Chapter Nine - Not The Only One

After hearing about the incident, Tsunade advised that Naruto and Sakura stay away from Sasuke until further notice, and later on Shizune brought Sasuke in. 

Tsunade had slammed Sasuke for placing his hands on Tenten, and she warned him that he ever did such a thing again; she would punish him to the fullest extent. 

Sasuke didn't care much for the Hokage's threats of course. 

As the week progressed, Tenten and Sasuke ignored each other altogether.
While in the training grounds, Sasuke saw no need to hold back on Tenten, causing her to almost have daily visits to the Hyuga Residence. However, Tenten did feel a little grateful whenever she had to go and train Hanabi. It gave her a chance to help train Hanabi and stay away from Sasuke. 

Unfortunately, she knew that training with Hanabi wouldn't have lasted forever. 

Eventually, Hanabi learned all that she could from Tenten. On the last day of Hanabi's training, Hanabi hugged her tight and said, "Thank you, Tenten. Grandfather and father are impressed with me, and it's all thanks to you." 

Tenten grinned and said, "Happy to help." But even as she smiled, even as she said the words, she didn't feel happy in general. 

Hinata still wouldn't speak to her, nor would Naruto and Sakura. 

Tenten felt relieved in a way that she didn't have to be near them every day, but it still didn't stop the pain from swelling up inside of her. 

Tenten had started going to Ino often, as she would listen to Tenten's ranting and comfort her when she cried or got upset. Tenten couldn't thank Ino enough for being there, but deep down, it wasn't enough for her. Lee was there of course, but he didn't say too much. It was the same for Kiba. Even his older sister Hana Inuzuka tried to help Tenten out after Kiba asked her to. 

But it seemed like no one was getting through to Tenten. 

She was slipping, slowly and surely. And the only ones who really seemed to see that were Lee and Itachi himself. 


He approached Sasuke one day about Tenten's emotional state one day as the younger Uchiha was in the middle of training. 

"I don't know," he said flatly, slicing a dummy in half, "and I don't really care either. I was put on this team to work my way back up the ranks and fill in a spot, not emotionally keep up with anyone."

 Itachi smiled softly and said, "That's a little harsh. She is your teammate after all." 

"I was placed in her team," Sasuke replied, sighing and placing his sword back in its holder, "besides, why does it matter to you?" 

Itachi thought about the question for a moment before saying, "Well, she is my neighbor. Even if it was by demand from Tsunade, she assisted us whenever we needed the help. She puts up with you, and tries to help you keep away from the teammates you call obnoxious. To me, that's more than enough reasons to care about her."

Sasuke scoffed and said, "All she's ever been is a nuisance to me. Coming to me time and time again about giving them a chance, trying to get me to open up; it's fruitless." 

Itachi said, "Be that as it may, she's trying to give you a chance. And it starts with communication as well. You can't expect her to just get over it; she's as stubborn as Naruto." 

Sasuke scoffed and rolled his eyes, grabbing a rag and wiping his forehead. 

Itachi sighed softly before saying, "I know you don't want to hear about what I have to say. It is most certain that you still hate me, I know this much. But I'm simply worried about her. If you haven't noticed, which you haven't, she's slow and quiet. She's easily blaming herself for mistakes I've clearly made at times. I know you don't like her, but the least you can do as her teammate is check up on her."

 Sasuke's jaw twitched as he turned to face his brother. "You are correct about one thing," he said lowly, "I still hate you, Itachi. And I highly doubt anything in this world will change that." 

Sasuke expected him to frown or say otherwise, but Itachi simply smiled and said, "Well, I suspected as much from you, Brother." 

Sasuke was taken aback but only for a moment. Itachi then turned and said, "You don't have to if you don't want to. She certainly might not want to see you either. But when a comrade is in need, it's always best to at least try. I hope you'll see that one day, Sasuke." 

His eyebrows lowered as Itachi quietly walked out of the training grounds. 'Check on Tenten?' he thought, shaking his head, 'What will that prove anyway?' 

Sasuke sighed and pulled his sword back out, preparing to strike another hanging dummy when he noticed Might Guy walking towards him. 

Sasuke turned towards him and said, "Guy."

Guy grinned and asked, "How's training coming along, Sasuke?!"
"Fine," he replied flatly.
Guy's grin softened as he said, "It's not too much of a wonder why she doesn't like being around you." 

Sasuke raised an eyebrow. 

Guy noticed and said, "You're cold, calculating, and quiet. You're stern with your words and don't let anyone in." 

Sasuke blinked as he said, "And?" 

Might Guy chuckled wholeheartedly and said, "That's the exact way Neji acted! Aside from murmuring something about fate, you and he could be just like brothers were he still alive! I can see it now!!" 

Sasuke didn't know how to reply to Guy's words, so he just kept quiet. Guy's smile dropped as he said, "Sasuke. What is it that you want most in this world?" 

Sasuke shook his head and asked, "Why does everyone ask me that? If I knew, then I'd be doing it. But instead I'm stuck with an old man who thinks he's still young, a Naruto look-alike, and a sad little girl who still yearns for a dead man." 

Guy laughed and said, "Quite a description you've given for your team, my boy!!" 

Sasuke scoffed and said, "This is not my team." 

Guy looked at him thoughtfully. "Then where is your team, Sasuke? Where are your dreams? I may not be the teacher you want, but I am the teacher you have. You don't have to like me; you don't even have to respect me. But you need to be aware of what's around you. You need to realize that you have a good thing going here, Sasuke. Yes, a few of us are shunning you, but we're doing our best to accept you again." 

Sasuke glared at him and said, "I need no acceptance from any of you." 

"Even so," Guy said sternly, "you're a Konoha member just as we are. Nothing's wrong with letting your guard down a bit, Sasuke. We're all friends here."

"Friends? Is that what you believe? None of you are my friends. None of you are my family. Even my brother is untrustworthy. Yes, that's right. I trust none of you. Every single one of you is either trying to force me to sit tight and get over the fact that my brother killed my whole clan, but I refuse to do so!" 

Sasuke felt his hands twitch. 

He wanted to grab Might Guy, and hold him still until he couldn't breathe; that's how angry he had become. 

"Being forced into a team, forced to try and communicate with my teammates," he continued, "I don't want any of that. But because I abandoned Konoha, I must be punished. Maybe one could state that this is one of the worst punishments ever thrown at me." 

Guy watched Sasuke as he composed himself once more. Sasuke sighed and reverted back into his blank state. Facing Guy eye to eye, he said, "I am not trying to make friends. I am not trying to be accepted back into the village. And I've yet to understand what I even want." 

Guy grinned and said, "I'm not trying to be your friend, Sasuke! I'm trying to be your teacher! And as your teacher, it's my job to assure your well-being and safety! Just ask for space from me, and your wish is mine to fulfill!!" 

Sasuke scoffed and said, "Stop doing that. You're acting like this situation is all fun and laughter."

 Guy continued to grin as he said, "No matter what happens, the best medicine is to smile and laugh. I hope one day you realize that." 

Sasuke turned away from Guy and started to walk off, and Guy sighed and said, "Even if just one person, Sasuke Uchiha... You need to find someone to talk to about what's going on in your mind." 

Sasuke stiffened up for a moment before saying, "I need no one to talk to."

 He then took off before Guy could utter another word. 


'Find someone, he says,' Sasuke thought, shaking his head as he walked, 'Impossible. Who could ever understand what I'm going through?' 

He wiped his forehead and forced himself not to be bothered with the thought. All he wanted now was to just go home and rest. A drop of water suddenly hit his nose, causing him to look up. Clouds had gathered quickly, implying that a large storm was soon to cover the whole Konohagakure area. 

Soon after the first drop, several more came plopping down. It wasn't long until rain lightly poured down. Sasuke slowed his speed down to a walk as he went down the road without a care. 

As he got closer to home, the rain had increased considerably, and had become a downpour. Sasuke glanced ahead of him and saw the door to his home. As he got closer however, he noticed someone walking towards him. 

He almost didn't recognize her because of the cloak, but the moment he saw twin brown buns, he knew immediately that the female was none other than Tenten.

She was holding a bunch of flowers, and in her other hand, an umbrella. She glanced up at him slightly. He had expected her to look at him in disgust, but all he could see was sadness and hurt in her eyes. 

She noticed that his expression changed from blank to curious, like that day a month ago. 

She sighed shakily before walking off. He watched her disappear around a corner and hesitated. 

Now he wanted to know where she was going, but to follow her would be considered wrong. Of course, he had made up his decision to follow her regardless of if the action was right or wrong. 

As he carefully followed her, Sasuke realized that Tenten was walking out of the main gates. He hesitated only for a moment before following her out of the gates. The moment she got out, Tenten took a right into the forest and seemingly disappeared behind the trees. 

However, Sasuke could clearly see a path along the walls. As he quietly continued to follow her, the rain poured down harder. Sasuke was drenched in rain water, but it didn't bother him one bit. Eventually, he came across an old, abandoned house. 

Plants and flowers had grown all over the house, but because of the weather taking a turn towards fall, a few flowers started to wilt. He glanced around and listened carefully; waiting for some kind of hint that Tenten was near. He heard a sob and turned towards another little trail inside the woods. He followed that trail carefully and eventually made it to where he could hear Tenten over the downpour. 

She was kneeling on one knee before a tombstone, crying as she placed the flowers before the grave. 

Based on what he heard, the grave couldn't have been the resting place of Neji Hyuga. 

But if it wasn't him, then who was it? 

Sasuke eventually backed up and retreated to the house, as the rain was falling too hard by then. He walked to the abandoned house and went inside, where it was seemingly dry and somewhat warm. Sasuke shivered and hugged himself, regretting that he didn't have some kind of blanket with him.

In an attempt to ignore the shivers, Sasuke walked about in the house, glancing at everything, even though there wasn't much to look at. The house itself was all but completely empty, with only very few pieces of dusty furniture lying around. 

Finally, Sasuke sighed and sat down on the floor, resting his back up against the wall. 

After a minute, Sasuke was able to relax and close his eyes a bit. As he breathed easy, he thought about his brother's words about Tenten. 

"I'm simply worried about her. If you haven't noticed, which you haven't, she's slow and quiet."

"Slow and quiet," he murmured softly, looking up at the cobwebbed ceiling. 

It was true; he hadn't been noticing. But he did recall her moving in a dizzy-like way as she walked; the way pain struck her face and the way she looked... Hopeless. Sasuke shook his head in irritation. 

He shouldn't care. 

There was no reason to care about Tenten. It didn't matter that she tried to help him, or did her best to put up with him. He had no reason to trust her. 

Kami, he had no reason to trust his own brother, who he once loved dearly. 

Sasuke sighed and stood up, thinking, 'This is pointless. Why should I sit around here? It's not like I'm looking after her.' 

Sasuke gathered his thoughts before walking out of what would've been a living room, and quietly made his way towards the door. However, when he walked to the door, he stopped dead in his tracks, almost taken aback at the sight before him. 

Tenten was curled up, holding her head and murmuring, "Stupid" over and over again. 

However, she stopped abruptly when she realized she wasn't alone. 

Tenten looked up at him in shock and managed to blurt out, "S-Sasuke?"

He simply nodded and said, "Yo." Tenten couldn't look away. 

'How long was he standing there? Did he follow me? Why would he follow me?'

As if he could read her mind, he said softly, "I followed you... Don't ask why, as I have no legitimate answer." Tenten met eyes with him hesitantly and immediately wished she hadn't. 

He had those same curious black eyes again, and it only helped to make her feel confused and a little scared. 

Sasuke noticed the fear in her eyes and said, "You've no need to fear me." 

"You've never given me a reason to not be scared of you," she replied quietly, holding her legs to her chest. Sasuke was caught off guard with her response, but the surprise didn't last long. Sasuke sighed and sat on the opposite side from her, looking at her as she kept her eyes to the ground. 

He rested his hand beside him, but winced slightly when something lightly stabbed him. 

It had been a piece of broken glass. 

Tenten noticed and pulled out a dry scroll, releasing the contents in it. He found that she had ointment and bandages in it, as well as other surgical tools. "Here," she said softly, "let me see your hand." 

Sasuke shook his head and said, "I'll be alright, it's just a small prick." 

Tenten shook her head and said, "You're bleeding." She was right; he was bleeding. However, he just shrugged and said, "I'll be alright." 

"No, you won't. It might get infected depending on if the glass was dirty or not. Come on, don't be stubborn for once." 

"Like I said, I don't need it to be bandaged, I'll be fine." 

"Oh I see, you just don't want me touching you." 

"No, it's not that, Tenten. I just don't want it to be bandaged." 

"Quit acting like a child and just let me see your hand, damnit!" 

"I don't want your help, Tenten! And I don't need it, I never did! Just leave the matter be!!" 

Sasuke couldn't catch himself on time, and ended up snapping at her. Tenten flinched before holding back a sigh and resealing the contents back in the scroll. She quietly put the scroll away before saying, "... I'm sorry. You don't need my help. I get it, I'm sorry." 

Tenten bit her lip to keep from crying and went back to holding her legs to her chest. 

Sasuke sighed and went quiet, turning his head to watch the rain pour down. The rain had considerably increased since Tenten first saw Sasuke in the house. He glanced at her and noticed that she had begun to cry. 

He held back a sigh and asked, "Tenten, why is it that you care so much? Why are you trying so hard to make me feel comfortable and helping me out, when it's clear I don't want your help?" 

Tenten glanced up at him before looking at the ground and saying, "it's doesn't matter... I said I'd stop helping you. Isn't that enough?" 

Sasuke frowned at her and said, "No, it's not." 

She sighed heavily and said, "To be honest, I don't know... Tsunade-Sama told me to help you get comfortable, and it became such a habit that I end up forcing myself on you... I'm no better than your former teammates, and I'm sorry. I really am. I'll just stop." 

Sasuke almost said for her not to stop, but he caught himself. It was like he said, he didn't want or need her help. But for the time being, he felt himself pitying her. 

Even if just once, he would accept her help.

"Actually, Tenten," he said softly, carefully, "I would like my hand bandaged up." 

Tenten glanced at him warily before pulling out a scroll and releasing the contents inside. She then said, "Hold out your hand and I'll wrap your hand up for you." 

Sasuke did so, watching as she carefully scooted closer to him. Once close enough, she pulled out tiny shards of glass and dabbed some peroxide on his hand, which was already healing on its own. Afterward, she blew on his hand for a moment, glancing up at him every few seconds or so. 

His face was merely stone; his other hand resting on his head as he waited for her to finish. Tenten leaned her head up and said, "Finished." 

He nodded and waited for her to let go of his hand. She didn't. Tenten did something she hadn't done in a long time; she flipped his hand over and read his palm. Sasuke watched her curiously as she traced her fingers over the palm of his hand. 

She murmured, "Smaller lines crossing through heart line... That means emotional trauma.." Sasuke raised an eyebrow.
She traced her fingers over another line in his hand and said, "You have a straight head line... That means you think realistically... Sounds about right." Sasuke looked at Tenten before looking down at her hands.
She smiled a bit before saying, "A life line... Straight and close to the edge of the palm... You're cautious when it comes to relationships. I think we all see that." 

Sasuke asked, "Tenten, what are you doing?" "Shhh, I'm almost done," she replied, looking down at his hand. She traced her fingers over the last line, sighing softly and smiling a bit. 

"A fate line that starts at base of thumb and crosses life line... You have support offered by family and friends." She looked up and met eyes with him. 

Tenten looked guiltily at him as she said, "I was reading your hand... It was a hobby... Once upon a time..." She glanced down at his hand sadly before bandaging his hand up. She then removed her hands and looked into the forest. "Oh... The rain's stopped." 

Sasuke turned to look and nodded, saying, "Indeed... I wonder how long we've been sitting here." 

Tenten nodded softly and said, "Probably a while..." 

Sasuke turned to look at Tenten and hesitated before asking, "Why did you retreat to this abandoned house?" 

Tenten smiled ever so slightly and said, "I used to live here a few years ago. I come here to try and get my head on straight... Never really works, but it is nice coming back to relive the memories." 

Sasuke glanced at her before looking up at the gleaming sun. "Is that so?" he asked. 

"Yes, it is so," Tenten replied, looking up as well, feeling her body heat up from the rays of the sun. 

"Should we go now?" she asked, glancing at him with uncertainty. He nodded and said flatly, "Yeah. Let's hurry before it starts raining again." 

Tenten nodded and sealed the bandages and peroxide back in the scroll, rolling it up. Once she placed the scroll in her satchel, Tenten quickly fell in step with Sasuke as they left her abandoned house. 

As they walked, she forced her eyes to stare at the ground instead of at the shinobi that somehow mustered enough willpower to accept her help. 


Hello world. 

I haven't been doing so well, so I apologize for the time gaps between updates.

I hope you enjoy ^ ^

~Nimo #IFanonNotCanon 

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