Chapter Twenty-Two - Nothing is What it Seems

"When I look into your eyes
Boy I'm feeling delirious
But you know this is serious
I'm sticking to you like glue."

~ Ellie Goulding – Around U


Tenten shivered softly, not from feeling cold, but from pressing up against something warm. Her hand twitched before resting on what felt like a bare chest.

She smiled softly, almost slipping back into slumber when she realized that it wasn't a dream. The chest lifting and lowering under her hand was very much real. With a loud squeak, Tenten sat up suddenly, only to be pulled back down.

Sasuke cracked open an eye, glancing down at her. He didn't seem to register who he was holding, or why really.

Tenten blushed furiously and hissed, "S-Sasuke, I'm not Sakura!!"

Sasuke grunted a little before slowly letting Tenten go. She didn't bother to hide the large exhale she created, sitting up and yawning softly. "Why the heck were you holding me?" she questioned, wiping her eyes.

Sasuke shrugged a little before saying, "You were having nightmares. Your whimpering seemed to stop after I..." He then got out of bed before saying, "You stopped and curled up to me. You slept well, so does it really matter?"

Tenten shook her head before saying, "No, I guess not. So, Kaito-Kun, what will we do now?"

Sasuke snorted before saying, "We keep looking around. I say we should stop at a bar later on. And when I say we, I mean me." Tenten frowned a little and asked, "And why not me?"

Sasuke said, "Because, you're a female and young. I don't need anyone harassing you." She scowled and stated, "I am perfectly capable of handling my own."

"You'd be better off asking questions at a brothel," Sasuke retorted, hands aiming for the clothes he wore the other day.

Tenten glared at him a little before saying, "We're trying to get info on MEN taking young and old women. How am I supposed to find out anything from women who will keep their tongues shut for the right price?"

Sasuke turned to her and said, "How do you know it was just men? Men aren't the only suspects in the book, you know."

"I'm not saying that, I'm saying what the reports said," Tenten practically spat. "We do this TOGETHER, and that means going in a bar together and getting information together. Do you not understand what that means?"

Sasuke clicked his tongue, tilting his head as he studied Tenten.

She wasn't giving in, he knew that much. Yes, he was trying to keep her safe, but he was also trying to keep from ending up having to beat someone senseless.

She didn't know men, didn't know what they were capable of, especially in groups.

Sasuke then shook his head. She would have to find out for herself eventually. "Fine," was all he said, turning around and slipping his pants down.

Tenten barely contained a squeak, turning around and saying, "W-What do you mean fine?"

"I mean, if you want to go down to a bar with me then do so. I'm not stopping you."

Tenten smiled a bit before grabbing her own clothing and getting dressed. "Thanks, Sasuke." Sasuke paused a little before continuing to get dressed, shaking his head.

"You're welcome."


Tenten tugged at the neck of her kimono, feeling incredibly uncomfortable in the bar. She almost started to think Sasuke was right as she passed man after man with Sasuke.

Several of them had their eyes glued to her body, not bothering to hide their obvious lecherous looks. Thankfully, Sasuke kept his arm around her waist the whole time, glaring at anyone who might've tried to approach her regardless of his presence right next to her.

He led Tenten to two empty seats a good distance away from anyone before ordering them breakfast. When Tenten pulled out funds, Sasuke said, "It's my treat. Put the money away."

Tenten was about to protest until he said, "Will you for once just let me do something for you? Out of the many times you've bandaged me and helped me sleep..." His voice drifted before he snapped lowly, "Just put the damn money back."

Tenten stared at him in confusion before pouting and putting her money back. After ordering breakfast, Sasuke said, "It'll take them at least fifteen minutes. I have to let our grandmother know we're okay."

Tenten almost didn't catch what he said, until she realized he meant Tsunade. Sasuke shook his head and said, "It'd be best if I didn't call her 'Granny'; she'd have my head for it, probably."

Tenten giggled and said, "Don't be long please." He nodded before leaning over, placing a soft kiss on her forehead. She blushed, but Sasuke had already turned around by the time her cheeks turned two shades darker. She sighed, probably realizing she'd never understand that Uchiha.

As she waited for Sasuke, she started fiddling with her kimono, feeling uncomfortable. She was still being looked at, even without glancing around, she knew that much.

Tenten almost jumped out of her seat when a glass of water was placed before her by a waiter.

She nodded her thanks before sipping the water a little bit. The liquid tasted... Weird. The liquid was weird enough that she stopped after the first sip. She then shook her head, scorning herself.

She was in the right place to be harassed or led away if in the right dizzy condition. She had to be careful in accepting anything she hadn't ordering. She was so caught up in her mental scorning that she didn't realize a male with silver hair, green eyes, and tan skin sat next to her.

His attire was an open, sleeveless hoodie and green pants. He wore blue sandals and looked as if he had an all-knowing smirk. "Well well, what's a cute little thing like you doing here?"

Tenten practically jumped out of her seat before glancing at the man, trying to hide that she was quite nervous. "Um, waiting for my husband," she replied timidly. He smirked and said, "And where is this so-called husband?"

"Calling his grandma," she said, trying to think up of what she should say. "She's been sick as of recently and worrying a lot about him." The man didn't look like he believed it, which made her all the more nervous.

She then flicked the glass of water before her and added, "Which I'm annoyed with... She's so annoying sometimes." She didn't believe that about her Lady Tsunade, but the irritation on her face seemed to seal the deal.

The man then grinned and said, "You seem like the wild kind. Why don't you and your husband join me and a couple of my friends tonight? We'll be having a bonfire and food; it'll be just the thing for you and your lover to enjoy."

Tenten faked a smile before saying, "Uh, thanks but no thanks. Have you heard about the strange disappearances here recently?"

He raised an eyebrow and asked, "Disappearances?" The glint in his eye told her he knew exactly what she was talking about.

Tenten gulped, fidgeting a little, making it seem like she was uncomfortable with the topic, when she was uncomfortable about being near this strange male in general.

"Uh... Well, we found out a little too late after we made our reservation that women have been disappearing every now and then. I was a little scared, but Kaito-Kun really wanted to check this place out. We heard that the festivities are amazing and that the people are nice."

"Oh?" he said, leaning in. Tenten leaned back a little before saying in a quiet voice, "O-Of course, I wasn't all for the idea, but I'd do anything for him." This seemed to satisfy him, as he leaned back before saying, "Well, darling, what's your name?"

"U-Usagi," she muttered out.

He stared at her for a minute longer until someone cleared their throat. Tenten looked up to see Sasuke standing before them. "Usagi-Hime, who might this be?" he asked in a tone as tight as a piano wire.

The male stood and said, "Just someone trying to strike up a conversation. Enjoy your breakfast." He then smiled and stood, walking away. Sasuke glanced at Tenten and asked, "Are you alright?"

She nodded, blushing a little when Sasuke tucked a hair behind her ear. He then stared her down, causing her to blush harder. "K-Kaito?" she questioned.

He didn't say anything; he simply sat beside her, taking a sip from the cup. Tenten was about to stop him until he snorted, sipping two more times before setting the cup down. "Relax, Tenten. The waiter here normally brings cups of water to customers."

Tenten exhaled a little before smiling. "Yeah, you're right."

Sasuke took a moment to watch her before ordering them two cups of tea.


After spending about an hour or so in the bar, Sasuke and Tenten left, finding that being there was a waste of their time. Tenten, however, was quite unnerved still by the man who stared her down.

After asking about what the man had said for the fourth time, Sasuke decided to turn back around and stalk him. Tenten was very hesitant, but didn't feel like settling down back at the hotel.

So, with much reluctance, she slowly followed Sasuke back to the bar. When they didn't see him there, Tenten asked, "What do we do now?"

Sasuke sighed and said, "We keep looking around. I don't like how he just threw himself on you."

Tenten's face flushed a dark pink as she said, "H-He wasn't doing that!" Sasuke snorted, grabbing her hand and saying, "That's not what I saw. Come on." Before she could refute, he grabbed her wrist and pulled her along.

"S-K-Kaito-Kun!" Tenten protested, almost slipping up. Sasuke didn't seem to notice as he kept his head straightforward. They walked around in a quick pace, but not too quick since they didn't want to cause attention.

After almost forty minutes of wandering around, they stumble across the man standing at what seemed like a gentlemen's club.

Tenten made a face; she'd heard of the places but never expected anyone to actually enter that place. The man then walked away from the club. Sasuke waited before quietly following him. Not wanting to turn back, Tenten kept close by.

Whenever the man stopped, they did as well, using gift shops and wild plants and flowers as a reason to stop.

After a minute, Sasuke sighed softly before stopping and turning to Tenten. She glanced up at him and asked, "What is it?"

He didn't respond to her at first. Then, his pale peach hand reached out and caressed her hair. Tenten started at him quizzically, only to gasp as he leaned in. Then, ever so softly, he murmured, "I love you."

Before she could respond or even blink, Sasuke leaned in. Tenten braced herself for a kiss only for his lips to gingerly peck her jaw.

His lips stayed there for only fifteen seconds, but to her, it felt like an eternity. Eventually, he leaned up, glancing over her shoulder. Good, he left. Tenten, however, looked dazed.

Sasuke stared at her for a moment before muttering, "Sorry about that, Usagi. I know how shy you get.." Tenten blushed furiously. 'It was a ruse,' she thought.

She waited for a sigh of relief to pop up at any moment, but it never came. Tenten didn't have time to dwell on it though, because Sasuke said, "Come on. You haven't eaten in a while." He grabbed her hand this time, gently, as if he was holding the paw of a wild animal.

Tenten didn't know what to think exactly, but Sasuke didn't give her time to register what happened. Sasuke didn't bother to give an explanation, and kept his head straight.

He didn't want her to see the faint blush that temporarily marked his face.


After eating, Sasuke suggested that they stopped, since they had one more day to deal with. He then got her to agree to relax near a stage inside the tent. There were people dancing about, having fun and laughing.

Some had rhythm while others tended to be booed off-stage. Some cared, some didn't; but to Tenten it seemed like an easy way to embarrass one's self.

Tenten sighed for the sixth time and said, "We've found no leads by chasing Mr. Handsome around. Where should we start next?"

Sasuke's eyebrow twitched as he asked, "Mr. Handsome? Really?"

Tenten shrugged and said, "Really; I mean, he is handsome to me." She then sighed and added, "Not that it matters. I can't believe we're going back empty-handed."

She took another bite of her rice before staring at Sasuke in confusion. "What?" she asked, suddenly aware that Sasuke was... Glaring at her? "Mr. Handsome," he repeated softly.

Tenten sighed in exaggeration before saying, "It's just a nickname, Kaito-Kun. Like how you call S-Sui annoying."

Sasuke knew she was talking about and was instantly irked. Before he could say anything, Tenten said, "I feel like dancing."

She got up and moved away from the table, to Sasuke's bemusement. "Honestly?" he asked with a sigh. "You just ate."

She shrugged and wandered towards the tent, rather enjoying the music that was playing. As she swayed to the music, making her way upstage, someone grabbed her hand and pulled her to him. She looked up and blushed hard, finding that it was the same guy who approached her at the bar.

"May we dance?" he asked in a charming voice. Tenten stuttered before mumbling a 'sure'. Sasuke glared them down, not at all liking how the guy just walked up on her.

"Woke up sweating from a dream
With a different kind of feeling
All day long my heart was beating
Searching for the meaning."

The man took her hand in his, immediately waltzing her around to the gentle song. He twirled her once, twice, while she simply felt like numb putty in his hands. Truly, the guy was quite handsome and charming. Any and all bad thoughts about him almost fled the moment they came.

"Hazel eyes I was so color blind
We were just wasting time
For my whole life
We never crossed the line
Only friends in my mind
But now I realized."

The man pulled Tenten close and murmured in her ear, "My name is Murosaki. You dance like an angel." Tenten blushed furiously, looking up at him. Her heart was pounding a hundred miles a minute, not understanding why his smile was so distracting.

"It was always you
Can't believe I could not see it all this time, all this time
It was always you
Now I know why my heart wasn't satisfied,

Sasuke clenched his fist watching her; surprised that he was so upset about them dancing. Tenten was just having fun and the guy didn't seem threatening. But still, he set Sasuke off edge. And he could not keep his eyes off of them.

"It was always youuu
No more guessing who
Looking back now I know it was always you
Always you."

The more they twirled, the dizzier she felt. She felt lightheaded and sky high. Her left hand gently placed itself on his shoulder, sending tingles up and down her body. Why oh why did he feel so good just to touch? She didn't even know him!

"All my hidden desires finally came alive
No I never told a lie to you so why would I start tonight."

The more they danced, the more intimate everything seemed. At least to Tenten. Sasuke started to notice that her body was wavering a bit, setting him on edge. Without another thought, he got up and approached them, determined beyond belief to keep that man away from her. To keep his Tenten from getting hurt.

"Hazel eyes I was so color blind
We were just wasting time
For my whole life
We never crossed the line
Only friends in my mind
But now I realized."

The man smirked, staring down at the seemingly dizzy Tenten. However, before he could dance with her any further, Sasuke snatched her away from him, holding the young kunoichi close to his chest. The man was caught off guard before saying, "We were in the middle of a dance." "Not anymore," Sasuke hissed through gritted teeth.

"It was always you
Can't believe I could not see it all this time, all this time
It was always you
Now I know why my heart wasn't satisfied,

Tenten blinked a few times before glancing up at Sasuke. "K-Kaito..." Sasuke glared at her before hip-bumping Murosaki out of the way. Sasuke then wrapped an arm around her, pulling her close as he started to dance her around the stage. He was barely aware of anything; his mind seemingly focused on Tenten's wellbeing.

"It was always youuu
No more guessing who
Looking back now I know it was always you
Always you"

"K-Kaito," she murmured, unsure of where she was. She felt dizzy, parts of her body numb. She didn't understand why she felt such a way, but the arm and hand on her body felt surprisingly warm. Sasuke shushed her, frowning when she giggled in a ditzy manner. What she said next hit him like a ton of brick-heavy butterflies.

"Woke up sweating from a dream
With a different kind of feeling."

Tenten leaned in close and whispered in his ear; the words tickling his ear and poking at his heart. "I love you too, S-Sasuke.." Sasuke stopped dancing with her, staring her down like she grew another head and three tails. "You... What?"

"It was always you
Can't believe I could not see it all this time, all this time
It was always you
Now I know why my heart wasn't satisfied,

Tenten giggled again, her head tilting to the left before her eyes rolled to the back of her head; her frame warm and limp in his arms. Sasuke quickly held her up to him, not wanting to make a scene. He was, however, very scared. Murosaki did something to her; he knew this much. But with her current state, he couldn't stay on the stage much longer.

"It was always youuu
No more guessing who
Looking back now I know it was always you
Always you."

The song came to an end, the sound of clapping along with hoots and hollers filled the air around him. Sasuke didn't pay attention to any of it.

He simply stared down at Tenten, unsure of what to do. 'She didn't mean it... She was drugged.. She didn't mean it.'

No. Why would she mean it? She never expressed her emotions completely when it came to him. But then again neither did he.

Murosaki approached him, clearly irritated. Sasuke carefully picked Tenten up, holding the girl to his chest; one arm under her knees and another holding her upper body up against his chest and shoulder.

Murosaki noticed that she passed out before smiling and asking, "I'll be happy to offer assistance."

Sasuke scowled at the man, borderline furious. He wanted to blame the man for her condition, but he decided against it. With a grunt he said, "No, I've got her."

As Sasuke tried to take a step around him, Murosaki got in the way and said, "No, I insist, Kaito." Sasuke glared daggers at him, finding that the man was quiet persistent with helping. And quite suspicious, he mentally added.

Sasuke was about to tell him off when he realized that his head started to feel fuzzy. He had to take a deep breath to keep from stumbling a little, but it seemed as if he was getting dizzier by the minute.

Sasuke suddenly sidestepped him, heading out the tent in a hurry. Something was wrong, really wrong; both with her and him. And Sasuke had a really bad feeling about all of it.


You've been drugged! XD Well, they have. I'll have that explained eventually, but not in the next chapter or so; sorry about that!

And yes, I found the energy and such to make a chapter and such. I haven't forgotten about Anything for Her, but like I said, I have to want to make a chapter. If I don't want to, if I'm not feeling it, then I won't make an update or write. That's just how it is.

Until the next Update!

~ Nimo #IFanonNotCanon #TheseTwoISwear #SasuTen

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