(9) Poet And I Didn't Know It

1 month later~


I followed the black Jaguar as it drove into the Central High School car park. Central High School was obviously bigger than East Side High, but I was not expecting it to be as big as it was. The large main school building was modern and stylish, made of lots of glass and lots of sleek stone. The car park was spacious and the expanse of playing fields showed me there would be no shortage of sport here; not that I didn't already know that.

Looking around I saw that the two most coveted parking spaces were empty. There were a few students stood around the car park in groups and all of them turned to watch as we chose our space. Of course all of them would be fighting to get a glimpse of the first Ward versus Wright action of the school year.

I rolled my eyes as we both pulled into the empty parking spaces. Checking my reflection quickly in the mirror, I opened the door and slipped out of the Aston Martin. After I had shut the door behind me and locked the silver car, I walked over to the Jaguar, shoving my hands deep into my leather jacket, where Brent, Tom and James stood.

"Are you ready for this, Mill?" Brent asked me as he shut his car door and folded his arms over his chest. As soon as he had spoken, the revving of a car engine interrupted us. Brent's eyes hardened as he stared over my shoulder and I turned around only to see the black Lamborghini, driven by Holden Wright with none other than Nick Wright in the passenger seat, that stupid smirk plastered proudly on his face.

I folded my arms across my chest and leant back against the car as the shiny, red Mercedes pulled in after it. I watched as they parked in other parking spaces, a small smirk toying on the corner of my lips.

"I was born ready," I replied, turning back to Brent briefly. Putting on my Ray Bans, I turned to the rest of my family.

"We aren't at East High anymore guys," I began, "When we are here, we share, but that doesn't mean we have to play fair, so how about we show them who is boss," I finished and smirked.

Tom winked at me as he slid on his sunglasses, "Inspiring, Mill," he started as we set off up the steps and into the school, "You're a poet and you didn't know it,"


The layout of Central High was basically the same as East High had been, just a little bigger, so none of us had trouble finding the locations of our first period lessons. I checked my schedule and after finding my Geography room I walked in, just as the bell rang. The classroom was quite long and had desks set up in twos. I noticed the teacher wasn't in the room yet but before I had a chance to look at anything else a large arm slung itself across my shoulders. Looking up through my sunglasses I was greeted by the smirking face of none other than Aiden Wall.

"What are the chances," Aiden began in a cocky manner, "That three schools merge and we still have a class together," he finished, winking.

"Funny that," I started sarcastically, "Now you tell me, what the chances are of me breaking your nose at this school, just like I did at the last one?" I finished, smiling sweetly and shrugging his arm off my shoulder. Shooting him one last smirk, I walked to the back of the classroom and sat down in an empty seat. I crossed my legs and sat back in my chair just as the teacher walked in.

"Hello students, I am Miss Matthews," the 'far too peppy for my liking' woman began with a sickly sweet and extremely toothy smile. After talking for a while about how 'nice' the work we would be doing this year was, she handed out some sheets for us to fill in by the end of the lesson.

After digging around in my bag for what seemed like a century, I came to the conclusion that I had put no pens in my bag. Well done Millie, first day of school and you forgot stationary. Slumping back in my seat, I looked to the person sitting next to me. She had bright red curly hair and freckles and was working diligently on her paper.

I tapped her on the shoulder subtly, my eyes glancing quickly to Miss Matthews who was busy helping another student at the front of the classroom before the girls eyes snapped up immediately.

"No, I'm not going to do your papers for you, I don't care who you think you are," she said in a matter-of-fact way before turning back to concentrate on her own work.

Shocked, I lowered my voice to speak, "I think I'm a person who forgot her pens and need to borrow one,"

Once again, he bright blue eyes shot up, "Oh," she squeaked quietly, before grabbing one from her bag and handing it to me.

"Thanks...?" I trailed off, needing a name to complete my 'thank you'.

"Cindy," she finished for me, smiling.

"Millie," I replied, returning the smile.

She shook her head slightly, the corners of her tugging upwards, "I know,"

I laughed at this comment and maybe I laughed a little louder than I thought as the teacher's attention was suddenly one me. The whole class fell deadly silent as the Miss Matthews crisp voice bounced off the walls.

"Care to share what is so hilarious, Miss Ward,"

Out of the corner of my eye I saw Cindy sit upright in her chair and her eyes widen slightly.

"I was just thinking that of course we will be intelligent when using our compasses and scales because they're all graduated," I said as I finished telling the lamest geography joke in the history of geography jokes. Some of the nerds snorted at my joke, but most of the just class stayed silent, giving each other 'what the hell did she just say?' looks. The teacher raised her eyebrow and folded her arms across her chest as I leaned back in my chair.

"Hilarious," she said, completely unimpressed by my attempt, "Please refrain from the geography jokes, Miss Ward, obviously they are very distracting," she finished quickly, before turning back to the student she was previously helping.

I saluted her behind her back before noticing most of the class were still watching me. I glared and mouthed a 'What?!' and soon enough they weren't staring anymore.

"Nice save," Cindy giggled quietly as I turned back to my worksheet. A smile grew on my face and we both laughed quietly with each other.

"You're not bad, Cindy," I said quietly to her, smiling.

"Neither are you," she replied, a hint of shock in her voice. Turning to her, I raised an eyebrow.

"No, no! It's just all the girls are afraid of you and all the boys want to sleep with you, so I guess I didn't really know what to think of you," she explained, "Until I actually talked to you," she added quickly.

"Don't worry, I was just messing with you," I comforted, laughing slightly, "I don't talk to many people at school apart from my family so it's different,"

Cindy was about to reply when the teachers eyes snapped in our direction and sent us a glare, so finally we turned back to our worksheets. As I suspected, lunch was an interesting part of the first day, especially for all of the students watching us like hawks for reactions.

"You know when I wondered what it would be like in one of those most wanted prisons?" James wondered as he picked at his food. We all nodded in response as he glanced up and looked around. "Well now I know," he finished, gesturing with his fork to the other students.

I smirked as I looked around the cafeteria. Anybody who met my gaze would turn away in an instant. That was until my eyes met a certain pair of chocolate ones. My eyes narrowed, sending Nick Wright an icy glare before ripping my eyes away. I could feel his eyes boring into my back, making the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end. His gaze made my blood run cold and my fingertips tingle at the same time. I threw my fork down onto my plate and stood up abruptly, not being able to stand the funny feeling.

"Where are you going?" Brent asked me. I shrugged my shoulders in response before marching out of the cafeteria, letting the double doors swing shut behind me.

Walking through the near empty hallways, the clicking of my heels on the floor echoed off the lockers. The few people in the hallways who were stood mainly in small groups by their lockers all turned to look at me, but I never returned the glances. I strutted into the girls toilets, and one glare at the group of Barbies by the sinks meant the room was empty in no time. Standing opposite the sink, I stared at my reflection in the mirror and sighed. I'd barely been here one day and I was already exhausted, added to which the thought of one more confused glance at Nick Wright's chocolate eyes made me want to collapse.

My eyes widened and I mentally slapped myself. I will not be brought down by some egotistical jerk who thinks he play games with me. My eyes narrowed at the thought and my fingers scraped the surface of the granite countertop. Running my hands quickly through the cool water, I shook them dry and with one last look in the mirror I walked out of the toilets as the bell rang, signalling the end of lunch.

Stopping by my locker, I grabbed my PE kit and headed for the changing rooms. At Central High School, the whole of Monday and Wednesday afternoons were dedicated to senior PE. Monday afternoons were the afternoons where all of the seniors were split into four groups and each group would partake in a random sport. Wednesday afternoons were team PE afternoons, so each team would do training for that particular sport, however nobody specified what their team sport was until a few weeks into the term, in order to establish yourself in the team properly before you chose it.  

The changing rooms were of a typical layout, with lines of lockers in the middle and changing benches around the edges. I quickly changed into my regulation t-shirt and shorts before throwing my things into an empty locker. I headed out onto the playing fields and walked over to where the seniors were gathering. I spotted Brent with some of his friends from East Side High, including Aiden, and headed over to them, casually placing my hands on my hips.

I heard some wolf whistles from a group of jocks as I walked past but ignored them, scowling slightly. I wasn't surprised when a large arm slung itself across my shoulders.

"Are they bothering you, sugar?" Aiden drawled into my ear and I raised an eyebrow at his obliviousness. This boy just wouldn't give up. I shrugged out of his grip and pushed him sideways slightly.

"I think I can handle it," I replied monotonously, before joining Brent. Soon enough the sports teacher was out, his voice booming its way around the vast pitches, ordering everybody to get into their groups. I looked around at the people in my group. Brent was in group 3, and thank God, Aiden was in a different group. I was about to rejoice at the lack of Wrights, when up strolled Nick Wright, surrounded by his football morons. The coach quickly called out names of people in volleyball teams.

"In the red team," he began, holding up some red bibs, "We have Martin Hill, Millie Ward, Jessica Ford and Nick Wright," he finished. I had to hold back the enormous groan as he announced I would be in the same team as Nick. Why me?! The gods or the fates, or whatever they were, were out to get me and I was not liking it at all.

I stood exactly where I was when everybody dispersed into their various teams, folding my arms over my chest. They could come to me. A girl with dark brown hair was soon stood by my side uncomfortably shortly followed by a blonde haired boy who stood next to her. 

"So you're Jessica, and you're Martin," I said, looking at both of them, my voice ending up more hostile than I wanted. They nodded quickly and before we could say anything else a shadow appeared in front of me.

"You're Millie and I'm Nick, how sweet," I could see the eyes of Jessica and Martin widen as Nick openly mocked me. I narrowed my eyes, but had to hug my arms closer to my chest to stop the shiver running through my body when he said my name.

"Lovely, isn't it," I mocked, smirking, as he threw a red bib at me, obviously trying to catch me off guard. I shot my hand out and snatched the bib in my hand, my eyes not leaving his. Our eye contact was broken by him pulling on his bib and I quickly followed, dragging mine over my head.

"Okay, I'll cover the back with Martin, you two can cover the front," Nick said arrogantly, pointing to Jessica and me.

"No, I'll cover the back with Martin and you can cover the front," I challenged, narrowing my eyes at him, a fake smile slipping onto my face.

"No, I'm always at the back," Nick started, his voice raising slightly. The smile was wiped off my face. Things had just got serious.

"No, I always play at the back," I retorted, hugging my arms closer across my chest as my hands balled into fists. I was about to get really angry when Martin stepped between us.

"How about you two cover the back and Jessica and I will cover the front," he said quickly, before hurriedly stepping backwards.

"Fine," I huffed, "But you better not screw things up, Wright," I sneered. Nick didn't have time to reply because the whistle was blown and the coach assigned us courts. As we trudged to our places on the court, Martin threw Nick a ball. He quickly served the ball and soon the ball was heading back in my direction. I prepared for the return shot, clasping my hands together and was about to swing when a tall body jumped in front and returned it himself.

I didn't see what happened to the shot after that. All I could focus on was the body stood just in front of me. His compulsory white shirt sticking to him in a way that was so frustratingly perfect, I felt like my blood was boiling. Fuming I ran forward and shoved him from behind with all the strength that I could muster. He stumbled forward slightly before wheeling around, smirking.

"You stole my fucking shot, Wright," I seethed. By this time, the surrounding matches had stopped and silence filled the gym that we were in.

"You never would have got it if I hadn't taken it," he replied nonchalantly, his brown eyes sparkling with amusement.

The little shit.

I pounced on him, grabbing his arm and twisting his body around. To my surprise, he counteracted, making me stumble backwards slightly. Recovering quickly, I ran at him again and was in the middle of grabbing his head when a whistle blew and the coach jumped in between us.

"You two run laps for the rest of the lesson," he screamed, his face red as he puffed and panted. Apparently two students fighting in the middle of the lesson was enough to almost send him into cardiac arrest. I scowled, pushing a stray strand of hair from my face before marching out to the running track with Nick close behind me.  I set off around the track at a faster pace than I usually would run, conscious of the fact that Nick wasn't far behind. I settled into a rhythm and counted each lap as they came. My legs burnt but I couldn't slow down, especially not with him behind me.

I could feel his eyes boring into my back and when they travelled further down I shouted over my shoulder, "Stop staring at my ass, freak,"

I could his imagine his reaction at being caught, but soon enough he relied, "There isn't anything to stare at, babe,"

Narrowing my eyes, I flipped him off over my shoulder, not once turning back to look at him. After a while, I saw the coach waiting at the side of the track and came back to a walk beside him. Nick stopped shortly after and stood opposite the coach and a few meters away from me.

"I want you both on my track team for the summer," he stated. I inwardly groaned as he walked away. Nick placed his hands on his knees, bending forward slightly. I could have collapsed but I used all of the will power I had to not fall to the ground, and walked quickly to the changing rooms. There was nobody else in the changing rooms when I got in from the field. My legs burned from the half an hour run they had just endured. Normally, a half an hour run would be fine, but I had upped my speed on this one so I could out run Nick.

Nick Wright. I gritted my teeth as I thought of how he stole that shot. Then he had the cheek to try and tell me that I wouldn't have even got the shot. He was so infuriating and one hell of a jackass and I couldn't get his stupid face out of my head. Splashing cold water on my fiery cheeks, I banished the thought of him from my mind. Pulling on my clothes and shoes, I took the hair tie from my hair and let it fall across my shoulders. Grabbing my bag, I walked out of the changing room and into the car park. We had taken one car to school and I folded my arms across my chest as I stared at the now empty space it had once occupied.

"Sugar, you've just run for half an hour and you're looking even better than before," I heard Aiden drawl as he came up behind me, placing his hands on my hips.

"Get your hands off me, Aiden," I said annoyed, my arms still folded across my chest. For once, he actually did what I asked and I turned around to face him, cocking an eyebrow.

"What happened to the 'I'm Aiden Wall and I don't stop until I get the girl I want'?" I asked, using a man voice.

"Nothing, he's all yours," he replied cockily, winking at me. After returning his comment with an eye roll, I pulled out my phone to call for a ride.

"They said they were late for something and couldn't wait for you so I said I'd take you home," Aiden spoke up from beside me before I dialed.

"And they agreed to that?" I wondered, raising my eyebrows.

"Brent's nothing like Jesse was," Aiden said casually and I chuckled, "Plus, they said it was really urgent," he added quickly.

Urgent my ass. They just wanted to get home so they could scoff mum's first day of school baking spree. Scowling, I placed a hand on my hip, contemplating whether or not to take the ride. I didn't want to encourage Aiden, but I wouldn't be able to get home for a while otherwise.

"Fine, I'll take the ride," I agreed, sighing.

"You're chariot awaits, my lady," Aiden grinned, gesturing in the direction of a large black truck. Once again I rolled my eyes at his idiocy and I hopped into the passenger seat and closed the door as Aiden climbed into the drivers seat. He turned the key and the giant engine roared to life.

"I saw what happened with you and Wright," Aiden said, breaking the silence as we pulled out of the car park, throwing a small grin at me.

I shrugged, "Wouldn't be the first time something like that happened,"

"He plays quarterback too, selection is going to be brutal this year," he explained. Since Jesse had left, Aiden knew that quarterback would be his - at East Side High. Nick Wright had always been West Side High's star quarterback, and everybody knew it.

"You better kick his ass, Aiden," I said seriously, glancing over at him. His hands gripped the steering wheel firmly and his shaggy blonde hair fell across his forehead.

"Don't worry, sugar," he started, shooting me a cocky grin, "I've got it covered,"

I shook my head at him, sighing, "I told you not to call me that," I warned.

"Why not? We could have matching nicknames," Aiden answered hopefully, winking at me before grinning and returning his eyes to the road.

"No thanks," I said, my eyes flickering out of the window.

"You are sugar, so I can be spice," he suggested.

"Not happening," I sang as we pulled up at my gates, "Oh what a shame, we are here already," I said mockingly.

"You know you had the time of you're life, babe," Aiden said in a cocky tone.

"But I thought I was sugar?" I questioned with mock confusion, placing my hand over my heart as I jumped out of the truck.

"You can be whatever you want," he said, winking at me.

"Sure," I replied, rolling my eyes, "Thanks for the ride Aiden,"

"Anytime, sugar," he smiled.

Shaking my head, I turned around and punched in the code for the gate. They opened and I walked through, listening to the dying sounds of his truck's gigantic engine as it drove away.

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