Turtle Temper
Rowan's POV
The first thing that my ears caught when I woke up the next morning, after the discovering that I'm half ghost, was a silent knock on my bedroom door. "Come in!" I said as I stretched myself. The door opened letting the light from the living room to get in my dark room so as Leo.
His lips had that gorgeous smile that can make not only me but also many other girls to melt. He sat on the edge of the big bed, ocean blue eyes glaring me happily, the small amount of light brighten them up. "Good morning! How you're doing?" his sweet voice pronounced those words with such confidence that made me to blush. Again.
Way to go Red.
I couldn't do anything else but smile and retort to him "Good morning Blue!" He raised a nonexistent brow hearing the nickname which I came up with only two days ago. "What's that Blue mean? I asked you last night and you didn't gave me an answer." he said some seconds later.
My blush grew and my cheeks burned.
I sighed.
"Uh... well, since your mask is blue so as your eyes, I decided to give you that nickname which suits you by the way..." What the fuck did ya just said?! Seriously?! a small voice echoed in my head, yelling at me. Leo's eyes widened but then, he giggled. "Uh... Thanks?" he responded. I moved closer to him so as he. We were some inches away and we stared each other's eyes.
Sometime, I leaned closer to his face and shut my eyes, my lips connected to his. I felt his hands wrap around my back and pulling me closer to him. My own hands were wrapped around his neck as my lips kept being connected with his.
My eyes opened and realizing what I was doing, I quickly stopped kissing Leo and stood up, walking as much away as I could. What I've done? I thought as I shuted painfully my eyes, my head titled downwards.
Footsteps and breathing came closer to my side and I raised one hand making Leo to stop. "Don't. I can't. I did something fool. Go. Please." I said still having my eyes shut. There was a long pause and then, I heard Leo's footsteps walking away from me and a door closing.
I stayed in my dark room all day long, regretting my action.
It was late night in NYC. The perfect time for us to come out from the sewers.
Me, Leo and Donnie were standing on the edge of a roof whilst Raph and Mikey were behind us. We all were waiting for the Kraang to appear for almost two hours and nothing happened! Why did I decided to come with the guys again? I asked myself as I rolled my eyes.
Because you're a part of this team. That's why! the voice answered for one more time. I rolled my eyes again.
I shivered. There was some wind up here. Good thing that I wore my favorite white with two black stripes sweater and my favorite blue jeans which made my feet to heat. Today, I decided to wear my black biker boots which fit with my whole appearance.
"Anything?" Leo asked Donnie who held some kind of telescope. He was glaring through it, just in case the Kraang appear. "Nothing yet." he replied still watching from the mini telescope.
Behind me, Mikey was laughing. Probably he annoyed for one more time Raph. He knows though that messing up with the Hothead, you ain't have fun. He's responsible for what'll come next. A slight crack spread, before Mikey yelps in pain. Both me and Blue turned to their side and we both had narrowed our eyes.
"Shut up! We're on a mission!" I whispered angrily. "Guys, when ninjas are on surveillance, they are supposed to be silent!" Leo whispers too, clenching his fists. " Sorry Leo and Ro, I'll scream quieter." Mikes replies and I rolled my eyes. You can't be silent, can you dude.
Some seconds later, Mikey's laugh heard behind me. He again annoyed Raph. I wouldn't do that again if I were in your place Mikes... I thought and crossed my arms on my chest.
Guess that Raph lost his patience since he flipped Mikey down. Annoyed, I turned my body and saw Raph pulling Mikey into a headlock. "Say it." he demanded. Oh not again... "Raph, be quiet!" Leo whispered angrily. "Not 'til Mikey says it." Raph responds.
"Raphael is all wise and powerful,"
"And he's better than me in every possible way,"
"And?" Oh please...
"And I'm a lonely worm beneath his feet, who isn't fit to live on the same planet as him, because he's so amazing and I'm a dirt clod!"
Raph licks his finger, holds it over Mikey's head threateningly. Yikes!
"And in the history of the universe there's never been-"
"Okay, enough!" Leo interrupted. "I really think that you discuss me enough for one night Raph." I mumbled loud enough for Raph to hear who by the way walked on our side, annoyed. "Were wasting our time. The Kraang are never gonna show up!" he told us and I scoffed. "And that means that you have to annoy us? Not fair." I responded and gained a silent growl from him.
"Have a little patience, will you?"Blue retorted. "Trust me guys. They're going to break into that lab tonight. I have reliable Intel." Donnie said out of blue. Reliable Intel? Since when Apes became your Intel? Why did he said anything? I frowned at that.
"Intel?"' Raph told trickily, "You mean, April told you." When this thing will stop? OK, Donnie likes April. What's their problem? "You mean your giiiirlfriend?" Mikey teased. Donnie scowled, and steam came out of his head. "Guys, enough." I retorted at those two mindless turtles, "Leave him alone."
"She's not my girlfriend Mikey! She's a girl who's a friend, whose dad got kidnapped by the same aliens who are gonna break into that lab. And we're gonna stop 'em!" D explains angrily and his brothers shared a smirk. Boys... "Or we'll sit out on a cold roof all night, for no good reason." Raph retorted, annoyed. I raised a brow.
Suddenly, a door slammed open and an aged badly man with a big belly nearly showing from his white shirt showed up. He looked angry. "What the heck's going on up here?!" he yelled at us and we all blink surprisingly."What are you, playing dress up?" he asked seeing the turtles.
Then, he noticed me.
"Ooo, hello sweetheart..." he said in a absolutely filrty tone, "Where have you been all this time?" You need a doctor. To see your big problems with your body. I thought sarcastically. "Anywhere else but not with you ol' man" I responded with my usual smirk stucked on my lips.
"No sir, we were just-" Leo started explaining before the guy noticed something. "Which one of you slimy green ham shanks busted my satellite dish?!" Ham- what?! "Whoa dude relax." I said with my sarcastic tone. "Ham shanks?!" Raph asked shouting angrily. I think that this won't be good... RIP from now oldy...
"Well" he added "except from the Sexy here..." and winked at me. Sexy?! "Sexy?! Careful dude, I can kill you in no time if you ever call me like that!" I yell angrily at him, my fists clenched and I felt something green passing in front of my vision.
Probably from my ghost powers.
"She has a name, not nickname you know!" Leo shouted, pulling me back. My eyes met with his and regrets filled my heart as flashes from the morning crossed rapidly my mind.
"I don't even know what that means," Donnie scratched his head. "Me neither, but I don't like it!" Raph replied and placed his hands on his sais. Blue, however, grabbed his arm telling him, "Let's go." He walked away with the rest of us.
"That's right, you spineless cream puff! Listen to your mommy!" the old guy mocked Raph making him to growl. "Hey! Watch it buddy!" he said, ordering his sais at the man. Uh-Oh... "Oh no! I didn't know you had salad tongs!" the man retorts still mocking Raph. "Salad tongs?! I'm not gonna take this from some greasy, pit-stained, slob, with a comb over!" Raph lunges for him and I hold him back. "Ignore him Raph. He wants to annoy you." I said and then give a death glare at the man. "Why do you have to be with them Sexy? You can come with me" the man replied and winks again. "They have manners more like you asshole. And no. Not in a million years." I retort angrily.
"Like they have life." he said making me to growl angrily. I let go Raph and walked to the ol' dude's side, unsheathing my gun. "They do. You don't have life. 'Cause you're old enough to do anything. You just sit on your couch and watch TV, eating a lot of food" I snap and raise the black gun on his side. His eyes went wide much to my pleasure. "And this chick is a dangerous chick which can snap your head away from your whole body. So shut the hell UP!" I screamed the last fraze making both man and turtles to wide their eyes.
Something sharp, like a needle was touching my lower lip and I felt my teeth very sensitive. Huh? I pass my tongue on my teeth and realized that my cannines had been grown! What?! I have... fangs?! What the hell?! What did just happened?
Suddenly, a pink laser shoot past towards me and the man, making me to ignore my problem that moment and poise my tanto, my gun still being held tight in my left hand. "Kraangdroids!" Leo exclaims. "Holy teledo!" the old guy says after him.
"Way to blow our position, Raph and Rowan." Leo retorts, as he unsheathed his weapon. We proceeded to fight the robots leaving the old man behind, exclaiming " Holy cow! They're some kinda Kung fu frogs!"
Oh, fuck you for once!
An hour later...
We were back at the lair. Splinter was not happy with us. How couldn't he be? It was mine and Raph's fault that we got all of us into deep trouble! "Not only did Raphael and Rowan alert the Kraang, but you got caught…on video!"Splinter yells angrily at us. "Sensei, he was the angriest, nastiest guy you ever met." Raph explained from my left and I nodded. "Not to mention he called me... Sexy!" I added. "Except for you." Mikey said from my right and Raph slapped his head making him to cry from pain.
"You should have heard the insults this guy was throwing at us. They were so…insulting!" Raph replied. "Oh, I did not realize he said mean things. Of course, you had no choice but to jeopardize your mission." Sensei retorted. "Burn." Mikey whispered. "Shut up" I whispered at him, as my gaze turned back to sensei.
"You are ninjas and a kunouchi. You work in the shadows, in secret. This becomes difficult if there is proof of your existence in high-definition." Splinter explained."We know that sensei but... that guy was a total asshole!" I retorted and all I gained was a death glare from him. "Look, we know where this guy lives. All we need to do is find him and shake him until the tape pops out." Raph explained and we all shook our heads.
"Oh, there's no tape. Video phones flash mem-" Donnie was going to finish that sentence if it wasn't the fact that Raph growled like a mad dog at him making the Brainiak to shut his mouth. "Anger is self-destructive." Splinter says. "I always thought it was others-destructive." Raph retorted.
"Raphael! Stand up." Master Splinter ordered. Raph did as he was told. "Oooo, someone's in trouble." Mikey replied. Shut it for once Mikes! You know how this ends...
I was in my dedroom, reading my book. I was bored as hell but it was the only thing that I could done that moment. The others were in the dojo, doing something like a lesson to Raph.
I didn't wanted to participate.
As I kept reading, a memory from the battle with the Kraang some hours ago, stucked in my mind. The one in which I discovered that I had fangs.
I still don't get it.
Even if now my teeth are normal, how did I have fangs? Fangs have only the vampires from what I read and heard. Not half ghosts. What if... No! Get that thought out of your mind right now! the voice echoed in my mind, small and high pitched from yelling.
But that's something, doesn't it?
We were again upside, on a rooftop, waiting the old man to appear. Sensei ordered us to get that video no matter what and we all agreed at that. I really, really hope that the guy'll give us the video without further fighting.
If he doesn't... there's always a threat with my gun.
It works.
My icy blue eyes were glaring the empty street downwards us and my right hand was touching my gun which was placed on my belt. Sometimes, I gave side glances to Leo who was on my left, regrets still filling my heart. I shouldn't done that. my thoughts repeated again and again. I couldn't forget that.
It was unforgettable.
My eye caught a movement and I snapped my head at my right side, seeing the man walking down the street, talking on the phone. "That's right. I swear on my mother's grave that these guys are frogs and they know kung fu. So as the Sexy red haired girl." I growled silently. Asshole.
"You can't tell me that's not worth something!" The man yelled on the device. Leo signaled for us to jump down, which we did stealthily. The man screamed and widened his black eyes. "I'll call you back," he then said to his speaker and hanged up."Lay one finger on me, frog, and I'll call the cops! That goes for the Sexy, too!" The man retorted to us, clutching his phone to his chest. Whateves. I can handle the cops better than ya.
Leo pushed Raph a bit forward and I patted on his back, a sign of good luck. "We're not gonna hurt you," he said gritting his teeth and clenching his fists. He's trying.
I had to admit it.
"Then what do you want, freak?" The old man retorted. "We got off the wrong foot last night. Some things were said, and well, we would just like that video back." Raph explained. Leo gave a glare that I couldn't translate at him. He tried again. "Please?"
That was a hit to my pride.
Raph, the hothead, said "please?"?
Oh. My. God!
I tried not to gringe or laugh but it was impossible. The old man smiled. "What are you gonna give me for it?" he asked. Is he serious?! I'm not gonna give a fortune for... a useless video! Nah-ah.
"Give you for it?" Raph asked him. "Well, I figure I've got you over the barrel, so you've got to make it worth my while." The old man said, crossing his arms and grinning. You shouldn't said that dude. "Oh, I'll make it worth your while. I won't take your head and smash it against the-" Raph said angrily. He was about to attack before Leo interrupts him, taking a step forward. "Okay, okay. Thank you, Raphael. I'll take over" he retorted leaving Raph behind him, crossing his arms, the angry expression changed into a frown. Poor Raph...
"So what is that you want from us?" Blue asked his fingers touched each other and a smile of shyness had crossed his lips. Oh, yeah. I forgot that the turtles don't know anything about exchanging with cash. "A cool mil ought to cover it. Half from the freaks, half from the Sexy." the man responded. He- what?! I won't give a million dolars for a stupid video! I prefer to smash his phone rather than give money.
"Oh, let me go to the bank and get that money. Wait a moment... I'll not give you million bucks for a fucking stupid video! You just pressed a button and..."
"ROWAN!" Blue and Donnie yelled at me, interrupting my speech. I scoffed. "What gives?" I mumbled. "Mmhmm, mmhmm a cool mil of what?" Leo asked him, since he didn't know what that meant. "It means millions of dollars." I whispered at him and he nodded.
"We don't have a million dollars." Leo answered. "We do have some Canadian quarters that fell through the grate." Mikey said making me to slap my forehead. "I can make serious money off this thing. And if you don't wanna pay, then I'll just hold on to it until someone else does." the man said, waving his phone.
Raph was now so angry that none of us could hold him back. He attacked at the man, pushing him in the middle of the road. "That's it! Hand over the video, or so help me, I'll kick your hairy butt all the way to New Jersey!" he yelled. I think that I'll like this a lot. I smirked.
The usual jingle set off once more in my head and I turned my gaze to a certain white van, men in suit driving it towards Raph and the guy! I didn't cared that much for the dude but I couldn't let the Kraang to take the joy. So, I turned on my heel and ran to their side, pushing them away.
Now it was I who was in the middle.
"Look out!" Blue yelled and I saw the strong lights of the van coming closer at my side. I shuted my eyes, and clenched my hands in tight fists, praying to turn into my ghost form.
The sound of changing spread out and I opened mu eyes relieved that I was changing. After that, I flew away right on time the van stopped and the Kraang came out. I started to throw some ectoplasm balls at the droids, which destroyed at once the robots.
You could say that I did some practice back home.
Some minutes later...
"...You are going home." Blue said calmly at Raph. The Kraang left, taking with them the man and it was Raph's fault this time! "What, are you kidding? Come on, guys. Are we gonna let Leo power-trip like this?" Raph exclaimed to Donnie, Mikey, and me- I was still in my ghost form. "I think Leo's right." Donnie replied after looking at Mikey and me."What?" he yelled.
I couldn't blame him but this time, his rage made us to loose one more battle. "Don't be a child dude. You should learn to control your anger." I said to him. "Like you can do that." he retorted. I narrowed my eyes. "I wasn't the one who let the Kraang to left with the guy and the video!" I exclaimed.
We shared a death glare.
"Until then, we just can't trust you," Leo said interrupting our argument. We started to follow the oil trail, leaving Raph behind. "Sorry Raph," Mikey said to him. You shouldn't be Mikey. You shouldn't be.
"Are we really gonna do this without Raph?" Mikey asked."Will ya stop it? You already said that!" I retorted angrily at him. "We can handle it." Leo said.
We were a block away from a building were the oil trail stops. We bet that the Kraang's in there. "I don't know... Just feels like something's missing." Mikey said , Blue slapped him the way Raph does and I rolled my eyes.
"Ow! Thanks." my friend replied. "Happy to help. Let's go." Lion Boy declares. We enter the building which had a bunch of spiders. I was some meters back from Leo still reminding the kiss.
Suddenly, he stopped walking, making me to stop too. He turned at my direction. I raised an eyebrow. "We need to talk." he announced. I glanced somewhere else and then back to him. "I think that we can't say anything about that." I said. He glared me questionably. "It was wrong that I did that. I shouldn't done that... I-I'm sorry."
He opened his mouth to say something but D and Mikey's argument interrupted him, much to my satisfaction. "Talk to you later" he whispered at me as he walked to his brothers, passing me.
Few minutes later...
We were hidding behind a crate. The man was tied up on a chair in front of us, a few Kraangdroids surrounding him. They were watching the video from the ol' guy's phone.
I was bored like hell.
The other three were watching whilst I was sitting on the ground, my back lying on one of the crates. I was playing with my two blue highlights and the conversation with Leo was on repeat.
"What about my phone?!" the old man's voice landed me back to earth and I lifted my head, turning my body. Mikey was pulling back the chair with the man, using his chain and as a matter of fact, the man was complaining loudly.
And that made Kraang to notice us.
"Stop the one that needs to be stop. Stop!" one ordered. "Remind me why we have to rescue this guy?" Donnie asked and I picked up my shoulders. "No idea" I responded.
We proceeded to fight the Kraang.
Okay, first; we're in serious trouble since Spider Bites- as Mikey named him- was chasing us, throwing acid balls in order to burn us.
Secondly; the Kraang were such chickens that they didn't stayed to fight and left us behind, trying to vanish the mutant.
Let's just say we're lucky.
I backflipped away from Spider Bites, changing into my ghost form and threw some ectoplasm at him. Donnie hit the mutant with his bo but nothing happened. Next, was Mikey who also tried to hit with his nunchucks.
Again, nothing.
Last, but not least, was Leo. He sliced Spider Bites with no result. Then, the mutant made his move by throwing many balls of acid around the turtles. The floor melt and the turtles fell down.
"Guys!" I yelled and threw another ball of ectoplasm right on Spider Bite's face. "Nice shot Sexy..." he told me and I narrowed my eyes. "Don't ever call me like that!" I yelled and threw another ectoplasm ball. I dived into the hole he made and saw the guys. "Hey." I said breathing heavily. Spider Bites landed in front of me some seconds later.
"Wow. I didn't know this guy could get any uglier."I lifted my head and my gaze met Raph. I smirked.
An hour later...
We were back at the lair. Raph defeated successfully Spider Bites and Splinter was happy with him plus, he controlled his temper.
It was nice to see Hothead relaxed.
But I couldn't relax. Not when Leo is around. I was reading my book in the living room 'till I noticed a movement on my left side. I knew it was Leo.
I closed my book, placing in next to me and glared the boy in which I'm in love with. "What do you want?" I asked. "We didn't ended our conversation." he replied. My cheeks flushed red and my hands started to play together. "I'm... sorry for... that... I-I..." I started to say but my words tangled up and I couldn't pronounce a fraze right.
I couldn't do it.
And that was weird.
When you're in love my little Rowan, you can't be brave enough to say your feelings at the boy you like. Love changes you. Both in mind and character. It always does that. Even if you're a child or an adult. Remember that my love.
That was my mother's voice. And it forced me to keep going.
"I didn't done it on purpose, OK? I...I wasn't thinking straight and... you know..." Leo's finger on my lips made me to stop talking which I did without second thought. "Alright. I received the message. You don't have to worry. I forgave you, Okay?" he said and gave me one of his awesome, warm smiles. I did it too.
"Thanks Leo"
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