Chapter 7: Trouble at Hexside
Somewhere in the woods, we see Leon who was in a meditation stance with his eyes closed. He seemed to be waiting for something. Suddenly, his eyes shoot open and he quickly jumps out of the way of some rocks launching at him. Leon jumped into a serious of jumps and flips, avoiding any and all projectiles that were being thrown at him. When he's finished, Leon grins and looks to one direction.
Leon: So, how did I do?
Vitimir drops from a tree and approaches with a smile.
Vitimir: You did great. You're certainly getting better.
Leon: Well it's all thanks to you. You're a great mentor, sir.
Vitimir: *chuckles* Please, we're well past the mentor and student bond. Just call me Vitimir, young scout.
Leon: Oh right, Vitimir. You're a great mentor, Vitimir.
Vitimir: *smiles* Thank you, scout.
Leon hears a beeping and checks his watch (that was a gift from Eda), and notices the time. Vitimir notices the potion sign on the watch and was curious.
Vitimir: Where did you get that watch from?
Leon: Oh, it was a gift from Eda. Apparently one of her products are watches with the coven signs. I believe Luz said the term for something like this was a "bootleg"?
Vitimir: Bootleg? But it's not even a leg or a boot.
Leon: I don't get it either. But, point is that school is about to start, so I better get going.
Vitimir: I'll see you later.
Leon: See ya, Vitimir.
Leon grabs his satchel and quickly makes his way to Hexside. On his way there, he hears an argument and decides to check it out. He comes across the Owl House and see's Crystal and Eda talking about something.
Crystal: Seriously, mom. Why can't you just let us go to Hexside?
Eda: Sweetie, we've been through this already. Hexside chews up anything unique and spits out bland mush.
Hooty: I chew insects. I turn them into mush.
Crystal: Mom, you've told aunt Lilith about how great the two of us are as your students. How good would that look if she saw that her own niece and her bestie aren't so tough?
Eda: Hmm, you do have a point. But that's my beef. Do you two need to draw your own conclusions?
Hooty: My beef is insects. They're what I eat.
Crystal: You're just gonna be unhelpful, huh Hooty?
Hooty: All I know is, your mother taught me and I turned out just fine.
Hooty sticks out his tongue in an attempt to get the fly walking next to his head, making a gagging sound.
Eda: *watches with concern* I gotta get you girls into school.
Crystal: *concerned* How have I not ended up like Hooty yet?
Eda: Don't worry, you won't. . . Maybe. *smirks*
Crystal: MOM!!!
Eda laughs while Crystal playfully punches her arm.
Crystal: So, it's settled then?
Eda: Yeah, I don't care how long it takes, I will convince Bump to let you two into Hexside.
Leon: *steps out from his hiding spot* Well, it shouldn't be hard convincing him to let Crystal in. She already made a good first impression on him. Plus, she also wasn't banned. It's convincing him to let in Luz that will be the problem.
Eda: Oh, hey kid.
Crystal: Were you just listening the whole time?
Leon: Not on purpose.
Eda: Well, you already know what we're doing, so any chance you can help us out?
Leon: I can bring you to Bumps office, but that's as far as I can go. The rest will be up to you.
Crystal: Oaky, lead the way.
Leon heads to Hexside with Crystal and Eda in tow. They arrive and are wandering through the halls when they notice some guards grabbing some troublesome students and dragging them away.
Eda: Well, that's new.
Crystal: Who are those guys?
Leon: After the abomination incident with Luz, these guys were hired to literally sniff out trouble in students and drag them off to detention.
Eda: Oh boy, that's not good.
Crystal: How bad is it?
Leon: You don't want to know.
Crystal: *confused* Okay?
They eventually arrive at Bump's office and Leon knocks.
Bump: come in.
Leon: *opens the door* Principal Bump?
Bump: *looks up from his desk* Oh, Leon. I wasn't expecting you. What brings you here?
Leon: I was just guiding some visitors who needed to see you.
Leon steps aside to show Eda and Crystal who walk in. Bump immediately gets a stern look upon seeing Eda.
Leon: Good luck you two.
Leon steps out to go to class while Eda and Crystal sit in front of Bump.
Eda: Been quite a while since I've sat here, huh? I gotta admit it's extra weird without you yelling at me for picking fights or stealing.
Bump: I can easily change that.
Bump magically shoves Eda over while she's leaning in her chair, causing her to fall over which causes Crystal to chuckle. Eda gives her a frown while she gets back up.
Bump: While I am happy to see you again Crystal, what are you and your mother doing here?
Crystal: Well, my mom wants to enroll me and my human friend, Luz at your school.
Eda: *sits up and fixes her hair* Yeah, what she said. And before you get all judgy—
Bump: That's not a bad idea.
Eda: You no-good—Wait, really?
Crystal: *starry eyed* You mean it?
Bump: *walks over to a filing cabinet* I think the student body could learn a lot from having such an exchange student. Plus, Crystal's magic was already impressive. I'm sure her skills will only get better from our teachings.
Eda and Crystal smile.
Bump: But before I even consider that, there's a lot to be answered for, Eda. *pulls a stack of files*
Eda: Oh right. Yeah, I heard all about that abomination incident.
Crystal: Yeah, I can't apologize enough for that.
Bump: Oh, I'm not talking about Luz. *looks at Eda* I'm talking about the necrotic experiments, the graffiti, the scams, the cheating, Miss Jenkinmeyer's teeth.
Eda slowly sinks into her seat while Crystal looks at Eda from hearing the things her mother had done as a student here.
Bump: The trouble you caused when you were here, Eda.
Bump drops the pile of files on his desk. Eda and Crystal look at the top , which reads, "PERMANENT RECORD --~-- EDALYN CLAWTHORNE".
Crystal: Huh, I thought there'd be more.
Eda frowns at Crystal while Bump chuckles at Crystal's response.
Crystal: If it's okay, I'll help mom.
Eda: *ruffles Crystal's head* That's my girl, always wanting to help others.
Meanwhile with Leon, he's leaving the potion's classroom and wandering the halls when he notices Gus and . . . Luz? Leon was confused on how Luz was here and decided to approach.
Leon: Hey Gus, Luz, what's up?
Luz: Oh, hey Leon! Gus is just showing me around Hexside before his H.A.S meeting. He wanted to bring me along to double check some human items. He was even able to lift the ban on me.
Leon: Really? I haven't-
Gus quickly gives him a pleading look. Leon gets a confused look but decides to go along with it.
Leon: I haven't heard about that from Bump yet. But I guess he wanted to surprise us.
Gus: Exactly! He wanted to surprise us!
Leon: Mind if I tag along?
Gus: Not at all, I was just about to show her the illusions classroom.
Leon: Alright, let's go.
Luz: Onwards, my comrades!
The trio make their way to the illusion classroom. They arrive outside the classroom and look inside to see the professor evaluating three students' illusions. Emira doubles the length of her legs. Edric changes his face, outfit, and hair style. The third student is shaking as they draw their spell circle and accidentally remove The professor draws a spell circle and their face returns. The student inhales deeply.
Gus: And this is where I spend my time. The Illusion Track Homeroom.
Luz: Wait, if you're here, who is that?
She points across the hall, where another Gus is sitting in a class.
Gus: That's one of my illusions. Takes notes for me when I'm not around.
His illusion gasps and holds up a paper reading "I'm not paying attention." He laughs as he points to it.
Gus: He doesn't always do what he's told.
Leon: Good move, Gus.
Gus: Yeah, I moved up a couple grades.
Leon notices Emira seated and gets her attention by waving. Emira smiles and waves back. Emira blows a kiss to him and he returns the gesture. This immediately got Luz's attention. Before she can ask, Gus's watch screams.
Gus: Oh! Time for the H. A. S. meeting.
Luz, Leon, and Gus run off. Gus' illusion watches them, growing nervous when Gus returns. He mimes decapitation and casually walks away. The illusion starts paying attention to class. Cut to the H. A. S. room where the other members inside are chanting "human".
Gus: Human Appreciation Society, it is my distinct pleasure to introduce to you...
Luz moonwalks into the doorway, spinning around and almost falling.
Luz: Oh! *Recovers, takes the hood off.*
Gus: Luz, the human.
The members of the H.A.S looked in shock while one of its new members, Mattholomule looked nervous. Luz and Gus approach his desk while Leon watches from the side.
Gus: Luz, will you inspect the items?
Luz: Of course, Mr. President. Allow me to determine if they're truly of my realm's origin. *Reaches for the "shoe".*
Mattholomule: Stop!
He knocks his fakes off the table with a grunt. Everyone else gasps.
Mattholomule: Don't make another move, human! *Jumps onto the table; calms down* I... have something to say. I'm new here at Hexside. M-Making friends has been hard, so I lied. They're all fakes.
Everyone gasps while Leon looks with slight sarcasm and a raised brow.
Leon: You don't say?
Mattholomule: I thought if I was important enough people would like me. But I've caused enough drama. So, I'll go. I'm sorry.
Luz: Hey, man. It's okay. You're only human. Well, you know what I mean.
Gus: Mattholomule, you aren't alone. You have a place here in the H. A. S.
Leon: Trust me, Matt. I know the feeling of wanting to be accepted. I was in your shoes once a month ago, I had a hard time fitting in without magic and making friends.
Boy: You're not alone.
Bo: We admire your honesty.
Boy: You're one of us.
Matt: Thanks, guys. I knew you'd understand.
Back with Eda, Crystal, and Bump, we see them standing in front of a bunch of lockers covered in graffiti.
Eda: *Grunts* I don't wanna do this!
Bump: There's the whiny rebel teen I remember. You'll need this *Hands her a mop* to clean up all the hexed graffiti you left us. Good luck. *Leaves*
Crystal: *holding a bucket of soap water and a damp cloth.* Don't worry, Mom. We got this.
Eda: *smiles* I always love your positive attitude. Are you sure you and Luz aren't siblings?
Crystal: No, but I wish we were.
Eda puts the mop in the bucket while Crystal soaks the cloth and they attempt to wipe away graffiti on lockers that reads "EDA RULES BUMP EATS STINK." The graffiti avoids the mop and cloth. They try again, it moves again. They try slower, it moves slower. Eda moves to one side and Crystal to the other and both move inward, the graffiti splits apart and moves above and below them. They try to wipe the entire row of lockers, only succeeding in making all the graffiti combine and now read, "MOTHER NOOOO!!!" Eda slams at that, and it moves again. Eda and Crystal groan. Cut to the H. A. S. room as half of them leave, waving to Luz, who waves back.
Matt: Hey, Augustus, Luz, thank you for being so forgiving. And Leon, thanks for understanding.
Luz: We've all been the new kid before. Right, Guys?
Gus: Yeah.
Leon: Of course.
Matt: Well, I just have one thing to say...
Door bangs open, school guards step in.
Matt: *points at Luz* There she is! *pulls out Luz's wanted poster* She's the intruder!
School Guard: *sniffing* Trouble.
Luz: No, it's fine. The ban's been lifted. Tell 'em, Gus. *screams as she's dragged away* Gus! Tell them!
Matt: Oh, who's the liar now, Augustus?
Gus has a look of guilt while Leon looks at him with disappointment. Leon and Gus then look at Matt with anger.
Matt: I can't believe you guys fell for that. Like I'd actually apologize.
Leon: *gets in Matt's face* What. Did you. Do?
Matt: *Mockingly* Ah, boohoo. I'm sorry. "I am the new kid." "I want friends." *Normal* Ha! No. I want power. And I want drama. And I got one of those right now. So, what are you gonna do, Mr. President?
Gus: *Prepares to punch him* Executive action. *Grabs the bell's tongue*
Leon: *looks at Gus with panic* Um, wait Gus I didn't agree to this!
The bell screams from Gus's pull which causes water to launch from the bell and soaks Gus, Leon, and Matt. Cut to the three of them being dragged away by a school guard.
Leon: *looks at Gus* I hope you know what you're doing.
Matt: But I didn't pull the alarm! It was Augustus! Are you even listening to me? I demand justice!
Willow peeks around a corner as they pass. Cut to the door to detention growling and opening its mouth again as Gus, Leon, and Matt are thrown inside, they grunt while the door closes.
Matt: Wait! *bangs on door* Get me outta here! Open up!
Gus/Leon: Luz!
Luz: *hiding behind a rock* Gus! You said the ban was lifted!
Gus: Well, I—
Leon: *disappointed* You lied, didn't you?
Gus tries to stand, but the ground cracks open at his feet. The crack widens until nearly the whole room is a hole, revealing teeth, eyes, and blue tendrils and pods, inside of which are students. Luz screams. Cut to the cafeteria as Bo sees the doors open and a cloud of fog rolls in. Eda enters, ghosts falling onto the floor behind her. She dumps a writing bag at Principal Bump's feet.
Eda: *strains* There. The girls' changing room is ghost-free.
Crystal steps into frame, revealing her hair and clothes covered in ectoplasm. She was clearly disgusted and mad at her mother.
Crystal: I'm gonna spend weeks getting this stuff out of my clothes and hair. You better appreciate the help, Mom.
Eda: Believe me, I do. Don't worry, I'll do your laundry for the next week.
Crystal: I guess that will work.
Bump: Are you ready to give up, Eda? *takes a ghost out of Eda's hair* You've barely scratched the surface.
Eda turns to see two friends interacting and having fun. She imagines Luz and Crystal in that scenario and smiles.
Eda: * looks at Crystal* They're just as bad as you and Luz. You two would love it here.
Crystal: I know we will. Plus, it'll get me closer to Edric.
Eda: *looks at her with a judging and protective look* Who's this Edric, boy?
Crystal: *blushes* Um, n-n-no one! J-just a friend!
Eda: *looks at Crystal with a judging look* I'll get back to you on that. *turns back to Principal Bump with a smile* All right. What's next, Bumpikins?
Principal Bump grins and holds up a plunger. Eda groans. Cut to detention.
Luz: How is this detention? This is a death sentence!
Gus: I don't know! I've never been in detention before!
Leon: We never had anything like this at my old school!
Matt: Welcome to my world. Believe it or not, at my old school I was in detention plenty of times.
Luz: That isn't hard to believe.
Leon: Yeah, you're kind of a jerk.
Matt: Well, down in detention, this jerk is king. So, if you wanna get out, you better do exactly what I say. *walks forward* But first, before anything else, we gotta—
Suddenly a snake rises out of the hole. It wraps a blue tendril around Matt's ankle.
Matt: *grunts* Already? *Screams as he's dragged down*
Luz: Mattholomule! *to Gus* You lied to me. You lied about the ban! Why?
Gus: I was afraid. I acted stupid.
Leon: Yes, you did. and now we're all paying the price because of it.
Gus: Being younger than everyone is hard. *makes his way over to Luz and Leon* You're overlooked. Ignored. But at the H. A. S. I mattered. I could make sure no one would ever get left behind. I didn't wanna lose that. I'm sorry.
Leon looks at him with sympathy, knowing how he feels all to well.
Luz: *puts a hand on his shoulder* I get it. I just wish you told us the truth.
Leon: We're your friends, Gus. We're here for you.
Gus smiles before standing up.
Gus: Let me make it up to you, guys. I've got a plan.
A snake hisses as it rises out of the hole.
Luz: *yelps* Ya! *kicks it* I'm in. Where do we start?
Leon: *tosses some explosive potions at some other snakes* Better make it quick!
Gus: *grabs her hand* By leaving no one behind.
Gus and Luz jump down the hole and land safely on an eyeball at the bottom. Leon is about to follow after them, but a few more giant snakes appeared and were about to surround him. Using what Vitimir taught him, Leon leaped and flipped over and under the snakes and made his way downward. Leon slid down a snakes back before leaping to a wall and running across it and flipping onto another snake to slide downwards further. He finishes by doing a front flip onto the ground and bowing to Luz and Gus who were astonished by his athletic skills.
Leon: You're welcome, ladies and gentlemen.
Luz: *starry eyed* That was amazing!
Gus: Where did you learn those moves?
Leon: I'll tell you later. For now, we need to focus.
The three pull down a pod that contains Matt.
Matt: *panicked* I will be a good student.
Luz: *tries to bite the pod* You know, it didn't taste as bad as I thought it would. *looks to Gus* Oh, you're a witch. Do magic.
Gus: Oh, I'll use magic. *pulls out the paper clip and bends it* Human magic.
He cuts the pod and pulls it to the ground, freeing Matt.
Matt: Am I a good student?
Leon: *throws Matt over his shoulder* Wow, he's so light.
They suddenly get surrounded by snakes.
Luz: This is part of the plan, right?
Gus: Or the illusion of a plan.
He draws a spell circle, then puts his hand in it and drags it through the air. Several other spell circles appear, and from them several clones of Luz, Leon, and Gus. A snake flicks its tongue at one illusion of Gus, making it disappear. It hisses.
Luz: A genius and a wordsmith.
Gus picks up a giant bone and the three climb out of the hole. Snakes hiss as the follow. Gus reaches the top first, taking Matt from Leon. Luz kicks a snake in the face when she pulls herself up, then spins and kicks another. Leon makes his way up and tosses some flash bangs at some snakes to buy some time. Gus hits another with the bone, then runs.
Gus: We're gonna have to bust down the door. Leon, you got some explosives?
Leon: *opens his satchel and panics* Rats, I'm out of potions!
Luz: Well, time for plan B.
Leon picks up Matt and the three of them run for it. Three snakes follow them out of the hole, hissing. Luz takes hold of the bone, and they run for the door. The three scream, the snakes hiss. Cut to outside of detention, where Willow is sneaking to the door. She strains to lift the crossbar off the door, managing to get it half off before freezing when she hears Eda.
Eda: I washed off all the graffiti. Apologized to Jenkinmeyer for stealing her teeth. Caught all the wild cerebi. Ah, we should be good.
Crystal: We better be, I'm still ringing out the ectoplasm from the ghosts. *twists and squeezes ectoplasm out of her hair*
Bump: You didn't need to help her, Crystal.
Crystal: She's my mother. And besides, I wouldn't back down from helping someone.
Bump: *smiles* I know I'm gonna enjoy having you as a student. I'm sure you will do greatly.
Crystal: *excited squealing* Thank you so much sir! And thank you mom! *hugs Eda who hugs back*
Bump: *chuckles and looks at Eda* Plus, It will be very exciting to have a real human exchange student.
Eda: And you won't tell the Emperor's Coven about Luz or my daughter, will you?
Bump: No. Hexside School is safe for you all. I'm the principal, not a stooge. Consider your pupils our pupils.
Banging interrupts them. Willow backs away from the door as it's hit again from the inside. A third hit shatters the door, and Gus, Luz, and Leon burst through, panting.
Luz: Eda? Crystal?
Leon: Hey guys.
Crystal: Guess who got us into Hexside!
Luz: What?
Snakes continues hissing, Luz screams. Principal Bump snaps his finger.
Snake: *Freezes* Uh, sorry, Principal Bump. Sir. *retreats*
Bump: *to Luz* What did you do?
Eda: Ugh, kid.
Crystal: This is exactly why I never leave your side.
Bump: *to Eda* To think that any student of yours (except Crystal) would be capable of doing anything but create chaos... Eda, take your student and leave! You are both banned from this campus!
Eda: *grunts* Sorry kids, let's go.
Luz: *follows the Clawthornes* Sorry, Crystal.
Crystal: *somber* As long as you're safe.
The three begin to leave when Gus speaks up.
Bump: *looks to Leon* And you, you're such a great student. You were the last one I expected to see in there. Needless to say, I'm very disappointed in you, Mr. Grey.
Leon: *looks down in shame* I'm sorry sir. I just wanted to help my friends.
Gus: Wait, Principal Bump. Don't blame Luz and Leon. I told her the ban was lifted. We were fighting over the Human Appreciation Society. I brought Luz in because I wanted to win. And I ended up dragging Leon into the crossfire with me. This is all my fault.
Bump: If that's so, Augustus, would you be willing to accept their punishment as your own?
Gus: Yes, Principal Bump. I would.
Eda: Huh. Dang, dweebus.
Crystal: Thanks, buddy.
Bump: Very well. *to Luz* In light of that, barring any more trouble, you and Crystal shall officially be enrolled in Hexside School next semester.
Luz and Crystal gasp and smile before hugging in pure joy.
Eda: Uh, hold on. Hold on.
She puts her hands on Luz's shoulders, then glares at Principal Bump and gestures for him to step back. He takes exactly two steps back. Eda kneels down in front of Luz and Crystal.
Eda: I'm only doing this because I have faith in you two. And I know you're too smart to fall for that One-Witch, One-Coven nonsense. You can learn a lot from the witches here. *looks over her shoulder and smirks* And maybe teach them some of that Bad Girl Coven magic too.
Bump: I didn't hear that. *to Gus* As for you, I would be saying detention right now but that seems to be out of order. So, as of now, I'm removing you from the Human Appreciation Society.
Matt: Does that make me president?
Bump: Impressive. Still alive. Yes, I suppose you are.
Matt: *weakly* Yes!
Bump: *to Leon* And Leon, I have a lot of faith in you. I like how you're willing to put your life in danger to help your friends. You've learned a lot since you started training with Vitimir. I'd go as far as to say you're one of the best examples of a star student. Which is why it would hurt me to see you loose all of this. So, promise me you'll try and stay out of trouble when necessary.
Leon: I can't promise it a hundred percent. But, I will try to avoid conflict if possible.
Bump: *smiles* Thank you, Leon. Now, with that accomplished, Eda, we have some paperwork to fill out.
Eda: Wait! I gotta do more stuff? Ugh! *to Luz* You better enjoy this place, kid. *to Crystal* And that goes for you to, young lady.
Luz and Crystal nod and smile before looking to their friends.
Gus: Wanna finish off that tour?
Willow: I can show you guys what plants not to touch in the greenhouse. And then I can let you touch them.
Luz: Yeah! Let's go.
Crystal: You know how much I love nature.
Leon: I do need some potion ingredients.
the gang begin to walk off when Luz decides to ask Leon about what happened earlier.
Luz: Hey Leon, about that interaction between you and Emira from earlier. What was that about?
Leon: *surprised* Oh, did you not tell her, Crystal?
Crystal: I wanted to let you tell her.
Luz: Tell me what?
Leon: *blushes* Well, Emira and I are dating now.
Luz goes starry eyed and hugs Leon tightly before spinning him in the air.
Leon: Leon, that's great!!! Have you two kissed yet? When's your first date? Do you two cuddle?
Leon and the gang laugh at Luz's enthusiasm as they continue walking and the screen fades to black.
AN: And there you have it. I hope you enjoyed the chapter. Thank you again Trixie090306 for helping me write this. She and I also have a few other ideas we're talking about for potential future fanfic's, so keep an eye out. for now, let me know what you think of the story so far and leave a vote. See you next chapter!!!
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