May the Best Act Win - Part 3 [Final Part]

"Hells bells," Alya exclaimed, each of the girls sat gobsmacked watching the group currently dancing up a storm on the stage. Each guy looked incredible in their suit, complete with skinny tie and black converse. It was fair to say the crowd were loving every minute of it.

"That's not a musical!" Alix screeched to the other girls.

"It's on stage in London, they found a loophole." Nathaniel responded.

"That's breaking the rules!"

"Adrien's fathers going to kill him," Marinette's eyes were wide open, the guys were mesmerising and she couldn't keep her eyes off the way Adrein was dominating the stage.

She was quite sure Gabriel Agreste was going to be on a rampage. The only positive for Adrien was the admiration of every single girl in the room salivating over him before he reached his impending doom, courtesy of Gabriel Agreste and the 'Gabriel' share holders. On the other hand, any publicity is good publicity.

"Is Nathalie here?" Alya said, looking around the auditorium.

Suddenly her eyes landed on the designer's assistant who, unfortunately for Adrien, was holding up a tablet with a full face of Gabriel staring in his stony way at his son. Alya's heart went out to Adrien, even at eighteen he was going to get a severe punishment, if not killed.

RIP Adrien Agreste, the man, the myth, the legend.

As the girls watched the guys, they understood that they had done their homework and were definitely trying to be a crowd pleaser. The dance to 'Who doesn't love a guy in a suit?' was exactly everything Magic Mike Live embedded. The guys were totally in sync and oozed with the charm of Channing Tatum, dancing and grinding their way around the stage.

Each of the guys slipped the jacket from their bodies and swung them rather frantically over their heads, before launching them into the crowd. Marinette watched as Adrien's jacket met one of the girls in the third row, soaring straight over her head as if he had done so on purpose, and knowing her kitty it's most likely he had. He dropped the girl a wink causing an ear piercing scream to outdo the music and echo around the auditorium. Marinette slouched in her seat, placing a hand above her eyebrows, cursing Adrien Agreste and his charm.

She looked under her hand and noticed Alya with Nino's, Alix with Kim's, Myléne with Ivan's, and Juleka and Rose fighting over Max's. She was positive now that Adrien had definitely done it on purpose, and worst of it was she was most certainly giving him the reaction he wanted. It was only at times like this he could perform the way he did as Chat Noir, and she both loved and hated it.

Kim stepped forward to centre stage, grabbing the joint in his shirt and ripped it open sending buttons flying everywhere, revealing a vest top and a very oiled top half of his body. Adrien and Nino slid either side of him on their knees before jumping into a press up position. Alya grabbed Marinette's hand squealing as Nino completed ten one handed press ups in perfect coordination with Adrien, she was bouncing up and down in her seat causing Marinette to try and shake off the vice like grip of her own hand. Ladybug couldn't be fully operational with a broken hand.

"Alya, control yourself!" Marinette said through clenched teeth.

"Girl, I'm sorry but my man is hot!" Alya began to fan herself as Marinette rolled her eyes and sat back in her seat crossing her arms over her chest. This was getting ridiculous. "Don't tell me you haven't been ogling Adrien, just enjoy the show Marinette and stop being so bugish."

"Alya, do you not understand? He's going to be a skinned cat after this. Idiot!"

She looked up to the stage and noticed Max and Ivan had brought two chairs on. Her blood ran cold as the implication struck her, they were going to get girls from the audience. Adrien and Nino made their way down the stairs and danced around, homing in on possible victims.

Before long, Nino had reached Alya and picked her up out of her chair. The girl screamed, causing Marinette to cover her ears and Nino to wince. Forget being a fox, Marinette was certain Alya was a borderline banshee.

Turning her head, Marinette noticed Adrien was currently dancing with the girl who'd caught his jacket. Much to her dismay, the girl was lifted into a cradle and carried onto the stage, her arms firmly around Adrien's neck. Marinette stared straight at him rasing one eyebrow, she would not let him know his idiotic moves to make her jealous had indeed made her jealous.

The girl, who she now recognised as co-president of Adrien's fan club (alongside Wayhem), was seated on one of the two chairs, back to back with Alya. Adrien and Nino mirrored each other's movements, removing their ties and shirts to reveal nothing more than a grey muscle vest, and, like Kim, a very oiled top half of their body. Turning his head out to the audience, Adrien dropped a wink directly to Marinette before continuing with his 'seductive' dance.

That damn cat is going to get it.

Adrien grabbed the edge of his vest and pulled it up to reveal his toned abs shining in the spotlight of the stage, moving his body in waves, cheeky smiles and smirks all around most of the audience were close to fainting.

Averting her gaze from Adrien and his not so family friendly hip movements, Marinette looked over at Nathalie again. She was on her phone and looked like someone had pooped on her birthday cake. Marinette winced at the face, and watched as Nathalie stood, iPad and all, and walked out of the venue.

Marinette's head shot back to the stage, worried for her partner only to see he had disappeared. Kim was now dancing around the fangirl, much to her disgruntlement and Adrien was nowhere to be seen for the next three minutes, until he arrived back on stage for the final part of the routine. He performed a handstand invert, landing on one knee to complete a six step, eventually ending in a backspin.

The boys hit their ending position and the crowd went wild. No audience had been this rowdy since Jagged Stones last concert. The girls and Nathaniel stood up in thundering applause. Yes it was a battle, and yes they wanted to win, but praise needed to be given where deserved and the boys definitely deserved it. Wolf whistling and whooping, the girls sat back down to enjoy the rest of act one. The boys had laid the bar and it was going to be a high one to beat.


As soon as the interval hit, the girls headed towards their form room which would be seconded as a dressing room for that evening, Nathaniel trailing behind clutching his garment bag at his chest. Suddenly he felt completely out of his depth and wished he'd stayed with his usual team.

Rose opened the door and gasped. On each of the tables around the room sat bouquets of flowers, no doubt from the guys. Squealing, Myléne pushed past her and ran up to her seat, grabbing the card from the impressive display of sunflowers. Pure love, Marinette thought.

Following Myléne's lead, they each made it to their desks and grabbed the cards perched delicately in between flowers. It seemed the guys had even got Marc to order an arrangement for Nathaniel.

"To my little lady, as soon as this is over my lips will be puckered and waiting, I've missed you. Love, Ivan."

The girls all cooed at the cuteness of Ivan's card and began to read their own out to the group. As Rose and Juleka were expressing their fondness for Max's choice of flowers and best wishes passage, Marinette took her own out and read it before shoving it in her bag. She could hear Tikki's snickering. It seems her little Kwami had read the card too.

The bouquet was an array of pink corianders and yellow hyacinths; lust and jealousy, he knew her too well.

I understand you are positively green with envy at this moment, and I don't blame you, not every girl gets to be up close and purrsonal to my superhero physique. The lust you are feeling is completely justified but don't worry, I have plenty of time to give you a personal encore.
Good luck out there Princess,
Love, CN

P.S. I will deny any involvement in this card or flowers, you cannot prove that such a wonderful gentleman, as myself, could be so conceited.

"Who are they from?" Alya asked, slipping into her costume. Marinette was fired up and ready to put on the performance of a lifetime.

"Road kill."


And now, the six merry murderesses of the Cook County Jail, in their rendition of 'The Cell Block Tango'!

Nathaniel, dressed in waistcoat and shirt, walked forward to the audience standing in front of five jail door structures. Marinette's creative ability had been put to the test with both the props and costumes for this performance. All in the name of victory.

Marinette stood alongside her four guilty friends; Alya, Juleka, Alix and Myléne, as 'innocent' Rose stood on a block behind them. Each representing a murderess; black outfits, fishnet tights and a hard expression on their faces. It was showtime.

The outfits consisted of corset's, fishnets, suspenders and tiny black shorts. Hair tightly up in ponytails and eyeliner on point. They looked as thought they had came straight from the Broadway show, complete with three inch, heeled boots.




"Uh uh,"



Alya stepped forward, dragging her hand over Nathaniel's shoulders. The girls had put together an intense routine; lifts, tricks and flips. Nathaniel being murdered in many different ways during the routine.

You know how people have these little habits that get you down, like Bernie, Bernie, he liked to chew gum. No, not chew, pop.

Alya's sass took over the stage as she danced alongside Nathaniel, mirroring a woman in lust. Nathaniel slid down to the floor propping himself up on his elbows as Alya walked over to the side stage, grabbing the prop to end her solo part of the routine.

So I took the shotgun off the wall, and I fired two warning shots into his head.

Nathaniel threw a red ribbon in the air as Alya aimed her fake Tommy gun at his head. She smiled at the audience and threw the prop off stage, making her way back into her makeshift cage.

Alix was next up. The girls continuing their movements behind the bars, swirling their hips and displaying their flexibility whilst wearing very little clothing, surprisingly less than the stripped boys.

I met Ezekiel Young from Salt Lake City about two years ago and he told me he was single, and we hit it off right away.

Nathaniel offered his elbow out to Alix who slid her own through, locking them together as they walked across the stage. Once in the corner, he spun Alix around before catching her on his hip; with a quick swing, he'd dipped her around and caught her on the opposite hip. He placed her down, and moved to where a table sat with a tumbler on it. Alix followed him, running across the stage and passing him the drink. He positioned the glass to his lips, as she pushed it back further. With a dramatic gasp, he dropped to the floor and Alix walked over him, crossing each step over his body. Finally stopping with legs either side of his head.

You know, some guys just can't hold their arsenic.

Bending down into a plié, she grabbed the edge of a red ribbon and pulled it from his top, hitting the accent of the music as she flung it into the air.

The girls took a step out from behind their cell door and began to move forward, finally revealing their outfits to the rest of the crowd. The sounds of shocked gasps could be heard around the auditorium, especially from the front row which now was occupied by the guys. It was fair to say the girls had caught their attention.

Now, I'm standing in the kitchen, carvin' up a chicken for dinner, minding my own business, in storms my husband Wilbur in a jealous rage.

Juleka was next to take the stage, causing a cheer from the back of the auditorium, Luka stood up clapping in support of his sister and friends. Marinette broke character for a second letting out a little smile at his holla, of course Luka would show his support so vocally.

She pulled herself together and looked towards Adrien, he lifted an eyebrow in surprise and she barely kept herself together at the smug look on his face. He was drinking her in and she was ready to keep him topped up, after all, they hadn't made it to her solo yet.

Suddenly Nathaniel and Juleka met each other in the centre of the stage, a knife in her hands.

And then he ran into my knife. He ran into my knife ten times.

Nathaniel stumbled backwards, a red ribbon extending across the stage. Juleka lifted her leg, swinging it around the ribbon and stomping it down onto the floor, Nathaniel falling with it. Dropping the knife, Juleka moved back towards the girls and Rose moved forwards with a jeté and placed a white rose on Nathaniel's 'dead' body.

She continued to dance upon pointe; pirouettes, arabesques, bourrée en couru, and battements left and right across the front of the stage looking like the perfect ballerina. The girls all circled around Nathaniel, looking at his lifeless body, before Alya stood up.

Yeah, but did you do it?

Uh uh, not guilty!

Rose let down and pulled a white ribbon from Nathaniel's waistcoat pocket.

The change of tempo into the next section allowed the girls to split to each side of the stage, Marinette in the middle and Nathaniel making his way behind her to wrap his arms around her stomach; they began to sway in time with the music, before Marinette reached up and stroked his face. She was now in full Ladybug mode, reminiscent of shy Marinette left in the past.

My sister, Veronica and I had this double act, and my husband, Charlie traveled round with us,

She slid away from Nathaniel's hold, making sure she met Adrien's eyes, dropping him a quick wink she spun back into Nathaniel and stepped forward into a handstand. He bent down, taking her legs around his neck before lifting her up to sit on his shoulders. Turning around, he faced the back allowing Marinette to remain facing the front before holding her shoulders and flipping her back onto her heeled feet.

And we ran out of ice so I go out to get some I come back, open the door and there's Veronica and Charlie doing number seventeen the spread eagle,

Joining hands, Marinette swung her legs around Nathaniel to end up wrapped around his back before he supported her under her armpits and lifted her above his head. Her legs shot out in a straddle where she held them in place by grasping her ankles.

Well, I was in such a state of shock I completely blacked out, I can't remember a thing. It wasn't until later. When I was washing the blood off my hands I even knew they were dead.

Placing her back down slowly, her hands appeared to stroke down his chest, releasing two red ribbons from her hands. The cascading effect mirrored by Nathaniel's melt to the floor.

The girls began to move in synchronisation, as Marinette swapped with Myléne for the final merry murderess.

I loved Al Lipschitz more than I can possibly say.
He was a real artistic guy, sensitive, a painter.

She went and sat next to Nathaniel on the floor, stroking down his face and pulling him towards her before pushing him back down and yanking a red ribbon from his trouser pocket.

I guess you could say we broke up, because of artistic differences. He saw himself as alive, and I saw him dead.

Splitting down the stairs on the edge of the stage, the girls made their way out into the audience.

The dirty bum, bum, bum, bum, the dirty bum, bum, bum, bum.

He had it coming, he had it coming, he only had himself to blame, they had it coming all along. 'Cause they used us and they abused us, how could you tell us that we were wrong?

Popping knees and high kicking, before spinning and posing. Each murderess pulled a red scarf out of the back of their corsets and headed towards one of the guys currently sat on the front row. This was Marinette's payback and it was going to be sweet.

She flung the scarf around Adrien's neck and pulled herself closer, wiggling her hips in time to the music before slamming a foot on the chair in between his legs. Oh how she wished she had a camera with her to capture the look on his forlorn face. He didn't know where to look and she never felt so powerful, he could definitely dish it out but he couldn't take it himself.

Each of the girls were currently enjoying teasing the boys and showing exactly why they were going to be the winners.

You pop that gum one more time! Single my ass, Ten times! Miert csukott Uncle Same bortonbe, Number seventeen, the spread eagle, Artistic differences.

The group pulled the scarves away from the guys slowly and placed them around their own necks. They made their way back to the stage where Nathaniel was waiting for them, each hitting their ending position, Marinette in a perfect straddle at the front of the group.

The music stopped and the girls took a deep breath smiling at each other and Nathaniel. The crowd broke into a wilder applause then for the guys, Luka whistling loudly at his friends currently on the stage. Their enemies, however, sat gobsmacked. If they thought they'd pushed the boundaries with Magic Mike, they were quite sure the girls had smashed it with their Chicago routine.

The curtains closed and they grouped together in a hug before heading back towards the changing room. The adrenaline was pumping as the girls opened the door to find the guys already there waiting for them. Springing into action, couples reunited and friends caught up with each other. After weeks of not talking, it was now back to normality.

"I don't know whether to hug you or punch you?" Marinette walked slowly up to Adrien and wrapped her arms around his waist in a quick, friendly hug.

"Hug now, punch later when I'm suited. My father won't appreciate a bruise."

"I think there's a lot your father won't appreciate."

Before Adrien could comment back the door slammed open and Mr. Damocles walked in.

"When I moved to this school I thought all my troubles with this class would be over, but here we are again." He announced, arms behind his back staring down each member of 'The Akuma Class'.

"At least it's not akuma related this time." Kim answered back, causing groans to be heard around the class. Mr. Damocles eyed Kim, who, in response, slunk down into his seat beside Max.

"This was a family show, and just because you're all eighteen now does not mean you don't have to follow the lycée rules."

"Some of us are still only seventeen," the sounds of Kim's name rang out through the room as everyone sat down at their closest chair.

"I will be seeing you all in Saturday morning detention, with decent clothing on." He turned on his heel and left the room, everyone grumbling about how it was so unfair.

"This is your fault," Alix leaned forward and slapped Kim around the back of the head.

"No one forced you to dress like a lady of the night," he responded, rubbing the back of his head. "Just think, it'll be like the 'Breakfast Club'." Everyone started to groan sad that their Saturday plans were now void.


"The votes are in,"

This was the moment of truth. Who would win the bet? Who would be the class champions? And more importantly, would Chat Noir finally get a date with his Ladybug?

"And the winner is ..."

The girls and Nathaniel joined hands, as the guys created a rugby scrum together.

"Chloé Bourgeois and Sabrina Raincomprix performing 'Defying Gravity'.

Applause and laughing broke out as Sabina stepped forward with her iPad connected to Chloé. It seemed Chloé's harness broke mid performance, plummeting her to the floor and sending her straight to accident and emergency.

At the end of the day, you'll never beat a comedy. Even if you are Adrien Agreste with your abs out and covered in baby oil.

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