Knowing You Better
"Hello? Anybody?"
Rowan stepped into the throne room, her feet deadly silent against the marble floors. They hardly made a thud as her heart raced faster than a speeding racecar. Her muscles were ridged and stiff beneath her flesh, every instinct engraved into her mind shouting and banging like a gong in her head to be careful. Rowan stepped into the throne room, deadly silent. That danger was nearby. Close to her skin.
She only wished she could've seen it.
She didn't feel lost, nor afraid. But she knew that something invisible and sensible was in there. She knew that she shouldn't be but she just had to search for it. She had to stop her curiosity from assaulting her mind to search. To see what is it. She had to go back to her cell...Wait a second...
How did she get out of her cell?
She turned around and her eyes widened. She gaped.
Ann's eyes were the same color as hers, elation shining, smile bright and beaming. Rowan's lips cracked a rare, genuine smile, and the restrained tears welled in her blue orbs. One slipped and the young kunoichi shoved it away with the back of her hand. "Oh, mom!" she exclaimed and ran up to her open arms. Mother and daughter hugged each other tightly, happy to see each other. "How much I've missed you my little girl..." her sweet voice which always reminded her a famous actress, Jessica Chastain, whispered above her, a kiss planted on her head from her red wine lips.
"I did too, Mommy." Rowan replied, her voice cracked from the despair mixed with happiness. Even if she wanted her whole deceased family to be in that dream and have fun at least for the period of time her sleep gave, she was grateful that her mother was there. Hugging her like always, her sweet perfume of roses and strawberries filling her nostrils. Long strawberry red hair fell on her forehead and cheeks and gave them soft kisses on her pale skin, same as hers. That reminded her of her father, the smile he gave to both whenever he saw them hugging each other. She remembered how happy he was and then he joined their hug with James holding his father's shoulder tight.
Rowan lifted her head; icy eyes locked to the same pair. Ann shot a smile to Rowan, one of those the kunoichi adored when she was younger. A full, relaxing smile showed her bright white teeth set in a beautiful row. Lacks of her cheeks beautifully completing the set as Ann's eyes shone with love, happiness...
But hidden sadness and fear of danger.
Her hands held Rowan's shoulders; her engagement ring shone under the moonlight so as some bracelets, presents of Rowan's father. Her smile vanished; her face became cold; Rowan titled her head on her left. "What's wrong mom? Is there something you need to tell me?" she inquired, her heart started to race again inside her chest, instinct rang in her head. A pale hand cupped Rowan's cheek, fingers hitched her skin softly, like a wish. "I've seen what you're doing all this time. I know what happens now to you. What Oroku Saki does to you." Ann replied with Rowan's eyes slightly went wide. "You did? And I thought and dad just..." she tried to say but her mother shushed her. "We always watch you baby. You should remember that." Ann assured giving another smile to her daughter. "Even James?" Rowan asked and her mother laughed; a happy and unbending laugh that brought up to Rowan memories her heart hid all these years her parents died. "Even James honeybee. Even James." Ann replied before her face became again cold.
"Rowan, my sweet and strong baby, promise me that you'll stay as you are. Be with Splinter and the turtles. Do you promise me that?" Ann asked as her skin became paler than before, shocking Rowan much. "Mom what-?"
"Please baby. Promise me that you will be strong to whatever will come next. Can you?" Ann interrupted as her skin was crystal white with ashes appeared on her hands. "Mom, mommy! What-what's wrong? What's going on?!" Rowan yelled on the top of her lungs as her mother's body filled with ashes except for her face. Her hands fell down and Rowan took some steps back, fear filled her eyes, heart raced faster and faster in her chest, tears flowed down to her cheeks. "Mom! No! Don't leave me again! Please!" she yelled again. Her mother smiled; half of her face gained black ashes and her hair disappeared from her skull, blood replaced it.
"I love you honeybee."
"Rowan! Rowan! Wake up!"
My eyes flew open, locking on Danny's deep green orbs that shone with worry. His forehead was creased in concern, sweat glossing his freshly shaved mustache that slid to his lips. He sounded worried. Afraid.
"Thank God you woke up!" he exclaimed and pulled me into a tight hug. My eyes narrowed momentarily and I pushed him away, my left arm complaining in pain.
"Something wrong?" Dan asked and I pushed the strong urge to use my claws and tear his heart right out of his chest. Instead, my voice decided to spit an insult right on his face. "Yeah. You sitting next to me and playing the "caring friend" game."
He frowned to my satisfaction as I forced my feet to stand up though my left arm throbbed again, this time added to my neckline as I felt it stiffen. "I'm sorry that I woke you up, princess. You were just yelling "mom, mom!" in your sleep!" Danny retorted hotly. I scoffed. "You're such a gentleman," I joked and crossed my arms and eyeing the grey wall in front of me that seemed more excited than him.
I heard him standing up, fabric against fabric but I didn't make a move to turn to him. And anyway, what was he trying to do? Piss me off? He did it. What else? What else was on his mind that he was even considering of trying?
"Look, you gotta be at least grateful that I took you out of your nightmare. And the fact that you're still standing," he said and I gave him a side glance. "I'll be more grateful if you leave me alone," I spat as my fingers tightened bare arms?! Gazing down to them, I realized that my jacket was off my body with my red top being the only cloth on my upper part of the body. Where was the hell was that jacket? I didn't remember taking it off know what!
"I like your arms."
I snapped my head at him, anger mixed with fury and embarrassment boiling in my stomach. It churned. "And I like being alone. But I'm not seein' ya doing it," I spat, narrowing again my eyes. "Don't you see I'm trying to help you? How selfish can you be anyway?" Dan inquired much to my frustration. "Help me? Who do you think I am? Another damsel in distress? Sorry bud, you're in the wrong cell," I retorted and he pouted.
An uncomfortable silence fell and I found some time to clear my head from the nightmare and remember why both arm and neck stung so badly. It didn't take much time as those events happened only some hours ago. Hours that I couldn't count but those painful memories stayed inside my head like a long live file. They remained in my heart as it remembered how it felt, how my whole body reacted to everything. The bite, Shredder's slice on my arm, our furious fight which had the winner Saki himself...All those things that I wished I could have forgotten after I quit that clan forever.
But those things won't fly away.
Danny walked away from me and moved towards the cell door, the railings moved slightly under his touch and the small weight the key had on the lock. "Sorry for waking you up. You can sleep again if you want," he said as the metallic door full of railings opened. He stepped forward...
My right hand had been raised upwards, palm showed to Danny before it curled into a fist and fell to my side. Danny turned, an auburn eyebrow arched up while his hand still held the door. I couldn't be so cocky to the person who just tried to save me. Only Jewel does that.
I'm not Jewel.
"Okay, I acted like a bitch. I'm sorry for yelling on your face like it was your fault that my mother...well for waking me up from my nightmare," I said and smirked slyly, "I may be am cocky but not that much. Because it's in -"
"- Your nature to be a bitch with a pretty face?" he interrupted.
I lifted an eyebrow while my head tilted a bit on my left shoulder. "How did you know?" I asked as my arms wrapped around my chest. He walked into the cell, the door full of railings closed shut behind him and the key locked us in again. "It's obvious," he simply replied and sat down, gesturing me to do the same.
I sat opposite him without thinking about it.
Concern fell into his eyes, a shade darker than the electric green of Raph's. "How's your arm?" he quietly asked.
I snorted. "It hurts. But I've had worse than this," I replied, which only added to his curiosity.
"Like the scar on the back of your shoulder?"
I nodded. He moved closer to my side; I stared him blankly. Silence fell. He broke it. "I'm gonna tell you something about me. And maybe more. And then maybe you can tell me a little more about yourself. What do you say?" he asked. I stared at him blankly.
The suggestion was nice. Seemed okay. Harmless, even. But the fear filtered when I thought of my deepest, darkest secrets laid out in the open reaching the ears of the Shredder. From what I learned all these years without being with my parents, surviving on my own, was that I couldn't trust anybody. Because there was always the illusion of it all being a lie. Betrayal, mocking, killing...everything is possible for our kind. Even though my senses told me to trust Danny, believe him, a dark side of myself was telling me not to do it.
Fuck it.
With a sigh, I stroked some lazy tresses behind my right ear and I looked at Danny. "Who's first?" I inquired, earning another smile of his and a jump closer to me. "Ladies first," he replied with a wink and I just rolled my eyes. "Fine. But first..." I took some respectable distance from him raised one of my hands upon my face. Index finger showed the first rule; "You won't come close to me." Another one added, second rule; "You won't try to kiss me or else I'll tear your head off." Three fingers; third rule; "You'll say nothing of what you're gonna hear to Shredder. Trust me, we both won't pass a great time." Four fingers; fourth rule; "Zero interruptions. I'm pissed enough, thank you." Five fingers; fifth and last rule; "I won't tell you everything about my life. I'll test if you're trustworthy enough to know my deepest secrets. Secrets that even my boyfriend doesn't know."
All the five rules responded with a nod of his and a "Whatever Elle Fanning with red hair wants."
I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms over my chest and managed to be serious with the slightest hint of danger. I had to test his emotions, movements, everything that needed from my side to adapt my kunoichi deception. I exhaled. Looked at him and started to say the story of my life. Gosh, that reminds me that lame song of One Direction, the one which the band looks at some random photos of their childhood and sing about their stupid life. Still can't understand why it was loved by people.
"I was born in London, during a trip my parents had. My mom always wanted to visit this city and she convinced my dad to go there for their honeymoon. From what I remember was us traveling to Greece and staying for a year before we moved to Tokyo where my parents met and built our old house. Needless to say that now it's abandoned and maybe ashes..." I glanced away and let a small tear to fall down my cheek. I missed that house, I missed it so much. In there, I met Jewel, I met Karai and my new life.
I looked back at Danny and swiped away the tear. "Tokyo was a beautiful city, though it had plenty of people walking around the streets and having no care in world. Luckily, our home was inside a small forest, close to the center of the city and close to Shredder's Dojo." saying his hated name, a ball of fire burned my chest and hate filled my thoughts. But I decided not to say something about him at that moment. I had to remember that I should be calm and trick Danny.
"...We were peaceful in there and we had anything we wanted. Actually what my parents wanted. When I was four, my mom gave birth to my baby brother. I've always wanted a sibling and I pressured my parents to give me one. I really wanted to protect and play with a smaller sibling and do things that all siblings do. Anyway, I was so happy when he came to world, especially when my mom allowed me to hold him. Always with my dad's assistance..." I chuckled and smiled softly as my mind brought up those nice memories. "...we were so...completed. And we all thought that there was nothing to destroy our happiness. Guess that we were wrong though." -my hands clenched in fists as I reminded to myself once again that fight between my father and Shredder and Saki's price; my five-year-old self. "Sometime, Shredder popped into our lives again, torturing my parents and they couldn't get rid of him. I don't know how he and my parents knew each other well but all I know is that he destroyed my childhood. After a fight with my dad, he forced him to give me to him to let him and mom live. I was only five then but I quickly learned martial arts. I met Karai and..." I paused for a while and tried to stop the words to come out and mention Jewel.
I wasn't gonna tell him everything.
"...and a new way of life. When my parents died though, when I was ten, I quit and flew back here where I met the turtles. I am. Alive, hunted and ready to receive more injuries from your master," I finished with it, realizing that my voice was cold as ice and my features had been hardened. But I didn't care.
As long I was done with that, nothing else mattered me.
Danny looked at me with impress and surprise but he quickly gained his calmness and seriousness. "Gotta admit. You're brave and a hell of life fighter." he commented before his face morphed into question. "Don't you... have any dream job or something? Don't you have dreams about your future?" he asked much to my boredom. "Dreams are for kids. I and Dreamland divorced years ago." I simply replied and laid on the grey wall full of writings behind me. Danny rolled his green eyes skywards and lifted a brilliance eyebrow which almost hid into his messy hairline. "Yeah right. You're lying, babe." he huffed and crossed his arms over his muscled chest covered by his white t-shirt.
I narrowed briefly my eyes.
"I'm not your baby. Go and search for another whore." I shot and grinded my teeth. This boy has so much imagination. I felt my fangs picking out and their usual sharpness felt nice under my tongue which licked them. "Sorry, I'm having my eyes on one certain whore." he replied with a wink and an animalistic growl bubbled in my throat, causing me to feel like an actual animal. Guess that my surname transferred that animalistic side to me. "Just tell your own story." I retorted with a scowl as he chuckled. "Trust me, it's not that interesting as yours." he replied and glared at him. "Say it already!" I shouted rising both of my hands in the air.
He just rolled his stupid eyes.
"All right, here goes nothing. I was born in Canada, Toronto where my parents had a large company. They were celling... I don't remember really. They never told me about it and I never asked them for it. As long as we were rich, that completed my desires. Both loved me but they couldn't spend some of their time with me as they both worked like crazy. A phone was always ringing every five seconds in our house and either my dad or mom answered it. So... I was stuck playing with a nanny who didn't give a fuck about me and always shouted on my face like I was a grown-up man." he eyed me with sadness, something that I never saw on him the short amount of time I know him.
And that filled up my curiosity.
"I felt so alone in there. I had no friends to play with because my parents never allowed me to have one. I had everything I desired but nothing made me happy. I was always sad, closed in myself and never talked to someone. And that was why I joined Foot Clan. Not because Shredder offered me a place in there when I was twelve and because he and my parents were good friends with him. It was because I wanted to quit from my loneliness and misery." he laughed; a cold laugh that reminded me so strongly Shredder but didn't terrify me like I waited it to do. "It's crazy and stupid, I know, but that's how my twelve-year-old self-considered it. I followed him to Japan, learned martial arts and became one of his best ninjas. You know what it's funny to all of these?"
I didn't reply; just titled my head on my right shoulder.
"I still believe it's cool to be in here. Even though my master is a cold-hearted man who kills his companies for fun and has the darkest side ever. I just like it. It doesn't make me sick and doesn't even urges the willing to quit like somebody could do easily. I guess that I'm a villain too and I never knew it." he grinned; my face softened and weird feelings enclosed my heart. I felt... sorry about him. Something that I would never tell anybody, even to my best friend. Because I'm a cold-hearted bitch, that doesn't give so much attention that it's needed to anything and I care about my ass. Let's consider Jewel, Blue, and Splinter too. All the others are just a pain in my ass and clit.
Danny now just awakened feelings that I rarely show to people, feelings that hid deeply in my heart after the death of my parents and James. Damn him.
He passed the test. a voice coldly said in my head.
What if he's lying? I asked.
Find it out, girl.
"My ever first mission here in New York was the night we met. Remember?" he asked with a small smile coming up to his lips. I did. I did remember that meet and pretty well actually. My reply was a curt nod and his eyes shone again with that pleasure and happiness. The glint he had when I met him that night. The night Blue and I argued badly for the first time. "It was the first time I met a person so... energetic like you are. I'm not telling it just to impress you though, it's the absolute truth. Karai and I never talked to each other besides training and patrols and that only because she felt bored. Furthermore, when I met the turtles too, I realized that you five have that fire... that... will of living. That was something out of what I was seeing all these years. Extraordinary. Out of Space, literally." he came closer to my side and I just let him to. His words were so convincing that they didn't let me a chance to say something bad to him. My mind just stuck, stopped working. "Last night, that you and Shredder fought, I saw the hope you had the... will... everything that meant life on you. And you never gave up." he cupped my face; our faces being only some inches away. He exhaled and my eyes looked around like I was a caged animal which searched its way out.
"You're a dangerous woman, Rowan. And I like it."
Wait 'till you meet Jewel. I thought sarcastically as a ghostly sly smirk curved on my lips.
He then kissed me. Like he did when we were stuck into that Kraang lab with Justin the mutant octopus. But this time was different. I wasn't mad, he wasn't ready to follow Kari. The turtles weren't there to watch us, mouths gaped open. Blue wasn't there to growl madly behind me and then protect me from magenta shots.
Just him and I locked up in a cell.
My ghostly smirk became an actual smirk before I wrapped my hands around his neck and pulled his face closer to me, kissing him back. A little cheat to Blue won't hurt anyone, will it? After all, I loved being a whore.
A few minutes later, we both pulled away; our faces were red and our hair messy. Danny grinned slyly and my malicious smirk decorated my lips. "You're a small whore aren't ya?" he joked and I blew a raspberry at him. "Whatever. You called me dangerous before." I replied and he rolled his green eyes to heavens. I stood up, having that malicious smirk stuck on my lips, without caring about the pain of my arm and my neck.
What I wanted that moment was to enjoy it the best I could.
As cheesy it sounds.
I lithed to his side and snatched the collar of his t-shirt and dragged him closer to my body as my other hand lashed his cheek and he smirked lethally; he knew what I wanted to do. Momentarily, he grabbed my hips and our bodies came closer as ever. "I wanna see you-"
"Ya ain't gonna do what you're thinking girl."
It was Karai. The last person that I wanted to hear. Danny backed away, face red like a tomato while I snapped my body towards her and narrowed my eyes to venomous slits. "Oh, yeah?" I mocked and grinned as Kari crossed her arms over her chest covered by her silver armor. "And what the hell do you want here? Drag me to your papa?" I retorted as she narrowed her eyes. "You guessed it, Rowan. Now move." she spat, anger filling each word of hers. And I thought she would be soft again.
Maybe I was wrong.
Kari hadn't changed.
Her amber eyes locked on the embarrassed Danny where she noticed his messy hair and numb lips. She then looked back at me with a look full of disbelief and 'Oh my Gosh you two kissed?!'. I scoffed with a roll of my eyes skywards without saying a word. Instead, someone else talked.
"Karai, isn't she awake?"
Fishface's robotic legs marched towards to our side and his terrible fishy eyes stuck on me when he realized that I was up. "Oooh... hello pretty, pretty..." he said licking his big lips. I gaged at that but couldn't hit him. Since I was locked up in a stupid cell.
Or not?
Taking some steps to the ceiling door, I reached my hand and held one of them. It opened without me pulling so much effort and I just stared it speechless and shocked. Remembering that Danny was there the whole time, I turned my head and eyed him with shock; my eyes slightly widened and my mouth hatched open. Did he- No way!
It was true though.
He wanted to help me to escape this nightmare and return back to my normal life.
I couldn't even believe it in my eyes. He really tried to be good and... trustworthy to me. Happy now? the voice snapped annoyed with my current emotions and position. A snap of thin fingers, a pair of footsteps, hands curling around my biceps and dragging me out... nothing was same as last night.
I had a new ally by my side.
Danny lifted his head and stared me; I did it back. He softly smiled and nodded, wishing me good luck in whatever would happen up there. The pair of hands kept dragging me with effort as I just whispered to Danny;
"I trust you."
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