9,223 Truyện
Every Day, Every World

Every Day, Every World

6 0 3

Susie is a scientist with great aspirations, she always wishes to travel from world to world to explore. One fine day, her dream came true when Susie's traveling machine was put to use.Note: You will read this like a diary of Susie's life, the end of the journey is her death so it can be a sad ending. About 2 to 3 chapters will be a new day for Susie, depending on what the world is like, whether it's significant to describe or not. The series will be based on the author's thoughts and moods every day, so if one day the series ends, it is equivalent to Susie's life cycle also stops. The story has love situations but not many, definitely not the main contentAuthor: BerryJaThat's all, hope you enjoy my story!!! ^^…

[16+] Seven Symphonies Of Hell

[16+] Seven Symphonies Of Hell

408 3 8

(Truyện hay ở chap sau ♡) (Good content is in later chaps ♡)(2 bản - Vietnamese & English)• Một cô gái nữ sinh tầm thường, không có gì ngoài nhan sắc. Cuộc sống cuối cấp của cô ta đã gặp phải một vài trục trặc nhỏ. Liệu cô ta có sống sót được đến khi máu cô ta đổ? Skin of human, blood of virgin, Being given the permanent beauty Your soul is sold for Darkness Rise when your blood become your madness.• A normal girl student, having nothing but beauty. Her senior life facing a little challenges. Whether she can live until her blood is fallen? Skin of human, blood of virgin, Being given the permanent beauty Your soul is sold for Darkness Rise when your blood become your madness.…

Nấu ăn là một nghệ thuật

Nấu ăn là một nghệ thuật

105 3 1

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