Chapter 29: Explanations! Y/n's Unwanted Encounter!
3rd POV:
After Y/n, along with Fairy Tail and others, have successfully defeated Ornis for his selfish demand for Chisato to go back with him and made a furious comeback for hurting Latina, Grace, Heine and Juliet. Ornis has been erased from his existence for good, Chisato is now free, to be with Y/n and others.
When their battle is over, the Celestial Spirit King made a surprising discovery of recognizing the demonic power from Y/n. In truth, Y/n is the Grandson of the Legendary Dark Knight, Sparda. The Zodiac Spirits are very surprised and happy to see Sparda again, as the legacy of Sparda continues. They explained to him that he came from another world and he needed to get back to family, they also told him he was intrigued by the Celestial Spirit World and Earthland and he went off to explore for a short time.
After they have left the Celestial Spirit World in the current time, everyone arrives and gathers at the guild hall of Fairy Tail for Kuroka, Asia, Rossweisse, Chisato and Y/n's explanations. Makarov came out to see the members of Fairy Tail, Yukino, Arcadios, Hisui and he's surprised to see Y/n and his group have come back.
Makarov: I'm glad all of you have made it safely. I take it your mission went successfully correct?
Natsu: Yep, we totally saved the world and kicked their butts with Fairy Tail Style!
Happy: Aye sir!
Lucy: The rest of the Celestial Spirit World, the Zodiac Spirits and Celestial Spirit King are back to normal.
Makarov: I see. And Y/n, you and your group have returned. Ur and Irene have told me you went on a business trip to take care of.
Kuroka: Yes sir Master Makarov and we came back just in time.
Rossweisse: Right. When we just came back, Heine and Juliet informed us about the situation of the Eclipse Celestial Spirits.
Asia: And we have decided to help Natsu, Lucy and the others to save them and everyone.
Chisato: Also, there's two individuals who have made an alliance with the Eclipse Celestial Spirits; Dylan, who was Latina's father when he was destroyed. And Ornis which he blasted Latina, Grace, Heine and Juliet.
Makarov: Hmmm, I see. Latina, I'm so sorry for what you have been through.
Latina: (smile) It's okay grandpa, papa here has saved us with his amazing power. We helped a little bit.
Grace: (smile) Yeah sis is right, you should have seen him. Papa went like 'whoosh, pow, and bang', he's like a real superhero.
Everyone awwed to have their hearts melted with their cuteness and their funny sounds.
Y/n: Oh yeah that reminds me, when you two are able to learn magic like that?
Latina: Grace and I see that they learned some magic. I think it's so pretty.
Grace: *nodded* Yeah, we asked mommies that we can learn some magic too.
Ur: (smile) Yep, how I can resist those cuties' requests. They wanted to be brave just like you, Y/n.
Heine: This happened after you and your group left. They just needed to defend themselves and all of you to be happy.
Juliet: Yeah and we're so happy of how they made it through. We were surprised by their progress too.
Irene: That's true. Latina has manifested her own magic is Aura Magic, which is astounding while Grace has touched the Lacrima Crystal which is a fire element.
Kuroka: Amazing, Latina's magic is like mine but different.
Asia: Wait, we have seen those crystal-like objects, what's that?
Ur: Basically, it's a magic crystalline substance found in Earth Land. Lacrima can be powered up with different spells and used for different purposes.
Y/n: Well Latina, Grace I can say that I'm so happy and proud of you.
Latina and Grace hug Y/n and he hugs back. Everyone had their hearts melted for that moment. All of a sudden, three orbs of light come out of Y/n, Latina and Grace, forming into one, brighten their eyes for a moment and they are surprised by what they witnessed.
They see a small, blue, canine creature. It has a black torso and legs, a blue tail, and a yellow collar. It has rounded bumps on the backs of its forepaws. It has a black "mask" and red eyes. It stands on its toes instead of its entire foot.
Riolu: Rio? Riolu?
Erza, Mirajane and Cana: Wow, it looks cute!!!
Ur, Irene, Heine, Juliet: How adorable!!!
Hisui: How interesting, Y/n acquired another summon!
Arcadios: Indeed princess, it's a bit similar to the Celestial Spirits.
Lucy: Whoa, is that a little dog, like Plue?!
Lucy used her silver key and summoned her Nikora. A creature looked like a snowman with a carrot-like nose, skinny arms and legs, and for some reason he kept shivering.
Y/n: I think you got a dud.
Asia: (pout) Y/n, don't say mean things to Plue.
Latina: (pout) Yeah papa that was mean.
Y/n: Okay, okay I'm sorry. I'm just saying.
Lucy and Asia went to Plue, snuggled and petted Plue and Plue's face didn't change.
Lucy: Aww you're not a dud, are you Plue?
Asia: It looks so adorable. I like those cute animals and creatures alike.
Riolu went up to where Lucy, Asia and Plue is; Plue greeted Riolu with a handshake and the usual smile. Riolu hesitated for a moment and he accepted it.
Latina and Asuka: Wow a cute little doggie!
Grace: Oh he can be our new friend to play!
Riolu looked at Latina, Grace, and Asuka he noticed their auras are gentle and pure hearted. Latina, Grace and Asuka hug Riolu, who is surprised and accepts it while his tail wagging.
Rossweisse: Aww are they the cutest, are they?
Chisato: When they are together, they definitely are.
Alzack: Wow, our daughter took a liking to that intriguing animal.
Bisca: Yep along with Latina and Grace too. This is the cutest moment ever.
Happy: Ahhh it looks like a dog! I don't trust him.
Carla: But it looks like they are along so well.
Riolu looked at Happy and Carla, he turned on his back and folded his arms. They are shocked by Riolu's interaction.
Wendy: It's okay, I'm sure we'll get along well. I'd just know it, right little puppy?
Lisanna: Yeah I'm sure we can be friends with you too.
Riolu looked at Wendy and Lisanna, as they petted him and he turned his back for not seeing him flustered and tail wagging again.
Kuroka: How interesting, I can sense that cute little puppy's power. Like I sensed his aura.
Riolu looked at Kuroka, he sensed a kind aura around her. Kuroka grabbed Riolu and hugged him on her chest.
Kuroka: Aren't you the cutest puppy ever are you~?
Riolu looked flustered and embarrassed about Kuroka's response as he turned his head.
Y/n: Well sometimes dogs and cats don't get along at the beginning, but they will in the end.
Riolu looked up to Y/n, he was very interested in him and his aura. Riolu sensed his aura was demonic, scared for a moment but also it felt warm, comforting, strong heart and will. Riolu went up to Y/n and offered him a handshake.
Riolu: Rio. Rio. Riolu.
Y/n: (smile) Okay then. You're alright by me. My name is Y/n Redgrave, and your name is Riolu right? Nice to meet ya.
Y/n accepted his handshake and Riolu looked at Y/n with a smile. Natsu rushed over Riolu up close.
Natsu: Hey, does that mean that dog can fight? Same with Y/n's summoning things too?
Gray: I wouldn't do that if I were you, pyro brain-
Riolu whirls its fists to send a wave of pure vacuum at Natsu and he is launched on the walls. Everyone laughs at this moment.
Yukino: My goodness, such an amazing display of power.
Cana: Never a dull moment in Fairy Tail. And that little pup really packs a punch.
Elfman: Just like a real man does with his mighty fists!
Wakaba: This happens if you don't listen, kid.
Macao: Yeah, good thing he hasn't changed.
Romeo: Wow, that was so cool! I have never seen this kind of magic before!
Elfman: That dog got some skills and shows what a real man can do with his mighty fists!
Kinana: Oh dear, looks like the wall needs to be repaired.
Laki: Honestly Natsu but it's been a while.
Gajeel: Damn, I wonder what other moves that mutt can do.
Lily: Perhaps we'll see about that soon enough.
While everyone is intrigued by Y/n's new summon for a while until...
Erza: Master, the reason why everyone including Yukino, Arcadios and Hisui present is because of an intriguing discovery we have learned from Y/n and his group.
Everyone looked at Y/n and his group as interesting as what they were about to hear. Y/n and his group hesitated for a moment but for them, they feel that they can trust them.
Lucy: Oh yeah I remember. The Celestial Spirit King noticed Y/n, he reminded him of his dear old friend.
Natsu: We didn't know that Mustache Face said a name that the Zodiac Spirits are happy to see him again.
Gray: Yeah, they said something about his family is sort of "legend in their world", whatever that means.
Juvia: Yes Juvia strongly agrees with my beloved Gray as well.
Makarov: Hmmm...and...what is his name I might ask?
Mirajane: Well...the Celestial Spirit King said the Legendary Dark Knight...Sparda.
When Mirajane said his name, Makarov gasped and widened his eyes as he's shocked by that name. Makarov composed himself and to their surprise...he smiled happily as he knew that name a long time ago.
Makarov: (smile) I see. What a marvelous surprise for me.
Everyone was shocked by Makarov's response as he knew him.
Lisanna: Umm master, is he...someone you know before?
Hisui: How interesting.
Makarov: (smile) Yes...he's a good friend of mine long ago, while you kids were so young before you joined.
Natsu: Whoa really?!
Erza: Incredible!
Lucy: So, is he a member of Fairy Tail?
Makarov: Afraid not, child. I asked him to join our guild but he flatly refused because he had some reasons which I understood and respected his wishes.
Mirajane: Wow Master, this Sparda is a demon and Y/n is the hybrid demon. He is Sparda's grandson.
Makarov: Ah, such astounding news! What joy!
Y/n: Wow, I guess grandpa had a great time here huh?
Makarov: Indeed. He had some time to travel around Magnolia, different places and eventually the Celestial Spirit World. He told me some interesting tales of his battle against his kind for humanity. He has done some heroic deeds. Eventually he doesn't have much time because he must get to his family.
Wendy: Wow, sounds like Sparda is a great person.
Carla: How very true child, aside from his appearance.
Gajeel: Sounds like a hell of legend.
Lily: Yes, it sounds like Sparda was an admirable warrior.
Irene: (mind,shock) Incredible! Sparda is such a daunting warrior and now Y/n is too. That Y/n have stolen my heart completely, I'm glad I love Y/n.
Makarov: Y/n, where is your grandfather now?
Y/n: Hate to break the news but... My grandpa died a long time ago, along with my grandma too. Except for my pops and uncle, they survived.
Makarov was sad for a moment but turned to his normal expression.
Makarov: Now then, when the Celestial Spirit King said "their world", does that mean a few of you are not from here correct?
Y/n, Kuroka, Asia, Rossweisse and Chisato looked at each other, nodded as Y/n answered his question.
Y/n: *sigh* see...we came from...another world.
Everyone except Ur, Irene, Heine, Juliet, Latina and Grace in the guild is very shocked by Y/n's response as they came from another world.
Natsu: Whoa really?! Does that mean you guys are from Edolas?
Erza: That could be the possibility.
Lisanna: Hmm that's strange, I've never seen you guys in Edolas before.
Lucy: Oh, or maybe you guys came from the Eclipse Gate in the Grand Magic Games?
Hisui: Perhaps that might be the case.
Yukino: Yeah, we met Lucy from the future when she came from the gate.
Arcadios: Hmm I wouldn't be sure about this situation.
Chisato: I'm afraid we didn't came from this 'Edolas' you spoke of, or from the Eclipse Gate as well.
Rossweisse: It's true, this is a different case where we came through here without any issues.
Kuroka, Asia and Y/n nodded as they answered them truthfully.
Laxus: So it's true then.
Everyone saw Laxus and the Thunder Legion at the entrance.
Makarov: Ah Laxus, glad you made it back. How was the job?
Laxus: It's no sweat. When we came back, I couldn't help but overhear the part when Y/n and his group were from another world.
Freed: Indeed, we were surprised by what we heard. It's unbelievable.
Bickslow: Yeah I know that we have seen some strange things but this takes it to the next level.
Evergreen: True, now we don't know what to expect any further.
Makarov: Yes and you missed out some facts about Y/n.
Laxus: Oh yeah, what's that?
Makarov: ...Y/n is the Third Generation of Sparda.
Makarov explained his side of the facts of Sparda to the Thunder Legion; they were surprised by his story and his short time in Earth Land.
Freed: That's quite an intriguing legend of this Sparda.
Bickslow: Yeah, either he was a demon or human, he sounded totally cool.
Evergreen: And now we have Y/n and his allies as the proud member of Fairy Tail.
Laxus: Hey Y/n, I noticed your lightning is different as it's not from this world, why did you keep this as a secret?
Y/n: ...I had some reasons but it's to keep it a secret from others besides everyone in this building. I feel like I can trust you.
Natsu: Come on man, we are a family. In Fairy Tail, we always help out our friends and family, even if we aren't blood related.
Lucy: (smile) Natsu's right you know, sure we are different from everyone but we accept them for who they are, no matter what. That's what makes this Fairy Tail very special to everyone.
Not only Y/n also Kuroka, Asia, Rossweisse and Chisato are shocked by their response; from their hearts, they felt so happy, caring and supportive. They looked at everyone's faces, they were sincere and true of their symbol of Fairy Tail.
Erza: (smile) That's right. I'm sure we can help you. And we'll have a party at your place of course.
Cana: Yep, I know we have a great time and get to know each other better!
Latina: Papa can make some yummy foods!
Grace: Ooh maybe with some pancakes too!
Lisanna: Hey that sounds like a great idea.
Makarov: Y/n, is there something that you want to tell us? Fairy Tail will help you in need.
Kuroka: That's great, darling we can-
Y/n: I know...but I have to handle "that" problem, alone.
Chisato: ...Y/n.
Y/n: Kuroka, Asia and Rossweisse are now free but I'm not sure "they" would get the message.
Cana: Hold on, who are they?
Y/n: Don't worry about it. It's my matter. Now then I guess we should be at my house to party.
Gray: Well alright, but Fairy Tail is there to help. We help each other in need.
Juvia: Yes Juvia strongly agrees to my beloved Gray 100%!
Ur: Come on honey, we will can-
Riolu: Rio! Riolu!
Everyone noticed Riolu's response, they were confused for a moment as most of them guessed he sensed something from a distance.
Wendy: What's wrong Riolu?
Riolu points the direction where that presence is located.
Riolu: Rio! Rio!
Carla: He must have sensed some presence from a distance.
Cana: Hey Irene, can you show us a way to know where it came from like you did before?
Irene: Yes...I can. I will locate this presence and show them to you. Little pup, I will need your assistance.
Riolu: (nod) Riolu!
Irene casted her magic from her eye to locate where the unknown energy came from with the help of Riolu. Irene located it, she brought a magic projection screen and revealed the individuals.
The screen shows them a long red-haired girl with blue eyes, very long black-hair girl and violet eyes with her hair is usually tied in a long ponytail, a petite girl with white hair and gold eyes includes a black cat-shaped hair clip on both sides of her hair, a girl with chin-length blue hair with a dyed green fringe on the right side and brown eyes, a boy with platinum blond hair and pinkish-violet eyes with his hair is styled in short bob cut with several small fringes over his forehead including his pointed ears with girls uniform, a boy with short blond hair, blue eyes and a mole underneath his left eye, lastly a boy with short spiky brown hair with two short locks of hair behind his head and light brown eyes equipped with his red gauntlet of dragon.
Those seven individuals are in front of Y/n's house, coming from their transportation circle with the help of Ddraig's power. Most of them are confused about who they are however, the group of Kuoh knew exactly who they are and shock how they got here.
Lucy: Umm who are those guys? They came from that circle thing.
Levy: Yeah I wonder why they are here?
Natsu: Hey I smell a dragon far away!
Irene: Natsu's correct, I can smell a dragon far away from here.
Gajeel: Yeah me too.
Wendy: Same here.
Laxus: Guess I'm not the only one who smelled that dragon.
Makarov: Hmmm Y/n, are they-?
Y/n: Everyone stay here, I'll handle this myself. Riolu, let's go!
Riolu: Riolu!
Y/n and Riolu have exited the guild hall and start running towards his house. They were confused and concerned about the connection between him and them.
Asia: ...Why?
Everyone looked at Asia, they noticed tears coming out of her eyes, as she started to cry. They were worried about her. Chisato is comforting Asia.
Heine: Miss Asia, what's wrong?
Juliet: You're crying, but why?
Asia: *tears* Why did it...have to this? Are I...getting...kicked out...again?!
Kuroka, Rossweisse and Chisato are horrified by Asia's response, which reminds them of her story of how she got kicked out of the church and called her hurtful names. Everyone is very concerned about Asia's words. Rossweisse, Latina and Grace went up to Asia to comfort her.
Chisato: Shhh. There, there Asia. I'm sure they would never do something like that.
Rossweisse: That's right, Asia. No one is calling you bad names here.
Latina and Grace: (sad) Mommy.
Kuroka: Ur, we're going to where Y/n is.
Ur: Right, we should hurry and help him. Kids, stay with them.
As Kuroka made her own transportation circle with Ur, Asia rushed to them without any hesitation, and they were surprised by her action.
Rossweisse and Chisato: Asia wait!
Asia: I have to ask them why! We need to hurry!
Kuroka hesitated at first but she decided to accept her request. Kuroka, Asia and Ur have disappeared from the circle.
Hisui: They seem to be upset that those visitors appeared, why is that?
Chisato: The answer will be difficult for Y/n to explain.
Rossweisse: This is the truth between him and them.
Everyone is confused by what happened in Y/n's situation while they see Irene's projection screen for answers.
Meanwhile at Y/n's house, Rias and her peerage have arrived at the front of Y/n's house from her transportation circle with the help of Ddraig's power.
Rias: Excellent work Issei, you have improved your Boosted Gear quite well.
Issei: Hell yeah, my badass move has been leveled up to new heights!
Ddraig: ...Yes I suppose.
Xenovia: Indeed, you've improved quite a bit even your way with our bodies and it's the perfect way to make a baby.
Akeno: Ara~ how very bold of you Xenovia.
Koneko: Cut it out guys, we should pay attention to our surroundings.
Gasper: Y-yeah she's right, where are we?
Rias and her peerage looked around, noticed the environment is different from where they came from and they see a town from a distance.
Kiba: It would seem we have arrived in another world where that ignorant stray resides, madam president.
Akeno: With the help of Y/n's blood stain of a pawn piece, our deal, I'm sure we can find them and to be a family again.
Rias: Of course you're right Akeno. My brother as a devil king can compromise our deal to bring back-
Y/n: That's not gonna happen, dumbasses.
They looked at the source whose voice belongs to and they're shocked to see Y/n with Yamato equipped and his Riolu came out of his portal.
Y/n: *sigh* Just what do you think you're doing here and why?
Rias: As you can see, we are here to reclaim what we have lost and make amends for our forgiveness.
Issei: What?! But miss president-
Koneko: Shut it Pervssei. Please come back to us senpai, to go back in peace.
Kuroka: I'm afraid we can't let you do that, 'Koneko'.
Y/n, Riolu also Rias and her peerage noticed Kuroka and Ur have arrived, and they're surprised to see Asia with them from the transportation circle.
Kiba: I should have known you're here, you vile S-Class criminal.
Xenovia: Sounds like she's very dangerous for her to live.
Gasper: W-w-wait, why are you guys saying? They aren't bad people, are they?
Akeno: My goodness, looks like Kuroka's Senjutsu went berserk already.
Kuroka: And yet, you're still a brainless devils who didn't realize you saw the footage.
Ur: Hey what gives, why do you guys call her a criminal?! I know she's not a bad person, not without a good reason!
They noticed that Issei is acting pervert again with the dumb, pervert look of his face.
Issei: Oh hell yeah! She looks so ravishing, her boobs are so tender and definitely put her in my harem! There might more beautiful girls here too with their-
Ur: Shut up, put a sock in your throat. I don't date someone that is so pitiful and desperate, besides I've already been with someone who cared about my well being.
Issei on his knees in despair of rejection.
Y/n: Well, looks like your horndog hasn't changed one bit, if you ask me. I see it's nothing but disappointing since you guys begin your travels from there to here.
Asia: Stop it Hyoudou and Rias, why are you doing this?!
Rias: We came here because we wanted to ask for your forgiveness and bring the rest of you to come back home.
Akeno: That's right, none of you don't belong here. This isn't your home, please come back to us. I promise, I'll be gentle with you in bed if you want~.
Kuroka: What do you say?! How dare you tell us-!
Asia: No, I refuse!
Rias and her peerage: WHAT?! WHY?!
Asia: Because...I love it here. This world made me feel like I'm home already. I met most new friends, I now had a family who cared for me along with Y/n and others too. I made a mistake before when Raynare gave me a shelter all by myself until I met Y/n, my very first friend, before the betrayal started because you killed Y/n!
Asia is starting to cry again while Y/n, Kuroka, and Ur are shocked by her response. Unknowingly to them, everyone in the guild hall of Fairy Tail, except Chisato and Rossweisse is shocked when they saw and heard about what happened between Y/n and Rias including her followers.
Asia: *tears* So how can I go back with you?! There's no way, I don't want to get kicked out again!
Y/n: (shocked)...Asia. 'Asia is getting emotional when she tells me about her time in the church. Everyone was calling her a witch, an outcast, etc. But here with Fairy Tail, they would never say horrible things like that.'
Issei: You son of a bitch, how could you make Asia cry! I will save her and those hot cute girls from you and become the true Harem King!
Kiba: It would seem Y/n and that criminal must have corrupted her soul because of their treachery.
Xenovia: You traitor, how can you do such a thing to Asia. You and your partner in crime must have brainwashed her from your sins.
Koneko: We will stop you, here and now.
Xenovia summoned her unique-shaped single-edged blue broadsword that has a golden edge, Durandal while everyone in Rias' peerage made their battle stance at Y/n and the others.
Kuroka: You guys never get it do you? Looks like you guys are asking for this.
Ur: I'm with ya on that Kuroka, let's teach those losers a lesson to not mess with-!
Y/n: Kuroka, get yourself, Ur and Asia to a safe distance from here now. I will handle this problem on my own.
Ur: What?! But why?!
Kuroka: Darling, but we can-
Y/n: Go now, Asia couldn't handle her heart in this situation. Just leave them to me.
Kuroka, Asia and Ur hesitated for a minute until they had no choice but to comply. Kuroka, Asia and Ur moved back to a safe distance as they saw the unwanted battle was about to begin.
Rias: Y/n, we're telling you that you don't belong here! Your cursed fate has been sealed by your reckless actions, it's affecting all of us, come with us before it's too late!
Y/n have no choice for this situation, Y/n made his battle stance against Rias and her peerage with his Crimson Rebellion equipped.
Y/n: 'I'm sorry about this Emiko, looks like I won't be using the Keyblade for this fight. I hope you understand this.' And I'm telling you for one last time, just walk away and cut the act of desperation recruitment.
Akeno: Aww, would you please come back handsome? I promise I will give you a kiss and be gentle with you~.
Y/n: Hmph really, you never said like that to me before. And what was that you said before you killed me? Oh yeah you said, "Because you're nothing but a burden behind our backs."
Akeno is shocked by Y/n's recalled memory, turns her happy face to sadness as she forms her tears a little.
Koneko: I'm gonna beat you up, for making Akeno-senpai cry. Miss President, let me do this.
Rias: (nod) Permission granted, save him from his madness!
Koneko was in front and made her fighting stance. As Y/n wanted to step in, Riolu called him out for wanting to battle her.
Riolu: Rio! Riolu!
Y/n: Alright then, go for it. After her, they're mine. Let's go, Riolu!
Riolu is ready to fight against Koneko. Koneko is running towards Riolu as the fight begins.
Y/n: Riolu, use Iron Defense!
Riolu used Iron Defense around his body, when Koneko made few punches and kicks,
Koneko: What?! How did-?!
Y/n: Riolu, use Close Combat!
Riolu performed Close Combat as he made some punches and kicks to Koneko's gut and she skidded back a bit. Her shirt has a round hole, showing her stomach and it made Koneko a bit angry while Rias and her peerage are shocked.
Koneko: You're so dead, you stupid mutt.
Koneko ran towards Riolu, she jumped and made an axe kick, however Riolu dodged her incoming attack.
Y/n: Riolu, use Double Team!
Riolu used Double Team to create most of the illusory copies of itself to raise its evasiveness. Koneko is confused and surrounded by Riolu's illusory copies, no idea which is the real one.
Y/n: Now, use Vacuum Wave!
Riolu and his copies used Vacuum Wave at Koneko, made a direct hit and exploded. As the dust clears up, they see Koneko is damaged along with her clothes being ripped. Koneko is on her knees, panting heavily, unable to stand up.
Rias, Akeno, Kiba, Xenovia and Issei: (shocked) KONEKO!!!
Gasper: (shock) N-n-no, no way! Koneko is down. M-m-maybe we should leave him alone.
Issei is now furious to see Koneko in a damaged state, he looks at Y/n and his Riolu.
Issei: (angry) GRRR!!! I HATE YOU, YOU BITCH!!!
Y/n: You hate the fact that you're losing, you guys don't understand my words when I won the duel in miss president's engagement party was never to see you again. Everything I have done in the past, was completely wasted on you. All due to your stupid horndog in your peerage for Ddraig, the Welsh Dragon.
Issei: I will kill you and save those cute girls to be my harem and be the Harem King, not you! I've gotten stronger than before, let's go, Boosted Gear, Balance Breaker Scale Mail!!!
Issei unleashed his balance breaker, equipped his red dragon armor with wings.
Y/n: Riolu, it's my turn now. I'll handle the rest.
Riolu looked at Y/n, acknowledged his command and returned inside to Y/n. Y/n equipped with his Crimson Rebellion.
Issei: I'll show you how strong I am, you demon bitch.
Y/n: Oh yeah, okay then come on wimp. Come and get me if you can.
Issei roars as he charges towards Y/n, Issei clenched his fist to punch Y/n however, Y/n grabbed Issei's fist with a bored look on his face.
Y/n: Tch really? Is that the best you can do? Keep trying!
Y/n reeled his fist with his lightning and punched at Issei's chest armor. Issei skidded back a bit force, leaving a little bit of crack in his armor.
Issei: Try this for size, Ascalon!!!
Ddraig: Blade Mode!!!
Issei equipped his sword Ascalon rushed towards Y/n again and started to swing his Ascalon while Y/n deflected with ease.
Y/n: Hmph, I see that you have no swordsmanship. You really disappointed me Shitssei.
Y/n swung his Crimson Rebellion at a fast pace as he made some slash combo attacks and he kicked Issei in the face with lightning. Y/n punched him in the air, made some fast air slash attacks while Issei was bleeding inside his armor. And Y/n ended with the axe kick, making a heavy hit on Issei to the ground.
Rias, Akeno, Kiba, Xenovia, Gasper and Koneko: (shock) ISSEI!!!
On the crater, Issei barely managed to stand up and his armor was barely intact. Y/n lands on the ground gracefully with his serious face. Y/n noticed Issei's Boosted Gear begins to glow.
Ddraig: Boost x7!!!
Issei: Eat this, Dragon Shot!!!
Issei launches his red orb beam towards Y/n, unfortunately for him, Y/n lifts up his hand forward, as the beam makes contact at Y/n's palm as the wind blows strongly, he clutches Issei's beam attack smaller and Y/n crush it with ease.
Y/n: Hmph, what a lame attack.
Issei: What the hell?!
Y/n: (grin) My turn. Are you ready?!
Y/n performed a Dance Macabre Combo with his Crimson Rebellion as the final strike he punched Issei in the gut with his lightning and he skidded to the ground. Issei reverted back to normal form, he is unable to continue.
Y/n: Down and out.
Kiba: You fiend, you will pay with your life! I, Kiba Yuuto, knight of Rias Gremory will defeat you! Come, Balance Breaker,Sword of Betrayer!
Kiba summoned his Sword of Betrayer and made his battle stance.
Y/n: (smirk) Just try to keep up.
Y/n made his lightning effects on his entire body and his sword, to increase his speed and power. Y/n switched his Crimson Rebellion to Yamato.
Y/n: Darkslayer!
Kiba rushed towards Y/n, starting to swing his sword while Y/n deflected and dodged at a fast pace. Kiba is struggling a bit with Y/n's speed. Y/n managed to use red Summoned Swords, slash three times around chest and arms, Kiba grunted in pain.
Y/n: Hope you're fast...Slay all!
Y/n readied his Yamato, preparing for his attack, the Judgement Cut. Y/n teleports in different directions as he slashes while time stops. Y/n slowly sheathed his Yamato until it clicked. Kiba spilled his blood around his body as he screamed in pain and fell to the ground.
Kiba: I'm sorry...president...he's strong.
Xenovia: Kiba!! Your opponent will be me now!
Xenovia charges towards Y/n, swings her Durandal with everything she has, however Y/n dodges and uses his Royalguard from her incoming attack.
Xenovia: That's all you can do, dodging like a coward to fight back!
Y/n: (smirk) Hehe I won't be so sure.
Y/n prepared his defense stance as Xenovia jumped high to attack him but Y/n countered her right timing.
Y/n: Royal Release!
Y/n released all of his pent up damage to Xenovia in the gut which she skidded back to where Rias, Akeno and Gasper. Xenovia is unable to continue to fight back.
Rias: We have no choice! Gasper, now!
Gasper: I-I-I will try-!
Y/n: I don't think so.
Y/n snapped his fingers and time moved very slowly, as he casted with his Quicksilver. Y/n teleports to where Gasper is, he karate chopped swiftly at Gasper's neck and he fell unconscious.
Y/n: Five down, two to go.
Rias: Akeno your turn, we can't let our guard down!
Akeno: Alright, we'll end his cursed fate and his life!
Akeno changed her school uniform into a traditional priestess form with a yellow aura around her.
Akeno: Ara~ please don't resist my attacks. When you scream in pain, my body shivers me with an exquisite appetite for my taste. *lick her fingers*
Y/n: 'After what she did, she really sickened me, I'll play along with her game.' (smirk) We'll see about that, sadistic bitch.
Akeno casted multiple sigils of Gremory household, aiming at Y/n. Akeno casted her thunder attack at Y/n, unknowingly to them, Y/n secretly smirks as he has other plans. Akeno's attack made a hit and exploded as the wind blew strongly.
Asia and Ur: (shocked) Y/N!!!
Rias: I'm sorry, he left us no choice.
Issei: Awesome job...Akeno.
Kiba: That stray has been destroyed.
Akeno: Aww don't worry, we'll take very good care of Y/ bed, of course.~
Kuroka: I wouldn't be so sure about that. Take another look.
To Rias and her peerage confusion of Kuroka's response, true of her words, Y/n is nowhere to be seen on the crater.
Akeno: What?! But, where did he-?
Y/n appeared in front of Akeno, with a smirk.
Y/n: Pop goes the weasel!🎵
Y/n quickly formed his demonic lightning effects around him again, made most of the mixed punches and kicks combos, as the final strike, he double punched in her chest forcefully. Akeno skidded back strongly and fell on the ground to where Rias and her defeated peerage.
(Ended battle theme)
Y/n reverted back to normal state and stood victorious. Kuroka is happy and proud while Asia and Ur are amazed by Y/n's display of skills and power. Y/n slick his hair back.
Y/n: Hmph, my powers are absolute.
Ur: *blush* Wow. He is still so cool and dreamy.
Asia: *blush,smile* Y/n, you're still incredible.
Kuroka: Now then Gremory, leave right now. Your plan has ended.
Rias: No! I refuse to accept this defeat! Let's see if you can handle this!
Rias radiating her energy as she's preparing to attack. Rias has both hands forward to Y/n as an orb sphere of energy appears with a crimson red shine formed in Rias' palms.
Rias: Feel the wrath of my family's name and perish!
Rias launched her powerful orb attack towards Y/n, her attack made a hit. However, as the smoke clears up, Y/n is in his Dreadnought Trigger.
Rias: Impossible!!! But...that was my...ultimate attack!
Y/n: Quit now, or I'll-
Y/n hears a wood clunk noise, he turns to the source and they are shocked that Y/n's house is a bit damaged from their attacks.
Y/n: Dammit, you guys just wrecked our house and I was enjoying it.
Rias: Please Y/n, listen to me! I wanted to apologize for everything we've done! You living here isn't the answer, your fate will be cursed here including that emblem you and your group have! That emblem signifies that you are a slave, I can't guarantee your safety, can't you just understand?!
Y/n kept his serious face but he clenched his fists in rage as she believed of such denial.
Asia: No...that's it?
Kuroka: How dare you?! How can you be this way?!
Ur: Hey, what gives you a right to say things like that?!
Issei: She's...the president...I owe monsters-
???: Miss Gremory and your peerage, that's far enough!
???2: All of you have overstayed your welcome.
To their surprise, they see Sona, her peerage, Azazel and Serafall Leviathan. Judging by their expressions, Sona and Serafall are upset and disappointed by their selfish actions.
Ur: So...did you guys know them too?
Kuroka: Sona, Serafall, everyone, what are you doing here and how?
Sona: We received word from Azazel, that Miss Gremory and her peerage have disappeared from the ORC building.
Azazel: Yeah, when I came back from the school building, filled out some papers, I noticed that the red light brightened through the window when I showed up and they disappeared.
Serafall: We have a possibility that Rias wanted to reclaim her missing pieces, intending to apologize for what they have done. With my sister and my help, we were able to locate Rias and her peerage with our transportation circle ready, and I'm surprised to see you guys are here.
???: Whoa, who are you guys?
???2: More of them, where do you guys come from?
Everyone looked to see where the voices were, they were shocked to see not only Chisato and Rossweisse, but most of Fairy Tail are here.
Rossweisse: Y/n, I've tried to reason with them but they wanted to help you.
Chisato: Yes it's true. And Y/n...they saw everything that happened here.
Y/n: Oh great.
Azazel: Well how interesting, from what I'm guessing that you guys happen to be wizards. I can tell from their powers.
Serafall: Wow really?! *ahem* That's enough Azazel, not right now. Perhaps you forget that we are working on progress of the Three Factions Peace Treaty.
Azazel: Okay, okay I remember.
Most of Fairy Tail are confused about their response to the peace treaty. They look at the source of a dragon.
Laxus: Huh, that weak little boy who wields a dragon, the way he is now is ridiculous.
Irene: How very true. In his state was a sham, worthless to be a dragon.
Cana: Wow, Y/n can definitely handle himself. He's so amazing and dreamy.
However, most of Fairy Tail looked at Y/n without saying anything.
Latina: Papa, are you hurt?
Grace: Yeah papa, you look sad.
Erza: Y/n...are you alright-?
Y/n: Sona, Serafall, take them away and do what you gotta do.
Sona and Serafall looked at Y/n's face, he was serious and a bit ashamed of himself for not telling them the real truth, and they noticed his group's expression the same as well. Sona and Serafall have no choice but to comply with Y/n's request.
Sona: Excuse us everyone, we'll handle this problem for you. We apologize for their troubles.
Serafall: That's right, they won't be bothering you. We'll discuss it with them.
Sona called out her peerage to apprehend Rias and her peerage, Serafall formed a transportation circle with the help of Sona and Azazel and they disappeared. Everything went in silence until...
Gray: Hey Y/n, you alright man?
Lucy: Y/n, are they your-?
Y/n: *sigh* you know the truth. I don't want you guys to get involved in this.
Makarov: Y/n...there's no shame for not telling your secrets and others as well, we're family.
Mirajane: The master is right, you know. You and your group are still a part-
Y/n: But this is my problem, not yours...*sigh* Look, I need to take a walk and not think about any more problems for a while.
Y/n walked away from everyone, they are sad and concerned about them. Asia wanted to comfort Y/n but Kuroka stopped her, just as Natsu and Happy tried to cheer him up but Lucy stopped him.
Kuroka: Everyone, I'm sorry about this situation. Y/n wanted all of you out of harm's way.
Chisato: Yes, it seems we need time for ourselves. I hope you understand this.
Makarov: Hmmm...I see. I understand. Everyone, please give the rest of Team Redgrave some space, they had a hard time in this situation until Y/n came back. In the meantime, we'll manage to repair their house.
Everyone in Fairy Tail has no choice but to accept Makarov's request. Kuroka and the rest of his group remain there but soon will go separate ways for a while until Y/n came back. Wondering what's next for them?
As their adventures continues...
(Ending theme)
That's all he wrote for the day. After the Eclipse Celestial Spirits crisis is finished, Y/n acquired another summon which was revealed as Riolu. Y/n and his group were surprised by their reactions that Sparda came to Earthland for a short time. Fairy Tail assumes that they came from Edolas or Eclipse Gate from the future, but they didn't. Y/n revealed that he and his group have come from another kind of world, most of them wanted to get to know better however, Riolu and with help of Irene sensed an unknown presence from a distance. When Rias Gremory and her peerage arrived in front of Y/n's house with the help of Ddraig's power, Y/n and his group were shocked to see them and Y/n decided to handle them on his own. Y/n have won the battle which they remained to stay while Rias is disbelieving and starts spouting nonsense of their apologies and forcing them to come back. They are surprised to see Serafall Leviathan, Azazel, Sona and her peerage have arrived at Earthland, to apprehend them. Unknowingly to them, most of Fairy Tail saw and heard about what happened there, Y/n felt a bit ashamed of himself for not telling them the real truth while Y/n's group felt the same. What happened next after this occurrence? Find out in the next chapter of Third Sparda of Fairy Tail! Stay tuned.
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