~ C H A P T E R 19 ~

~ A N G E L A ' S P O V ~

We kissed for a few more moments.

Heat rose to my cheeks,and I could already feel splotches of red blooming on my neck.I was far too easily flustered.

But really,I shouldn't be.After all,I was an adult...so this shouldn't be anything too new.Sadly,it was in a way.
Especially with Garroth.

I had to remember how to breathe and to remind myself to continue to breathe as I looked at him.His blonde hair looked almost like a light shade of brown in the light.
A warm smile formed across his features.

His eyes crinkled slightly as a sweet expression washed over his features.
His smile added a bit of cuteness to his already youthful,and handsome features.

Gah.What was I doing?
Swooning over this man?

I didn't even know myself.

My thoughts were swirling around in my head,serving as a horrible distraction from reality.
A soft voice broke me out of my trance.

"Are you alright,Angela?",Garroth whispered softly.He chuckled once he realized that I was out of my slight daze.
I slowly nodded my head,unable to remember how to move my mouth to form words.
The way I was acting was ridiculous and I needed to get ahold of myself.I then carefully spoke up,having had chosen the words that came out of my mouth a moment or two before I had spoken up.
"Why did you do that?"

He pressed his lips into a thin line,thinking.Once his lips had parted and he was about to speak,the ground beneath us shook,rumbling.
Katelyn and Aphmau woke up within the first minute that had passed.
The ground was still shaking.

The movements coming from the ground came in fast,long waves.

Katelyn had slowly stood up,but had began to fall down the moment she had thought she was standing straight up.
She caught herself and placed her hand against the moving ground.
"We need to move and now!",Aphmau stated in a stern tone.

We nodded our heads before Garroth put out the fire quickly.
In a few swift movements,all of us had retrieved our backpacks full of belongings and our weapons.
Within a few moments we were slowly making our way across the shaking ground.
The farther we moved North,the more the ground shook.

A rumble broke out from within the ground beneath us.

It sounded like a low moaning combined with a vibration radiating through that moan.It wasn't something pleasant to here as we slowly moved up a hill through the thinning forest we were in.

We arrived in a field.

The waves that were causing the ground to shake were visible,echoing off of a white portal.The white portal was in a rectangular shape,made of marble.Four marble pillars stood around the portal,unaffected by the shaking of the ground.

The waves came quickly.They would flow out of the portal,in a shade of purple before they then dispersed themselves among the world,causing chaos and earthquakes in their path.

But,once we managed to crawl closer,the waves stopped.The ground beneath the portal shook furiously,before light began to form in a ball in the center of the portal.
A purple,blinding light.
The light moved and filled in the once empty center inside of the portal.

Once that occurred,the ground slowly stopped shaking.
The light beckoned for us to come closer as we slowly stood,inching towards the portal slowly.
A male stepped out of the portal and I'm pretty sure I almost started crying once I saw him.

I could recognize that light brown hair,and blue eyes anywhere.

L a u r e n c e .

He moved towards us,a hard expression on his face.He then turned around once he was a yard away from the portal.He unsheathed his sword as he shot a deadly glare at the portal itself.

A familiar,sick laughter echoed from the portal as a figure stepped out.

~ A p h m a u 's P O V ~

Angela started shaking slightly.But not out of fear....

Out of pure anger and outrage.

I looked over at Katelyn,unsure of whether to hold her back.

Zane slowly stepped out of the portal and I had to snap my gaze back to him.Unsheathing my sword,I kept an eye on Zane.

The moment his two feet were on solid ground,Angela attacked swiftly.Within a moment,she had the tip of her blade at his throat.A low,dark chuckle came from him as she looked at him with deadly,icy eyes.

Garroth's normal gentle blue eyes became hard the moment Angela was within a yard of Zane's presence.

"You.",Angela growled,while Zane bursted out in laughter."Oh well look at me~.I'm so terrified of the little girl trying to poke me with her stick.",He stated in a cruel,teasing tone.
"I would keep my mouth shut if I were you.",She hissed the words out between her teeth.

A moment later Zane had unsheathed his large,black sword and placed it against the back of her neck.The blade seemed to brush against her dark brown hair and barely brush against the skin.Though,that didn't change the fact that this was a threat,not only to Angela's life,but to all of us as well.

Katelyn was at the very least,trying to not attack Zane immediately,like how Angela had done so.But,Angela had plenty of experience.

Laurence breathing out a shaky breath next to me,snapped me out of it.

~ G A R R O T H 'S P O V ~

"Brother....",I murmured,barely over a whisper as he was threatening Angela.

"Leave.Her.Be.",Laurence suddenly spoke up,barking out the words towards Zane.He was demanding that Zane leave Angela alone.But under that tough expression,I knew Laurence was worried,really just wanting Angela away from the dangerous,crazy man I called my little brother.

"And why exactly should I?After all,she's the one that should be long dead after all of these years.",Zane replied in a slick tone,evilly chuckling before he spun Angela around in an instant.
He had her in a choke hold,with his left arm wrapped around her neck.Angela's head was held high in a way.She looked both calm,but deadly and cold.

Zane carefully moved his sword towards the back of her neck.

"Leave her be!",Katelyn suddenly exclaimed and switched into a stance to where she was ready to charge at Zane the moment he tried anything else.Aphmau did the same.

"Let her go,Zane!"Aphmau suddenly yelled and Zane cackled,shaking his head.

Angela was quiet,until Zane's cackling died down as he was doing something.

She winced,before groaning in pain.He let her go,which was a mistake.

Within a swift movement I was in front of him,a sword to his neck."Back.Down.Zane.",I hissed and Aphmau then spoke up."Garroth!Back up.",She stated before I hesitantly backed down.

Angela was up on her feet,but her grey eyes held no look of emotion in them as she closed her eyes and blew a cloud of frost towards Zane.Within a moment,a few soldiers,that were made out of sharp and finely pointed ice.
The group of soldiers pinned Zane down,who was cackling while he was being arrested and being held down.
"You won't be able to stop me,Lord Angela and Lord Aphmau.",He hissed.

"Yes.I will.",Angela murmured before she fell to the ground.

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