oh, lucky you then.

(Y/N chuckled and started looking around in the rubble. Y/N felt something tap his arm and turned to see Mikey, and he was holding something in his hand that he couldn't see.)

MIkey :Y/N, do you know what a centerfudge looks like?

Y/N: Uh...(Straightened up and turned to Donnie.) 

Mikey: Hey Donnie! (He turned his head and Mikey raised the object in his hand. Only now did I see that it was a glass beaker.) Is this a centerfudge?

Donnie: Centrifuge

Mikey: No, that's a beaker."

(Mikey tossed it and looked around. Y/N turned and started digging through the rubble again. He found a microscope and tossed it away, but couldn't find anything else. He was about to start on another pile when I heard something. His head snapped up as he turned towards the end of the room. Footsteps. Definitely footsteps, and they were getting louder.)

Donnie: Ohh we're never gonna find it! This place is-

Leo: Shh sh sh! Listen! You hear that?

(They all stopped and listened. Y/N backed up slowly, the hair on the back of his neck standing up as he slightly activated his claws. Y/N stepped back into the shadows, and he saw the others do that same. The footsteps and voice got louder and louder until finally, somebody appeared. A tall man wearing glasses... and an ugly pink sweater. It was Baxter Stockman. He was carrying a large box full of what looked like his Mouser robots. He set the box down and picked up a piece.)

Baxter: Soon, I'll be able to create my own mutant army! Powerful! Unstoppable-

Raph: Dorkster Blockhead?

Baxter: It's Baxter Stockman! (Gasped) Ah! Turtles and Cheetah! Here? Now?!" 

(They all hopped out of our hiding spots and started to walked towards him. Stockman picked up his box and started to back up, knees shaking.) 

Donnie: He's got the centrifuge! Hand it over, Storkman!"

(Stockman was such a nervous mess. He shook so much that everything he was carrying started to fall out of his arms. He managed to grab the centrifuge before dropping the box of bots.)

 Baxter: Stockman! And no! I found it first! MOUSERS! ATTACK!" 

(Suddenly, a large army of Mousers appeared out of all corners of the room. They screeched loudly before advancing on us. Mikey screamed, backing up as far as he could.)

Mikey: AHH! Don't let 'em pop me!"

(They all made a circle around Mikey, standing between him and the Mousers. One came straight for Y/N's face, and he sliced it with his claws. Another came at his legs, and he kicked it back so hard it smashed against the wall. Y/N retracted his claws, reached into my back pockets, pulled out several throwing knives, and tossed them out. They all embedded themselves into several Mousers heads, knocking them down instantly.)

(There was a loud crash, and Y/N turned to see what appeared to be part of the roof laying on the floor. We all looked up in time to see Dogpound falling through a hole in the ceiling. He landed with a loud bang, crushing several Mousers with his feet.)

Baxter: Dogpound?!" 

Dogpound: Well, if it isn't weasly little Stinkman!

Leo: Back off, Dogpound. (Leo raised his katana to the mutant dog.) We found him first.

Dog-Pound: Stinkman and the brothers?" (Dogpound chuckled as he flexed his muscles.) "HA! And I thought I was having a bad day."

(Dogpound immediately turned his attention to the brothers, wasting no time in charging at them. Making sure Mikey was back far enough, they all charged at Dogpound with their weapons. He charged back, his massive fists raised. Donnie and Leo ran forward first, then Raph, then me. Dogpound was able to smack them out of the way with just his hand. Y/N flew back several feet, rolling on the ground. He skidded to a halt on his feet and immediately jumped back into the fight.)

(Everyone except Mikey was laying it all out on Dogpound. Leo swung his katanas, Raph tossed his sais, Donnie smacked Dogpound in the head, and Y/N tossed his shadow shuriken up at him. He ducked his head to avoid it, and Y/N caught it in his hand as it came back. Dogpound brought both of his hands down, Leo and Donnie both raising their weapons to block him. While he was blocked, Raph knelt down in front of him. Y/N ran forward, ran up Raph's back, jumped up, and landed a kick right across Dogpound's face. He shook his head, and with an angry growl he pushed all of us back several feet, knocking us into a pile on top of each other.)

Mikey: Guys! He's got the centerfudge!" 

(Y/N raised his head to see Mikey chasing after Stockman, who was about to run out the door. Suddenly, Dogpound leapt up and landed right in front of Stockman, blocking his path.) 

Dog-Pound: You're comin' with me!" (Dogpound grabbed Stockman with one hand and picked him up.) 

Baxter: Wha- N-no! please! I'm extremely fragile!" 

(They all quickly got to their feet, grabbing their weapons as they ran forward. Dogpound turned, and just before walking out he raised his other fist and punched a column. The walls started shaking, and pieces started falling from the ceiling. He smirked at us before running out of the room. Mikey was still running after them.)

Mikey: My centerfudge!

Leo: Look out!" 

(Leo ran forward, grabbed Mikey, and pushed him out of the way just as the roof started to cave in. They all coughed and rubbed their eyes. Once his vision was clear Y/N stood up and looked around to make sure the others were alright. Y/N could see everyone around me. Mikey sprang to his feet and ran over to the others.)

Y/N: Oh no! Guys! Are you okay?

Leo: Thanks Mikey. (Leo said, coughing as Mikey helped him to his feet.) 

Raph: They're gone. 

Mikey: And they have the centerfudge!

Donnie: Centrifuge!

(They were back at the lair now. There wasn't anything else they could do at the moment. They had lost Dogpound and Stockman with no idea where they are, they still didn't have the centrifuge, and Mikey's condition was getting worse and worse. His whole head and even his shell was covered in larger zits-if you could even call them that anymore.)

Raph: I can't believe that fleabag beat us!"  (Raph punched a beanbag chair.) I want a rematch!" "

Leo: Easy, Raph. Focus on what's important. We need to get that centrifuge to cure Mikey.

Y/N: He's getting worse and worse every minute. Is there anything we can do?

Donnie: Not without the centrifuge. (Donnie poked his head out of his lab.) His zits are getting more unstable. If any of them get popped they could cause a chain reaction? Ala my zit popping diagram here..."

Y/N: You have a zit popping diagram...?" 

(He didn't answer him, but instead pulled out a large marker board with several pictures on it. The first one showed Mikey covered in zits from head to toe. The second one showed a zit being popped. The third was of the other zits growing bigger and bigger. The fourth was of many other zits popping on their own. Donnie flipped the board to the other side, where there was a fifth and final picture of Mikey completely exploding.)

Mikwy: WHAT?! So I pop either way?

Donnie: We just have to keep you safe. (Donnie put a hand on his brother's shoulder.) It's too dangerous to leave the lair.

Mikey: But, I never got to visit a wax museum. Or learn pig Latin. Or open a mummy's tomb and the mummy comes alive, but he's so cool, we form a hip-hop group and travel around the world together in a golden UFO!" (Mikey took a long deep breath.) I wanna do that..."

Raph: Right..." (Raph shook his head.) Listen Mikey, we're gonna get that centrifuge. We'll do whatever it takes to fix you." 

Mikey: (Beamed) Wow, Raph! (He raised his arms and went in for a hug, but Raph grimaced and quickly backed away.) 

Leo: Okay, Dogpound and Boxcar. Where could they be? The old city dump?

Raph: Nah. They turned it into a retirement home. The abandoned nuclear plant?

Donnie: Now it's a nursery school. Ugh, what about that abandoned Kraang lab? The one where we found those wasps?

Y/N: (Shook his head) No go, dude. They turned that building into a pastry shop. A pretty good one, too.

Mikey: Oh! What about Baxter's old lab?"

(The other three looked at each other for a moment, then shook their heads.) 

Raph: Why would Dogpound capture Dexter and take him to his own lab? It makes no sense." "

Mikey: See! You guys never take me seriously!" (Pointing at all of them.) 

Raph: Maybe they went to Bradford's dojo...

Donnie: Possibly... you think he went back to TCRI?

Leo: No, why would he go back there? It makes no sense."

(Y/N wasn't listening to them bickering. He was paying much more attention to the orange-clad turtle sneaking his way around us and out over the turnstiles. He hadn't noticed him. The others didn't notice him either as he backed away slowly and made his way over to the exit. Y/N peeked his head out and saw Mikey sitting just a few feet away. Y/N saw him hit his fist against the wall.)

Mikey: Fine! If you guys aren't gonna listen to me, I'm not waiting around to explode."

(He stood up and started to run. Y/N started running, too. He ran faster and faster until he caught up to him. He didn't turn around as he continued to run.) 

Mikey: Don't try to stop me, Y/N!

Y/N: I'm not trying to!" 

 Mikey: (Turned to look at him) Wha-?" "

Y/N: I told you that if you ever plan on running off again, take me with you. Remember?" 

(Mikey stared at him through his swollen eyes, and smiled.)

(Mikey was right. Just like Y/N knew he would be. Dogpound did take Stockman to his old lab. And boy, was it different. It had all kinds of gadgets and things that certainly weren't there before. The biggest difference being the gigantic tank of green, glowing mutagen. Looks like he really was trying to make his own mutant army.) 

Y/N: (Whispered) Stay quiet. If we do this right, we'll be in and out, no problem." 

Mikey: (Nodded) 

(He and Y/N both stood up, hunched over, as they slowly and carefully walked along the beams by the ceiling. Y/N looked down to see Dogpound, Stockman, and surprisingly Fishface as well. He could hear their voices all the way from up here.)

Fishface: Why haven't you taken this traitorous lump of flesh to Karai?

Dog-Pound: I will! After he turns me human again!" 

Fishface: (Gasped) You can turn us human again?

Baxter: Uh-Yes! Yes, of course! My intellect knows no bounds! Hehe... none.

(Y/N smirked. He knew Stockman had no idea how to make a retro mutagen. If Donnie couldn't come up with one, then there was no way anyone else could.)

Dog-Pound: Good! First order of business..." (Dogpound pulled out what looked like a silver collar and snapped it around Stockman's neck. Even from up here Y/N could see what looked like vials of mutagen hooked to the collar.) 

Baxter: Ah! Is this... mutagen?!

Dog-Pound: I call it 'insurance. (Dogpound held up what looked like a switch in his hand.) Double-cross us, and boom! We get to see what you turn into. Some kind of lowly bug, I bet!" 

Mikey: Psst!"

(Y/N looked up to see that Mikey was further ahead than he was. Y/N hadn't even noticed that he stopped moving. He quickly made his way over to him, crouching next to him. Y/N looked down to where he was looking, and saw the centrifuge sitting on a table below.) 

Miket: (Whispered) I knew it! I knew Baxter would be here, hatching a plan, wearing a dog collar!" 

Y/N: (Raised an eyebrow) Really?

Mikey: Well, maybe not the dog collar part..."

(At that moment they heard a strange noise coming from behind Mikey. It was the zits. They were shifting and morphing, making these strange wheezing sounds. Mikey gasped.) 

Mikey: No no no no, please! Not yet!" (At that moment they stopped moving and making noise. Mikey let out a sigh.) 

Y/N: You know what to do?" 

(He nodded, and then pulled out his kusarigama chain. He let go of the blade end, and slowly started to lower it down towards the centrifuge. It got lower and lower until finally, it reached the same level as the centrifuge. But, it swung out and poked Dogpounds shoulder. They both froze, but he just scratched his shoulder and didn't move.)

(Y/N leaned in and placed a hand on his shoulder. He looked up at Y/N, and he smiled at him. He smiled back. Y/N reached down with both of his hands, and together they lowered the blade down to the centrifuge. They moved it just a little closer, and then finally it was hooked. They looked at each other, beaming. Slowly, they started to gently lift the centrifuge up. This was it. Just a little closer...)

(A large, fury hand came out and grabbed the chain, causing the centrifuge to fall. Y/N was so surprised he let go of the chain. Dogpound glared up at them before yanking the chain down. Mikey was pulled from the beam and down to the ground below.) 

Y/N: Mikey!" (He turned back to his feet just in time to land on the ground in front of everyone.) 

Dog-Pound: Fool!

Mikey: Don't touch me! I'm highly contagious!" (Mikey faked coughing.) "Ack! See? So how 'bout I take that gadget and get outta your fur?" 

Dogpound: (Slammed his fist on the table) I'd rather you stay. And people think I'm ugly! Watch, Stinkman! I'm gonna tear this turtle apart myself!

(Y/N leapt up and dived down, aiming his foot directly for Dogpounds head. He was about to charge at Mikey just when Y/N landed on him. He whimpered as Y/N leapt off of him and landed on his feet behind him. He whipped around to glare at Y/N just as he pulled out his claws. Y/N was about to charge at him when he heard the sound of blades flying behind him. Y/N whipped around in time to block a couple of throwing knives what were coming for his torso. Fishface stood there, smirking.)

Fishface: Hello, cato. (He pulled out his butterfly knife) Did you miss me?

Y/N: Oh yeah, about as much as I miss seeing your ugly mutt!" 

(He growled and charged at Y/N. He raised his right kama and blocked the attack for his face. Y/N sliced at him and he dodged it. He spun his knife in his hand and threw it at Y/N. He leaned back as far as he could to avoid it, and he leapt over Y/N to catch it. At that moment he looked up and saw that Dogpound had chased Mikey back up to the beams and was fighting him there.)

(Y/N suddenly leaned his head back to avoid a knife that had been heading straight for him. A second later him feet were kicked out from under him and Y/N landed on his back, his claws falling out of his hands. One of Fishface's large metal feet came down on his arm, pinning him in place. Y/N grunted as he tried to push him off. He chuckled, and Y/N glared. There was loud creaking and a sudden crash. They all looked up to see Mikey hanging from the beams, holding only onto a broken piece of wood. Dogpound was hanging down now too, holding onto Mikey's ankle for dear life. And for good reason, for he was hovering over the giant tank of mutagen.)

(Y/N took this opportunity to kick Fishface in the gut and knock him off of him. Y/N sprung to his feet and looked back up to see that Mikey's grip on the broken beam was slowly slipping, and Dogpound's added weight wasn't helping. Y/N was about to reach back and throw a knife at him to make him let go, but Mikey was one step ahead of him. He raised his nunchucks and smacked Dogpound right in the face. He yelped as he fell quickly downward and landed in the huge tank with a loud splash.)

(Mikey leapt from the beam and landed on his feet beside Y/N. There were loud, muffled screams coming from inside the tank. They all stared in shock and concern at the tank. Y/N wasn't sure whether to be happy he fell or worried that he fell in. They've never seen a mutant get mutated again before.) 

Mikey: Oh snap! Dogs hate gettin' wet!" 

(There was a loud splash as the surface of the mutagen broke, and something big shot from it. It landed in a giant, black heap in front of them.) 

Mikey: Eh, some dogs...

(My heart dropped for a moment. What Y/N saw looked like something I would see in a horror movie. It looked like a zombie dog that came from the underworld. Solid black, painfully thin, and claws and teeth that were the size of butcher knives, and just as sharp. Suddenly, he felt something knock him over and he landed on his side.) 

Mikey: Y/N!"

(Y/N looked up in time to see Mikey get pushed away towards the tank by Fishface. Y/N glared up at the fish, but paid him no mind as he watched Bradford walk quickly towards Mikey, one of his claws scratching the glass of the tank.)

(Fishface threw one of his knives at Y/N and he rolled over to avoid it. Y/N jumped to his feet and started sprinting forward. Y/N jumped up and leapt over Fishface, landing behind him and running towards Bradford. Y/N heard something shift behind me and he turned around, raising his claw just in time to stop Fishface's knife from going into his chest. Y/N heard a yell and turned his head to see Bradford holding Mikey in his claws.)

Bradford?: I feel the mutagen coursing through me!" (Bradford growled in a deeper, snarlier voice.) "I'm faster, stronger, more powerful than ever! I feel like a ninja again!

Mikey: Plus you don't have zits, which is a bonus. 

Bradford?: To thank you for this, I'll make your end swift.

(Bradford raised Mikey and threw him, shell first, right at the wall in front of him. Mikey screamed, tossing his chain out to hook around a nearby beam, and slow him down. He slowed down just in time that when he touched the wall, the zits didn't burst. Y/N turned back to Fishface and quickly elbowed him in the face, kneed him in the gut, and roundhouse kicked him off of his feet. Y/N looked back around as Bradford roared.)

Mikey: Raaah yourself, you razor-faced dog!

Bradford?: Don't ever call me dog!

Mikey: You got it, Razar!" 

(Razar growled and reached his claws out for Mikey. At that moment, a large sai flew through the air and hit Razar's paw, knocking it out of the way.) 

Raph: Get away from my brother!" 

(Y/N looked up to see Raph fly through the air as he gave him a powerful kick to the chest, knocking him down. There was a loud smack, and he turned to see Fishface go flying. Leo and Donnie suddenly appeared, landing on either side of Y/N.)

Mikey: Oh, hey guys. 

Leo: You're lucky we noticed you were gone in time, Mikey. 

Raph: Even luckier that I knew you'd come here. What were you think- 

(But he was cut off as Fishface leapt forward and kicked him aside. Y/N reached into his back pocket and threw several knives in his direction, and he dodged them. Razar had gotten up again and had started charging towards all of them.) 

Y/N: Scatter!"

Donnie: Um... so what happened to Dogpound?" (Donnie asked as they ran away to avoid the oncoming mutant.) 

Y/N: A huge mistake, that's what.

Mikey: He got double mutated! Now I call him 'Razar'!"

(Razar raised his head and let out a mighty roar, causing us all to flinch. Leo suddenly appeared beside him and lunged forward, holding his katanas in the air. Razar blocked him, picked him up in one hand and threw him aside. Donnie ran forward, hollering as he spun his Bo staff above his head. Razar blocked it and grabbed Donnie by his shoulders before he could avoid him. Then Raph, who had climbed to the top of the tank when no one was looking, leapt down while aiming his sais right for Razar's head.)

(Knowing what was going to happen before it did, Y/N took out his claws and charged forward. Razar used Donnie to smack Raph out of the way, knocking them both away in the process. Y/N leapt up and brought his claws down, the blades slashing into his raised arm. They did nothing. There were no marks left behind. He was so surprised that he had time to grab me by the forearm and fling him away. Y/N slammed against the tank and crumpled to the floor.) 

Mikey: AH! The centerfudge!"

(Y/N looked up to see Mikey sprinting past Razar, and snatching the centrifuge that had been laying by the mutant dog's feet. But just as Mikey grabbed it, Razar shoved him away, knocking the device away. Y/N gripped his claws, pushing himself back up. As he did, Y/N heard loud screeching coming from the side of the room. Stockman had summoned more Mousers. Y/N heard the others groan in annoyance as they charged the robots with their weapons. As they fought the Mousers, Y/N could see Razar continuing to chase Mikey around. Mikey literally bounced and crawled all over the walls and ceiling, and Razar continued to keep up.)

Mikey: Guys, I'm bursting at the seams. (Hung from the upper beams.) And Razar's gonna pop me!" 

(Razar ran forward, looking like he was ready to pounce. Y/N immediately changed targets and ran straight for him, throwing one of his kunais at his head. It hit him pretty hard, and he turned his head and snapped at him. Y/N thrust his claw up to his face, but he dodged and suddenly body slammed him. Y/N turned on his side to grab his kunai and suddenly he could feel him stepping on his back hard, pinning me to the ground. He dug his foot into Y/N's back, a sharp pain went through his body, and his vision went dark. )

(Y/N's vision cleared again as he felt the sharp pressure disappear. Y/N lifted his head to see Razar running off in the opposite direction, directly towards Mikey. Before Y/N could move Razar reached him, and slashed. Mikey dodged in time, and Razar's claws dug into the fat power cable plugged into the wall. He lit up like a Christmas tree as he was electrocuted. Mikey raised his hands and cheered.) 

Mikey: Yeah! You just got shell-shocked, son!

Donnie: Everyone, to high ground. Now!

(Y/N quickly got up on his feet and followed the others as they all climbed and jumped the walls. As soon as all of them were up on the ceiling beams, Donnie took his staff and smacked a nearby sprinkler. All of the sprinklers started spewing water onto the ground below. There was a pause, and then a flash as everything below was electrocuted. All the Mousers below blew up, one by one. And each of those goons fell down, one by one.)

(Once all was quiet except for the sprinkled water, Y/N finally turned to get a good look at Mikey. He blinked. The amount and size of the zits had doubled in the last 20 minutes. They were covering his whole shell, legs, arms, especially his face. The zits around his eyes were so huge it was a wonder he could even see. He looked beyond recognizable at this point.) 

Mikey: Dude, I'm about to pop and I think we destroyed the centerfudge!

Raph: Don't be so sure."

(Raph grinned proudly as he reached behind him, and pulled out what was obviously the centerfuge. Mikey gasped, beaming with delight. Knowing that Mikey was going to be okay was all Y/N could think about, and without caring he gave Raph a relieved smile. He smiled back.)

(Once they got home, Donnie immediately raced to his lab to fix up the antidote. Once he had the centrifuge, making it was no problem; only took thirty minutes. Y/N watched curiously as he dripped the solution onto the little, white cleaning pads he had insisted they needed.) 

Donnei: Antidote's ready, Mikey. 

Mikey: Gimmie, gimmie, gimmie, gimmie!"

(Mikey ran forward and flung himself onto the lab table, sweeping his arms around the surface just the grab the tiny pads. He turned and shuffled away, scrubbing the solution onto his bulging zits. From beside me, Y/N could hear Leo and Raph snickering quietly.) 

Leo: Did you have to put the antidote on those acne pads?" 

Donnie: (Smirked) No, but it is hilarious. 

(Y/N elbowed Donnie in the arm, and he just laughed. Mikey continued to rub the antidote on himself for a good five minutes before the zits are all gone.)

Mikey: It worked!" Look at me! Yeah boy! I'm super cute again. Woo!" 

(Mikey suddenly ran forward and wrapped his arms around Donnie, lifting him up off the ground in a massive hug.) 

Mikey: Thanks Donnie, you're the best!" (Donnie groaned at the pressure before he was quickly released.)

(They all heard Donnie's lab door slide opened as they all turned. Splinter had entered the living room. His eyes landed on Mikey, and he smiled proudly as he walked towards him. Mikey stepped out of the pit to stand beside him.) 

Splinter: I must commend you on your resolve, Michelangelo. You thought you needed to improve yourself, but you had everything you already needed inside. In here..." (He pressed a finger to Mikey's chest. Mikey smiled up at Splinter, looking very proud of himself. He suddenly whipped around, smirking at them.)

Mikey: See guys? Who's right about Baxter's secret hideout, huh? Me. Yep.

Leo: You had no clue. 

Y/N: As I recall, he was the one that suggested it and you shellbrains said it was nothing. Don't be getting a swollen ego over though, Mikey." 

Donnie: (Gasped) Oh no... Mikey! You- you have a zit forming on the end of your nose!

Mikey: Are you kidding me?! No! WHYYY!"

(Mikey threw his arms up into the air, yelling in fear and despair. Before Y/N could decide whether or not to say something, he suddenly stopped screaming. He felt all over his face and head, looked at his arms and shoulders, and only then did he realize that there was nothing. Y/N covered his mouth as he nearly snorted. The others however, were not shy about laughing out loud to his face. Mikey glared, and jump up to tackle all of them.) 

Mikey: Donnie, I'm gonna-!"

Hope you enjoyed the chapter!!

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