There's a Thin Line Between Love and Hate (8)
"It's brilliant!" Chelsea exclaimed, hopping on top of her bed and jumping up and down. "Jordan Emery, by George, I think you've got it!"
"George?" I questioned, confused.
"An expression," she said, waving her hand in front of her face. "But anyway, about your plan. It's amazing! It's just the thing to get Jesse back for pranking us and telling you he loves you!"
"Jesse told you he loved you?" Molly demanded, finally tearing her gaze away from the TV.
"It was a joke," I assured her, smiling as I did so. I didn't want to hurt Molly's feelings, but I didn't really think she had a chance with Jesse. Sure, she was cute, but not really Jesse's type. Yolanda wasn't even Jesse's type, and yet he liked her.
"So what is this oh-so-brilliant plan of yours?" Emily asked, flipping over on the couch so she was facing us now. "I don't think I've ever seen Chelsea this excited before. What's so exciting? How are you going to get Jesse back for what he did?"
Chelsea waved the six girls and me closer to her, looking around as if someone could be listening in. After we were all in a huddled circle on Chelsea's bed, she told them my plan.
"Jordan's going to seduce Jesse."
Molly let out a squeak, and it really looked like she was about to faint. I blinked, not expecting this reaction from her. Even if she did like Jesse, she should have known that I had no romantic interest in him and it was only for revenge. I was going to embarrass Jesse Jacobsen just like he had embarrassed me.
"But what if Jesse takes it so seriously that they go, like, all the way?" Cindy asked, causing my eyes to go wide with shock and fear.
"Th—that's not going to happen, I assure you!"
Cindy giggled. "I'm just asking, Jordan. It's possible. With the way Jesse looks at you, I'm surprised he hasn't taken you in front of everyone."
"St—stop messing around!"
"She's blushing! She's stuttering!"
Chelsea rolled her eyes at Cindy's childishness before turning back toward me. "Well, I think it's a good plan. Go as far as you want, torture him, and then pull away and laugh at him. Laugh at him just like he laughed at you when he told you he loved you! Aha, I love this!"
Chelsea was kind of an evil mastermind, I decided in my head.
"But, there's one thing that might backfire," AJ pointed out, a worried look on her face. Obviously seeing our confused faces, she continued, "What if he kisses her? That'll be Jordan's first kiss after a long time."
I blinked.
No it wouldn't.
"Um... actually... you don't have to worry about that," I mumbled, looking down at the sheets under us.
The girls stared at me, obviously trying to figure out what I had just said. Their eyes went wide, one by one, when they realized what I had meant.
"Who have you kissed recently?" Lexi demanded.
"Um... Dallas did. When he, uh, wanted to talk to me earlier today..." I explained, hoping that my cheeks weren't as red as I thought they were.
The girls started squealing, even Yolanda, which kind of freaked me out a little. They were getting all excited over the fact that Dallas had kissed me, but I wasn't that excited at all. I had been waiting for him to kiss me ever since I had met him, and when he finally did, it didn't feel like how I thought it would. I didn't know how, but it just didn't.
"I knew it! I knew he liked you!" Cindy declared, waving her arms around so it looked like she was about to take off in flight. "It was so obvious when he saw you yesterday! This is so cool! Dallas likes you!"
"But romance between a student and a counselor is prohibited," AJ informed us, sounding as if she had just read it out of the handbook. I looked over at her to see that she was, in fact, going through the handbook, and I rolled my eyes at her.
"Then they'll just have a secret relationship!" Molly suggested, grinning that wide grin of hers. I shook my head, letting out a long sigh. They got so excited, but I wasn't feeling very happy at all. Even though it was my idea, I wasn't really looking forward to seducing Jesse.
"There's no chance of that. Jesse pretty much scared him away by telling him that I was his girlfriend. Even if Dallas does like me, I don't have a chance," I told them, shaking my head once again. I didn't even know if I wanted a chance anymore. After being ditched at his school, I didn't know how I felt about him.
"Well, we've got to get you looking absolutely beautiful for seducing Jesse tonight," Chelsea grinned, pulling out her makeup bag and waving it around. "Maybe we could have Ryan or Adam tell Jesse to go out to the dock out on the lake tonight. I'm sure Ryan will do it if we ask him, and Adam will do anything for AJ!"
I looked over to see that AJ was blushing, shaking her head almost hysterically. We used to always tease AJ about how Adam liked her, even though we didn't have any proof. AJ didn't like him, hence why she had a boyfriend, but she always got embarrassed when we said someone liked her. I didn't really get why.
"I don't know if I want to do this," I said once I felt my stomach flip when Emily started brushing my hair. "What if it doesn't work? Why don't we send Yolanda to do it?"
I realized what had come out of my mouth after I said it, and I immediately bit down on my tongue. Lexi, AJ, and Chelsea were all looking at me like I had just spilled their biggest secret, and the rest of the girls were looking at me in confusion.
Emily then burst out laughing, scaring me a little at first. "Yolanda? Yolanda? You want to send Yolanda out to seduce Jesse Jacobsen? She can barely speak to us, her friends! How do you expect her to be able to seduce a guy like Jesse Jacobsen?"
She was right, I guess. But since Jesse liked her, it would work more with her, right? I didn't think Jesse was so bad that he was willing to do any girl, including his worst enemy.
"Then why not Molly?" I asked quickly, trying my best to change the subject from Yolanda as quickly as possible. "She likes Jesse, and she's ten times prettier than me!"
Molly snorted from behind me, patting my shoulder as she looked at me in the mirror. "Prettier than you? Ha! No way!"
"It was your idea, Jordan," Chelsea smirked, patting my other shoulder. "Sorry, but now that you told us about it, you definitely have to do it."
"Ugh," I groaned, throwing my head back. "Kill me."
"Jesse just might, if he's good enough at... you know," Chelsea winked at me in the mirror.
Covering my face with my hands, I let out another groan. "You're all so embarrassing!"
"But you love us anyway," AJ smiled, now brushing through my hair.
"We'll get Ryan to do tell Jesse to come out to the dock," Lexi said, rolling her eyes at our two best friends. "I'll go get him now and have Jordan ask him. She's a lot closer to him than any of us."
As Lexi went to go get Ryan from Cabin B, the rest of the girls forced me into a chair in front of a mirror so they could do my hair and makeup. I felt like a complete and total Barbie doll, but I wanted to get my revenge. Jesse had humiliated me enough; now it was his turn.
"What do you need, Jorda--whoa."
I rolled my eyes as Ryan entered the cabin, his eyes going wide when he looked at what I had become. The girls wouldn't get out of the way, so I couldn't see myself in the mirror. I didn't know if I looked absolutely hideous or absolutely gorgeous, but I didn't think I really wanted to find out.
"Jordan, is that you?" Ryan asked, his eyes still wide.
I rolled my eyes once again. "Of course it's me. Who else could it be?"
Ryan blinked. "Miss America."
I felt my cheeks heat up ever so slightly, but I pretended like I didn't even notice. If Ryan, who thought I was a boy when we were little, thought that I looked like Miss America, what would Jesse, who pretty much sexually harassed me every day, think?
"I need you to--ow!" I shouted as Chelsea continued to pluck my eyebrows. They weren't even that bad, but she insisted on making me perfect for tonight. It wasn't like I was going on a date or anything. I was doing this for revenge to get back at him for telling me he loved me and then laughing in my face.
"She needs you to tell Jesse to go to the dock in ten minutes. Don't tell him why, though," AJ instructed, not even looking up from whatever she was doing to my hair. "But make sure he goes. If he asks why, just say... um... Well, make up a reason."
The girls finally moved out of the way, and my eyes widened when I saw the girl in the mirror.
This wasn't me. My hair was amazing, my makeup ten times better than it ever had been before. It looked like I was going to prom, or on a date. I couldn't get over how pretty I looked, and I couldn't believe it was me. I never thought it was possible that I could be that pretty.
It was pretty amazing, if I could say so myself.
It was just... wow.
Rule for the future: let the girls from Cabin C do your hair and makeup whenever you go out on a date. Always.
Ryan blinked again, still looking at me in confusion. "Are you going to confess your undying love to him or something?" he asked, cocking his head to the side a little. "Because if you are, he's kind of got his hands full with Aimee right now. Like, literally."
AJ tensed up behind me, and I chucked the hairdryer as hard as I could at Ryan's head. He caught it easily, with those ninja-like reflexes of his. "I was just joking. I don't even think Jesse likes Aimee. She's kind of obsessed with him, if you ask me."
"I don't want to hear it," I sighed, almost shaking my head until Chelsea snapped at me to stop moving. "Just go tell Jesse and don't tell him why. Actually, tell him it's because of me. If what everyone says about Jesse always having his attention on me is true, he'll be there."
"He'll be there," the eight other people in the cabin said in unison, causing me to give them a flat look.
It was freaking cold outside.
Where was Jesse? If he didn't show up, I swear I'd wring his neck. I did not dress up in this stupid bikini to sit out on a dock by myself at twelve thirty at night.
Though it was after curfew and Erica thought we were all in our cabin, we had to make sure that no one would be around while everything was going on. I knew that Jesse would come out if it meant breaking the rules, so that was another reason why we were out after curfew.
Chelsea forced me into wearing a swimsuit, even though I really, really didn't want to. I hated swimming, and Jesse knew that, so I knew that he would know something was up once he saw me. And what sucked even more was that it was one of Aimee's old bikinis, one that she left at Chelsea's house. So it was skimpy. Very skimpy.
It didn't help that all the girls from Cabin C were watching in the bushes. Like this wasn't embarrassing enough.
Sitting at the edge of the dock, I let my toes run through the water as I lightly kicked my feet. It was getting really, really boring. Jesse was ten minutes late, and I had always really hated waiting. Where was he? Was he even going to show up at all? He better!
I laid down, my toes still in the water as my back pressed against the cold wood of the dock. Jesse seriously needed to show up before I died of hypothermia or something. Why wasn't he here?
Laying my hands on my bare stomach, I let out a breath. He probably wasn't even going to show up. He must have known something was up when Ryan told him to meet me at the dock. He knew that there was no way I'd want to see him unless I was going to prank him.
I looked up at the stars, wondering what Jesse was doing right then, what Dallas was doing.
"You're such an idiot, Jesse," I breathed, shutting my eyes. "You're really just going to leave a girl out here in the cold?"
"I wasn't planning on it, Emery," a voice said, only causing me to open my eyes. Normally I would have jumped, but I wasn't going to give him the satisfaction of seeing me scared. I had to be in control tonight. I had to be the one that humiliated him. And even though I was definitely not going as far as sleeping with him, I was definitely going to go as far as it took to make him beg on his hands and knees.
I sat up, my legs still hanging over the edge. I turned slightly so I could face Jesse, and his eyes went wide when he saw what I was wearing.
I smirked to myself, happy that I had gotten a shocked reaction from him. That's what I had wanted all along, and it looks like my plan was working. And Jesse didn't suspect a thing!
"Are you planning on swimming or something?" he asked me, sitting down next to me on the dock. I didn't know for sure, but I thought his voice actually sounded pretty husky. Was this working? Was Jesse Jacobsen actually being seduced by me, Jordan Emery?
"I don't know," I said, trying to sound uncertain and kind of ditzy, tossing my hair back behind my shoulder so it wouldn't be covering my chest any longer. I definitely wasn't planning on swimming... Not even if it was hot outside...
His eyes widened a little more and he stared at my chest like it could disappear at any moment.
This was so working!
"Well... uh... I... uh," Jesse stuttered, almost causing my eyes to go wide. Jesse Jacobsen never stuttered! Never! I was actually getting to him! I was using my body, but I was getting to him! I never thought I'd see this day in my entire life!
I needed to take it up a notch; he needed to be begging on his hands and knees. If he was acting this way by only looking at me, what was he going to do if I touched him?
I hadn't ever done anything like this before, so I didn't really know what to do. But I had seen Aimee flirt, Lexi with Bruce, and AJ and her boyfriend Scott. So I wasn't clueless, I just...hadn't done it before. Ever.
"That was a really mean prank that you pulled earlier," I started innocently, pulling my legs up from the water and tucking them under myself. I leaned closer to him, biting my lip seductively. I didn't know how I was supposed to actually touch him, but I'd find a way. "There's no way I'll ever be able to get you back for that..."
Jesse was still just staring at me, looking like he couldn't believe what was happening. He looked like he thought he was dreaming, which was kind of creepy because that meant that he would be dreaming about me. And I was sure that he never did that, since I was only his enemy. He probably dreamed about Yolanda, or Aimee.
"Am I dreaming?" he asked, as if reading my mind. I felt myself wanted to giggle, but I quickly held it in as I shook my head, leaning even closer to him until my face was only a few inches away.
I let my hand slowly move onto his thigh, causing him to freeze. "Nuh-uh. You're wide awake..."
He swallowed hard, obviously not knowing what to do. Honestly, I had no idea what I was supposed to be doing either. I had to do something, but I didn't even know how far I was supposed to go.
"If I'm not dreaming, then why the heck are you doing this?"
How the hell was I supposed to answer that?
"Maybe I just discovered my feelings for you," I covered, still trying to sound seductive and sexy as I rested my chin on his shoulder, my lips dangerously close to his ear. My hand snaked farther up to the zipper of his jeans, and I felt something going off in my mind.
What the hell was I doing?
Stop it, Jordan! Stop it!
Obviously understanding where my hand was going, Jesse froze even more. Wasn't he going to stop me? Wasn't he going to push me away and tell me how much he hated me? Why wasn't he doing that? I wanted to stop, but I couldn't until he pushed me away!
I looked over at my friends hiding in the bushes over Jesse's shoulder, and they all pretty much had different expressions on their faces. I couldn't even see Yolanda's face because they were covered by her hands, and Chelsea was--what the hell? How the hell did she get popcorn?
This wasn't a freaking movie!
Lexi turned toward AJ and mouthed, "Should we stop them?"
AJ shook her head, continuing to watch as I tried to think of something to do to get Jesse to stop me. If I backed down, it would be obvious that I did this for a prank, and that I was just trying to get him back. But why wasn't Jesse acting like my enemy and pushing me away? Was he that desperate?
"You've been a bad boy..."
Did that just come out of my mouth? What was I saying? It was like I didn't even have control over my mouth anymore! Chelsea's eyes lit up when I said this, and she almost dropped her ridiculous tub of popcorn. This was so embarrassing! What was I supposed to do to get out of this? How was I supposed to face Jesse if I somehow didn't get out of this?
"Oh, God," Jesse groaned, tilting his head back. It was so very obvious that he was holding back, as if he could sense that something was off. It seemed like he would take me right then and there if he wasn't trying his hardest not to. He really needed to push me away.
"Oh, Jesse," I smirked, trying to sound just like he did. This was so embarrassing... What was I supposed to do if he didn't stop me?
I took advantage of his head being tilted back, and I slowly trailed kisses up his neck and to his ear. I hadn't even done anything like this before, but I knew I was doing it right when Jesse froze and groaned again.
I was going way too far; this felt way too uncomfortable. But I wanted revenge. I wanted Jesse to know what it felt like to be humiliated, even if it was only in front of me. I wanted to see him squirm!
"And someone's been a bad girl."
That was definitely not what I was expecting. Instead of Jesse squirming, I was suddenly flipped around, now under him. I looked up at him with wide eyes until he leaned forward, pressing his lips onto mine forcefully.
What... Why was this happening?
Two can play at this game! I was going to show him what it was like to be teased! I was going to beat him for once when it came to pranking!
I unzipped his jeans, and then I unbuttoned them. And I was slowly slipping my hand in until--
"What are you two doing out after curfew?"
--the voice made me freeze.
The light on the dock that I had shut off when I had gotten their was suddenly turned on by whoever had caught us, and I was completely frozen with my hand in Jesse's pants. Sure, it was away from his... um, part, but it definitely looked like it wasn't.
This was so uncomfortable...
Jesse finally pulled away from me, and I couldn't help but feel like my lips were cold without his there. I never thought about kissing Jesse before, but now that I had... It was weird.
Jesse smirked at whoever had caught us, causing me to twist my neck so I could see as well. My eyes widened, and I felt my heart drop into my stomach when I saw that this person was Dallas, out of all the counselors at this camp. This was just my luck, wasn't it? Of course it was Dallas that caught us, out of everyone there.
I would have even been okay with Erica catching us! She would just swear at us in Spanish, she wouldn't give me a hurt look that broke my heart like Dallas was right then.
"Do you mind?" Jesse asked smugly, still smirking. "My girlfriend and I have some business to do."
No we didn't!
I quickly pulled my hand away from Jesse's jeans, trying to sit up. Jesse didn't look hurt or shocked by these actions, but he only continued to smirk at me. I turned toward Dallas, who was now glaring at Jesse. "Taking advantage of girls now, are you, Jacobsen?"
Well, I wasn't expecting that.
Jesse cocked his head to the side, his eyebrow rising as he continued to smirk. "Last time I checked, I wasn't the one with my hand down someone's pants, Berg. It's the other way around."
Dallas's gaze flashed to me for a quick second, and I frowned. I was hurting him... just like he had hurt me years before. But did he feel this way when it was the other way around? Did he feel guilty and angry at himself? I didn't really think so.
Dallas must have saw the hurt in my eyes as well, because his face softened when he looked at me. "Jordan, I..."
"Save it," Jesse said, waving him away. "You lost your chance. We'll go back to our cabins in a couple minutes. We have some things we have to finish right now..."
I blinked, not knowing what I was supposed to say. Much to my surprise, Dallas turned away from us, walking back toward Cabin B, leaving us alone on the dock once again.
Or, at least, as alone as we could be with seven girls watching us from the bushes.
"Why do you have to be so mean to him?" I snapped, glaring at Jesse, who was still on top of me. Could he just move so I could go back to my cabin and change into pajamas or something? That's all I really wanted to do right then. I wanted to be as far away from Jesse Jacobsen as possible, and I wanted to find a way to apologize to Dallas.
"You're seriously considering going back to that jerk?" he asked, shaking his head and standing up as he zipped and buttoned his pants up. "I didn't think you were that desperate, Emery. I thought you could see when a guy's no good. You were able to tell right away with me, weren't you?"
The way he was saying this made me frown, feeling guilty for him now. I had judged him when we first met, but the way he was saying it sounded like he was hurt but trying his best to hide it.
"Wait, where are you going?" I asked, scrambling to my feet when Jesse started to walk away from me.
He chuckled, turning slightly to face me. "To take a cold shower. We might have both been faking, but you did get me a little worked up."
I blinked, trying to register what he had just told me.
"Wait, what do you mean both?" I demanded, my eyebrows furrowing.
Jesse winked at me. "Two can play at the seduction game, Emery."
He turned away, walking up the dock and back toward the cabins. I only stood there, watching him go, and I tried to think over what had just happened.
So Jesse knew all along. He knew that I was only acting, and he was acting right back. So my plan didn't work at all, and I was doing all those gross things with Jesse for nothing.
He had kissed me! He didn't even have to, but he still did! Did he know that Dallas was coming? Was that why he had kissed me? Knowing Jesse, it probably was.
Jesse was almost back to his cabin when I screamed, stomping my foot against the dock as hard as I could. "I hate you, Jesse Jacobsen! I hate you so much!"
He turned around, taking a few steps backwards as he waved at me, grinning. "Love you, too, Emery!"
I couldn't believe him! I had been tricked at my own game! I hated him so much, it wasn't even funny! I was going to get him back one day, I knew I would!
The last two pranks I had played on him backfired, but I was going to get him, somehow.
Oh, who am I kidding? He'll always be one step ahead of me! It's never going to happen!
Stupid Jesse and his smartness. I was never going to get him back, no matter how hard I tried.
This was so weird and awkward to write. It's just like... no more scenes like this for me. xD
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