Mousers Attack!

Rowan's POV

We were in the Dojo, training again. I saw Blue doing the kata a bit slower than us, making Raph to tease him.

"Ha! What, are you fighting a guy in slow motion?"

I crossed my arms. "Raph, you're slow here so stick with it and leave Blue alone." I said. "I suppose I could do it faster, if I ignored my form, like you." Blue replied and that made Raph angry.

"Ignore this form!"

He then attacked us and I sped away, leaving the two fight. Splinter noticed this and moved to their side, stroking his fingers on their necks, where the pressure point was. Both stopped and fell on the mat with a grunt.

"Competition is an excellent motivator, but not when it turns you against each other." Sensei said to the two turtles who gave a groan in response and stood up. "So now, you will spar two on two." he added. My Blue smirked and folded his arms. "Okay. I'll take Don -"

"You will take Raphael."

I raised an eyebrow and glared both Raph and Blue who shared an uncertain glance before they both turned to sensei. "You two must focus on working together, not competing with each other." Sensei said to them. "Okay, so me and Raph, against Mikey and Donnie... Uh... isn't that a little unfair?" Blue asked as Mikes and Don blinked in surprise and they both crossed their arms.

"Wait, what are you trying to say?" D asked narrowing his eyes. I was so sure he knew what they meant, but I think he wanted them to prove the opposite. "Um, how can I put this gently?" Raph asked and I scoffed. "You can't put this gently." I said to him.

I turned to Mikey and Donnie.

"Guys, he's just trying to say that they are better than you. And no offense, they're right." I said to them and Mikey scoffed. "At fighting maybe." he replied. "That's what I meant." Raph said with a chuckle.

Oh, Jeez

"Oh? Fine!"

They all took their own fighting positions while I stand still on the tree, arms folded and eyes staring at the expected battle. I saw Donnie and Mike's eyes glint with anger while the other two were calm.


Blue kicked Don's stomach and Raph punched Mikey on his face. Both strikes were strong enough for the two to fell down to the mat with a groan of pain. The winning turtles bumped their fists together with a smile of victory.


Raph's lips had still that smile as he turned to sensei. "You were right, sensei. Working together is fun!" he exclaimed and bumped again his fist with Blue's. I glared sensei.

"May I?"

He nodded in response. Raph and Blue glanced both of us with curiosity. "Uh, what are you two talking about?" Blue asked us and I chuckled as my fangs touched my lower lip and my body took a fighting position. Both turtles' eyes glinted in satisfaction as they too took their own fighting positions. Mikey and Donnie sat in front of the tree, knowing what would happen.


Raph attacked with a kick but, as faster than him, my hands grabbed his leg and with the use of my super strength, I sent him a wall. He quickly recovered and charged at me again. With a back flip, I dodged one more kick and I avoided his punches with my hands. Then, I gave him a couple of knee kicks to his stomach and with a last, round-house kick, I send him knockout.

He gave me a thumbs up.

Katana swung behind me.

With a silent chuckle, I unleashed my tanto and turned to Blue. "Come on, hero. Some me your moves." I said and poised my tanto to his side.

He attacked.

Our swords met so as our eyes and Blue attempted to kick my legs but I back flipped away still holding my tanto. I ran at him with a breakneck speed and with a front flip, I landed a hard kick to his shell. Blue fell on the mat with wide eyes as I pointed my sword close to his neck.

"Well, you still think you're da best?"

After ending our training, we all decided to chill in the living room. Tania came by and she was now reading a comic with Mikey.

Blue came out from the kitchen with a bowl of fruit salad and a plate of pizza. He sat next to me and handed me the bowl as I turned on the TV to Spare Heroes. "Thanks! You know that I want it so much right now..." I said to him with a smile. "Shouldn't I?" he asked and my lips met with his just for a brief moment.

"Gross! Leo's eating Rowan!"

I turned to Raph with an annoyed look. "That's not true Hothead. And actually, that wasn't a kiss. This one is." I replied and I kissed Blue with passion. Our tongues met and I felt his lips making a smirk as we kept exploring our mouths.

"Okay, okay! I get it now."

"You don't have to disgust us more dude and dudette."

We stopped kissing and glared the others with a smirk. My head titled to Blue's shoulder as he glared Mikes and Donnie. "Look guys. Raph and I may be better fighters, but you're still an important part of this team." he said to them. " important as you two?" Donnie asked and I felt his voice tone was full of sarcasm. "Uh...very important! We shouldn't compare ourselves. It-It's like apples and oranges." Blue replied nervously. "Yeah, if apples were way better, which they are." Raph said and flipped a page from his magazine.

"So...the truth comes out!" Mikey exclaimed and stood up so as Tania. "You guys think them as some kind of..." Tania added, trying to find a name.


Raph glared over his magazine. "Good one, Dr Name-estein! We'll call you B-team!" he said to Mikes and Tania clenched her fists in anger. "Thanks! I mean... Hey!" Mikey exclaimed and glared angrily his brother. "There's no shame in it. Look! They've got a B-team too!" Blue said and gestured the TV.

Two soldiers of captain Ryan destroyed as soon they got out from the ship and I slapped my forehead. "Nice Blue. You're the best." I said sarcastically to the turtle said. "Thanks a lot." Donnie retorted behind me and my Blue shrugged sheepishly.

I saw Mikey glaring me in question. "What about you dudette?" he asked while I raised an eyebrow. "What about me?" I asked. "Which team you support? A or B?" Donnie asked me now. "Ours of course! Rowan's better than Tania!" Raph replied as he stood up.


Tania walked closer to Raph, her eyes narrowed. "I'm not with A-team because I don't want to have your anger with me! Plus, I'm too a good fighter!" she retorted. "Yeah, like that's true Tania. Just accept that and move on. Rowan's on our team." Raph replied and folded his arms. "No way! Rowan's with our team!" Mikey retorted.






Five pairs of eyes turned at my side and glared me wide eyed. My fangs were out and red spots were filling my vision from my anger. "I am not with A-team nor with B-team. And, no Mikey, I'm not on my own team." -Mikey shutted his mouth immediately- "We are supposed to be a team. Together. So, there's no A or B for me. Understood?" I said and walked away as April came in with lots of bruises. The others surrounded her.

Blue glared me, ocean blue eyes staring me.

I just walked away.

To my bedroom.

Some minutes later, April came into my room with a knock on my door. "You can come in, I don't mind." I said to her as my hands passed through my hair, pulling them back.

Apes sat on my bed and I realized that she was holding a couple of books, which she gave me with this;

"We need to talk."

Leo's POV

We were in Purple Dragons' lair, where the three were throwing knifes at a big picture of a turtle while staring at Rowny's photo. Oh, that's stupid! Why can't all villains not to flirt my girlfriend?! Yeah, she's hot, beautiful like a model and that gives her many opportunities. But, why she has to be flirted from our enemies?! I really can't understand that.

Anyway, I decided not tell Rowny to come with us. Even though I should have told her, I didn't because she was angry. And whenever Rowny is angry, we should leave her alone and calm herself down.

Also, it was the Purple Dragons. How difficult is it to get your friend's phone back?

Raph jumped down and punched the big on strongly while the other two hopped on from surprise. "The turtles?! And the girl?!" one of them exclaimed as soon as we all jumped down. Fong seemed to search something. "Where's that Sexy Baby of yours?" he asked. I narrowed my eyes and growled. "She has a name!" I yelled but that didn't cared him much.

"Get 'em!"

We proceeded to fight them and in less than a minute, we managed to beat them up. I pinned Fong on a wall. "You punks stole a phone from a friend of ours. We want it back." I demanded. "Whatever. We steal a lot of phones." Fong replied and I pinned him harder on the wall. "Well, let's see 'em. Now!" I said again.

We stood in front of a table which was full of stuff. "Hey, isn't that Rowan's knife?" Tania asked pointing at a small tanto knife which it was Rowny's. "Yeah, it is." I said and picked it up.

Seriously? How did they managed to stole a knife of Rowny's? Man, they're good at stealing...

"Hey, that looks like it." Donnie said, pointing at a red phone and he reached his hand to take it. Suddenly, the earth underneath us, started to shake badly like it an earthquake happened that moment. "Does anyone else feel that?" I asked as some glasses broke. "What's going on?" Tania asked too.

A hole appeared under the table and plenty small, grey robots with sharp jaws came out of it. They started to steal the things on the table and jumped back to the hole. "What the heck?" Raph asked.

"Hey! Those things are stealing the stuff we stole!" Fong complained and I rolled my eyes. Better them than you. I thought as I watched the robots doing their work.

Suddenly, I realized something. "Wait where's-" I tried to say but Donnie interrupted me.

"He's got the phone!"

I turned to Fong and saw that he had April's phone. He was running away. "B-team! Get him! We'll handle the metal." I ordered at Mikey, Donnie and Tania. "Hey we are-"

"Just go!"

Raph and I sliced some robots. "If you guys can't handle it, don't be ashamed to call for help."Raph said sarcastically to the trio who shoot him with a death glare. "Oh yeah?! Well, maybe you should call us for help. Or... don't call us. We'll call you. Wait... I mean-" Tania retorted but Donnie stopped her by placing a hand on her shoulder. "I think they got it." he said softly.

I glared Raph. "Come on, let's see where these things are coming from." I ordered and we ran to the hole, jumping inside.

But why did I felt like something really bad would happen?

Rowan's POV


April's eyes gave me a look. "I did all this just to help, which I think it did, but also because I want you to know in what kind of danger you are now since they know you exist." she then said, hands clenching into fists.

Alright, let's start from the very beginning.

When April came in my room with a book stack, there was a reason she did this. The city library had some books which said everything about vampires, even for my kind. All she told me though was about the suckers and how they connect with all of these.

"To sum it up, those two suckers so as some billions Shredder has are hunting me down just to kill me? For my speciality?" I asked. Apes nodded. "Yes, but also to get you to Shredder. I don't know why he wants you that crazy but whatever this reason is, you should be careful. As the last svetocha in 80 or so years, you have to be careful and protect your rare kind from the disappearance. If the wumpirs find you, not only they'll drink all I your blood but also, they'll become stronger."

"Half vampire boys, known as damphirs, are everywhere and each day they increase. None of them knows you exist, not even the wumpirs hunt you." she said and I crossed my arms.

"Trust me April, I will be careful. As long as I know how to control my powers and use them the proper time, nothing can't stop me." I replied. And as an old dangerous assassin, I know how to cut necks without being noticed.

Apes chuckled and our fists met. Just then, my T-Phone rang. I raised an eyebrow as I took it from the stand and picked it up.


"Rowny! Good to hear your sweet voice again!" Blue replied with a kinda nervous tone. April asked me in gesture who was on the phone and I mouthed Blue.

"Thanks. What happened? Aren't you done with those bastards?"

"Uh... yeah! Sure we're done but...uh..."


"What was that?"

"Nothing to worry about mon chéri! That was... a cat!"

"Mon chéri? You never called me that. Tell me what the hell it's going on. I know you're lying."

"Oh, nothing! Absolutely nothing! I just wanted to check up on you!"

"Leo! Little help will be useful!" I heard Raph calling and more meowing.

"Blue, tell me what the trouble now."

"Okay, you convinced me. We need your help! Some robots are chasing us and we can't get rid of them!"

I sighed.

"Okay, I'll be there in no time. Just send me the location. And Blue?"


"Don't ever call me mon chéri."

"Okay, I'll not... Love ya."

And he hanged up. I stood up and grabbed my tanto, pulling to its place. "What happened?" April asked. "Some robots are chasing the guys and they can't beat them. You see, the need the gun girl here." I replied, gesturing myself.

April grinded.

"Where are you guys?"

I was on the roof Blue told me about and I searched for the turtles and Tania but no one was there. "Ugh... You need to be specific sometimes Baby Blue." I mumbled and kept searching.

"Rowny! Up here!"

My head snapped at a water tower where Blue and Raph were hanging on the top. Some grey robots with sharp jaws were screeching at the two and bitting the bottom. Blue was waving at me while Raph was knocking some robots off the tower with his sais.

I unleashed my gun and pointed at the robots to the bottle.


Three of them fell down, the bullet had been passed through their heads. I fired at five more which went down with one bullet. The tower fell and the two brothers landed next to me, with weapons at hands.

"Uh, what are those?" I asked as I kept firing. "Spackman's pets. I dunno why but they keep following us!" Raph replied as he was slicing. " But, these things are a cakewalk!" I exclaimed and threw some shruinken at the robots. "I could do this all day!" Raph retorted. "Same here!" Blue said.

We finally got rid of those things and we panted. "That was so fun!" Raph said but a screech interrupted him. "Uh... What's going on? I thought that you told me that they ain't more!" I retorted to the two turtles who shared a shocked glare and we all ran away.

Meters away, we stopped and panted. "Okay, this is crazy. Maybe we should call-" Blue tried to say but Raph stopped him by saying, "We can do this!" Suddenly, a question stocked in my head.

What happened to Donnie, Mikey and Tania?

The robots were coming closer.

Raph glared a lamp and then at my side. "Rowan, I need your super speed and your ghost powers." he then told me.

I raised an eyebrow.

"For what?" I asked. "Just run around them!" he ordered and I shrugged my shoulders. "Fine, whatever." I said and let my fangs to pop out. Then, I started to speed around the robots. I think they stop screeching because they got dizzy. I flipped above them and landed in front of Raph and Blue. The robots were all together in a circle, not feeling well. "And what now, Raphie?" I asked glaring above my shoulder. "Throw a ball of ectoplasm. A big one." he said and I nodded.

My hands created a big ball of ectoplasm which I threw in a flash on the robots, exploding them all at once.

We shared a high-three.

"Told you we didn't need those guys!" Raph exclaimed but there again, a screech spread out. I narrowed my eyes.

"Go to HELL!"

I grabbed Blue and Raph's hands and super sped to a warehouse. Then, we closed the door as the robots slammed on it. "Okay, I admit it! I wish Donnie were here! I bet he could find a way to get these things off our tail!" Raph exclaimed and I made a fake gasp of surprise. "Wow! Raph, the Hothead, admitted that he'snot strong! I can't believe that!" I said and Blue laughed as Raph growled.

But then, I took a serious face expression. "What happened to the others?" I asked in curiosity both of them.

Both shared a look.

Realizing what really happened between A-team and B-team, I folded my arms on my chest, my eyebrows had been connected. "Don't tell me that you two argued with them for those teams! I can't believe you!" I said angrily and tapped a foot on the ground in anger. "Uh... Well..."


We turned to the source of the sound. There was a hole on the ground were the robots were popping out like crazy.

We all gasped.

"Make the call! Make the call!"

Blue tried to call Donnie while I and Raph handled the robots. "Why you argued again? Don't you supposed to forget that?" I asked my friend as my tanto was slicing non stop the robots. "We made B-team to follow Fong and get April's phone since they are an easy task. Leo and I followed those things and we met Spackman who sprayed us with something, making them to follow us! Happy now vampire princess?" he replied and I rolled my eyes. "Yeah, that proves one more time how your boy-ish side affects you so much!" I retorted and kept slicing.

"He's not answering!"

I turned my head at Blue. "Call Mikey or Tania then!" I said to him and he nodded. None was answering though, much to his dissatisfaction. "They're not answering too!" he exclaimed. "I should've known they'd need us to bail them-"

I pushed Raph away from the door which fall, revealing more robots. "I hate 'em!" I yelled and clenched my hands into fists. "Come on! We gotta find Mikey, Donnie and Tania!" Blue ordered and we all ran away again.

"Baxter Stockman!"

Blue shrugged sheepishly and I rolled my eyes. "Close enough." he mumbled in my ear and I grinded.

We were in Stockman's lab where Tania, Mikey and Donnie were tied up on a wall. Dogpound and the Purple Dragons were there too. I saw Stockman thinking of something. "How did you escape my mousers?" he asked in the end.

"We didn't."

The mousers brusted in the lab by the skylines, screeching loudly at us. Seeing that the villains were distracted, I sped to the tied up trio and sliced their chains off using my claws. "Thanks Ro." Tania said with a smile.

"That was nothing."

We all started to slice mousers which were increasing every moment. I heard Mikey yell and my eyes fell on him.

He was running, holding April's phone tight in his hands. Dogpound was chasing him. I threw a couple of shruinken at the mousers in front of me, giving the opportunity to Blue to slice them with his katanas.

But more appeared.

"Ugh, fuck them all!" I yelled and threw a ball of ectoplasm. Blue bumped on me and he turned his head. "Sorry..." he said with a blush and I smirked. "Don't have to..." I replied and gave him a peek to his lips.

"Whoa! A gamma camera! It detects radioisotopes. That must be what he's tagged you with!"

"How do we get it off?"

"You can't. It wears off gradually. But if someone else got sprayed, they'd give off a stronger signal."

My eyes widened as a brilliant idea came up to my mind. "We got to spray Stockman!" I exclaimed and glared at the said man. He was holding a red bottle at one hand and he lifted it, aiming us.

"I'll handle this, dog-man. One spritz, and they're mouser chow." Stockman said to Dogpound. I narrowed my eyes and aimed my gun at the bottle.


The bottle made a small explosion and it fired back at the two villains who both yelled in surprise.

The mousers stopped attacking us and they turned to Stockman and Dogpound.

April's phone rang and D-pound grabbed it. Tania threw a shruinken on it and it immediately stopped ringing. "Hang it up, Dogpound. Your call just got dropped." Donnie said to him.

D-pound growled and grabbed Stockman, running away from us with some mousers were following them.

Tania and I shared a high-five and a wink while Blue and Raph reached our side. "Nice job, guys." Blue said to his brothers and Tan. "Heh, were gave our best tonight" she said with a scoff. "Yeah, from here on out, you're the A-team." Raph said teasing the trio.

I simply rolled my eyes.

Back at the lair, Blue, Donnie and I were playing at the pinball machine while the other three were minding their own business.

"I hope you all see that choosing your own battles poorly, you created your own crisis." sensei said to us as he walked out from the Dojo. "Yeah, there's definitely some irony there." Raph said. "Well, what have you thought?" I asked him in irony.

Blue wrapped his hand around my back, pulling me closer to him. "Okay, it got a little out of control, but we learned our lesson. And at least we got April's phone back." he said to sensei.

"You did? Sweet!"

I turned to the turnstiles and my eyes met April's figure, walking to our side. I gave an uncertain look at Blue who gave it back before he handed our friend her phone. Unfortunately for her, the device broke in pieces in her hands.

Blue shrugged sheepishly. "Uh, the important thing is, it didn't end up in the wrong hands." I said to her and she gave me a sad look. "Gee, thanks guys..." she replied.

"Uh, don't worry, April. You can have one of my custom-built T-Phones." Donnie said to April and he handed her a T-Phone. "Ooh, cool!" she exclaimed as Mikey popped up behind her. "Just don't say 'T-Phone self-destruct'"he said and the phone exploded immediately in Ape's hands.

"Or else that happens."

I was in my room, reading one of the books, April gave me. Well, it indeed had infos for my kind and everything about the vampire world! And that made me happy!

Suddenly, my T-Phone rang and my head snapped at it. Then, I took it from my nightstand, closing my book.

I answered.


"Hi Rown. How ya doing?" a female voice said.

"Fine, Fire Queen. Why you called?"

"Just to say hi to my besty and ask her what she'll do in about a month."

"Dunno. Hanging around with the turtles and fighting. Well, how about when I'll go to the hairdresser's?"

"Next month? And you'll do? Play with your hair?"

I rolled my eyes.

"Ha, ha, very funny. Are you in or not?"

"Of course I'm in! I need address, date and time."

"Okay, you'll have it as soon as I make an appointment. So... see ya in a month?"

"Yeah, sure. Whatever. Bye."

And with that, she hanged up. With a sigh, I let my phone back to the stand and glared the closet door.

I'll meet Jewel in a month.

After years.

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